• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 7,071 Views, 48 Comments

My Little Spike - Blueninetails

After an incident with one of Twilight's spells, Spike finds himself in the body of a colt rather than a dragon.

  • ...

Chapter 8

The following morning, Spike once again found himself alone in the bedroom area. Jumping off Twilight's bed, he gave a yawn as he made his way for the stairs. Going down to the main room of the library, he was able to find Twilight, who was busy practicing her magic as always. His best guess would be on the counter-spell, given the presence of Luna's book on the ground and several assorted objects scattered in front of Twilight.

"Just once more." Twilight said out loud to herself before casting a spell onto a stone, turning it into a piece of cloth. She then cast another spell, quickly turning it back into a stone.

"Um...morning Twilight." Spike greeted her as soon as he was at the bottom of the stairs

"Ah!" Twilight shouted as she jumped a little, then turned around to see Spike, "Oh, morning Spike. I hope you slept well." she stated with a smile on her face.

"Are you practicing that spell again?"

"Yes, I'm practicing 'that spell' again." she replied, "I would've used some apples, and probably turned them into some other fruit, but we're running low and I didn't feel like using what's left. I'll have to make a mental note to talk to Applejack about buying more."

"I dunno. I think you figured it out." Spike commented with a slight grin on his face as he walked over, "I mean it doesn't even look like you're struggling anymore to cast the counter-spell."

"Well...yes. I'll admit I am making excellent progress." she said as she looked over at the stone with a smile on her face, then back at Spike, "Though I'd rather ensure it's mistake-free. There's no room for error, especially since I technically now view you as my own son." and rubbed his head with one of her forehooves.

Spike groaned and gave an annoyed look at Twilight.

"Besides, I'm sure you'd rather be turned back to your normal self rather than something else."

"You said the same thing a couple of days go." he stated, wondering if she truly was just stalling.

"Yes, I did, but I need to be sure." she stated before looking over to where Owlicious was.

Next to Owlicious's downstairs perch, where he was currently perched asleep, was what looked like an apple, but completely made of crystal. It was sitting on a pile of books that had been there for almost a week now.

Spike looked, and almost went wide-eyed at the sight. He trotted over to have a closer look before picking it up with his forehooves.

"Is this what I think it is?" he asked

"Depends. That was actually a ruby I bought from Rarity about two days after I found you in your bed as a colt. It was suppose to be an apology present for taking so long to turn you back."

Spike observed it as he listened to Twilight talk. For the first time in his life, he wasn't drooling at the thought of getting a chance to eat the gemstone.

"I thought I could try turning it into an apple, then I would turn it back into a ruby, that is if you didn't take interest in eating it before I could."

"You mean as a ruby or an apple?"

"An apple. I figured you probably wouldn't take too much of an interest in eating it as a gemstone in your current state considering ponies don't usually eat gemstones. Though I'll admit, I did find the idea of investigating to see if that still remained true for your case interesting."

Spike looked at it again, before sticking a portion of it in his mouth as if he was gonna try taking a big bite out of it. He knew what it was, and what Twilight was trying to turn it into, but didn't find the taste of the object, or the thought eating it, that appetizing at all. The thought of food, however, did make him hungry, which his stomach also confirmed and let Twilight know.

She just giggled and asked, "Would you like me to fix you up something Spike? Or maybe something from Sugarcube corner? I'm planning to go there today."

"No thanks, and I'm too hungry to wait till we get there." he replied as he put the gemstone-apple where he found it, "I'll just get an apple if that's alright." and started toward the kitchen, "Or maybe two. One apple wasn't exactly filling yesterday." he thought to himself.

As he ate, he watched Twilight practice the transformation spell and the counter spell over and over again. An object to another then back again, then onto the next. As he watched her, he started wondering if Twilight had actually figured it out due to the speed she was able to cast the two spells. He did at one point wanted to ask Twilight to just turn him back now considering how well she was doing, but the gemstoned-apple reminded him how perfection has to be pursued once in a while. The thought of what a dragon-pony hybrid would look like if he got stuck between the two forms, like the the ruby, did cross his mind a couple of times.

After finishing his breakfast, and just about after Twilight was starting to feel little spent from the constant use of magic, he tried tidying up the area a little so as not to feel a little useless.

"You know Spike, you don't need to do that. I can try cleaning up later after I get back from Sweet Apple Acres."

"No, I'll take care of it." he said as soon as he could, "I've been needing to do this. Besides, you're tired, and I am still your assistant." he added with added with grin before picking a book in his mouth and started climbing up the ladder to shelf it.

Twilight watched him for a moment, just to make sure that Spike doesn't actually hurt himself climbing up the ladder, which he seemed to be doing rather well at considering. She gave a sigh and smiled as Spike started his way back down, "I guess you're right." she muttered to herself.

After breakfast, both Twilight and Spike started to make their way over to Sweet Apple Acres. Spike was currently sitting on Twilight's back like he use to, and mostly just enjoying the chance to save his energy and not walk, especially if he joins up with the CMC and Scootaloo had suggested something that Applebloom and Sweetie Belle agreed to do. Twilight on the other hand, was just happy that the tension between Spike and herself didn't appear to have any lasting scars on their friendship, even if she did now prefer seeing her little assistant as, in a way, her son.

Upon arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, the two found Applejack lounging under the shade of a tree. Apparently what work she had for the day was done with, or she was able to put off until later. The earth pony was reclining up against a tree as her hat sat over her eyes.

"Morning Applejack." Twilight greeted her friend as she walked over

Applejack upon hearing the greeting looked up and gave a smile "Howdy Twilight." She greeted as she spat out a piece of straw she apparently had in her mouth. As soon as she saw Spike though, her facial expression changed to a very serious look.

Both Spike and Twilight noticed the look and looked at the other in confusion, hoping the other knew why Applejack's demeanor had changed so quickly, then both looked back at her.

"Is something wrong Applejack?" Twilight asked

Applejack remained silent for a moment or two, just enough to get back on her hooves, "Ah'll just tell ya as it is Twi, Applebloom n' ah had a bit of an argument last night."

"What happened? What did you two argue about?"

Spike just went wide-eyed, half suspecting what the two had argued about.

"It was nothin' big, just a disagreement before she ran off ta her room." Applejack stated before giving a sigh, "Do ya'll remember what ah told ya about two days ago?"

"You mean when we were helping you and Applebloom with the apples?"

She simply nodded, "Well we were arguin' about that. Apparently, ah found out that Spike n' Applebloom were on a date yesterday."

"A date?!" Twilight asked, a bit shocked to hear the matter, as Spike seemingly got very worried as his ears flattened against his head. "Applejack, are you sure?"

"Sure as suger ah am. Pinkie Pah confirmed it ta me yesterday when ah was deliverin' some apples fer some big order."

"Spike, what about you?" Twilight asked as she looked at him, "Is Applejack right?"

Spike remained silent for a moment as he looked down at the ground, or from the two pony mares' view, Twilight's back, as his tail whipped just slightly every now and then. "Well, um...I wouldn't say...that is..." then gave a sigh, "Yes. I was with Applebloom yesterday, and I guess you could...call it a...a date."

"Look, ah ain't mad at ya'll or anythin'... okay, maybe a bit mad, but it's more on the fact that ya two lied ta me n' Twilight about what ya'll were doin'." Applejack stated, "We only heard that ya'll were gonna be with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle on whatever adventure those three fillies can think of."

"I know. I'm sure we're both sorry Applejack."

"Ah'm sure you are, but ah ain't gonna let ya talk fer mah sister. If ya'll wanna talk fer her, ya better go have a word with 'er."

"So...you're gonna let me talk to her?"

"Not much of a choice. Applebloom hasn't come out since last night, and she ain't talkin' to nopony. Yer probably the only one she's willin' ta talk ta right now." Applejack explained then gave a sigh, "Just go down ta the house and knock on the door. Big Mac knows what's goin' on, an' he'll let ya in."

Spike simply nodded and jumped off of Twilight's back and started walking toward the Apple Family's home. At one point he did stop and look back, only to have Applejack wave her hoof in the air saying 'Go on'.

As soon as Spike was a distance away, Applejack gave a loud sigh and began rubbing the side of her head. "Ah'm sorry if ah ruined yer morning Twilight, this whole nonsense has been gettin' ta me since last night."

"It's alright Applejack, really. In retrospect, I should've guessed after yesterday." Twilight admitted.

"Ah mean, it ain't like ah don't trust Spike and all that, it's just that...ah suppose ah'm just trying to protect mah sister is all."

"From what exactly?"

Applejack gave the question some thought. The first thing that came to mind was from bad influences on Applebloom or from colts, or dragons in this case, that could potentially hurt her; but, she knew Spike better than that. She trusted him because of how gentle the little baby dragon could be and how understanding he is of situations. Besides the reverse seemed much more valid, if anything the CMC's activities would end up hurting Spike far sooner and much more frequently than him accidentally injuring her sister.

"Ah suppose...just gettin' hurt." she finally answered, "And ah ain't talkin' about the physical kind of hurt either, ah mean the emotional kind." she added as she sat down on her haunches.

Twilight did the same and listened to her friend.

"Ah'll admit, ah was kind of worried after ah started havin' suspicions about those two, cause small filly-hood crushes like that ain't permanent, and usually the most painful after it falls apart; and, it ain't no secret that Spike does, or did, fancy Rarity."

"Well...I really have no idea what to say." Twilight stated with a sigh, "I can barely say anything about filly-hood crushes since I admittedly didn't think about that growing up, I just worried about my studies."

Applejack simply grinned at that statement.

"And I really have no point of reference to work off of, but I think that might be hard to avoid." she continued, "Emotions like that are normal for a filly her age."

"So ya'll are just tellin' me ta give up?" Applejack said, genuinely curious but slightly agitated.

"Well, no, I'm not saying that exactly. I'm just saying it will be very difficult to avoid something that happens naturally to anypony."

"Ah suppose; but, just so ya'll understand, ah'm still Applebloom's sister, so ah'm still gonna be a might bit wary of Spike being around 'er."

"Of course." Twilight simply replied as she nodded in understanding.

Back at the farmhouse, Big Mac was escorting Spike to Applebloom's room, though the young dragon-turned-colt was keeping a fair distance from the older stallion. Big Mac was equally as wary about Spike as AJ was, since he was the stallion of the house, literally, under Granny Smith, but kept his usual demeanor since Spike was visibly frightened by him. As much as he should be acting as the protective older brother, he knew Spike was better than that, and it did kinda bother him slightly to see the younger earth pony be so nervous around him.

"Ah ain't gonna hurt ya." he simply stated, earning a rather surprised look from Spike since he's never actually heard Big Mac say more than one word at any given time.

"B-but...So you're really decided on letting me talk to Applebloom?"


"Even considering you probably know what's going on?"


"So...y-you actually trust me enough?"

Big Mac thought about that question for a brief moment before shrugging.

"Then why?"

"Because, ah'm worried fer mah lil' sister. She's never locked herself in 'er room before, she's convinced on not comin' out, and we've already used up all our other options." he replied, though it only partially true. They never actually tried kicking down her door, but that option was already a rotten idea before they could even consider it.

As soon as they reached the door for Applebloom's door, Big Mac stopped and looked at Spike, who also stopped but was trying to avoid eye contact, then looked back at the door and gave a three knocks.

"Ah know that's you big brother. Ah said ah wasn't comin' out." they both heard Applebloom reply

"A-Applebloom, it's me, Spike." he stated.


"Can I...can I come in?" he asked nervously.

"Uh...is mah brother out there with ya?"

"Um..." he replied as he looked at Big Mac.

Big Mac looked back at him for a moment or two, before turning around and started walking back to the kitchen.

As soon as the sound of Big Mac's hoofsteps quieted down, the sound of the door unlocking came from Applebloom's room before opening to let Spike in.

Spike hesitated at first before he sighed and walked right in. As soon as he walked in, Applebloom closed and re-locked the door behind him.

"Ah...suppose ya'll heard about what 'appened yesterday...?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Yeah, Applejack kinda told us what had happened." he replied as Applebloom walked back over to her bed to sit down, "She didn't tell us a lot though...do you mind if..."

"No, not t'all. We just had an argument about 'ow ah shouldn't act."

"Did Applejack bring up anything about me by any chance?" Spike asked as he joined Applebloom in sitting on her bed.

She lightly shook her head as she replied, "No, ah went up ta mah room before she could. Ah think she wanted ta though."

Spike remained silent for a moment, thinking what he should say next. He wanted to help her out, but how? Eventually he decided it was best that she and Applejack just resolve it between themselves as soon as possible. "Come on...let's go outside. Big Mac and Applejack are worried about you."

"Are ya'll sidin' with them?" she asked, sounding betrayed, "They'll just get mad at me."

"I'm not, they really are worried about you. Besides, they're just looking after you." he replied as he placed a hoof on her shoulder, "And don't worry, if they get mad at you, I'll argue for you. I'm partially to blame too, you know." he added with a smile. "I'll protect you."

Applebloom blushed at the statement as she looked at him.

It didn't take long for Spike to realize what he had said and looked away, blushing as well. Just as he began clearing his throat so to break the moment, he felt Applebloom press her head against his chest again, before giving a jagged sigh.

"A-Applebloom...y-you do know that I didn't exactly mean it like that right?"

"A-ah know...but ah can pretend can't I?" she asked as she looked at him straight in the face, half-looking like she was giving him puppy eyes.

He looked at her then pushed another sigh past that lump that had once again formed in his throat, which felt even bigger than it had been yesterday. "Well, I can't exactly stop you, can I?"

Applebloom gave a light smile before laying her head against his chest once again.

Spike smiled himself, not that Applebloom could really see it. He then wrapped his forehooves around Applebloom in a gentle hug, earning a cheerful smile and a blush from her. It really wasn't what he had in mind, using just one of his forehooves would've worked just as well, but somehow the idea of seeing Applebloom throwing another sad look his way hurt him, and if this will make sure she doesn't, then so be it. Perhaps the feeling was becoming mutual, which made him slightly worried. He was still greatly confused, and these new growing feelings did not help.

It was true this last week or so has been the longest he's ever spent with Applebloom. Before this whole incident, the two had just barely spent any time together. In comparison, he's spent plenty of time with the others, at the very least enough to last several days individually. Yet, despite this lack of interaction until recently, he just couldn't help feel...happy being around Applebloom now, as if it felt right and that this is how it should be. Thing is, if he gives in and accepts Applebloom as a lover, he'd more than certainly have to give up his emotions for Rarity. Who should he choose? The mare he's been pursuing since his arrival to Ponyville, or the young filly that more than obviously cares greatly for him?

During his thoughts, he felt Applebloom affectionately rub her head against him, and give him a quick soft nuzzle under his chin.

Forget the confusion for now, right now his attention is going to be on Applebloom, the one that he knows deep down he's quickly feeling for, though he wasn't ready to admit it to himself.

The two stayed that way for a moment or two, before Spike spoke up, "Come on Applebloom, let's go downstairs. You're brother and sister are worried, and I'm sure Applejack probably wants to talk to you."

She hesitated for a moment but sighed and nodded before the two made their way out of her room and down the stairs.

As the two passed the kitchen, Spike noticed Big Mac quickly shove something into a cabinet before going back to whatever he was doing. Spike shot a curious look, but didn't stop as the two kept walking toward the front door.

"Don't you be worryin' about Big Mac." Applebloom rang in, "He's probably just playin' with that doll 'e found, again."

"He has a doll?!" Spike replied just above a whisper

"Applejack and mahself dunno where 'e got it, but we just noticed he had it one day. The family doesn't mind cause 'e still gets his work done." she explained, "And he does work hard."

Spike thought about the fact for a moment or two before shrugging, and the two proceeded outside.

They were about to go out into the orchard area, but stopped dead in their tracks as they saw Twilight and Applejack heading their way. The two sat down and waited for the two older ponies to get to where they were. Applebloom had chosen to stay relatively close to Spike, as if hoping that Spike would keep to his promise.

As soon as Applejack and Twilight were close enough, Applejack shot her sister and Spike a very serious look, which Twilight was very quick to notice.

"Applejack." Twilight said in a firm voice in Applejack's direction.

Applejack gave a scoff in reply.

Twilight sighed before turning her attention back to Spike and Applebloom.

Spike then looked Applebloom, who looked back at him before a slight nod and walked forward.

"Ah'm sorry sis...Ah'm really sorry about lyin' about the day before." Applebloom sincerely apologized, "Ah just really wanted ta spend with Spike."

"Ya'll should've just told me tha truth." Applejack stated in an upset voice.

Applebloom looked back at Spike for a moment before rebutting, "Ah know ya'll probably wouldn't let me though..."

"Now, Applebloom-"

"Ya probably would've followed me all day yesterday. Ya probably would've also said that ah shouldn't be around Spike cause he's a dragon an' ah'm a little filly." she added a little quietly as she tried making a point.

Twilight let out a small giggle at that statement, having a sneaking suspicion that was fairly accurate considering how protective Applejack tends to be of her younger sister.

Applejack heard her friend's giggle, and shot Twilight a glare, but took a breath as she does recall she did admit that was one of her concerns regarding this whole thing, "Yer right...ah probably would've said that, but ah'm still yer older sister Applebloom, and ya'll have to be mindful ah'm only tryin' to look after ya."

"Ah know how ta watch out fer mahself." she argued, "And Spike wouldn't hurt me."

"Ah know he wouldn't sis; and, ah know ya'll can get around on yer own, but ya'll are still lil' and ya still got a lot ta learn."

Applebloom just gave a exasperated sigh.

After a quick moment of silence, Spike took a step forward and said, "Applejack, I...I know I probably shouldn't be talking right now, but can't you allow Applebloom to make a few decisions? I mean, Applebloom is..." then began to trail off as he noticed Applejack's serious stare at him.

"So ya'll are really gonna argue fer mah sister?" Applejack asked curiously without letting her serious look disappear.

Spike gave a cautious nod before saying, "I mean..., Applebloom does seem to know what she's doing half the time. Besides, I'm also to blame. I could've told you or Twilight the truth."

Applejack remained silent for a moment looking between her sister and Spike, then toward Twilight to see if she had anything to say about the matter.

"I know Applebloom is family Applejack, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing that you're trying to protect her, but she's not a baby. She can decide for what's good and watch herself." Spike added

Applejack continued to remain silent before giving a sigh, "A'right. Applebloom, ah promise ah'll talk ta Big Mac about probably easin' up on ya, but ya gotta promise to listen ta us about a few t'ings, especially about yer safety. Ya hear?"

"Ah hear..." Applebloom stated

After another moment, Spike looked over to Applebloom, who took the chance to press herself against Spike, forcing him to blush in embarrassment.

Applejack just rolled her eyes at the sight, but gave an amused smirk. She had to admit, seeing Spike blush like that was actually kinda funny.

"Well...if the issue is now fully resolved, are you and Applebloom heading to Sugarcube Corner, Applejack?" Twilight asked after a moment of silence.

"Ah don't reckon so?" Applejack answered as she thought about it, "Why? What's Pinkie Pah doin'?"

"Pinkie or Fluttershy didn't tell you? Fluttershy told me Pinkie is going to be offer free samples of a new recipe Mr. and Mrs. Cake is trying." Twilight explained.


"If I recall correctly, I believe Fluttershy also told me that the new recipe was inspired by Pound and Pumpkin, and that the others already agreed to drop by."

"Aren't they still...you know...still babies?" Spike asked.

"Doesn't mattah if they're young or old sugarcube, ya'll can still inspire no mattah the age." Applejack answered for Twilight.

"Right." Twilight agreed with a nod.

"Well, ah ain't got anythin' else to do fer today, and it's been a while since all six of us had time ta just talk, so ah might as well drop by and see fer mahself."

"How about you two? Do you want to follow along?" she asked turning her attention to the two younger ponies.

"I don't really know. I guess depends on what the Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to do, since I'm apparently a member till I turn back to normal or I get I get my cutie mark." Spike replied, then turned to look at Applebloom.

Applebloom was at first startled when she realized that all the attention was on her now, then became slightly nervous, "Well, ah, um...If Miss Rarity and Rainbow Dash are going to be there, ah know Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo will be."

"So I suppose that means all of us will be going?" Twilight asked.

"Ah reckon so." Applejack replied, "Well, we better get movin' then, otherwise it'll be a bit of a wait."

The walk to Sugarcube Corner went relatively uneventful. Applejack did resist a few moments where Applebloom had chosen to walk far more closer to Spike than she was comfortable with, which wasn't hard to miss since the two younger ponies led the way. She did have to admit though, it was kinda cute, and the appearance of just how red Spike's face can get once in a while was also funny to her. As much as Spike is now more willing to admit he's actually a little more fond of Applebloom than he was yesterday, apparently he remained just as hesitant to allow Applebloom to show it in public. Problem was though, he just couldn't find the nerve to do more than turn beet-red in embarrassment and slightly attempt to look away from the young filly's direction.

Upon arriving, they were greeted by their friends, with the exception of Rainbow Dash; she was just busy keeping an eye on Pound who had decided to practice his flying only a few moments ago. Both were currently in Pinkie's room where Rainbow was trying to convince the young pegasus to get off the ceiling. Pumpkin would've also posed a potential issue with her wayward magical casting, but Pinkie had already given her something to do, more specifically, a new toy to chew on.

"Here you go Twilight and Applejack, two samples of a special new recipe for two of my bestest friends!" Pinkie stated cheerfully before placing a plate with a slice of cake each in front of the two.

"Thank ya kindly Pinkie Pie." Applejack stated just after licking her lips

"Yes, thank you Pinkie." Twilight said as she looked at her slice of cake, "I gotta say, it really does look good."

"It doesn't just look good darling, it is good." Rarity stated, which Fluttershy silently agreed with as she gave a nod.

With the backing of her two friends, Twilight picked up a fork and took a bite the slice of cake. After taking that first bite, her eyes shot open, each giving off an extra glint as they did.

"W-wow...! This really is good." Twilight complimented, earning a bright smile from Pinkie, "Pinkie, can you please give the Cakes my regards to this recipe."

"Okie-Doki-Loki!" she simply replied.

"Speaking of Mr. and Mrs. Cake...that is if you don't mind me asking...where are they?" Fluttershy asked, "Shouldn't they be here too?"

"Oh, Mrs. Cake is in her room. She felt so so sleepy because the twins kept her up really really long last night."

"Oh my..."

"Uh-huh, she just looked so so sleepy when I woke up this morning, yawning like this." then gave a big yawn in front of the others, "I did ask Mrs. Cake about it, but she said that she was gonna be okay, then she yawned again." Pinkie then yawned again for expression, "But then I argued that she should get some rest. She finally did after I asked Mr. Cake and he said the same thing I've been telling her."

"So....um, where's Mr. Cake then?" Twilight asked as she gave a yawn from watching Pinkie yawn.

"Mr. Cake is out buying more ingredients, we used the last bit of our sugar, butter, and baking flour yesterday, which of course is bad because we're a bakery and we need those ingredients." she then gave a nervous grin and looked around the room

Twilight just gave a nod in understanding just seconds before Rainbow rejoined holding a still ever happy Pound Cake in her hooves, "Jeez this colt is stubborn! Get him off the ceiling, he goes right back. How do you deal with it Pinkie?"

Pinkie just gave smile and a shrug before going over to take Pound from Rainbow, allowing the cyan pegasus to land back onto the ground, then putting him next to his sister.

"I'll give him this though, he's pretty fast for a young foal. If he manages to keep that speed after he grows up, it'll be fun to race him once in a while." Rainbow added with a slight smirk

"Sorry I couldn't help you Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy apologized

"Heh, it's no problem Fluttershy. Besides you should know me, there's no way a little foal like Pound is gonna be a hoof-ful for me to handle."

"How is it he can already fly?" Scootaloo asked, only in earshot of Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Spike, "I'm older than him, and I still can't get more than two feet off the ground."

"Twilight told me that's actually pretty normal. Unicorn and pegasi foals are able to do magic and fly when their still that young, it's just in short random moments and it eventually goes away til their a little older." Spike replied.

"It still stinks though." she complained.

"Hey Twilight, why is Spike still a pony? Shouldn't he be back to normal now?" Pinkie asked looking at Spike

"She's probably still working on it Pinkie Pie." Rarity replied, "These things take time to perfect, even to Twilight I'm sure."

"But I could've sworn she figured it out almost three nights ago." Pinkie stated as she wondered if her feelings were a tad off, slightly earning a concerned look from Twilight.

"Pinkie...if I can have-" Twilight tried to say to her before Pinkie pressed on, interrupting Twilight

"I mean Twilight is so so smart with all this magic-y stuff, and I had this funny feeling on my back, so she must've figured it out by now." Pinkie stated

"Twilight did figure it out." Spike rang in, earning a slightly worried look from Applebloom

"If that's true, why ain't 'e back to normal?" Applejack asked with genuine curiosity as she looked at a nervous Twilight

"She said she needed to make sure it was perfect, so nothing goes wrong while she's casting it." he replied

"Ah suppose tha' sounds about right." Applejack said with a nod

"Yep, that makes sense." Pinkie agreed, "I'm sure it would work though, especially how well you were doing yesterday. When I came by, I saw you practicing, it was so fun to watch."

"B-but I don't remember you coming by the library yesterday Pinkie." Twilight stated, now getting really worried

"Well, duh, you never answered the door, but I did see you on the balcony doing your studies, making all kinds of things go poof, poof, poof. Making them different every time!" she explained with a smile

"Wait, what?!" Spike asked in near surprise.

"Pinkie, darling, if Twilight truly is, as you say, 'making them different everytime', how are you certain she's changing them to the correct forms?" Rarity asked

"Oh, because I heard her say stuffy stuff like, 'Okay, that's good.' and 'That's normal, now to the next'." Pinkie stated then gave a wide grin for a moment or two, which eventually disappeared when she noticed a very nervous, and not-so-happy, look on Twilight.

"You mean you could easily turn me back to normal at anytime Twilight!?" Spike asked in a loudly, his face portraying the amount of shock he felt.

"W-well...um..." Twilight managed to get out, then gave a sigh, "Y-yes, I know it. I figured it out a couple of days ago."

"Then, what was with that half ruby-half apple this morning?"

"That really was an error, one that I...I assumed was probably me casting the spell before I was fully awake."

"Are you holding back just because you think you can be my mom?!" Spike huffed in disbelief

"'Mom'...?" the others repeated in a confused tone

"No, no!" Twilight blurted out, realizing that she's quickly losing control of this. "It's not that entirely, I-"

"Look, I said I don't mind it too much, but I'm suppose to be a dragon! I am JUST your assistant. Remember!" he said before he abruptly turned away from Twilight's direction, not willing to look at her.

A momentary silence hung in the air. The others in the room shot glances at each other, trying to make sense of this before Rarity stepped forward.

"Twilight, dear, what is this all about?" Rarity asked

"Yeah." Rainbow abruptly said as she flew over Rarity, "What's up with all of this 'mom' business Spike is talking about?"

Twilight turned to look at all her friends, all their eyes now on her, and looked around nervously as she tried finding the right words to say. She bit her lip before giving a sigh and saying, "A-about a few days ago, I started seeing what it would be like to...to think of Spike more like a son rather than just my assistant."

"Why the sudden interest darling?"

"Well...he, um....he inadvertently called me 'mom'." she simply replied

"What?!" Spike was clearly taken back by that answer, turning to look at her again, "When did I say that to you?"

"'Ow about we all let Twi explain everthin', before we start playin' twenty questions." Applejack suggested, earning a nod from everypony present, which included the Cake twins, who were more or less just copying everypony else.

"Thank you Applejack." Twilight stated, earning a quick nod from the earth pony, she then gave a quick pause before explaining, "A few nights ago, Spike woke me up complaining about having a nightmare and he had asked me to read him a story to help him relax and sleep again. I won't have minded reading him a story, but I was much too sleepy to read him anything..., so I had just suggested he could just sleep with me since I figured it wouldn't be any different from when we were younger and I was instructed to sleep near Spike so he'd be comfortable at night."

Her friends just gave a slight grin at the thought. Applejack and Rarity did so on a more knowing level, recall similar advice given to them by their parents in regards to being an older sibling. Pinkie and Fluttershy gave a smile finding the whole situation kinda sweet. Rainbow just gave a grin finding the whole thing rather amusing, but she was more interested in the actual explanation.

"Go on sugarcube." Applejack simply said.

"When I woke up, I found Spike pressed up against me as if he was giving me a hug." Twilight continued, then gave a smile as she recalled the event, "I was about to carefully move him so I could get out of bed without disturbing him, but then...then he held tighter and just muttered, 'I love you mommy'."

Rainbow gave a short laugh, "I didn't know you slept-talk Spike!"

"Well, I didn't know either." he retorted as he blushed in embarrassed, earning a slight chuckle from Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom

"I find it to be very nice actually." Fluttershy timidly voiced in

"Logically, I initially concluded he was just having a good dream, and naturally, it wasn't directed at me; but...as I thought about it more, the more I felt...happy to think it was."

"Twilight actually asked me for advice about the subject." Fluttershy admitted meekly, then looked at Twilight, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't..."

"No, it's okay, Fluttershy. If anything, you're helping me out."

Fluttershy simply gave a nod in understanding

"So Twilight did ask you, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked

Fluttershy gave another nod, "She seemed really scared when she was telling me."

Spike was slightly taken back upon hearing that Twilight was actually worried, or at least that worried. He knew Twilight, and he knew it would've been a matter that she would have tried solving on her own first, and of course Twilight hadn't made a mess of the library looking for the answer. It just didn't cross his mind that it would've caused Twilight as much confusion as to require asking for outside help first to understand.

"I got worried because I didn't know how any of you would react had I told you." Twilight admitted, "It's not like any of us has had this kind of experience before. T-the reason I asked Fluttershy was I figured she was the closest I could go to for advice and...was the closest in understanding."

"Now hol' on there one moment Twi, ya'll thought we wouldn't understand?" Applejack asked as she raised a brow

"Well..., I just thought that..." she then started to trail off.

"Now listen 'ere Twi, ah do understand what ya'll mean about none of us understadin', but yer also wrong about that." Applejack stated with a grin, "Sure we ain't got nopony to call our son or daughter, but at least Rare and mahself understand about havin' family." she added as she petted Applebloom on the head, earning an disapproving groan from the young filly as her mane was messed up.

"I do quite agree with Applejack. Remember, we still have younger sisters who we have to watch out for once in a while." Rarity rang in as she stood next to Sweetie Belle, both giving a warm smile.

"I think all us of could." Pinkie stated with a wide grin, "I have sisters too!"

"I didn't know you had sisters Pinkie Pie." Twilight stated, earning an interested look from Rarity and Rainbow Dash as well, showing they didn't know either.

"Well, duh, you just haven't met them yet. My sister Inkie lives with my parents on the rock farm just outside of town. She's reeealllly good at finding these rocks with really cool gems inside."

"You mean geodes?" Twilight asked

"Oh yeah." then gave a quick laugh, "She's really good at finding them. My other sister Blinkie....Actually I haven't seen her in a while. She left home after I did. I wonder what she's doing now."

"Anyway, yeah...I think Pinkie's right Twilight." Rainbow stated, "I don't really have any siblings, but you know this little squirt right here is always around me. Probably enough for you to kinda consider her my sister." she added as she pointed at Scootaloo, who gave a wide grin and was quickly by the older pegasus's side.

Twilight just gave a smile, more from the relief than anything else.

"As Applejack pointed out darling, we do understand what you mean." Rarity simply said, "And I certainly do not blame you for asking Fluttershy. While it is unlady-like to be so, I do admit it is hard not to be envious of Fluttershy's skills."

"Oh...it's nothing special, really." Fluttershy quietly stated as she smiled at the compliment.

Twilight gave a sigh then nodded, "I'm sorry girls. Sorry I didn't think you girls would understand my situation."

"Cool your hooves Twilight. We said it was okay." Rainbow stated

"And I'm especially sorry to you Spike. When I started, it was just to see how it was like, I didn't mean to let it get this far out of control." Twilight apologized, "I didn't mean to betray your trust. Can you ever forgive me?" she asked, looking like she was about to cry from knowing that this was already her second chance, and she just blew it.

Spike just gave a moment to smile, "It's okay Twilight. I guess I'm sorry too, I really shouldn't have just shouted at you about all this two nights ago without letting you much of a chance to explain." Spike stated, then walked over and gave her a quick hug.

Twilight gave a smile and hugged him back, very much relieved, "So...I guess...you're ready to return to your normal dragon form?"

Spike opened his mouth to answer, but then hesitated as he looked toward Applebloom.

The young filly noticed his actions and gave a sad look, "Ya'll should..."

"Are you sure Applebloom? You did say-"

"Ah know what ah said." she interrupted, "But...ah know ya'll will be happier though."

Spike gave a smile at that, which earned a brief smile from the filly, then returned his attention back to Twilight and gave a nod.

Twilight then closed her eyes and focused just before an light purple aura surrounded both her horn and Spike. Spike levitated slightly before a sudden flash. Twilight then opened her eyes to see a very familiar purple baby dragon checking to see if everything on him had really returned to normal, then earning a bright smile from him.

"Wait, why did Spike look at you Applebloom?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah...why did he look at you?" Scootaloo voiced in

"Well, ah...um..." she tried to say before hearing her sister chuckle.

"How about Twilight and ah help you there lil' sis? Ah have a feelin' the others are wonderin' the same thing." she stated

Looking around, it seems to be rather true as most of them gave a questioning look. The only ones that seemed to already know was a slightly blushing and smiling Fluttershy and rather giggly Pinkie Pie.

Spike and Applebloom quickly explained what had been going on the between the two of them this last week or so, including why Spike looked at Applebloom before asking to be turned back. Applejack and Twilight backed them up on the matter and added in whatever minuscule detail they felt that needed to be said. Applejack's was based from she saw on the occasion between her sister and Spike, and Twilight's was primarily from a statement from Fluttershy the previous day and her own observation on the way to Sugarcube Corner. Fluttershy added to them as well by saying what she had seen from yesterday, which did take Spike, Applebloom, Twilight, and Applejack by surprise.

Everypony, with the exception of a few including the Cake twins and Scootaloo, in the room gave an amazed but somewhat interested look at this revelation. Rainbow did gave an interested look, but also a smirk that seemed to say "Who would've guessed". Scootaloo just looked like she was gonna gag, she didn't quite find the idea in general all that appealing.

Around closer to sunset, all of them had gone to the library to continue chatting. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike mainly listened to what the others had to say and didn't talk much. Importantly though, they were updated by Rainbow about the day to expect rain in the weather, she finally was able to find a suitable date and time for the weekly storm. Currently all ten of them were outside.

At the moment Rarity and Spike were talking about matters, just out of earshot from the others, but slightly within hearing range of Applebloom, who had chosen to stay relatively close to them.

"I am flattered, really I am darling, but...but...Oh dear, how do I put this nicely?" Rarity stated before looking off to the side.

"You don't feel the same do you?" he asked sadly

Rarity gave a sigh, "I'm afraid so. I just don't feel the same for you."

Spike looked down at the ground as the frills on his head began to droop down.

"I'm also quite uncertain if it would work out for...more than one reason. I am willing to be you're close friend if you so wish, but if you don't..., I shall bear no ill will towards you." Rarity added as she placed a hoof on his shoulder, "A lady never holds a grudge on such a matter, especially one that I do understand is rather painful to accept at this point in time."

Spike forced a smile onto his face and gave a sigh, before hugging Rarity.

Rarity was slightly taken back, but gave a smile then continued, "Besides, it would be rather rude of me to undo what had transpired between you and Applebloom. Tell me Spike, how do you actually feel for young Applebloom?"

"I don't know actually, I guess 'fond' could be a good word." Spike replied as he let go, "I really don't know."

That answer was good enough for the unicorn, "Then perhaps you should go to her. Celestia knows that young filly has had her eye on you even before she chose to tell you."

Spike said nothing, but looked over to Applebloom.

"Here's my advice darling, give it a little time. A matter such as this always take time. You may even find that your feelings may become mutual somewhere down the path."

"Thank you Rarity." Spike said, earning a nod from her, then walked over to Applebloom and gave her a hug.

Applebloom seemed to finally let go of a nervous breath and happily returned the gesture.

Closer to front of the library, as this was happening, the scene had been watched carefully by the others, well minus Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie was actually absent as she said she forgot something at Sugarcube Corner and left to go fetch it. Scootaloo and Rainbow didn't actually care too much and chose to talk instead, which was a matter that was similar with Sweetie Belle, who seemed to be only half there when it came to understanding what was happening.

"Twilight, ah've been wonderin' this since we 'ad ta explain to the others. How do ya'll feel about all this? Ah mean about Spike havin' a crush on mah lil' sis." Applejack asked

Twilight spent a moment to look at Spike and think about her reply before saying, "I suppose, no different from you Applejack. I mean it is somewhat a family matter isn't it?"

"Ah reckon so; but, it's gotta be different fer ya. Thing is Twi, Applebloom is mah sister, but ya considah Spike yer son."

Twilight gave a nod as she understood what Applejack meant, "I actually don't know how to answer that, but you are right, I'm sure it's different considering. I suppose I'm....I guess I'm somewhat happy for him, but...at the same time a little confused too."

Applejack gave a smirk and placed a hoof on the unicorn's shoulder

"I mean, I am happy for him that he found somepony who likes him for who he is, but at the same time I don't know how to feel about it. It just feels like a variable I had forgotten to consider, and now it's just another weight on my mind."

Applejack then gave a chuckle, "Ya'll sound a lil' like mah father. When he and mah ma still lived with Macintosh, Applebloom, and mahself, he always got this strange look in his eye whenevah mah mom joked around about the three of us growin' up. Jus' think of it like this, no mattah how big he gets and how things go, that lil' dragon is always yer kin."

Twilight just gave a small smile at the statement just before Pinkie returned carrying a small basket with her.

"I'm back!" the pink pony happily announced as she stopped in front of them.

"Welcome back, Pinkie." Twilight greeted

"So what did ya'll forget ta bring?" Applejack asked.

"This! I almost forgot to bring this." Pinkie replied as she put the basket down and showed them the contents, which was an assortment of what looks like croissants, donuts, and cupcakes. There was also two slips of paper present in the basket, both read, "Good for one free special slice of cake." and had Pinkie's signature.

"Ooo-wee, that sure is quite the assortment ya got there Pinkie, but what is it fer?" Applejack asked as Rainbow and Scootaloo rejoined the others, just as interested in what Pinkie had brought back as the others were.

"It's a present from me, to Applebloom and Spike!" she replied with a grin, "Remember, they were at Sugarcube Corner on their date yesterday? Well, really you just saw them while they were leaving, but you remember right?"

"O' course ah remember Pinkie."

"Well, while they were there, they didn't tell me they were on a date, which is so sneaky of them to not tell me before I gave them food. But, I didn't ask so it's probably my fault. Anyway, they didn't tell me before I gave them food, so I felt bad and I told them I would make them something super-duper special next time to celebrate! So here it is, the super special present." then gave a wide toothy grin.

"Well...it certainly is rather special Pinkie Pie." Twilight stated, "Quite an assortment of goods that they'd both like to eat."

"What's this thing 'ere though?" Applejack asked as she pointed at the croissant, "Ah don't recall evah seein' it before."

"That's actually a croissant Applejack." Twilight replied as she looked at her, "It's a treat I usually see in big cities like Canterlot or Manehatten. Where did you find them Pinkie?"

"Oh, I made them! Donut Joe knew the recipe and he showed me how to make them last time we were in Canterlot." she replied, before Rainbow quickly grabbed one and gave it a try, "Hey! Dashie, those are for Spike and Applebloom!"

"Relax, it's just one. They won't notice a thing." Rainbow replied, a bit of a smile on her face saying she like what she was eating.

"It's probably okay Pinkie, ya'll did make a lot there to eat." Applejack explained as she slightly elbowed Pinkie's side, "Looks like ya'll were preparin' fer a picnic fer all of us."

Pinkie then looked at the basket and thought about Applejack had just said, then gave a laugh, "Yeah, I guess I went a little overboard." she then notices that Fluttershy, who had remained quiet so far, was also looking at the basket, "Do you want one Fluttershy? My treat!" and scooted the basket closer to the yellow pegasus.

"Well...um...if it...that is to say-" Fluttershy sputtered out as she tried to reply before she was quickly interrupted by Spike, Applebloom, and Rarity coming toward them. She was actually interested in taking a bite from one of the food items available, but didn't want to be rude since it was a present to Spike and Applebloom.

"I do believe that takes care of one issue." Rarity stated as she approached, with Applebloom and Spike close behind her

"Whoa! Where did that basket of food come from?" Spike asked as he looked at its contents.

"Pinkie left and came back with it." Twilight replied

"Yep! It's that super special treat I told you and Applebloom about yesterday." Pinkie explained

"Ya'll mean, this is fer us?!" Applebloom was more than surprised to hear

"You do know this is a lot for just the two of us?" Spike asked

"Yep!" Pinkie simply replied

"Perhaps, you can share amongst yourselves then." they all heard a voice say.

Twilight was the first to speak as she noticed who had joined them, "Princess Luna!"

"Tis good to see you all again." the alicorn simply stated as they took a bow it respect.

"What brings you here Princess?"

"My sister asked if we...I mean...'I' may pay a visit and retrieve that book you had borrowed whilst I was out to raise the moon."

"Oh, of course, let me get it for you." and just like that, Twilight went into the library before quickly returning with the transformative arts book and the counter-spell book.

"You may hold onto that book of counter-spells if you wish Twilight Sparkle. I was only asked to retrieve this one." and took the transformative arts book from her, "You are welcome to request it again if you do so wish in the future."

"Why not just take the counter-spell book too?" Rainbow asked

"It is in case she requires it's services a little longer." Luna replied, then looked at Spike, "I taketh thee had learned the counter-spell you required?"

"Yes, Princess." Twilight replied, "It took some time, but I managed to figure it out."

Princess Luna observed Spike for a brief moment and used a hoof to turn his head to inspect him, "And it does appear you casted it perfectly. Well done, I am sure my sister will be happy to hear about this."

"So, you're sure I can hold on to this book?" Twilight asked

"There are other spells and counter-spells thou may find of interest." Luna replied with a smile, "Not to worry, thy sister is quite in agreement with my decision."

"Well...if Princess Celestia thinks it's alright...thank you Princess." Twilight stated

Princess Luna just gave another smile, then bid them farewell as she had to get to work on preparing the sky for the night.

As night fell, they all went into the library for a sleepover the CMC had wanted to do. Twilight was more than hesitant for such an event, but finding she only had Fluttershy to be about as equally hesitant, she agreed to it. So after half-an-hour or so, enough time for the others to gather and pack whatever they needed, the library was filled with the sounds of the group of friends having fun. It didn't turn out bad at all really, and Twilight did enjoy the fact she had all her friends over this time for a sleepover rather than just Applejack and Rarity. Especially when even Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom was able to add to the festivities with a story they didn't hesitate to try re-enacting for the sake of it, and with a little interest in seeing if acting would lead them closer to their marks. Spike was dragged in at one point for a scene, he was hesitant at first, but didn't mind being around his new close friends, and his potentially new love interest.

As things started to quiet down, only Twilight, Applejack, and Spike, who was doing a little cleaning, were left in the main room of the library. The others had already retreated to either the new guest room or Twilight's bedroom with their sleeping bags to sleep. Well, all except Rainbow who had decided she would be more comfortable out on the balcony to sleep under the stars.

"Ah think ya'll could say this second sleepover was a success." Applejack stated, currently both her and Twilight were flat on their stomachs as they sat on pillows.

"Yeah, I guess I could." Twilight replied as she pushed a book aside for now.

"Twilight...?" Spike rang in

"Hm? Yes Spike?"

"Listen..., would you mind if..." he began to trail off as he held a book up to show its title, which was really an assortment of Pony Tales that occasionally included a dragon.

Twilight just gave a smile, "No, of course not Spike." and took the book from him.

"Fancy hearing a story there sugarcube?" Applejack asked with a slight smirk

Spike gave a nod, "I just want to humor Twilight, especially since I...I guess I wouldn't mind considering her my... my mom."

This made both mares give a smile, more so from Twilight.

"So...um...Twilight would you mind if you can make me a pony again?"

Now this surprised them.

"But, Spike, you just got back to normal! Why would you want me to turn you back into a pony?" Twilight asked

"Well, it was kinda fun. Besides having fun with the Crusaders and all that, it does kinda sound interesting if you can make me a pegasus or unicorn."

"Well, I'm willing to make you a pegasus, but only if Rainbow or Fluttershy are willing to teach you how to fly first."

"Rainbow, might do it. She's already workin' on helpin' Scootaloo with that." Applejack stated

Twilight gave a nod in agreement, then continued, "And I think I'll have to teach you the basics of magic before I even consider turning you into a unicorn."


"Simply since you might be around that age for unicorns to start learning to use their magic properly, levitation being one of them. If you overdo it even slightly I might have to ask for repairs to the house from you accidentally throwing something at high speeds." she replied as her horn began to glow.

"It ain't all that hard, can it?" Applejack asked

"You may be surprised to find how easy it is to make certain mistakes during basic training in magic." Twilight stated as Spike changed back into the familiar purple colt he had been the last few days.

Spike then trotted closer and sat down right next to Twilight, sitting similarly as her, on his stomach, who couldn't resist taking the chance nuzzle her 'son'.

"Just remember, to not overdo it Twilight." he reminded

"Of course." she replied back as she started being a little pushy as she nuzzled him, forcing him into a sitting position where his forehooves were now off the ground and she was able to nuzzle his belly.

"H-hey, Tw-twilight...Stop that...! That tickles!....stop it!" he stated between small fits of laughter. He was rather ticklish apparently.

Applejack laughed as well as she watched Twilight show affection to Spike, she slightly turned her head away, to show she had nothing to do with this whatsoever.

"Twilight stop! If you...you don't-" he was saying before Twilight interrupted and stopped

"Thank you Spike. I know a few days ago, I wouldn't have ever considered this kind of thing, but you have no idea how much this actually means to me right now."

Spike remained silent for a moment before giving a smile and tried hugging Twilight's head, "You're welcome Twilight...err...mom."

Twilight gave another wide smile, before clearing her throat, "Well..., you said you wanted to hear a story?"

Spike simply nodded as he returned to sitting like was before, "You can pick. I don't mind."

"Do you want to hear a story Applejack? I don't mind if you want to leave and get some sleep too."

"Ah don't mind. Been a while since ah heard a good bedtime story." the earth pony replied

Twilight gave a nod before opening the book to a random story to read, "The story of, 'The Pegasus and The Dragon of Unicornia'." she read the title, looking to see if Applejack or Spike disagreed with her selection. Finding no signs of such, she pressed on, "'Once upon a time, in a land before Equestria, known as Unicornia, lived a lone pegasus. Normally only unicorns would be found in Unicornia, but because of a bad storm..."

As Twilight continued reading, Spike quietly sat and listened. Occasionally he'd take a quick glance at Applejack, who seemed to be doing the same thing whenever the farmer didn't look like she was trying to stifle a laugh. He didn't quite understand why she'd be laughing, there was nothing that came off as funny to him in the story, but then again it probably doesn't matter. He admittedly was still unsure about considering Twilight his mom, but it was a subject he was quickly willing to push aside. Spike did also have to admit he found comfort in just doing this, calmly listening to a story his 'mom' was reading as he sat next to her. He couldn't help but smile at how natural it all felt. He wasn't quite sure if it was just the moment because she's reading him a story, or whether it was just a fact that's always been true and he was now just realizing it because of recent events, especially with the advice Applebloom gave him just the day before still hanging on his mind. Either way, he chose to just contently smile and leaned up against Twilight's side as he continued listening.

While Twilight read on, Spike's ears and tail would lightly twitch every now and then toward any other sound that could be heard, including sounds of crickets, the leaves outside rustling, or Applejack giving off a very light snicker. At one point his ear did twitch at a sound he turned to see what it was, which was a sound at the staircase that led up to the upper floor. Finding nothing, especially in his slightly sleepy state at this moment, and since Twilight or Applejack didn't seem notice, he pushed it aside.

Eventually he gave an audible yawn, which caused Twilight to stop reading and look at him, then as if by instinct he pressed his head up harder against Twilight's side before curling into a ball and promptly fell asleep.

Twilight gave a warm smile in response as she looked at him

"Hehehe, well ain't that the cutest thing ya ever did see." Applejack stated in a quiet voice, "Almost reminds me how Applebloom use ta do that whenever our ma or Big Mac read us a story."

Twilight gave a light giggle as Applejack gave a yawn herself, "I think it's about time for us to get some sleep too."

Applejack simply gave a nod in agreement.

Twilight quietly closed the book before saying, "That means you too Applebloom." earning a quiet gasp

"Ah thought ah heard somethin' earlier." Applejack stated as she looked toward the stairs where Applebloom decided to peak her head out further into view now that she had been caught, "How'd ya'll know?" she asked Twilight

She just gave a shrug, "Lucky guess."

"Didn't ah tell ya ta go ta bed Applebloom?"

"Ah wasn't sleepy, so ah came down." the younger filly explained as Twilight looked up at her as well

"Well, I do hope you enjoyed the story Applebloom, or at least what you heard." Twilight stated

"Yes, ah did, thanks Miss Twilight." Applebloom replied

"Ah'm gonna head upstairs Twi, ah have ta make sure Applebloom really goes ta sleep this time." Applejack stated as she stood up then looked at Twilight, "Ya'll comin'?"

"Yeah, I'll right there. Just give me a moment to re-shelf this book properly."

"Ah think ya should be careful when ya do come up here." Applebloom voiced in, "Pinkie is sleepin' very close ta the door."

"How close?"

"Ah would've probably accidentally hit 'er head if ah didn't know she was there and ah'd opened the door fast enough."

Twilight gave a sigh, "Understood, thank you for letting us know Applebloom." Twilight stated as Applejack started up the stairs and gestured for Applebloom to go to her sleeping bag and go to sleep

The older earth pony then gave Twilight a quick nod before following behind her little sister.

Twilight remained silent a little longer before lifting the book into the air with her magic and placed it in its correct place. She then looked back at Spike, who remained sleeping peacefully where he was, further earning a motherly smile from Twilight. Twilight then pulled her head closer to him and gently nuzzled the side of Spike's face and the top of his head, which mildly messed up his already messy looking mane. "Sleep tight...my little Spike." she gently said to him. Though unclear if he actually heard it or not in his sleep, Spike did actually gave a small smile.