• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 2,898 Views, 55 Comments

A Dash of... - Mr Merritt

A young, battered colt is found on Sweet Apple Acres.

  • ...

Chapter Two

A Dash Of...

A MLP:FiM Fanfic

By Mr Merritt

MLP is copyright Hasbro

It was a matter of pride that Applejack awoke before the rooster crowed out in the farmyard. She trusted her internal clock more than some colourful bird, and besides she had work to do. The Apple family took turns in making breakfast for the ones that had to work. The only exception to this being Applebloom who, despite her eagerness to help, had a lot to learn about food preparation. The last time the sleepy filly had tried to cook still lingered in their minds, as did a stubborn stain on the ceiling of the kitchen that was never openly spoken of.

This was part of the reason why Applejack was immediately on the defensive when she crept downstairs and heard the unmistakable sound of bowls and pans being used. She knew it wouldn’t of been her brother or grandmother, and there was no way Applebloom would dare try. There was one possibility, but the mare doubted it. Still, she had to check and be prepared for anything. She carefully peered into the kitchen, preparing a lecture just in case.

Instead, all she could do was watch and be impressed.

When Applejack had been young, younger than Applebloom was now, she had spent some time in Manehatten. The upscale city was completely different than the countryside in so many ways, it still marvelled the mare to this day. One thing that stuck in her mind was what passed for cuisine among the classy ponies who lived there. She remembered her aunt and uncle telling her about how great this one chef was, and how they had to spend quite a few bits to get him to cater their dinner parties.

She also remember how little there seemed to be to the food.

But she did take a moment to peek into the kitchen to watch this supposed master of the cooking world. The end product might have been lacking to the mare, but watching the preparation was amazing. It reminded her of watching a unicorn performing a juggling act: food and utensils mingling together and producing something seemingly from nothing.

That was what she found Peppermill, the young colt that had been found unconscious and hurt on their property, doing.

She could see the intensity on his face as he chopped, washed and handled the various pans and pots along the counter and stove top. He clearly knew exactly what he was doing, if the grace of his movements as he balanced on his hind legs was any indication. The smell of the food was more than enough to leave Applejack speechless. It wasn’t a standard country breakfast by any means, but it didn’t resemble the tiny potions that proved to leave her hungry so many years ago.

She stood watching the colt as he tended to his recipes, and it was only the growl of her stomach that alerted the colt to his audience. With a small muffled yelp Peppermill fell back onto four hooves and turned to face the mare, a slow but hot blush beginning to creep up his neck and onto his cheeks.

“I’m…sorry if I…woke you…Miss Applejack.” he stammered. “I was…making breakfast. I wanted…to repay…you all…for your…kindness.”

“It’s pretty much impossible to sleep in late round here sugarcube.” chuckled the mare kindly. “And you don’t have to go on with that ‘miss’ stuff…”

“Um…how many are seating?” asked Peppermill, changing the subject.

“Hmm…pretty much the whole clan. Even though Applebloom doesn’t have to be to school for a while yet she still gets up with the sun like the rest of us.” The grey colt nodded, and began to set four place settings. Applejack frowned at this.

“Shouldn’t it be five?”

“Um…I’ve…already eaten.” murmured Peppermill. This earned him a frown from Applejack, but the sombre and serious look on his face prevented her from commenting. She sat herself down at the table, and watched with growing amazement at the variety of food being set before her. It didn’t take long before Big Mac, Applebloom and Granny Smith appeared.

“Wow. This looks amazing sis!” gasped Applebloom.

“Weren’t me.” chuckled Applejack. “This is all Peppermill’s doing.”

“You did all this?” Applebloom was very impressed, as were the rest of her family. The colt simply nodded shyly as they took their seats. For a moment, the was no movement as the ponies all stared at the meal before them. It was Granny Smith who broke the silence.

“Aren’t you gonna join us sonny?” she questioned Peppermill.

“He says he already ate Granny.” Applejack gave the colt a pointed look, but Peppermill simply nodded his agreement. Granny seemed a bit put off by this slight, but all it took was one bite to remove her ire. The Apple ponies had never had such a meal before, and they all savoured every bite.


As Applebloom made her way to school, Big Mac into the fields and Granny Smith to her chores, it was Applejack who made her way into town. She had been deep in thought the night before, and she hadn’t slept until she made a decision. She had realized she needed to help Peppermill more than just giving him a roof and a safe place from whomever he was trying to get away from. This would require support from her friends, and the word needed to be spread.

As she made her way into Ponyville, she reviewed her options. As much as she adored Pinkie Pie, her exuberance may not sit well with the timid colt. And she simply could see Rainbow Dash as the consoling type. Fluttershy was a given, and she trusted that Twilight Sparkle had the tact to not say anything that might cause offence. The only pony that proved to be a challenge was Rarity. She knew that the generous unicorn would certainly be as kind as the yellow Pegasus, but would her tendency for dramatics and overall diva-ish behaviour offend rather than help? This was the questioning that brought her to Carousel Boutique first that day.

She gave a small knock on the door of the shop and let herself in. She immediately found the white unicorn mare busy cutting material at a table. This might not of seemed all that impressive, until you took into account that there were almost half a dozen sharp scissors orbiting around Rarity’s head, some coming uncomfortably close to her beloved purple mane. Applejack waited for a lull in the action before clearing her throat.

“Just a moment darling!” sang out Rarity as the sharp instruments floated down onto the table. She turned to face her friend, a flush of exertion and pride on her face.

“I simply must thank Twilight for helping me with this spell. It is so much faster to work this way, even if it is tiring.”

“Ain’t you worried about getting too close to those scissors flyin’ around?” quiered Applejack.

“Oh no. Apparently there is some sort of…what did Twilight call it, a failsafe built into the spell. They will never get close enough to me to harm. But enough of that, I need a rest anyways. What brings you here today?” The unicorn mare lifted her red working glasses off her face, and patted the slight sheen of perspiration with a silk handkerchief.

“Well, the truth is I kind of need some help.”

“Um, this isn’t some sort of…labour work is it? It’s not that I wouldn’t want to help, but you understand…” Applejack lifted a hoof, silencing her friend.

“Naw, this is something else entirely.” The Earth pony explained about how Peppermill had been found seemingly half-dead on their property, and how he seemed to be running away from something.

“He seems mighty scared. I reckon a friendly face meaning him no harm might open him up.” Not surprisingly, Rarity was quite shocked at this story.

“That’s terrible!” she gasped. “Oh that poor thing! We simply must help him. But…”


“I’m so sorry Applejack, but I simply have no time to leave right now. I have a back order I simply must finish. Couldn’t you bring him here?”

“I wish I could Rare. But he is convinced that whoever did this to him is out there waitin’ to get him, and from what Applebloom says he thinks me and mah family are in danger too.” The orange mare was a bit disappointed, but she understood Rarity’s need to fill her job order.

“Wait, you said he seemed to warm up to Applebloom right?”


“Well, why not ask Sweetie Belle to talk to him? And why not ask Scootaloo as well? I’m sure they would help. And as soon as I finish I will come to Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Huh, I guess I never thought about that. Reckon I will. Thanks Rare.”

“Of course.” The two friends said their goodbyes, and Applejack set off.


Though the Earth mare agreed with Rarity’s idea of getting the Crusaders to help, she still wanted to ask Twilight and Fluttershy for assistance. Fortunately she knew exactly where the two mares would be today, and she hurried to the town library. The butter yellow Pegasus was helping the purple unicorn to dust the high shelves, finding it a lot easier than getting Spike to balance precariously on a ladder.

She nosed her way into the building, finding two busy ponies and one equally busy baby dragon hard at work dusting.

“Hey AJ!” chirped Twilight as she magically levitated some books off of the shelves, allowing Fluttershy to move in with a duster in her mouth.

“Hey Twi, hey Shy…” smiled Applejack.


“Oh, and hello Spike…”

“Sup…” The assembled mares had to giggle as the dragon returned to his work, satisfied that he had not been left out of the greetings.

“Are you two gonna be busy later? I kind of need yer help with something…”

“Oh, is it serious?” murmured Fluttershy around the handle of the duster.

“Well…” Truth be told, Applejack wasn’t sure how to answer the question. She wanted to help Peppermill, but she wanted to make sure he understood that he was safe and cared for before trying to delve into what the real problem was.

“Is there something wrong?” prodded Twilight, giving her friend a concerned look. Applejack sighed, and told her friends of how she and Big Mac had found the badly injured colt in the orchard, and how he seemed so scared to be there. The reactions from the ponies and dragon were just as the orange mare was hoping for.

“How terrible…he must be so scared…” exclaimed Fluttershy in a hushed tone.

“This is serious…” announced Twilight, her face grim. “If somepony is after this colt, he needs protection.”

“I think that part is taken care of Twi.” spoke up Spike. “I don’t think you can get any more safe than with the Apple clan watching over him.”

“Yep.” drawled Applejack proudly. “But ah really would like some help. If we can get him to talk more, we might be able to help more.”

“Absolutely. Let me just grab something and we’ll go with you to Sweet Apple Acres.” Twilight began to scan the shelves Fluttershy sidled up to Applejack.

“Do you…um…really think there is someone after him?”

“I don’t rightly know Shy. He sure seems to be scared of someone showing up. Fact is, he seems more scared of me and my family getting in trouble than his own well-being.”

“Well, whoever this guy is, he better watch out.” Spike puffed out his chest. “If he shows his face around here, I’ll give him a surprise he won’t soon forget.” With that, the dragon gave a deep breath, and proceeded to blow and hot, controlled gout of flame.

“Land sakes, since when have you been able to do that Spike?”

“Been practising.” replied the dragon proudly.

“I just wish you’d do that outside…” remarked Twilight as she packed a book into a saddle bag and shrugged it over her withers.

“Hey, I said I was sorry about that curtain. Besides, it was tacky anyways…”


The three ponies, with Spike riding on Twilight’s back, made their way to Sweet Apple Acres. As they made their way out of the market square, a rainbow streak came barrelling towards them.

“Hey, what’s up?” rasped Rainbow Dash, hovering over the group.

“We are going to Applejack’s. Want to come along?” asked Twilight.

“Why? Finally decided to get some cheap labour?” teased the cyan-eyed Pegasus.

“Fer yer information we’re going to help out somepony.” Applejack mentally took note of the verbal jab, planning on getting her friend back for it at a later date.

“A young colt is being chased by somepony.” said Fluttershy.

“We haven’t established that yet.” quipped Twilight. The unicorn explained the situation to Rainbow, just as another familiar face trotted into view.

“Oh, thank goodness I caught up to you Applejack. I just finished my order and sent it off when I saw you all gathered here. Are you going to check on Peppermill?”

“Yep.” Applejack felt far more confident at this point than she had that morning. She should of known that he friends could be depended on to help. All that was missing was…

“HEEEEY!” Applejack couldn’t stop herself from chuckling as a pink streak came to a screeching halt before the group. “What’s going on? Is there something going on I didn’t hear about? I don’t think so because no pony in town has a birthday today…or an anniversary, for that matter. I know it’s not a major holiday, though I heard somepony mention something about a National Fruit Appreciation Day. I figured Applejack would like that day, since apples are fruit and she knows everything about apples and…”

“This isn’t a laughing matter Pink.” said Rainbow, a surprisingly serious look on her face. “Somepony needs our help.”

“Ooohhh….” Pinkie Pie immediately took on a serious look, which melted rather quickly as she ended up giggling. “You look so funny with that look on your face Dashie, I don’t know how you do it…”

“Oh brother…” groaned Rainbow. The seven friends continue on their way, with Applejack silently relieved. Ah should of just asked them all in the first place…