• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 2,897 Views, 55 Comments

A Dash of... - Mr Merritt

A young, battered colt is found on Sweet Apple Acres.

  • ...

Chapter Seven

One of Spike’s usual haunts in Ponyville during a day off was one of the premier jewellery shops. One would think that having a gem-eating dragon on the premises would be bad for business. But this same dragon was also one of the best sources for quality stones, and the jeweller pony knew this. As a result a business arrangement had been made: at least once a month Spike would help judge the quality of the materials brought to the shop, including any gems he was able to find in the wild, and in return Spike would be allowed to pick and choose a pre-arranged number of lesser gems for his own consumption.

To a pony, it was a jewellery store: to Spike it was fine dining.

The baby dragon had filled a small bag with a decent assortment of snacking gems, and bade goodbye to the proprietor. As he stepped outside the shop, he found himself seeing a sight that chilled his reptilian blood. Walking side-by-side down the street, acting no different than any of the other ponies milling around, were a stallion and a colt. But there was no mistaking the identity of the two of them.

Where’s Twilight? thought the dragon in a panic. Though he never met Peppermill’s older brother, he had no doubt that this was him if the misery in Peppermill’s eyes and the defeated slump of his shoulders was any clue. Spike wasn’t sure what had happened to have caused this potential catastrophe, but he realized he was the only one who could stop it.

But how?

Well, there was one way Squaring his small shoulders, Spike took a deep breath, and bellowed as loud as he could:



The roar, or reasonable facsimile of one, cut through the two siblings like a well-honed kitchen knife. Peppermill’s head snapped up, and Saltpeter’s formally calm face twisted into a scowl.

“Dammit!” snarled the older pony.

“Spike!” howled Peppermill. The loud bellows drew the attention of the various citizens of town, all looking at the two brothers in puzzlement. Before anypony could properly react, Saltpeter gave the younger pony a sharp nudge in his side. Jolting forward as if he had taken a spur to his flesh, the colt jogged alongside his brother as the two attempted an escape. All the while Spike continued his cries.



Rainbow Dash, as was her habit, was napping on a cloud over Ponyville. But when shouting began to come from below, she woke up crossly.

“The heck?” she muttered as she peered over the edge of her cloud.


Those two little words were better than any amount of caffeine the mare could of consumed. She squinted down, searching for anything out of the ordinary. It was then she spotted a familiar sheen of purple scales racing down a street. She gazed towards where the dragon was running to, and then spotted a familiar colt being half-dragged off by a larger, yet similar stallion.

“Oh no you don’t…” growled Rainbow, diving off the cloud. With pin-point accuracy, she dive-bombed the fleeing pair. While she would of loved to tackle the stallion, who she assumed to be Saltpeter, into a crater she settled for pulling up just enough to stagger him from the sudden wind buffeting him.

“Let him go!” demanded the rainbow-maned mare furiously. She never received a response, as Saltpeter didn’t give her a second glance before pushing himself and his quarry into the growing crowd of confused ponies. With a disgusted snort rainbow hovered for a moment, trying in vain to spot two specific ponies in the throng. When they proved fruitless, she jetted off in search of some help.



It was the fact that it was louder than usual Pinkie baking background noise that made Mr. and Mrs. Cake look up from their tasks at the counter of Sugarcube Corner. The mare and stallion shared an uncertain look, silently willing the other to take the first move to check in on the pink pony.

Fortunately, they were saved the trouble by a genuinely frightening sight.

“He’s…here…” Pinkie Pie came lurching into the sales floor, a bowl upside down on her head and the left side of her face covered in chocolate batter. Her baby-blue eyes had a wild, feral look to them as she crossed the room and pushed her way out the door. The last thing the Cakes saw was her hind left leg dragging behind her.


The ponies in this town are crazy!

This was the dark thought that was running through Saltpeter’s mind as he felt his control of the situation slipping from his hooves. It had been bad enough trying to fend off prying questions back in Canterlot about the fire and his little brother seemingly vanishing into thin air. But now these blasted town ponies were actually beginning to show signs of anger towards him. He didn’t need this, deserve this or wanted this.

He did have one ace to play, something just in case his little brother actually showed some sort of backbone. It was looking like he might have to show his hand early just to get out of this crazy town in one piece.

The thought of giving these ponies something to remember him by pleased his dark heart.

And if it left his precious little package easier to handle, all the much better.

With a small nip to the back of Peppermill’s neck, he led the colt towards an alley. The sound of some of the more clever ponies that were quicker on the uptake began to call out for him to stop, so he picked up his pace. When he reached the mouth of the alley and discovered little actual resistance, he almost crowed in triumph.

Then a pink creature with unidentifiable brown stuff dripping off it’s face and moaning like the dead seemed to pop out of thin air.

“Gah!” screamed Saltpeter.

“…Miss Pie?” rasped Peppermill.

“OOoooOOOooohhh!” warbled the thing, waving hooves over it’s head.

“Enough!” Saltpeter’s last nerve had been steadily fraying up to this point, and the realization that his escape to freedom with his little meal ticket was being blocked by some manic pink mare snapped it clean through. The off-white stallion reached behind his ear with a free hoof and plucked a tiny glass vial out. With a almost nonchalant toss the vial landed between him and whatever this ‘Miss Pie’ was.


An intense ball of heat and light blossomed like a flower on the ground before the ponies. So fierce was the brightness than even ponies who weren’t even looking in the general direction of it squinted in reflex. Peppermill gave a satisfying shriek, and seemed to go limp beside his brother. There seemed to be no sign of the pink…thing.

“Much better…” murmured Saltpeter wickedly.

His triumph lasted about three seconds, though it would feel infinitely longer than that in hindsight.

The realization that he had essentially blocked off his escape route came first through his head, immediately followed by his brain registering the shouts and cries for help by the ponies all around him. This was followed closely by some…less than pleasant words and looks directed at him and his now comatose bundle. But by far the most worrying feeling that wormed through the stallion’s dark heart was one word, being bellowed over all of the other noise…




“Thank you for your help today Twilight. I never would of thought that planting my herb garden in alphabetical order would of made so much sense.” Fluttershy dropped a trowel into a small wooden box she used for her gardening tools as the purple unicorn walking down the rows of plants approvingly. In truth, Fluttershy didn’t really need for this type of organization for her herb garden (she could identify everything by sight alone) but she didn’t have the heart to hurt Twilight’s pride.

“I can’t wait for when you can pick some of these.” admitted Twilight. “From what Spike and Peppermill have said, some of these would make some amazing dishes…”

“Oh, I’m sure between those two they could make a real feast.” The butter yellow Pegasus tapped some dirt off of her hooves, then spoke up again. “By the way, how is Peppermill doing?”

“He doing great. He seems a lot more calm and confident.”

“That’s wonderful. I’m sure Applejack is happy too.”

“Definitely. She seems to have become quite fond of him, and the rest of her family seems to feel the same way.”

“The same way about wut?” Twilight froze in mid-step as a familiar orange mare came trotting around the corner.

“Oh, Applejack. What brings you here?” questioned Fluttershy.

“I was just coming to see ifin you had finished yer herb garden. What are you doing here Twi?” The narrowed green eyes of the Earth mare pierced Twilight to the core. ”I thought Peppermill was with you at the library?”

“Listen Applejack, I know you’re worried. But like I told you before I have all sorts of magical spells surrounding the library. No uninvited pony can get inside without me knowing.”

“No uninvited pony huh?” said Applejack sceptically.

“Of course. By using the physical description you gave me of Peppermill’s brother, my wards will know if he even tried to get through the door. And I can teleport, remember?”

“Ah…ah know Twi. Ahm sorry. I just…I don’t know…” mumbled the mare sadly.

“It’s okay AJ. We all know you care for Peppermill, but nothing is going to happen.”

“HEEEEEEY!!!” A loud cry from above sent three pairs of eyes skyward. Coming down at a steep angle at a fast rate of speed was Rainbow Dash. She pulled out of her dive at the last moment and hovered over her gathered friends.

“Rainbow? What’s…” began Applejack.

“It’s Peppermill! Saltpeter somehow got to him and he’s trying to leave Ponyville!”

“Impossible! I would of known if he had gotten into the library!” cried out Twilight.

“Look, I know what I saw and I saw Peppermill and a pony who looked like what AJ described as Saltpeter walking in town. And let me tell you, that Saltpeter is a jerk!”

“You…you don’t think Peppermill tried to leave the library? Or maybe Saltpeter did something to get him to leave?” squeaked Fluttershy.

“Left on his own? Argh!” groaned Twilight. It was a painful way to learn one of the failings of a magical cantrip. She was about to apologize profusely to her Earth mare friend when…


A muffled explosion sent Fluttershy crashing onto the ground, hooves over her eyes and squeaking in fright.

“That came from town. What in Equestria…?” Twilight’s question went unanswered, since Fluttershy was in no shape to respond and both Applejack and Rainbow Dash were already long gone.

This is my fault moaned the lavender unicorn to herself. With a grimace of anger and determination, she vanished in a flash of light. For a few moments Fluttershy continued to quake alone in her backyard. She lifted a hoof from her eyes to find herself alone in her backyard.

“Wait…f-for me!!” she wailed as she lifted off into the air.


The special fire that Saltpeter had used had been developed originally by unicorns who lived and worked near mines in the more mountainous regions of Equestria. Given the need for a long-lasting but safe source of light deep under the ground, the magically induced flames were set into lanterns that were used by one and all. Naturally, the bigger the fire the hotter the burn.

The fact that the flames could not be extinguished by normal means proved to be the major flaw in Saltpeter’s plan.

He certainly wasn’t about to risk marring his handsome face by trying to jump through the flames which pretty much cut off access to the alley. By this point a unruly (in his not-so-humble opinion) mob had began to surround him and his quarry. And as if he didn’t need any more difficulties Peppermill had seemingly woken up from his initial fright-induced coma and was pressing into his brother’s body away from the flames.

You are going to pay for this, you little brat!

But the final straw proved to be the bellow of an incredibly angry mare parting the crowd ahead of him The bobbing Stetson hat he could make out over the heads of the mobbed ponies made him groan out loud. Just as the orange mare stepped out into the open, and that annoying rainbow-maned pest appeared directly above her, he decided he needed to take matters into his own hooves.

“Not another step cowgirl…” Saltpeter reared onto his hind legs, wrapping a strong foreleg around the neck of Peppermill and lifting him just off the ground. As Peppermill gasped and wriggled, Applejack looked to be on the verge of exploding.

“Let…him…go!” commanded the mare with a growl.

“Yeah ya big jerk!” added Rainbow Dash. A rumble of agreement with this came from the mass of witnesses all around.

“No, I think not. You know, you would think I would of seen this coming. Everypony always looks at this little menace and thinks he is so innocent.” growled Saltpeter, tightening his grip just so he could here his little brother gasp.

“What in the hay are you talking about?” demanded Applejack.

“My life should have been great, but then this brat had to show up and ruin it all. Why should some…foal be able to work a stove and I can’t?”

“Maybe because you are nothing but a scoundrel!” came a clear, clarion voice in the crowd. The gather mass parted for a familiar white unicorn with an elegant purple mane and a determined expression.

“Rarity?” Applejack tore her eyes off of the struggling colt long enough top give her classy friend a questioning look.

“It seems you are no angel yourself Mr. Saltpeter. At least, from what I have heard…” Rarity’s brilliant blue eyes sparkled and he mouth was in a knowing smirk.

“How would some little dressmaker in the boonies know about me?” sneered Saltpeter.

“Oh, you are so dead for that.” snickered Rainbow Dash, who had been judging whether or not she could successfully swoop down and snag the flailing colt out of the stallion’s grasp.

“I know you are a womanizer, not to mention self-centered. You’ve left some broken hearts and angry ponies back in Canterlot.” answered Rarity coolly, glaring daggers at the stallion for the insult. Before Saltpeter could respond, the was a blinding flash of light, and a second unicorn now stood beside the dressmaker.

“I know something about you too Saltpeter.” announced Twilight Sparkle sharply.

“Ah, Celestia’s prized student. I hope I managed to teach you a little something about magic. I really should thank Spellbinder when I…we get back, eh Peppermill?” The colt did not respond, trying to pull himself up desperate to relieve the pressure on his throat.

“I know Peppermill is better than you at everything.”

“Twilight…” Applejack trusted her friend, but she was positive that angering the stallion was a good idea.

“Better than me? Ha! This brat is nothing!”

“He can cook better than you.”

“Cooking is over-rated…”

“He knows his way around a stove…”

“You’re repeating yourself Miss Sparkle.” sneered the stallion.

“He knows better than to leave a stove unattended.”

“Twilight.” Now Applejack’s ire was directed at her friend, furious she would bring up such a sensitive subject. Indeed, Peppermill stopped his thrashing to give twilight a sorrowful look.

“Of course he knows. He’s perfect.” The venom dripping on the final word was palatable.

“So, he does know to turn the stove off after using it?”

“Never leave a stove hot.” Saltpeter’s voice took on a mocking tone, obviously repeating something he probably had drilled into his head as much as Peppermill had.

“So, then how did the restaurant burn to the ground if he didn’t?”

“Oh, a little twist of the knob…”

“…dammit.” The realization that the clever unicorn had made him admit his guilt was like a slap in the face. While the crowd of onlookers were not completely aware of the situation, they knew a confession when they heard it. The steady rumble of anger from the mob rose in pitch, and more than a few voices announced monster! and get him!

“You burned down yer own home…and yer parents…” Applejack’s rage hit a level that would of even made the Sun Princess herself feel a trickle of sweat down her regal brow.

“You monster!” gasped Rarity.

“Monster, me?” demanded Saltpeter incredulously. “ He is the one that ruined my life. I had everything until he came in with his talent and his ‘oh he’s so adorable’ looks and that voice. He ruined my life and now he’s is going to pay.” Saltpeter was so consumed by his anger that he never noticed how his grip had loosened just enough to let the tips of Peppermill’s hind hooves touch the ground. Now that he could get a bit of oxygen into his system.

This would prove to be Saltpeter’s final mistake.

A puzzled look had crossed the colt’s face as he processed what he had just heard. He craned his neck up and looked up into his brother’s sneering face.

“You…kept the…stove on?”

“What difference does it make?”

“You…did all…this…because…you couldn’t cook?”

“I did it because you ruined my life!”

“I…would of taught you…”


“I…would…of taught you…”

“I don’t need to have my little brother teach me anything! You needed to be taught your place!”

“You…did this…”

“Yeah, and what are you going to do about it?”


“Miserable little brat!”



“YOU!!!” Peppermill gave a shriek and thrashed in his brother’s grip. Saltpeter was taken off guard by the intensity of the emotion pouring out of his brother, and loosened his grip to the point where the colt fell forward. The moment his front hooves hit the dirt, Peppermill gave as mighty a buck as he could muster.

Applejack would admit later that it was a thing of beauty worthy of anypony in the Apple Clan.

The clack of Saltpeter jaw snapping on his tongue echoed off of the buildings The stallion staggered back, stunned. Peppermill spun around and began to strike with his front hooves. While they didn’t have nearly the same effect as his buck, the peppering shots continued to rock his brother back…

“Wait!” called out Twilight, realizing what was about to happen and began to cast a spell. But it was a few seconds too late…

Saltpeter staggered back…

…into the magical fire at the mouth of the alley…

…he tumbled through to the other side…

…he stood up…

…and shrieked as the flames licked at his mane and tail.

Twilight managed to put out the flames on the ground, but she never had a chance to try and extinguish those on the stallion. With a bellow of pain Saltpeter took off down the alley and out of the town proper. A few pegasi and unicorns took chase, more to put the fires on the pony’s fur out than to capture him. Meanwhile Peppermill stood frozen at the mouth of the alley, his frantic dark eyes watching his only surviving family run off.

“Sugarcube?” Applejack approached the colt. Peppermill turned around, though he seemed to be staring through Applejack rather than at her. The orange mare opened her forelegs open in an embrace, a hopeful look on her face. The colt trembled for a moment, then broke down into sobs. These were not the whimpers of a few days ago but full-throated, bursting with pent up emotional wails that touched every heart that heard it. He flung himself into the chest of the mare, pouring his sorrow onto her.

And the mare held the colt tight for a long, long time.