• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 2,898 Views, 55 Comments

A Dash of... - Mr Merritt

A young, battered colt is found on Sweet Apple Acres.

  • ...

Chapter Six

Twilight Sparkle searched the shelves, frantic to find anything that might fill any gaps in her knowledge of how to deal with adolescent colts. She still couldn’t believe that she had agreed to take in Peppermill, the young colt who had literally ran into their lives.

Well, actually she did know why she had agreed.

The reason started with S and ended in pike.

Ever since the baby dragon had accidentally frightened the colt with a belch of dragon fire, he had been wishing to make it up to him. When Applejack and Pinkie Pie approached the pair explaining the situation with Peppermill`s older brother Saltpeter, Spike had jumped at the chance.

He can stay at the library! One of us is always here, and its public enough that Saltpeter could never try anything without somepony seeing. While she agreed with Spike`s logic, and was more than willing to offer any assistance she could for the poor colt, Twilight still had her doubts. A young male dragon was one thing, but a young male (and emotionally scarred) pony was something else entirely.

The less than flattering descriptions given of Saltpeter by Applejack didn’t calm her nerves either.

And so, in typical Twilight fashion, she searched for answers in her books.


Any pony might of mistaken the procession heading into Ponyville was for some sort of celebrity or royalty. They might have been surprised to learn that the figure at the center of the mass of horseflesh was a simple grey colt with a black mane and a perpetually worried look on his face.

Applejack, Big Macintosh, Caramel (who had been enlisted, or to be more precise ordered under the penalty of having to deal with an angry Applejack), Pinkie Pie and Rarity all surrounded Peppermill as the made their way to the town library while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew overhead. All of the older ponies kept one eye out for a certain off-white stallion while keeping the other on the colt. More than once a few loud shouts and other assorted noises spooked the colt, ready to bolt at the drop of a Pegasus feather. But even he couldn’t deny the genuine sense of safety he felt surrounded by what he had decided were his friends.

``My sources in Caterlot told me that a very popular restaurant did indeed burn down recently.`` murmured Rarity in a quiet voice to Applejack. “The husband and wife owners…perished. There was talk of their children, a younger colt and an older stallion, that disappeared. They suspect arson…”

“Hmmm…” Applejack frowned, glancing at Peppermill, who was doing a poor job of not being caught listening in to the conversation. She was about to say something to Peppermill when she heard Big Mac give a polite cough.

“We’re here.” Indeed, they had managed to arrive at the library without incident. They mares and Peppermill entered the building, leaving the stallions and the Pegasi to keep an eye from outside. Once inside, Applejack turned and knelt down to look at Peppermill eye-to-eye.

“Alright sugarcube. Twilight is not only one of mah closest friends, but she know more magic you can shake a horseshoe at. If anypony can watch over you till we can get this mess sorted, it’s her.”

“What am I? Stale hay?” piped up Spike.

“I…we…are going to make this right.” concluded Applejack, her green eyes flashing.

“Why?” This single word from the colt’s lips stunned her.

“Because that’s what friends do.” Twilight gave this answer, as she placed a kind hoof onto the colt’s head. “And helping ponies is the right thing to do too.”

“But…I deserve…”

“No you don’t!” said Applejack sharply. “No pony deserves what you are going through. Everything we have found out says that you didn’t do anything to deserve this.” Peppermill was quiet, absorbing this explanation. Suddenly Applejack reached at his and held him in a tight hug. The colt simply sat there in her embrace looking confused, scared and perhaps the tiniest bit embarrassed.

“I’ve placed all sorts of wards around the library. I’ll know when any pony sets a hoof in here. I promise that me and Spike will watch over Peppermill.” explained Twilight. Applejack gave her a grateful nod and eventually released the colt from her grasp.

“I’m going to get lunch ready. It might not be as fancy as what you might make Peppermill, but it’ll work.” said Spike. Peppermill suddenly grew more animated than he had been in quite a while.

“You…can cook?”

“Heh, do apples grow on tree?” grinned the dragon.

“Can…I watch?”

“Sure. Come on, we’ll trade recipes.” Within moments the baby dragon and colt were heading for the kitchen, chattering animatedly.

“I think he will be just fine here Applejack.” said Rarity with a smile.

“Oh, oh! I wonder if they might let me taste test.” exclaimed Pinkie.

“Thanks girls.” sighed Applejack, giving her friends a grateful smile. “Listen, ah know it looks like I’m taking this a bit too much to heart, but ya gotta understand…”

“It’s okay darling. You see a bit of you and your family in him. You both know the pain of losing someone in your lives.” soothed Rarity.

“Yes.” was all the orange mare could say. “And I ain’t about to let anypony go through that as long as ahm around.”


If you would devote a fraction of energy to learning your craft that you do to your schemes, you’d be the greatest cook in Equestria.

These words ran though the mind of Saltpeter as he causally leaned against a nearby building near the library. He had heard these, and many other words, spoken to him all his life.

And he hated every syllable and every ounce of well-meaning behind them.

His life had been great for a long time. He was part of a well-respected family, coming from a long line of cooks. Despite the insistence of his parent to give to charity and others in need of help, they were incredibly well off. He was a handsome stallion, with plenty of willing mares ready to bend backwards to be seen at any of the hot spots in Canterlot. Without having to lift a hoof in effort, Saltpeter was living a life most could only dream of.

Then his parent announced they were having another foal.

Some ponies in his position might have been leery of the idea of suddenly becoming an older sibling, but Saltpeter embraced it. Little brothers were like bits in the bank when it came to a mare’s affections, not to mention keeping himself firmly in his parent’s good graces. He had already been planning on how to make the most out of this news hours after the announcement, for Celestia’s sake!

Then the little turncoat had to pick up a frying pan!

For all of Saltpeter’s good looks and charm, he was the type of pony that could burn cereal. No matter how patient his parent’s were, no matter how much concentration he put into it, the elder son of two of the best cooks in the city couldn’t cook to save his life.

All that precious talent went to him.

Within a few years Saltpeter’s world had come crashing down around him. Some might of suspected he was over-reacting, feeling that his paranoid belief that his parents had forsaken him for his younger, talents brother was false. But when he was no longer the talk of the town, things needed to change. He was going to put a stop to this usurper to his self-imaging throne as the best.

And surely wanting to finish what he started was a good trait, right?


With a promise to check in on him whenever she had a chance, and a guarantee to see that Saltpeter would be dealt with, Applejack and her friends left the library. Twilight Sparkle closed the door with the flicker of a violet aura, and gave a sigh. The intensity that radiated off of the tangerine apple farmer was enough to set anypony on edge. But she had promised that she would look after the colt, and she would keep her promise.

Her thoughts were stopped by a conversation coming from the kitchen.

Dear Celestia, between Spike and Peppermill I’ll never go hungry she thought. She approached the kitchen, but stayed by the doorway to listen.

“Huh, that’s pretty good technique for someone with hooves.”

“You’re lucky…to be heatproof…to handle…cast iron without…protection.”

“How the heck do you keep track of all those recipes without a book? You must have a photogenic memory or something…”

“Is it…hard to cook…with gemstones?”

Twilight smiled as the two shared tricks and techniques with each other. She had been a bit concerned at first that Peppermill might still be leery of Spike, given his understandable aversion to fire. But it seemed their shared enjoyment of cooking overrode any fear. This is probably closer to his real self than anything we’ve seen. thought the unicorn. Deciding that things were under control, she set back to her initial task: sending some important correspondence to Canterlot.


A few days went by without incident, and Peppermill seemed to be opening up more and more. Seemingly gone was the terrified colt, and in his place was one who no longer seemed to fear the world. He still tended to speak slowly and carefully, and Twilight decided that the odd raspy quality to his voice was natural and not the result of injury. Peppermill mentioned something about him sounding like his father when questioned about it, and that satisfied the lavender unicorn.

“Um…Miss Twilight?” asked the colt one afternoon. “May…I ask…you something?”

“Of course Peppermill.”

“Why…does Applejack…seem so…intent on…helping me?” Twilight was grateful she had her back to the colt when he asked this, so he didn’t notice the wince she gave. Normally Peppermill was quite content to avoid any sort of discussion about his past or even recent events, a sign that Twilight monitored carefully lest it might cause problems in the future. But this sudden query caught her off guard.

“She seems…to be…taking all this…personally. Did…something bad…happen to her?”

“Well, as I understand it Granny Smith had to raise her grandchildren after their parents…” Twilight faltered, knowing this was a sensitive subject (and knowing if Applejack were to find out she was telling she would pay dearly).

“I…get it now.”


“Yes.” sighed Peppermill. “I…just wanted…to make sure. I…just hope…it’s not…a mistake.” With that cryptic remark, Peppermill went over to one of the bookshelves leaving Twilight’s mind racing.


Little did the purple unicorn know that somepony had also heard the interesting conversation. To the unaware it looked as if the dark maned stallion with the off-white coat was merely loitering outside the public library. But in truth Saltpeter was busy listening in, trying to look for the opening he needed. Thankfully he had picked up a few dirty tricks from some unicorns in his circle of friends, and was able to (temporarily at least) circumvent the strong magic the unicorn mare was using.

Fortunately for him, and perhaps unfortunately for those inside the sprawling tree, he just picked up a considerably strong ace to play.

With a smirk and some truly evil thoughts, Saltpeter went off to plan.




“You said…your magic…will warn you and…everypony else if…something were…to happen.”

“Errgh…” Twilight Sparkle and Peppermill found themselves in the middle of a battle of wills. This particular day was the one rare time Spike was granted a beloved break from work, and he was already off doing whatever it was he did on his day off. This wouldn’t of been a big deal, if Twilight hadn’t of forgotten about agreeing to meet with Fluttershy that same day. Despite the confidence she had in her magical warning system she didn’t want to risk it. Especially not if Applejack were to find out he had been left unattended.

“It’s not…like I have…anywhere…to go.”


“Are you…going to keep…Miss Fluttershy…waiting?”



“…Fine. But the moment any of my cantrips go off I am teleporting right back, understand?”

“Yes.” With immense reluctance, the bookish mare left the library. If she wasn’t so absorbed in convincing herself that everything would be fine, she might of noticed the large stallion watching with eyes more suited to a snake as she passed by his hiding spot behind a building.


Peppermill liked to think he wasn’t the type of pony to be bored easily. Of course, given that his young life as of late was anything but boring might of helped. Still, when he found himself in the large, empty library with only books for company he began to question himself about insisting on letting Twilight leave. He silent chided himself, hating the doubt still lingering in his mind. He was safe, he was sound, and he was not going to let himself spend the rest of his life dwelling on the past.

rattle rattle rattle

The colt just about jumped out of his skin at the faint sound. He looked around frantically, praying it was just the house…tree…whatever settling.

rattle rattle rattle

There it was again! Trying to keep his legs from folding underneath him, he strained to locate the source of the noise.

rattle rattle rattle

Rocks? thought Peppermill. Indeed, it sounded like stones hitting glass and wood. And it seemed to be coming from the window that faced out behind the library. With utmost caution, Peppermill crept to the door that led outside. He had just placed a hoof on the handle when…


A spray of gravel from somewhere outside struck the door and window once again. Peppermill froze, his hoof hanging in mid-air. He pulled it back slowly, and crept to the window. He carefully pushed the window open and peered out. At first, he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Then rising up from beneath the window, like some horrible beast rising from the sea, was a handsome stallion.

“Hello little brother.”


“Hmm? I can’t hear you. You really should speak up.”


“The magic? Is that what you were going to say?” It was all the colt could do to nod. All of the fear, all of the memories of the flames, and the pain came flooding into his mind. It was like his body had overloaded and he couldn’t move, but he could still hear and see the pony that had haunted him for the longest time. For his part, Saltpeter seemed remarkably calm and composed.

“That’s the thing about magical wards, little brother. You remember Spellbinder, the cute little unicorn that was always hanging around? She…taught me a few things. Like how wards around a house or building are only good if somepony goes inside. But here I am in the fresh air…”. The groan from Peppermill was like music to the stallion’s ears. But he wasn’t through yet. His face took on a stern look.

“I admit I should of guessed you’d get lucky and find some silly ponies that would feel sorry for you. Everypony always thinks the little cook is so cute and helpless. And you certainly didn’t make it easy for me, hiding with a bunch of…erg…labourers.” Peppermill was frozen to the spot, his body unresponsive to the silent screams in his mind to hide somewhere, anywhere in the library.

“But then again I have to admit you made quite a game of it. I would never of guessed you would run all the way here from Canterlot. I don’t know whether to be impressed or disgusted. But because you made me laugh with your sad attempts to convince everypony around here you are so innocent, I’m willing to make a deal with you.”


“It’s simple really. You did get one thing right, little Peppermill: I normally would punish these ponies for keeping you away from me and your deserved punishment. But I am willing to leave them alone.”

“You…won’t…hurt them?”

“Not a hair on their heads. All you have to do is come quietly. You and me leave this little blip on the map, all calm and brotherly. We go back to Canterlot, and no pony need ever know. Besides, they’ll soon forget all about you. I’m sure that little firecracker of an apple farmer would love for her life to get back to normal.” As Saltpeter had counted on, the veiled yet unmistakable reference to Applejack hit his brother square in the heart.

“You…have…to promise…” stammered Peppermill.


“Promise…you won’t hurt…anypony…especially…the Apples…”

“If I promise, will you come?”
