• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 2,897 Views, 55 Comments

A Dash of... - Mr Merritt

A young, battered colt is found on Sweet Apple Acres.

  • ...

Chapter Five

While panic gripped the farmhouse, things seemed to be going as usual out in the fields. Applejack was in the middle of the unenviable task of hauling baskets of apples into the barn for storage. Meanwhile, Big Macintosh was in the process of tidying some of the trees that sat closest to the road towards Ponyville. Keeping a well-tended orchard, and in turn making it look eye-catching was key to good customer relations.

This also provided the draft horse with the ability to watch for any visitors that might make their way to the orchard. While many ponies were happy to make use of the apple stand that would be set up every other day in Ponyville’s market, some found getting their fruit directly from the source to be much better.

And so, it was that Big Mac caught sight of another large stallion coming up the path. It was obvious that the approaching pony didn’t see Big Mac, if the interesting behaviour he exhibited was any indicator. The off-white stallion seemed to radiate a sense of anger and disgust at his surroundings, as if he totally loathed the thought of being in this place at that moment. He kept looking around as if searching for something, but the dark scowl on his face showed this was an act of anger than that of concern. Everything about the stallion rubbed the Apple pony the wrong way.

But Big Mac knew how to keep a neutral stance and opinion until a decision was needed. So he carefully approached the fence and cleared his throat loud enough for the other stallion to notice. The complete change in the off-white stallion’s appearance and attitude was noted by Big Mac, but he continued to keep a unreadable face. Meanwhile the now smiling stallion approached him, radiating charm.

“Excuse me, I hate to take you away from your job, but I am need of some help…”


It looked as if a hurricane had hit the living room of the Sweet Apple Acres farmhouse. One single name had set off a frantic commotion that had sent a few Pegasus feathers flying, most of the furniture to be tipped onto the floor, more than a few pictures knocked off the walls and at least two heads being solidly knocked together.

In the middle of this chaos was a pile of ponies. On top of the pile sat Scootaloo, checking her tiny wings and scanning the room mentally checking off what she had lost. Below her were Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, trying to catch their breath after the furious activity they went through. After that came Pinkie Pie, who was more interested in trying to regain the feeling in her right hind leg than on being sandwiched between young pony flesh. And on the bottom of the pile, eyes wild and making unnerving noises from deep in his throat was a grey colt with a pepper grinder cutie mark.

“N-n-n-no…” rasped Peppermill, trying to pull himself out from under the mass of female pony flesh.

“Who is Saltpeter?” questions Sweetie Belle between pants.

“It’s his brother. He’s looking for him.” explained Pinkie Pie, still trying to regain some feeling in her numb leg.

“Isn’t that a good thing?” asked Scootaloo, wincing at a noticeable gap between a few primary feathers.

“Not when he’s a bad pony…” intoned Pinkie, suddenly serious (or possibly remembering the whole reason for her being there).

“A bad pony?” Applebloom groaned.

“Really bad. Right Peppermill?” The colt in question didn’t answer as he continued trying to pull himself out from the bottom of the pile.


“I am so worried about my little brother. All I know is that he was heading in the general direction of your town here, and I’m hoping some pony might of seen him.” The stallion, who called himself Saltpeter, had regaled Big Macintosh with a story of a runaway colt. Big Mac, who was no dummy, knew exactly who the colt in question was.

He also knew, or at least highly suspected, that this older brother was not being as honest as he could be.

Though his sister Applejack held the title of Element of Honesty, Big Mac liked to think that he had a knack for the truth himself. And everything about this stallion before him said ‘liar’. The story he gave seemed just a bit too…rehearsed, as if he had been practising it in front of a mirror. While the concerned smile he wore seemed sincere, Big Mac felt the it was more a mask than reality. The angry, ugly pony that had been wandering the path only moments ago seemed closer to the truth. While trying to find Peppermill seemed to be the goal, Big Mac wasn’t convinced Saltpeter had good intentions upon finding him.

Unlike his sister Applejack, however, Big Mac would and could bend the truth enough when needed.

“Am sorry to say me and mah kin haven’t seen any colts around here that weren’t accounted fer as of late.” Big Mac shifted his massive body ever so subtly, hinting that he wasn’t going to expand on his comment. Saltpeter’s stance indicated that he was not about to back down from the red pony. If Big Mac was any judge, he would of guessed Saltpeter was…offended?

“Well, I don’t doubt that a busy pony such as yourself may not have noticed anything out of the ordinary, what with your…work and all.” Big Mac didn’t budge, but he could hear the slightest bit of venom in the word ‘work’, and mentally took note of it. “But you did mention you have a large family. Perhaps one of them may of seen him. I would be grateful if I…or we, could go and ask.”

“Hmmm…” Big Mac had been hoping the stallion would go on his way, but now he had to act fast. There was no way he was going to let Saltpeter anywhere near the farmhouse. Therefore, the only real option was…

“I reckon we kin go and ask mah sister Applejack. She’s out at the barn.”


Much to their collective dismay, the fillies and mare had to resort to harder measures to deal with the maddened colt. Applebloom was able to find some rope stored away in a closet and after a few difficult minutes, managed to tie Peppermill's legs together. He now lay in the middle of the living room on his back, his four legs tightly fastened together, and sobbing.

“He found me…he’ll hurt you…for helping me…I didn’t want this…” wailed Peppermill. The Crusaders milled around feeling out of sorts, partly from the sheer panic pouring from the colt and partly because the voice of reason seemed to be Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie, however, had her own problems.

As the fillies were tying up their friend, both for their and his own protection, her Pinkie Sense went off. Just when she had been trying to put some weight on it, her right hind leg stiffened and dropped her to the floor.

He’s close she thought grimly, immediately heaving herself upright on her front legs. “Okay girls. We need to find somewhere to…um…put Peppermill so he doesn’t…uh…cause any more damage.”

“Um…the cellar?”” offered Applebloom, eyeing the upside-down mare warily.

“Sounds good. To the cellar!” Before the fillies could respond, Pinkie marched out of the room.

“Will somepony tell me what is going on?” demanded Scootaloo. “What is with Peppermill? Who is this Saltpeter and why are we hiding from him?”

“Why is Pinkie doing headstands?” added Sweetie.

“I was hoping for questions with actual answers…” grumbled the orange Pegasus.

“Look, you girls go and get Peppermill downstairs. Ahm…going to check something’” Once again, before a response could be made Applebloom headed upstairs. This left the unicorn and Pegasus the task of dealing with the thrashing colt.


“AJ?” called out Big Mac as he and Saltpeter entered the barn. Applejack was just placing the last over the unused baskets into a corner of the barn when her ears perked up at the sound of hoof steps. She turned around to find her brother and a stranger approaching. She noted that the stranger seemed less than enthusiastic about being in the building. It brought to mind the way rarity would take dainty steps, shying away at every potential source of grime that might befall her.

This immediately put the earth mare on the defensive.

“This here is Saltpeter. He says he’s lookin’ for a lost colt.” If the off-white stallion had been paying attention to the exchange rather than his surroundings, he might of noticed the subtle but silent communication going on between the siblings. Big Mac was making it clear to watch herself around this pony, and Applejack acknowledged it with a tiny nod.

“Lost colt you say…” offered Applejack.

“Oh yes, my dear little brother. I’m afraid he ran away after a fight we had. Being the only one left of our family to care for him, I simply must find him. I was hoping some kind, caring souls such as you and your brother might help.” Salt peter flashed the mare a winning smile, oozing charm and appraising the mare’s strong figure approvingly.

Applejack immediately disliked this stallion.

“Ahm mighty sorry to hear that. We Apples consider family to be important, and ahm sure you miss yer brother powerfully.” (Normally Applejack would not of laid her Appaloosan accent on so thick, but she got a bit of dark amusement watching the stallion try to decipher what she said)

“Yes, I do miss him…er…very much. He can be quite clever, and I wouldn’t put it past him to try and hide somewhere. Your family has such a large property, I can image all sorts of hiding places he might find.”

“Well,” drawled Applejack carefully, “I have been through every acres of the farm today, and I haven’t seen anypony resembling yer brother.” This statement was in fact the honest truth: Applejack had not seen Peppermill at all that day. She had woken up early to get to the chores, but the young colt had not left the guest room that morning. She made a silent prayer of thanks to the Sun Goddess that Saltpeter didn’t ask her something more detailed. Her brother might have been able to use the occasional white lie, but she couldn’t bring herself to do even that.

“Oh, I am sure you have been quite busy. I wouldn’t dream of taking you or your brother from your chores. Are you certain there wouldn’t be any other ponies here that might be able to help?”

“Ee-nope.” rumbled Big Mac firmly. “Our youngest sister has been out with her friends and Granny Smith, well, her eyesight ain’t the best no more…”

“But we promise to be watching out for yer brother, and if we see him we’ll let you know.” Applejack silently begged the stallion to accept this offer and head on his way. She also hoped that he wouldn’t look to closely at her to notice the trickle of a sweat drop trail down her cheek.

“I guess that really is all I can ask. I intend to stay a few more days here in Ponyville, and maybe I might catch him if he tries to pass through. I do thank the both of you from the bottom of my heart.” With that the off-white stallion made his way out of the barn, making sure to watch his step lest he put his hoof in something he didn’t recognize. Only when he seemed to be long gone did Applejack release the breath she had been unintentionally holding.

“I hate to admit it, but ahm beginning to get an idea of what might of happened to Peppermill.” rumbled Big Mac gravely.

“I’ve seem smiles like that on rattlesnakes…” grumbled Applejack. “I think we had get back to the farmhouse and ask Peppermill about this…”



“I…can walk…on my own. I promise…I won’t run…” This pained request came from Peppermill after the fifth (or possibly sixth) tumble to the floor. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sat on either side of the trussed up colt, panting.

“We could sure of used Applebloom’s help with this…” grumbled the Pegasus filly.

“We could of used Pinkie’s help…” corrected Sweetie, rubbing her back with a foreleg.

“You…could untie me…”

“Oh no. I saw you run.” replied Scootaloo. “And I am not interested in a chase right now.”

“What’s taking you fillies so long?” The young ponies turned to face the open door to the cellar, where Pinkie Pie stood on all four hooves.

“Peppermill is heavier than he looks.” sighed the unicorn filly.

“No more headstands?” quipped Scootaloo.

“Nope. I think Saltpeter is going away.” The pink mare walked over to the assembled ponies and began to untie Peppermill. As she did, she gave the fillies a puzzled look. “Where’s Applebloom?”

“She said she had to do something, I think in her room.” answered Sweetie. At that moment, the filly in question appeared in the kitchen, a concerned look on her face. Before anypony could respond, the sounds of heavy hoof falls from the porch revealed Applejack and Big Mac entering from the other side of the room.

“Pinkie, what are you ding here? And why is Peppermill all tied up?” demanded the orange mare.

“Was that strange pony coming out of the barn Peppermill’s brother? Ah watched from mah bedroom window.” piped up Applebloom.

“Wait! No!” This comment was from both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who had been watching Pepppermill the entire time. As soon as Pinkie had loosened the rope around his legs the colt was on his feet and tried to push his way past the older farm ponies blocking the door outside. The colt might of managed to get out, if he hadn’t slammed into the broad chest of Big Mac. He staggered backwards, shaken up from the impact, and looked up into the face of the draft horse. For a few tense moments colt and stallion stood unmoving and silent, the assembled females holding their breath.

“I didn’t do it! I turned…off the stove. I…know I did. But…he said that…and then…it was so…hot and…” babbled the colt desperately. “He said…he said…I was a bad colt…and I deserved to…be punished…and…and…” Peppermill’s frantic speech was silence by a dinner plate sized hoof pressed gently on his mouth. Big Mac leaned down to look the colt in the eye, then:

“Ah believe you Peppermill.”


“Yer brother said you ran away. But he also said you two had a fight. Me an’ AJ don’t think that’s the whole story. But you got to tell us what happened. And you have to tell the truth.” Big Mac’s mellow baritone seemed to cut through the distress in the colt, for he sagged and gave a tiny nod. Only then did Big Mac remove his hoof. After a few moments, Peppermill began to speak.

“Me and my brother, and Mother and Father, lived and worked at...this restaurant in Canterlot. We…lived upstairs while…ponies dined downstairs. It was really…really popular. I…I seemed to…be really good…at cooking, Saltpeter…not so much. Mother and Father…would let me help…during the late setting. I…had made some…sauces…on one of the big stoves. I…I…know I turned off….the burner. Father…always said…to never leave a…stove hot. But…there was…all that smoke…and the crying. I got lost…got bumped by…ponies running. I heard…my parents telling…ponies where to…run. I remember…the door…outside.` Peppermill gave a shuddering deep breath, then continued.

"I…was…in the alley…behind the restaurant. The fire…was…so hot on my back. I…couldn’t see…eyes stung. Saltpeter was there…standing over me. He looked down at me…really angry. He said…it was my fault. Said…I hurt all those…ponies. That I…wasn`t as great…as everypony thought. He…hit me, here…`He motioned with a hoof to his left eye which had only recently healed enough that he could see through it. He never heard the angry growl come from deep in Applejack`s throat after hearing this.

`He said…I was a jinx…a troublemaker…that he didn`t want me…he hated me…said I should of…stayed inside. He was going to hit me…again…but I ran…ran…he yelled I`ll find you and you`ll hurt anypony around you.` and `I`ll punish anyone who dares to help a fire-starter` Physically and emotionally spent, Peppermill bowed his head low, sniffling. When he lifted his head up he found a few surprising sights. For one, Pinkie Pie and began to wail hysterically, twin floods of tears puddling on the floor. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had their heads bowed low, sniffling. Scootaloo was looking away, a trembling chin betraying her true feelings. Big Mac remained impassive, but Applejack was shaking with emotion, her green eyes blazing like lightning.

``Saltpeter…will find out I`m here. But…if I go…he won’t hurt you…just me…”

“No!” This sharp, angry statement made everypony jump. Applejack’s voice was tight with repressed anger. “He ain’t hurtin you or anypony. Ahm gonna find that sidewinder and beat the…”

“You ain’t doing that AJ.” rumbled Big Mac. Applejack snapped her head at her elder brother, furious. But before she could respond. “You know like ah do, and the rest of you here, that Peppermill is tellin’ the truth. But we got to make Saltpeter admit his guilt. And he ain’t gonna be doing that if you bust him up.”

“Yes! We need a trap. A tricky trap! A super-duper confessional trap!” Pinkie Pie’s sudden shift from despondent to determined earned her a puzzled look from Peppermill.

“Yes…” admitted Big Mac warily. “But right now what we need to do is find somewhere safe fer Peppermill.”

“He’s safe right here!” demanded Applejack fiercely.

“No he ain’t AJ. Wut if you and me weren’t able to keep Saltpeter from going to the farmhouse? Miss Pie might have been here now, but what about tomorrow? We can’t keep an eye on him all the time, not with all of our responsibilities. And we are too far from town in case we hafta get help. He would be better off in town with somepony who can stay with him until we can get this sorted out.”

Applejack, through the red haze of anger in her thoughts, knew that her brother was absolutely right. It had been a close call today, and who knew what Saltpeter was truly capable of? The hurt and misery from Peppermill broke her heart, but letting her temper and pride get the better of her could hurt him worse than he had already been.

“Yer…right, as always Big Mac.” she said finally, seemingly calm but not about to let her anger go completely. “Right now making sure Peppermill is safe is more important…”

“Why?!?” This angry demand erupted from Peppermill, the first sign of something other than misery from him.

“I admit that it ain’t nice to say, but yer brother rubs us the wrong way. He’s hiding something, and it’s up to us to find out what. And before you get all bent outta shape you ain’t a jinx, ain’t no such thing…” explained Big Mac calmly.

“You’re too careful to make a mistake like leaving the stove on. No cook or chef would do that, no matter how young you are.” insisted Pinkie Pie.

“Please Peppermill…” this request came from Applebloom, who approached the colt and put a hoof on his shoulder and looked into his dark eyes with her own amber ones. The grey colt bit his lip, looking around at the gathered ponies. No matter where he looked, he saw trust and kindness.

“Ok…” he managed finally.


As the ponies planned, another figure stood silently listening on the porch of the farmhouse. A vicious smile on his face.

Found you…