• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 605 Views, 5 Comments

The Story of Emerald Key - Golden Flare

Because his dad got transferred by his boss, Emerald Key and his family move to Ponyville for a year. While continuing his education, Emerald becomes attracted to a certain gray earth pony with glasses.

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Day 1: Arriving In Ponyville

The train slowed to a stop as it reached it's destination, Ponyville, the town where a certain family was going to get a fresh new start, well, for a year, at least. The family began to get off the train except for a little green colt.

"Come on, Emerald." Topaz commanded, sternly.

"Hmph!" Emerald huffed as he sat on the floor, cross-hooved, and glared at his mother.

"Don't make me do this." Topaz warned as her horn flickered to life.

Emerald turned his back to his mother.

"Okaaaaaay, you asked for it." Topaz said, lifting her son in the air.

Emerald put all of his legs in the way of both sides of the door, trying not to leave the train.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!! I DON'T WANNA GO! I DON'T WANNA GOOOOOO!" Emerald whined at the top of his lungs.

Everypony near the train station stared in confusion.

"Emerald, stop it! You're making a scene!" Topaz said. "Honey, a little help?"

"I got him." Mineral replied.

His horn began to glow, and tried to use his magic to pull Emerald free of the doorway.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Emerald shrieked.

"*sigh* Ya want somethin' done right, ya gotta do it yourself." Amber commented.

She slid under her brother into the train with her back turned to him. Emerald knew what she was going to do.

"DON'T. YOU. DARE." Emerald ordered.

His sister raised her hind legs and kicked him out of the train, knocking him into his parents, who grabbed him before he could even think about running away. Amber walked out of the train with a triumphant smile upon her face.

"You're welcome." Amber said.

Emerald just scowled at his sister, not believing what she just did. To her own brother, no less! She knew how much this bothered Emerald, she knew all too well!

One of these days, Amber... Emerald thought to himself.

The family finally made to their new home, it was near the local library, which made Emerald even more angry. He would have to read books from a library that probably had information on useless stuff, like how to act like a farm boy, or at least, that's what he thought. They got inside and began to start unpacking, Emerald Key just sat on his bed in his room, looking down at the floor, thinking about how his life could get worse.


"Hey," a familiar feminine voice spoke. Emerald didn't even have to turn around, he knew it was his sister, Amber. "Can I come in?" Emerald just nodded his head lazily. Amber walked in and sat in front of him, Emerald knew it would get worse now, his sister will probably taunt him for being such a baby earlier today.

"So. Why are you here? Come to mock me? Tell me I'm such a kid?" Emerald angrily asked, knowing that he's heard it all before.

"I'm sorry for kicking you, ok?" Amber apologized in a guilty tone of voice.

"That's a laugh." Emerald rudely stated. "Since when are you sorry for anything?"

"Huh?" Amber asked, confused.

"Don't pretend you don't know." Emerald began to get serious. "You've been mocking me for a looooong time, and you know what? I'm actually used to it." Deadly serious.

Amber began flashing back to previous times when she teased and mocked Emerald. Her heart began to tighten as she remembers what she's been doing to him, and she didn't even realize it. Guilt began wash over her like a tidal wave over a seashell.

"I.. I swear, I didn't realize what I was-"

Emerald stomped on the floor very hard as he got of his bed.

"LIAR!" Emerald yelled.


"JUST. GET. OUT." Emerald commanded.

Amber walked out of his room, hanging her head low and her ears flopped down. She returned to her room, crying into her pillow.

How could I have been so blind?! Amber thought. I never thought I was ruining his life, I thought it was all in good fun! She kept emotionally attacking herself, hating every fiber of her being. I wish I could take it all back, sooooooo much. Then an idea popped in her head. I got it! I'm going to make it up to him! I'll do whatever it takes to make Emerald's life here a living heaven! But I don't wanna go TOO overboard, I'm not the kind of mare to be taken advantage of. She kept thinking and thinking as the night went on. I better write this stuff down, just in case. And maybe I'll keep record of our days in Ponyville, I'll DEFINITELY need a reminder of what goes on here. She took an old journal from her saddlebags, and lucky for her, it was blank. She magically took one of her quills and a jar of ink and began writing down her ideas. After that, she started her first entry in her journal, recapping everything that happened today.

Dear Diary...

Author's Note:

Just in case you guys don't know, Emerald Key and his family are all unicorns.