• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 605 Views, 5 Comments

The Story of Emerald Key - Golden Flare

Because his dad got transferred by his boss, Emerald Key and his family move to Ponyville for a year. While continuing his education, Emerald becomes attracted to a certain gray earth pony with glasses.

  • ...

Day 3: The First Crush

Emerald continued his routine again, wake up, eat breakfast, and head to school. When he got to his seat, he noticed more students coming in the classroom, but they weren't there yesterday.

"Ah! Welcome back, everypony!" Cheerilee said. "I suppose the flu bug was a little stronger than you all thought, huh?"

"It was, like, terrible!" a pink filly commented. "I've had a sneezing fit for, like, weeks!"

"You've only been out for a couple of days." Cheerilee deadpanned.

"Yeah, but it felt that long!" the pink filly replied. "Right, Silver Spoon?"

"Yeah! I, like, HATE the flu!" a gray filly said.

Emerald sat there, wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the gray earth pony filly named Silver Spoon, he noticed how silky-smooth her braided mane was, the way her glasses glinted in the sunlight that was coming through the windows, and best of all, the way Emerald sees it, the way her eyes sparkled. It was love at first sight.

"Ok, class! Everyone take your seats!" Cheerilee said.

Emerald remained silent the entire day after that and he couldn't help but take a quick glimpse of Silver Spoon every now and then. After school, he went home, ate his dinner, and went straight to bed.

Amber began to write in her journal,

Day 3, Friday, September 17
Dear Diary, today was just as uneventful as ever, more chores and all that. But something was weird with Emerald today, he came home with a blank look on his face, when he looked at me he didn't even scowl the slightest bit! Maybe the answer will come to me tomorrow.
Amber Shine

Author's Note:

Granted, this was a short chapter, but much more will transpire in the next. Just wait and see! ;)