• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 605 Views, 5 Comments

The Story of Emerald Key - Golden Flare

Because his dad got transferred by his boss, Emerald Key and his family move to Ponyville for a year. While continuing his education, Emerald becomes attracted to a certain gray earth pony with glasses.

  • ...

Day 4: Approaching Silver Spoon

Emerald got out of bed much earlier than usual, despite the fact that it's a weekend; a lot of colts his age are probably sleeping in around this time, 7:30 to be exact. He didn't want his family to know about his crush. Not yet. He made a quick breakfast, left a note for his parents, and rushed out the door, trying not to wake his family up. Unfortunately, he forgot to close the door quietly.


"OOPS!" Emerald thought to himself. "I gotta run! FAST!!" Emerald quickly sprinted away from his house, hoping not to be caught by his family, especially not his sister.

"What was that?" Topaz asked, startled.

"I'll go check." Mineral replied, quickly getting out of bed.

Mineral went downstairs, but he saw no signs of an intruder of any kind, instead he found an unfamiliar note on the fridge and smiled.

"Come down, honey, it's just a false alarm." Mineral said.

Topaz came downstairs and into the kitchen, "Then what was that sound?" she asked. Mineral just pointed to the note on the fridge.

Dear mom and dad, I woke up early and made my own breakfast, if you're wondering where I am, I'm hanging out with my friends I met at school. Sorry if I worried you guys.

"See, honey? He's getting used to this place already." Mineral said.

"I knew he'd come around." Topaz replied with a reassured smile on her face.

Amber came down and read the note Emerald left. "Hmm..."

"Friends, huh?" Amber thought to herself, suspiciously.

Emerald walked around Ponyville, looking for the gray filly named Silver Spoon He searched everywhere, but had no luck, he was about to give up, but then, he saw her in the distance, looking as beautiful as ever, as he would say. He began to approach her, feeling a little nervous, but then...

"What do you, like, think you're doing?" a female, snobbish voice asked.

The pink filly, named Diamond Tiara, stepped in front of Emerald, blocking his path to Silver Spoon. He tried to maneuver around her, but to no avail. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" she spoke up. Emerald soon gave up trying to get away from her.

"I just wanted to talk to her." Emerald finally answered, pointing to the gray filly behind Diamond Tiara.

"Silver Spoon? Ha! Like she'd ever talk to a blank flank like you! What, you got, like, a crush on her of something?" Diamond said, bluntly.

Emerald looked away and blushed, Diamond soon figured out she was right, "Let's get one thing straight, Silver Spoon is MY friend, not anyone else's, and she'll especially NOT be anypony's FILLYFRIEND!! You're not good enough for her!"

"And what makes you think that?!" Emerald asked, furiously.

"For starters, you don't even have a cutie mark!" Diamond bluntly stated.

"Cutie mark? I could care LESS about that!" Emerald retorted.

"Whatever. Just stay away from her if you know what's good for you!" Diamond said.

She joined up with Silver Spoon and left the poor colt behind.

"AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Emerald screeched as loud as he could.

Everypony around him stared in surprise, he just ran off after that.

Emerald got back home, trying not to look mad. He walked over to his mom, who was sitting down on the couch reading a book.

"Hey, mom? I need some advice." Emerald said.

"Why, sure dear." Topaz said, putting her book down.

Amber came through the hallway and stopped at the edge of the doorway to the living room when she saw Emerald talking to their mom.

"What's Emerald doing with mom? I thought he was with some friends of his." Amber began to think to herself. "I know he's still upset with me, but he hasn't shown it for a while now. I just wish there was SOMETHING I could do to make it up to him!"

"You see, I have this friend who really likes someone." Emerald said.

"Oooh, a friend of yours wants to make another friend?" Topaz asked.

"No, I mean my friend like likes someone." Emerald replied.

Amber's eyes widened and a smile quickly emerged on her face. "JACKPOT!!!!" she screamed in her head.

"Oh. I see." Topaz said. "Well, Emerald-"

"Wait, mom!" Amber said, interrupting her. "Let me try and help him!"

Emerald soon had a sour look on his face.

"Uhhhh, why?" Topaz asked, completely confused.

"Because! Um, you might not, uh, understand the fillies of this generation." Amber hesitantly began. "They're a lot different from the fillies back then, heh-heh."

"...Ok, then." Topaz agreed. "But Emerald, if you or your friend need any advice, you two know you can talk to your parents, right?"

Emerald stayed silent, trying not to show his sour face to his mother.

"Y-yeah, mom, I got it." Emerald forced the words out of his mouth.

"Ok." Topaz said. "I'll get dinner started."

She went into the kitchen after that. Emerald began to think, "Is it really that late? Guess time flies when you're-"

"Ok Emerald, enough beating around the bush." Amber stated clearly, pulling him out of his thoughts. "I know it's not your friend who's in love, it's you."

"S-So what?!" Emerald retorted. "I bet you're just gonna make fun of me again, aren't you?!"

"No! I WANT to help you!" Amber retorted back.

"Stop playing comedian, Amber!" Emerald ordered.

Amber grabbed Emerald head with her hooves.

"LISTEN TO ME!!" Amber shouted.

"..." Emerald couldn't speak, he was in shock.

"I can help you, Emerald." Amber began. "I feel bad for everything I did to you in the past, so I want to do everything that I can to make you happy here, and maybe, regain your respect."

Emerald just stared for a moment longer and sighed. "Ok. if you can help me with this, I'll help YOU out by forgiving and forgetting."

"You're not just saying that, are you?" Amber asked.

"No. I'll be really grateful, because the filly that I like is being guarded by her friend." Emerald clarified.

"Hmm... If that's the case, then you're gonna need a carefully planned-out strategy to get to her." Amber replied.

"Alright, then." Emerald agreed without hesitation.

After their fight/conversation, they ate their dinner and went to bed. Amber wrote in her journal before calling it a night. She needs to have a record of EVERYTHING that happens during their temporary stay in Ponyville.

Day 4, Saturday, September 18
Dear Diary,
I finally figured out why Emerald was acting so weird, he's in love! I never would've guessed it! This is my big chance to win back my brother! But it may be difficult since the filly he's in love with has an overprotective friend. To me, that doesn't matter, Love always prevails! Emerald will have a plan to get to that filly, I believe in him. And maybe, just maybe, I'll show him this journal so he can write his own entries in here. It'd be boring if only one pony was telling the story of our temporary new lives.
Amber Shine

Meanwhile, in Emerald's room, he carefully plans his next move. Emerald used the next three days to do so.

Author's Note:

I wanted to finish this chapter yesterday, but I got lazy. But believe me when I say, in the next few chapters, the plot will thicken.