• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 3,656 Views, 131 Comments

Shadows of the Past - Double Rainbow

(Sequel to A Path Long Forbidden) Flash now suffers from his past choices, and regrets everything he did. Unfortunately, Flash now suffers from depression because of his actions. As Flash struggles, he begins to question his future.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Hearts and Hooves Day - Part I

Beep beep beep

Flash groaned and lifted the blanket to it covered his head.

Beep beep beep The alarm clock continued to ring.

The blankets flew off Flash bed as he laid there with a disgusted look on his face as his eyes shot open.

Shutup already! Flash thought angrily. He turned over and slammed a hoof onto the alarm, silencing the annoying rings.

Flash crawled out of bed onto the floor. He sat up slowly and looked at the clock, then swept his head over to the calender. February 14th. Is today a special day? Oh!

That's when it hit him. Flash had set his alarm early so he could go get flowers for Twilight. Today was Hearts and Hooves day, and he'd wanted to do something special for his new wife.

It had been 3 days since Flash proposed to the Princess, and the news was spreading like wildfire, since Twilight literally wore the ring on her horn everywhere she went.

Flash looked at the clock again. 8:32 AM. He got up quickly and rushed over to his wardrobe. He pulled out his polished purple Captains' armor and tossed it onto the bed, along with his helmet and boots.

Once he got all his gear, he walked over to the mirror with his gear and piled it onto the floor. He began sliding into his chest piece. A tight fit made it a little hard for Flash to slip into the armor, but he got it eventually.

After the slight struggle of getting into his chest plate, he hopped into his hoof armor. He inspected the shining purple-golden boots with an approving smile. Flash looked at his helmet, still sitting on his bed. I don't really need my helmet.

Flash left his helmet on the bed and grabbed his saddle bags as he walked out and into the hallways. He trotted down into the main corridor and up to the main gates. He stood before the massive doors and two Royal Guards standing at attention.

As Flash walked up to the door the two guards pivoted and faced him, then brought their right hooves up in a salute. Flash saluted them back, and the guards opened the gate after they lowered their hooves.

The morning streets of Canterlot bustled with life as usual. Ponies turned and looked when the doors of the castle opened. When they saw the Captain walking out. Some of them continued walking, others came to greet Flash.

"Morning, Captain Sentry!" They called to him.

Flash waved and said "Hello." to the ponies as he passed them by on his route to the flower shop.

The door swung open and Flash entered the shop. The scent of hundreds of flowers hit Flash like a punch, making him take a step back before going in.

He was greeted by a mare behind a counter. "Good morning Captain Sentry." She bowed her head. "Fancy some flowers?"

Flash looked around at all the different types of flower. Wow, there is a lot of plants in here. "Um, yeah."

"For a special somepony I assume this Hearts and Hooves day?" The mare asked him as she walked over to him. Flash gave a swift nod.

Flash surveyed the flowers in the shop, looking through each and every one carefully, with the mare's assistance. "If you don't mind me asking, what is you're fillyfriend's favorite color?"

This stopped Flash. He stares at the floor as he tapped his chin with a hoof. He honestly didn't know her favorite color, so he thought of the closest thing. "Purple." He told the mare.

The mare clapped her hooves together at Flash's answer. "What a romantic color! It's also luxurious. Follow me, the purple flowers are over here."

Flash followed the mare to a different section of the nursery. Flash was astonished by the row of purple flowers that lined the aisle. He walked up to a few and sniffed the bouquets.

When he found one he liked the most, he picked it out and payed for it. The mare waved to him as he left. "Have a good Hearts and Hooves Day, sir!" She called to him. I hope I do.

Flash but the bouquet of flowers into his saddlebags, and continued on to get some sweets him and Twilight could share later.

A chocolate factory & store was just down the street that went by the name of Shoreside Chocolate Factory. Flash trotted over there and walked in cheerfully. "Howdy there! Lookin' mighty fine today this Hearts 'n Hooves day!" A stallion called out as he walked over to Flash. "Need some sweets suh'?" He asked.

Flash nodded. "Sure do. Anything specifically for Hearts and Hooves Day?" He responded.

The stallion nodded. He grabbed a heart-shaped box off the shelf next to him and presented it to Flash. "How's this here?

Flash took the heart-shaped box and inspected it. He opened it and looked inside, seeing that each chocolate was perfected aligned inside it, he smiled and closed the box.

"Reckon ya' like it?" The stallion said, still holding his grin.

Flash nodded, "Sure do, how much is it going to cost?" he asked, still looking at the box.

"Thata' be some 6 bits there suh'." The stallion replied.

Flash rolled his eyes and placed the required money into the stallion's hooves. "Just a quick question."

The stallion turned around when he began to walk away. "Yessum'?"

"That accent." He started. "Are you from the south part of Equestria?" The southern ponies were known to have a destinct accent in their language, sometimes making ponies from the north have a little trouble understanding them.

The stallion nodded. "Thata' be true there suh'. I'd be from Apple Loosa. Mighty fine place if you get the chance to go there." He added.

I've never been to the south. Maybe I should go there sometime. "I've heard of it. Maybe I'll take a trip down there in the future." Flash told him.

"Reckon ya' do. Have a good day now." The stallion told him as he walked away. Even though some ponies in Canterlot could be a little stuck up, Flash liked it here.

Flash walked out of the chocolate store and looked at it when he stepped onto the stone streets. There was no better place to buy
chocolate than from Shoreside, at least Flash didn't know of any better place.

He started trotting down the street, his sattlebags bouncing up and down on his back as he went along. Flash slowed his pace to a walk when he approached the castle walls.

The two regularly posted guards stepped aside and saluted as they opened the gates for Flash. He was a little upset that he was returning to the castle so early, but he knew he had business to take care of.

Flash went up to his room and dropped off his gifts for Twilight. He looked over at his helmet, which was still on bed where he left it. Might as well take it down to the office. Look a little more professional. Flash slid his helmet on over his head and looked in the mirror. After a couple poses he headed out into thr hallways.

Before the first turn Flash peeked the corner. The next hallway showed no signs of life, That's strange, who is suppose to be guarding this hallway? he thought as he crept into the empty hallway. He knew Twilight would be awake by now and he didn't want to run into her until he had his presents with him.

He stalked through the hallway, constantly looking behind him. When he was certain he was alone, he stood up straight and walked normally. Maybe she's in the library. He felt confident with his thought.

Flash walked a few more hallways until he saw the entrance to the HQ. He quickened his pave to a trot until he reached the door. Just as Flash turned the knob on the door, he heard a noise behind, and when he turned around, happily trotting down to him was Twilight.

With a slight grunt, Flash flattened his ears and sulked a little. "Hi Flash!" Twilight called to him. Flash stood up straight and forced himself to smile.

"Hi Twilight." He said, annoyance hinting at his voice.

When she reached him she gave him a quick hug. "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!"

Flash bowed his head. "Same to you." They stood there awkwardly for a moment, before Flash looked at her again. "Listen, Twily. I need to do something, I'll talk to you later. Ok?"

Twilight dropped her gaze. "Oh. Ok." She sulked.

"Hey." Flash lifted her gaze up with a hoof under her chin. "I'll still be here. I just have to do something for the Royal Guard."

Twilight grew a small smile. "Promise?" She asked, her eyes telling Flash the answer he had to give.

"Promise." He responded, and the two closed in for another hug.

When they separated Flash waved goodbye and headed into the HQ.

Flash sighed when he stepped in, relieved to be alone, except for Moonshine, who was sitting at her desk. He said "Hello" and walked to the back and into his office, behind his desk and sat down.

It wasn't anything special he had come to do, but he noticed several letters laying on his desk. He opened each of them and read them, and was shocked to see that all of those letters were letters of resignation.

Reading through the letters, Flash was stunned as he kept reading the apologies such as -

"Sorry Captain, but I wish to resign from Guard Duty. I have served my time and wish to leave.

and -

"It grieves me to report that after our conflict to save the Princess, I am requesting to be discharged from the Royal Guard. I have served 7 good years on this guard, and wish to resign.

Flash placed the letters on the desk and ran a hoof through his hair. How many guards do we have left? Do we have enough to defend Equestria if an attack comes? He worried.

He stood up and opened his door and called his desk mare, Moonshine. "Yes sir?" She asked when she stood at his doorway.

"I need you to send a messenger." Flash told her. "I want every single guard we have in the Assembly Room at 1300 hours. It is most urgent."

Moonshine stared at him with a somewhat shock expression. "All of them sir?"

Flash nodded. "Every single one of them."

"But, that will-" She tried to reason.

"I know it will leave us defenseless, just do it." He ordered.

With a sigh, Moonshine saluted and walked off. Flash retreated back into his office and sat back at his desk. Hopefully we have enough guards.

Flash sighed, and got up and walked out of his office and the HQ. He sat down outside and took off his helmet. Where is Night Breeze or Dust when I want them the most? He thought as he looked around the corridors. Nothing moves except for a few patrolling guards every so often.

His thoughts were interrupted by his stomach, which growled at him hungrily. Maybe eating some food will get this off my mind. For the time being at least. He thought as he put his helmet back on and trotted down to the mess hall.

When Flash entered the Mess Hall, it was mostly deserted, except for a few ponies and the guards. Where is everypony. This is just getting really creepy.

Flash got his food and slowly ate it by himself. When he finished he stood up, threw his garbage out and headed back out into the corridors of the castle and began to walk back to his room.

While on his way there, he stopped and looked at the Canterlot Clocktower, which told him it was 9:48 AM. A lot of time had passed, and Flash didn't have time to linger, so he continued on back to his room.

When he made it to his room, he quickly went in and grabbed his presents for Twilight. Better now than never.

He walked out of his room and when he closed the door, Flash perked up from a voice behind him. "Hm, I wonder where you're taking those to." Somepony said in a sort of smirk.

Flash spun around to see his friend Dust. "Of course it's you. You're the only one I know who will talk to your Captain that way." He put a grin on his face, signally that his insult was in a playful sense.

Dust got the message. "Well you know me, don't care who I'm talking to, just gotta be sarcastic and rude." He continued as he nudged Flash, making him take a step to the side to keep his balance. "Anyway. Who are those for? What, lemme guess, her Highness?" He taunted.

Flash stood up straight and brought a hoof to his chest as he closed his eyes, showing the up-most pride as he told him the answer. "Yes, these are for Twilight."

Dust's jaw hit the floor. "Really? Wow, moving up in the world aren't we?" He snorted as he closed his mouth.

Flash rolled his eyes. "Dust, you know we are engaged right?"

Once again, Dust's jaw fell open. "When was this?" He exclaimed.

"About three weeks ago, Dust that brings me to ask you, where have you been?" Flash grunted as he face-hoofed himself.

Dust tilted his head at Flash. "Regular guard patrols around Canterlot. That's where I'm assigned." He told him.

Flash nodded slowly, as if trying to make Dust say something else. "That's it. Just patrols?" He sighed. "Alright. Anyway, I'd best be going."

"Mind if I tag along?" Dust asked.

Flash stopped and turned his head. "No, nothing against you, but I'd like to do this alone. Just make sure you're at the HQ Assembly Room by 1300."

Dust nodded. "What for?"

"I'll explain when it's time. Just be there." He told him. Dust nodded again and walked off.

Flash sighed and continued on to his destination. He walked slowly down the hallways into the area where the Royal Bed Chambers were located.

He walked up to Twilight's Chamber doors and lifted a hoof, but stopped before it made contact. What if she doesn't like it? What if she is disappointed in these? He stared down at the flowers he had gotten. Come on Flash. You worry too much. He knocked on the door.

No answer, so he knocked again.

Still no answer, so he took it upon himself and opened the door to peek in. He saw nothing in the dimly lit room as he looked around. There wasn't any trace of the princess. Where is she? He thought for a second. The library!

He trotted down the long halls to the Canterlot Archives. When he got in there the librarian was shuffling with some books when she noticed Flash walk in. "Captain Flash Sentry." She sounded startled. "To who do I owe the honor of your presence?" She asked.

Flash opened his mouth to speak, but the mare cut him off. "Let me guess, Princess Twilight Sparkle? If so she is in History Section. Upstairs and to the left." Flash rolled his eyes and thanked the mare.

He walked upstairs and followed the mares direction as he turned to the left side of the library. When he looked down the last hallway, over by the window, laid Twilight on a pillow by a window, staring into a book.

Flash couldn't help but smile as he silently commended her for her study habits. He began to walk down the hallway and when he neared her, he could hear her talking to herself.

"I just wish Flash would spend more time with me on Hearts and Hooves day." She dropped her gaze. "I can't blame him, being Captain is hard. I just wish he could be here." She was almost sobbing.

Flash saddened his look as he walked up behind her. "Ask, and you shall receive." He said from behind her.

Twilight whipped her gaze around until her eyes met Flash's. "Flash!" She was obviously startled by his appearance. "I-But-Did you hear that?" Her eyes heavy with a mixture of worry and shock.

Flash nodded slowly. "All of it, and here I am." He held the flowers up to her. "I thought I should spend some more time with you this Hearts and Hooves day. I think the Royal Guard will be fine." He smiled at her.

Twilight's mouth fell open in shock, her eyes wide in surprise. She leaped into Flash's hooves, wrapping her own around him. Flash stumbled back from the force Twilight hit him with. "Whoa, easy there Twi."

She stepped back. "Sorry! I just wasn't expecting any presents." She took the flowers into her hooves and sniffed them. "These are beautiful!" She leaned in and kissed Flash full on the lips.

Flash leaned back as his cheeks turned bright red. "I-Uh, have something else for you." He held up the chocolates to her, uncontrollably smiling.

Twilight gasped and put the flowers down on the pillow now behind her. She took the chocolates and opened them. "Flash, you didn't have to do this?"

"But I did. So why complain." He grinned at her.

Twilight chuckled as she put the chocolates down. "Well, thank you for the presents Flashy." She said as she hugged him again.

Flash looked into her eyes, the sparkling amythest in her eyes left Flash in a daze "Love you, Twily."

"Love you too." She responded, and the two closed in once more for a soft, long kiss.

After a few moments, the two separated and Twilight went back to her pillow and laid down. Flash sat down next to her and wrapped his wing over her body, pulling her closer to him.

Twilight levitated the book in front of her and began reading again. Flash leaned his head on her shoulder. "Watcha' reading?" He asked, his voice so soft, it was soothing.

"The History of the Wonderbolts. I mostly know it, I'm just reading up on some finer points." She explained, and Flash nodded, showing that he understood.

Hooves running on tile floors sounded from behind them. "Captain Flash Sentry!" Flash turned his head to see his purple-furred friend Night Breeze running towards him. Twilight looked at him, her eyes telling him everything he need to know, 'Don't go.'

"What is it Night Breeze?" He asked him when he got closer.

Night Breeze skidded to a halt and bowed. "I'm sorry to interrupt your afternoon, but I need you right now sir."

Flash went to stand up, but Twilight collapsed his hoof so he fell back down. He looked at her. "I'm just going to ask him what is going on." He assured her, and stood up and walked over to Night Breeze. "This better be worth it." He told him.

"Sorry Flash." He apologized. "But you have a message from Prince Shining Armor." He told him as he pulled out a letter and handed it to Flash.

With a sigh Flash began to the read the letter silently-

Dear Captain Flash Sentry,

It is most troubling to report that the level of Crystal Guards is dwindling in the Crystal Empire. I request that you send as many guards as you can spare to the empire as soon as possible. To add to injury, we have been receiving threats from outside the Crystal Empire boarders, which is why I'm requesting more guardponies. An immediate response to this letter is needed.

Prince Shining Armor

Flash looked up from the letter and at Night Breeze, who's face was racked with worry. "I'll take care of this. Go get me a pen and paper from my office." He looked back a Twilight, who was reading her book. "I have to stay here."

Night Breeze nodded. "Right away." With that he stormed out of the library. Flash walked back over to Twilight and laid down next to her and wrapped his wing over her again. He stared out of the window into the horizon.

Twilight looked at Flash, and as she stared at him her look saddened. "What's wrong Flash?"

Flash sighed, and looked at Twilight, then looked back out the window. "The Crystal Empire's been receiving threats from outside the country." He looked back to her. "Your brother asked for more guards since his guard count is running thin, but he doesn't know that several of our guards just retired, and we only have so few officers."

"What are you going to do? Will Shining Armor and Princess Cadance be alright?" She asked wordily.

Flash stared at her. He didn't have an answer for her, but he had to say something. He nuzzled his muzzle into her cheek. "I promise they'll be fine." He looked at her, and she nodded, and went back to her book.

About a half an hour passed as the couple sat next to each other until the sound of gold-plated boots clicked on tile floors behind Flash and Twilight again. When they looked behind them, Night Breeze was trotting towards Flash with a pen and paper in his mouth.

Night Breeze ran over to Flash and Twilight and put down the pen and paper in front of Flash. "Here." He panted, obviously exhausted.

Flash nodded as he took the pen. "Thank you, Night Breeze." With a nod, Night Breeze took off out of sight. Twilight leaned over closer to Flash.

"Since when do you write letters?" She teased.

Flash stared at her with a face of boredom. "Since I was a foal in school, and also when I need to send a reply to your brother who is thousands of miles away."

Twilight's eyes seemed to sparkle. "Your sending a letter to Shining?" When Flash nodded, she gasped with a smile. "Tell him I said hi!"

"Will do." Flash chuckled. He leaned down and started writing his letter-

Dear Prince Shining Armor,

I understand the necessity for more guards, but you must understand that I am also running low on guardponies here in Canterlot. I plan to bring in all ponies that have enlisted into recruit training in a few weeks. I will send you the guards I can spare, but keep in mind that it will not be a lot. Also I will send you another letter in regards to the threats of the Crystal Empire.

Captain Flash Sentry

P.S. Twilight says Hi.

Flash folded up the letter neatly and set it aside. He looked over at Twilight, who was munching quietly on some of of the chocolates he had given her. She scrunched her face, as if in deep thought. Flash couldn't help but grin at the face she had made.

Flash stood up and stretched until his forehooves shook and sat down again. He was startled by a piece of chocolate being shoved in front of his face. When he looked over, Twilight was holding up a piece. "Whunt onf-" She spoke through a mouth full of chocolate.

"Sure." He laughed as he took the piece and popped it into his mouth. Flash savored the soft caramel core under the smooth milk chocolate coating. "Mmm. That's good." He complimented.

Twilight nodded. "Shure-" She swallowed the last bit of chocolate in her mouth, and finished her sentence. "Sure is. Where did you get it?" She asked.

Flash made a directional gesture with his left hoof. "Shoreside Chocolate Factory. A few blocks south of the castle." He told her. "Best tasting chocolates in Equestria in my opinion."

Twilight giggled and Flash shot a glance at her. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing." She calmed him. "Just back in Ponyville there was a place called Sugarcube Corner, I think those are the best sweets in Equestria."

Well I guess I have to go there some day. Flash thought to himself. "Maybe we should take a trip down there some time?" He suggestion to Twilight.

She gasped in shock. "That would be wonderful! It gets lonely around here, and I would love to see my friends again!"

Flash nodded. "It'd be good to meet them finally." He had only heard stories of Twilight's friends and how they possessed the Elements of Harmony, which Flash didn't know much about. "When should we go." He refocused back on Twilight.

"I don't know. Aren't you always busy?" She ask him.

Flash shook his head. "Not always. I can take a day off to go with you."

"Ok." Twilight tapped her chin with a hoof. "How is tomorrow?"

"That's fine." Flash nodded. "Can't wait."

Twilight closed her book and snuggled closer to Flash. "Me neither." She sighed and closed her eyes.

Flash dared at the princess. "You should really sleep more." He told her.

She yawned. "Same to you." She responded drowsily.

Twilight yawned once more before passing asleep on Flash's right hoof. Flash looked over to the clock on the wall, when it said 11:34, Flash's eyes went wide. The meeting! I've still got an hour, it's ok. He stared at the now sleeping Twilight. She really needs to stop staying up a night with her books.

Flash bent over and kissed Twilight on her head, and in response she shuffled a little, but remained asleep. Flash pulled her a little closer with his wing which was still covering her back.

The two laid side by side for the next hour, wrapped in each other's love. When the clock stroked the 12:30 mark, Flash gave Twilight another kiss on the head, and slowly stood up, grabbed his letter and left the room.

Flash began his lengthy walk down the long corridors to the Guards' HQ. Since it was on the other side of the castle, it took Flash a little longer than usual than what he was accustomed to.

He finally arrived, and just in time because the clock struck 12:50 when he walked into the HQ. "They are waiting for you in the Assembly Room sir." Moonshine told him as he walked in.

Flash nodded, and headed into the assembly room where all of his guards were chatting among themselves. "Attention on deck!" Somepony shouted out when Flash walked up onto the stage. The room fell into deep silence.

Flash ran his eyes across the room. Wow, is this really everyone? The room wasn't full, in fact, it was far from it. Flash maintained his look. "All ponies with an officer rank raise a hoof." He ordered.

To his surprise, only about 20 ponies raised their hoof. Flash felt his bottom jaw hit the floor, he quickly closed it and cleared his throat. "Stack up on the right side of the room, everypony else to the left side."

The guards started filing out on each side of the room. After they were finished Flash spoke again. "Alright, now if you see the desks in front of your rank sections." He pointed to the desks on either side of the room. "I want all of you to form a single file line the best you can and fill out your names on the roster."

Guards exchanged quizzical looks before slowly shuffling into a line and slowly but surely began moved forward and signed the roster and went to the back of the room. The officers finished signing long before the regulars finishing, since officers were outnumbered about 3 to 1. We really need more officers, maybe I should hold some promotions. Flash thought quietly. His gaze rested upon Dust Storm and Night Breeze, on the non-officer side of the room. They aren't officers? Hm. They should get a promotion for all they did on the Red Fang operation.

When the roster was filled and everypony finished signing there name, Flash went and collected the roster. He quickly skimmed through the names and when he finished he looked up at all the guards. "Alright. I just needed a head count to make sure we are good on guards. Dismissed."

The guards started filing out of the room slowly. A certain pony caught Flash's eye, and he could tell by a golen star (that looked more like a clover than a star) on each of his shoulder armor that he was an officer, specifically a Commander. He recognized the stallion from a long time ago too. "Lieutenant Commander Silvershot!" He called him. Silvershot had been in the Royal Guard a little bit shorter than Flash, but was the most senior, and high ranking guard, as a Lieutenant Commander.

"Yes sir?" Silvershot asked as he walked up to Flash. "What can I do for you?"

Flash eyed the red stars on his armor. "Lieutenant Commander, right?"

Silvershot nodded. "Yes sir."

"You know you're the highest ranking guard in the entire Equestrian Royal Guard right?" Flash told him.

Once again, Silvershot nodded. "Yes, sir. I know sir."

Flash put a hoof on one of his shoulder pads. "It's a sign of trust, and loyalty, to the guard. A pony I can talk to when no other guard should hear."

Silvershot tilted his head. "What are your asking of me sir?"

"Nothing specifically." Flash said. "Have you noticed how little guards there are in the Equestrian Royal Guard?"

Silvershot shook his head. "Sorry sir. I haven't. Why? Are we lacking?" He asked.

Flash nodded. "Yes we are, and in great numbers."

Silvershot stood straight. "What do you need me to do?"

Flash grew a grin and began walking back and forth in front of Silvershot, who remained standing at attention. "Recruits are being brought in. A lot of them. I want you to train them as the most senior officer. Show 'em how an experienced guard works."

While he was talking, Flash noticed a slight grin go on Silvershot's muzzle. "You will train them properly so they are fit to be in the Equestrian Royal Guard. Discard all others, accept only those who you see fit." He stopped and faced Silvershot. "Are you clear on your task?"

"Yes sir!" Silvershot said, confidence unleashed in his shout.

Flash nodded. "If you need any assistance, I'll come down and help you. I'll visit every so often anyway to check up on process. You are dismissed Commander."

Silvershot saluted and trotted out of the assembly room. Flash followed him but went straight into his office. He laid the roster down on his desk and picked up a stack of letters. He grunted as he began opening and reading every single letter. Worst part about new recruits is reading their physicals to make sure they are in a healthy condition.

At least an hour passed and Flash felt exhausted, but when he looked over he only saw that he had only finished about half of the pile of letters addressed to him. He finished up the letter he was currently reviewing, stamped the "ACCEPTED" stamp onto it and set it into a bin labeled "Accepted" then turned his attention to the roster he had just collected from his current guards.

Flash read through the list of regular guards. Mumbling to himself on which ones should be officers. Flash knew that promoting a guard to officer was treading in dangerous waters. Becoming an Lieutenant was hard enough, but it was an honorable title. It gave more pay, and command over squads of guards. It also told the Captain that he could trust you in a time of need. Guards aren't even able to be promoted to an officer rank without a blue star, commending more than 5 years in active duty.

Getting to Commander is extremely rare, and has only happened a number of times in Equestrian Royal Guard history. It was the highest a guard could get to without being the Captain of the Royal Guard, guards were not able to achieve this rank without a Silver Star medal.

A bang at the door shook Flash from his thoughts. "Come in." He called.

Flash was startled when Twilight burst through the door and walked up to Flash. "I-Uh. Hi - Twilight." He stuttered, looking for words to say.

"Why did you leave me without saying goodbye?" Twilight asked. "I thought Hearts and Hooves Day was about spending time with the ponies you loved and cared about. You said you could take a break from guard duty for one day." She sobbed as her eyes grew watery.

Oh Celestia don't start this again. He panicked as he quickly rushed around his desk and hugged Twilight tightly. "No tears Twi. They won't do any good." He wiped a tear off of Twilight's cheek with a hoof. "I'm sorry, but I had a meeting scheduled at 1 o'clock. You were asleep when I left so I kissed you on the forehead and left."

"I didn't feel it. I thought you just left me there." Twilight sniffed as she squeeze Flash tightly. "Sorry Flash. I just wish you would spend a little more time with me today, that's all."

Flash looked back at his desk and the roster and stacks of letters next to it. I got a lot to get done. But I guess I could use a break. He thought as he refocused on Twilight. "Sorry Twilight. I'll spend time with you now. I just have a lot of paperwork to do with new recruits coming in, and the lack of guards available."

Twilight nodded. "Sorry Flash. I didn't know you had such important things to worry about."

You have no idea. Flash thought to himself. "Yeah. But, I could use a break right now. Where do you want to go?"

Twilight held out the now empty case of chocolates. "Well, I really liked those chocolates. Care to show me where you got them?"

They shared a laugh and Flash shook his head. "Oh Twilight. Sure. I'll take you, but no promises that the shop will be open."

"Good enough." Twilight chuckled.

Flash put his helmet on and took the lead as the two headed out of the HQ and weaved the though the Canterlot Castle and out onto the streets of the bustling city. It was crowded with ponies, after all, it was the middle of the day.

Ponies gave an exceptionally uncomfortable stare at Flash and Twilight as they passed through the streets that made the fur on Flash's coat burn.

Flash guided himself and Twilight through the maze of the Canterlot streets, ignoring all the stares as they walked on.

Twilight bumped Flash with a hoof. "Why are you acting so formal? You're not on duty."

"One - it's formality, you're royalty, I'm not. Two - there is a lot of papers going around about - us." He explained.

Twilights cheeks grew red. "Oh." She looked away. "I see."

Flash could see she was uncomfortable with the subject, and smiled a little to lighten the mood.

They came up to the chocolate store and entered. They were greeted by the same pony that Flash had met before.

"Howdy Capt'n!" He hollared whe he saw Flash. The stallion walked over to him and when he saw Flash he quickly bowed. "It's an honor, yer Highness."

Flash looked a Twilight, who seemed unsure of the situation. "So, we decided to stop by to get some more of those sweets we got earlier." Flash cut in, when he looked over to Twilight, she mouthed a "Thank you" to him. He simply nodded in response.

The stallion go up slowly and walked over to the shelf. "Uh, yeah sure. I'll go get them."

While the stallion headed to the back of the large room Flash looked over at Twilight. "You know you could have spoken up."

Twilight dusted the ground with a hoof. "Sorry, I'm just not used to all the formalities of being a princess."

Before Flash could respond, the stallion was back with a box in his mouth. He set it down on the table and looked at Flash. "There ya go."

Flash nodded. "How much will that be?"

The stallion waved a hoof in the air. "No charge. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day." He looked back and forth at Twilight and Flash, obviously thinking they were a couple, which was true, but Twilight got the point the stallion was making, and she instantly blushed and looked away.

"Thank you sir." Flash nodded as he took the box and began to walk out, Twilight tailing him.

The stallion waved them goodbye. "No! Thank you, and have a good day!" He called as the two left.

When the two left the chocolate factory, they were met almost instantly with a quick "Look! The princess!" then a barrage of camera flashes and ponies shouting questions.

Twilight was forced to put a hoof in front of her eyes to protect herself from the flashes, and Flash immediately stepped in front of her. "Everypony back up! No cameras! Let the princess through!" He roared over the crowd.

When the camera flashes continued, Flash quickly grabbed Twilight's hoof and pulled her off to the side.

Flash slammed through the ponies crowding around them, knocking ponies to the ground. He didn't care, as long as he got Twilight out of there. They raced back to the castle as fast as possible, and when they arrived, the guards raced up to Flash when they saw Twilight and his fatigue.

"Sir. Are you alright?" One asked.

Flash shook his head. "No - the press - chasing us." He heaved between breathes. "Lock down the entrance, I don't want anypony at the castle doors unless it's official business. Am I clear?"

The guards nodded raced back to their positions and stood at attention. Flash helped Twilight into the castle and into her room after her long run back to the castle.

Twilight immediately fell onto her bed upon entering her room. Flash chuckled a little. "You should really run some more, you're out of shape." He teased.

She swatted at his nose. "Shush you."

Flash chuckled as he sat down next to Twilight. "I have to go take care of some work." He told her as he leaned over and gave a swift kiss on her cheek. "Ok?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Alright."

Flash crept out of the room and headed out to the Headquarters in the castle.

When he arrived he simply walked into his office and sat at his desk. He looked at the stack of papers that sat on and next to his desk. He sighed, I don't think I'll ever finish this. he thought.

Flash stood up and looked out the window at the green hills over the horizon and allowed his thoughts to drift to the threat of the changelings he had been told a few days before. I hope everything goes well. Celestia watch over us, and keep the changelings at bay.

He sat down at his desk, looked over at the clock, which read 3:50. There was still some time left in the day, so with a sigh, Flash took off his helmet, ran a hoof through his hair to straighten it out, and began reading and stamping letters again.

Author's Note:

Wow, just finished this in time. Which is upsetting to me because I've been keeping a week ahead of the new releases, and now that I've fallen back into my original schedule, well you get the point. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my little next chapter in the series, and happy Memorial Day!