• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 3,656 Views, 131 Comments

Shadows of the Past - Double Rainbow

(Sequel to A Path Long Forbidden) Flash now suffers from his past choices, and regrets everything he did. Unfortunately, Flash now suffers from depression because of his actions. As Flash struggles, he begins to question his future.

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Chapter 4: The Threat of Rebirth

Flash's eyes opened sluggishly. Somepony was pounding at his door to his room. Flash groaned, turned over and put the pillow over his head.

Flash moaned when the knocking didn't stop. The shout came from outside, calling his name. "Sir! Sir Sentry!" The voice called, then Flash remembered about the royal guards Twilight had assigned to him.

He slumped out of bed and dragged his hooves across the floor over to the door. When he opened it, one of the guards was standing there staring at him with wide eyes.

Flash yawned. "What do you need?" He asked the soldier tiredly.

The guard pointed a hoof at the grandfather clock in the living room of Flash's apartment. "Sir! You have a court to attend to in one hour!" He raised his voice.

Flash stepped out of his room and stretched his eyes wide to see the clock, even then it was still blurry. He managed to read out 12:02 on the great wooden clock. Flash panicked and raced back inside his room and into the bathroom.

He looked at his reflection. The tangerine pony with a messy navy-blue mane stood before him. Flash panicked, and splashed his face with water and ran his hooves through his mane a few times to straighten it out. Flash looked back into his reflection, which was now stylish as usual.

Flash ran to his closet and grabbed his neatly made Royal Guard Uniform and tossed it on the bed. He looked to the guard, who was still standing at the door. "Please wait for me outside." He told him. The guard saluted and closed the door.

Flash got dressed quickly and brushed his teeth. He then proceeded to rush out of his room to absolutely destroy a cereal box he had gotten yesterday. After that, Flash popped a few breath mints into his mouth and went to one of his guards.

"How do I look?" He asked the guard and posed. The guard shuffled his hooves. "As good as always sir."

Flash narrowed his eyes. "Don't lie to me you bastard."

The guard darted his eyes around the room. "Sir -" He stuttered. "I promise I'm not lying." He tried to convince Flash.

Flash smiled and chuckled. "I'm joking! Stop acting so nervous. Do I really look ok?" He asked again.

The guard nodded, and Flash looked at the clock. 12:45. I need to get to the castle. Fast. Flash ran to the door, his guard close behind him and as he opened it, his other guard, a mare, stepped aside and saluted. Flash saluted back and walked on.

His guards close behind, Flash locked his door and headed down the elevator. When he reached the bottom floor, he was greeted with massive flashes from paparazzi's cameras. Flash put a hoof over his eyes to block out the blinding light.

Flash's guards moved out in front of Flash and shielded him from the cameras. Flash strolled out of the elevator and stayed in between the guards to avoid more of the blinding flashes.

Finally making it outside, the trio crossed the street into the castle. Guards were lining the castle entrance and formed a line that blocked off the reporters from entering the castle as soon as Flash and his guards walked passed them.

The trek through the castle to the court room seemed longer than Flash remembered. The long corridors and red carpeting seemed so foreign to him. He walked down the corridor slowly, gazing around him at the stained glass and up more were work ponies repairing the damage done by the dragon that attacked just a few days ago. Flash shivered at the thought of his brutal encounter with the beast.

Upon reaching the great court doors once again, he was halted by two guards, whom of which Flash knew. "Sorry sir." One of the guards stopped Flash. "You can't go in until your called." He told him.

Flash nodded, and sat down, as did his own personal guards. A few minutes passed buy as Flash listened to the ponies in the court room talk among themselves through the doors. Eventually the doors glowed yellow, emitting a field of magic around it and then swung open slowly.

The guards jumped to their hooves at lightening speed, Flash was slower to get up. He walked into the room as camera's flashed at him to get pictures. Reporters with notepads and pens lined the room. Flash headed to his booth and sat down, his guards stood next to him.

Celestia closed the great doors and focused her magic on her gavel, and banged her desk a few times. "This court involving Flash Sentry versus the Royal Guard of Equestria over Flash Sentry's discharge from the Royal Guard is now in session. Let the hearings begin." She then nodded to a speaker who was obviously a high ranking Equestrian ambassador.

"Flash Sentry." He began. "Do you admit to mercilessly killing the former Captain of the Royal Guard with full intentions?" He asked.

Flash shook his head. "I partially do." He responded. The ambassador squinted his eyes. "Please elaborate." He told Flash.

"It's simple." Flash told him. "He was going to kill me first, so I fought back and if I hadn't killed him, he would have killed me. I merely fought out of self-defense." Flash was surprisingly calm.

The ambassador nodded, understanding. "So you do admit to killing him with full intentions though?" He pressed.

Flash nodded his head. "Yes, I killed him with full intentions, but only because I had to."

"Do you believe that you should still be on the Royal Guard after what you did?" He asked Flash.

"Yes I do." Flash replied simply. The ambassador grew impatient. "Mr. Sentry, please explain your reasoning behind your responses from now on please." He told Flash.

"Well, ambassador." Flash started to explain. "I believe I should be on the Royal Guard because I will still take a sword in the chest to save a royal's life. As I proved a few days ago during a dragon attack. You can ask Princess Twilight Sparkle about that." Flash shot a brief smile at Twilight, who was sitting to the right of Celestia. When all eyes turned to her for a second she sunk down in her chair.

Celestia raised a hoof. "Please hold your thought, ambassador." She told him, then looked to Twilight. "Do you mind taking the stand?" She asked her student.

Twilight nodded, then got up and walked around to the stand and sat down in it. Celestia nodded to the ambassador who walked up to Twilight. "Can you describe the events that took place approximately three days ago to the best of your ability?"

Twilight tapped her muzzle with a hoof, thinking of what to say, then finally looked up. "After I had gone to sleep I recall a lot of rumbling waking me up." Her sight drifted back to her hooves. "Then the first explosion came which knocked me out of bed."

Twilight stopped and took a deep breath, then continued. "When I got to my hooves, the second explosion came, which was on my room. The blast flung me against something hard what hit me in the head." She rubbed the back of her head, indicating where the object hit.

"I don't remember much except for when I felt myself getting dragged, even though my vision was all blurry, I could still make out that it was Flash dragging me to safety, but the dragon intercepted us before he could get me somewhere safe." A hint of fear was in Twilight voice as she spoke about the dragon.

"Please continue Princess. Try to remember." The ambassador pressed, and so Twilight went on. "I remember being propped up on a wall. I saw mostly what happened, but I did black out at one point."

The ambassador continued to press Twilight. "What did you see?" He asked.

Twilight shuffled her hooves nervously. "Well, I saw most of Flash Sentry's fight with the dragon."

All movement stopped in the court room. The ambassador's eyes went wide. "Are you saying that Flash Sentry took on a full grown dragon by himself?"

Twilight nodded, and the ambassador looked to Flash. "You did that and sustained no injuries?" He questioned Flash, who shook his head in denial.

Flash raised his wings, revealing the bandages on his ribcage and lifted his back leg, showing the bandages from the surgery there. "Like I said. I'll take a sword in the chest for a Royal." He repeated.

The room was dead silent, reporters felt like they couldn't write, their hooves were frozen. Nobody could believe how much power those words that Flash said actually had. The ambassador simply nodded, and turned back to Twilight. "What did you see involving Flash's fight with the dragon?"

Twilight thought for a few seconds, then responded. "I remember Flash standing in front of me to protect me, then he bucked the dragon, then he got hit and he was sent flying into the wall."

"Which was when I broke a rib." Flash added in from his seat. Celestia darted her vision to Flash. "Please Mr. Sentry wait for your turn to speak, if you have something to add then you may add after the pony in the stand has finished." Flash understood and nodded. Celestia then turned back to Twilight. "Continue."

"As I was saying," Twilight resumed. "I saw when Flash was slammed against the wall, but only a few seconds of it. I was just too weak to do anything." Twilight focused her eyes on his hooves, avoiding all eye contact with any pony in the room.

The ambassador tried to get her attention. "What happened next?" He pressured. Twilight looked back up this time at Flash. "He tricked the dragon into wounding itself severely. He made it ram it's paw into a metal rod in the wall. I don't remember much after, but I think he bucked it out of the castle with a kick to the nose." She stated, eying the ambassador, then returning her gaze to Flash.

"Princess Twilight. Do you consider Mr. Sentry a violent pony?" He asked her, and Twilight opened her mouth in shock. "That's absurd! Flash isn't mean nor selfish at all. Her is constantly respectful and treats everypony kindly."

The ambassador nodded. "Ok, that is all Princess Twilight. You may return to your seat." The ambassador told her. Twilight then got up and headed back to the seat next to Celestia, who nodded to her. "May I ask Sir Flash Sentry to the stand." The ambassador called out. It was Flash's turn to testify, so he made his way to the booth with an occasional limp from his leg.

As Flash sat down in the seat, the ambassador walked over to him. "What happened in the events of the fight between you and the dragon? Can you confirm what the princess said was true?" He asked Flash.

"For the most part." Flash began. "A few things she missed was I was hit more times than she said."

The ambassador leaned on the stand. "How many times do you think you were hit?"

Flash tapped his muzzle with a hoof. "Four. At least four." He concluded.

"What details did the princess miss?" The ambassador asked, and Flash looked down at the bandages covering the mid-section of his body. "The fact that right after my rib was broken, I yelled for Princess Twilight to run, but she didn't hear me due to her injuries. So I threw a stone to re-attract the attention of the dragon to keep if from her." Flash shivered at the memories.

"Unfortunately, I paid the price for it, and the dragon hit me with a paw and sent me into one of the dressers, which knocked the wind out of me." Flash breathed. The ambassador had stopped leaning on the stand. "Take your time Mr. Sentry. Are there anymore things we should know?" He asked.

Flash nodded. "Yes. Even after I had a rib broken and the wind knocked out of me I still got up to fight the dragon. I had to, I felt like it was still my job to protect her. After that moment was when I got it to ram it's own paw into a metal rod that was sticking out of the wall."

The ambassador raised an eyebrow. "So where did you get the leg injury from?" He asked. Flash sat back in the chair. "When I bucked the dragon out of the castle, it was trying to grab onto something to hold on, and it flung one of it's paws towards me. When it connected, it sent me flying into some sort of table or dresser. That's what dislocated my leg." Flash told the stallion.

"Mr. Sentry. How do your fellow guardsmen treat you?" The ambassador asked. Flash looked at the pony with a confused look. "They treat me well. As do I, where did this question come from?"

The ambassador stared into Flash. "I'm just wondering how you think they think of you." Flash shrugged. "Based on rumors, I'm told I'm looked up to and respected. I don't think myself of being any better than any other guard."

Flash glared back at the ambassador, obviously insulted by the question, but the stallion continued his questioning. "Then why did Captain Jagged Wing hate you so much? What caused you to kill him?"

Flash leaned over in his chair and rubbed the side of his head with his hooves. "He said he didn't like my reputation and how good it was, and that I didn't deserve anything that I've gotten."

The ambassador leaned closer. "Do you believe that you've deserved what you have earned in the Royal Guard?"

Flash shook his head. "I don't care about medals or rewards, but just as long as the Royals are safe. That's the biggest reward any guard could have. More than any - medal, or ribbon." He turned his gaze over to Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Twilight, who just stared back at him.

The ambassador could do nothing but nod. "I understand. So then why did you kill the Captain?"

"Because he was abusive, cruel, and an unforgiving pony." Flash described. "Also he would have killed me if I didn't kill him first." He added.

Flash locked eye contact with the ambassador, who quickly looked away. "That is all, Mr. Sentry. You may return to your seat."

Princess Celestia looked at the ambassador. "Is there any other pony you wish to call to the stand?"

The stallion shook his head. "No. I'd like to take the jury with me and review all notes stated in this court." He motioned for the ponies on the jury to follow him. The group of ponies followed him into a room behind the court room.

After about 10 minutes of hearing nothing but the scribbling of pencils on paper. The doors from the back room opened and the ambassador walked out, followed by the jury ponies, who took their seats. The ambassador walked over to Celestia and handed her a sheet of paper, which the royals looked over for a brief moment.

Flash saw the look in Twilight's eyes, she was heartbroken. Oh no. Flash dreaded his fate. For he knew what it was going to be based on the look Twilight gave him.

Celestia began to speak. "Let this court hear the final verdict. That Sir Flash Sentry, is to be -" Celestia was cut off by the doors to the court opening. "Who interrupts this court?" She asked.

Flash looked behind him to see who was running into the court. He was shocked when he saw a mass of guard not in armor or uniform. Flash was even more shocked when he saw Night Breeze and Dust leading them.

The three rows of Royal Guards marched down the main isle until they stood in front of Celestia, who stared at the guards with her mouth hung open in shock. She stuttered when she spoke. "C-Can I help you colts?"

Night Breeze stepped forward. "Before this court closes. We want our word heard in this case as well."

Celestia closed her mouth and sat back. "What word is that?"

Dust spoke up now. "We want Flash Sentry back in the Royal Guard!" The guards behind Flash's friends cheered, chanting out Flash Sentry's name.

"We all look up to him!" One guard screamed out.

"He's is the best of all of us, and a valuable asset!" Another one cried.

"Nothing would be the same without him!" Shouted another.

Flash couldn't do anything but smile at the support he was getting.

Celestia darted her eyes among the guards. "A-Are you sure this is what you want?"

Night Breeze sounded impatient with the princess, which was a first since he was such a patient pony. "Yes Princess. We do. We also want him positioned as Captain of the Royal Guard. There is no pony more fit for the job." He declared in a powerful voice.

The princesses talked among each other for a minute, then turned back to the guards. Celestia cleared her voice. "Due to the sheer amount of support and respect. I hereby instate Flash Sentry as the new Captain of the Royal Guard, and is welcome back into the ranks of the Equestian Royal Guard!" She shouted as she ripped up the paper the ambassador had given her.

The entire room exploded in cheers of joy and happiness. Flash's fellow guardsmen gathered around him and picked him up over their heads. Flash winced at the pain in his side from behind picked up, but he didn't care. He was where he belonged.

Flash was carried out to the streets where we was finally put down in front of a cheering crowd, his armada of friends behind him. Flash held back tears of joy, he loved the sight.

Dust nudged him from behind. "Come on! We've got to tell everypony about this!" He told Flash excitedly.

Flash looked at the ponies cheering from the crowd, and the ponies trying to get any picture possible of Flash. He smiled and looked to his friend, who looked like he was about to burst with excitement. "I think gossip and the press will handle that." He chuckled.

He then turned around to back inside, and his friends followed him. As he walked through the hallways to his new office, he looked behind him at the guards marching behind him. "Can anypony give me a sitrep on parameter defenses?" He called back.

A guard scurried up to Flash. "Yes sir. We have guards covering every corner of the castle, usual procedures."

Flash looked at the guard. "Are there any shift rotations for the rest of today?"

"No sir." The guard responded.

Flash nodded. "Then tell all ponies other ponies to hang up their armor and take the rest of the day off. Today is a day for celebrating." He declared.

The guard hung his mouth open in shock, then a smile grew from ear to ear. "Yes sir!" He then turned and ran away to tell the other ponies.

Flash made it to the Royal Guard Headquarters and stopped at the entrance. He gazed into the room, it felt like a dark shadow was holding him back, he was almost afraid to step into the room.

Dust walked up beside him. "What are you waiting for? A personal invitation? Well, I invite you to walk into the HQ!" He chuckled in Flash's face.

Flash shot his friend a sharp glace that made Dust step back. "I'm not waiting for an invitation, but more like a grudge to wear off." Dust thought for a second, but then understood what Flash meant. He was referring to how the last time he was here he had ended the former Captain's life. The thought stopped Flash in his tracks.

After a few brief moments, Flash step one hoof into the room, then two, then he found his whole body moving inside the room. The guard behind the desk looked up to see Flash. He quickly stood out of his chair and saluted him. Flash grinned to the desk pony. "At ease." It's gonna take some time to get used to all the saluting. Flash thought to himself.

Flash went up to a large door with a plaque on it saying the words Flash, in a way, didn't want to see again. The sign read three words that nearly killed Flash, "Captain Jagged Wing".

Flash looked to his side, a line of guards looked on with envy at him. So Flash reached up and grabbed the plaque and yanked it off of the door and threw it on the ground. He then opened the door and stepped into the dark office.

With a frown on his face, Flash walked behind the desk and opened the blinds covering the sunlight from reaching the room. Light flooded the room, making it seem all the more lively. Flash then proceeded to sit down at the desk, and he ran his eyes along the papers scattered on the desk.

Flash came across one paper that looked more like a envelope. He pulled the envelope out and looked at it. It was addressed for Captain Jagged Wing, but the suspicious part about the envelope was the fact that in bold letters it said "For The Captain's Eyes Only".

Flash tore open the envelope and took out a letter. He then silently read the letter -

Captain Jagged Wing,

All preparations are being set for Flash Sentry to be taken out three days from now. At approximately 14:30 we will have him lured into the main corridor where we will ambush him. From there we will take him to "Goldfarm". Meet us there. Keep your end of the deal Captain, approximately 1,000 bits in case you forgot. If this promise is not kept, you will be hearing from my adversaries.


Flash went wide eyed as he looked up from the letter. He was in complete shock after reading the letter. He called out to the regularly posted guard outside his office. "Guard!" He shouted, and the stallion rushed in.

"What can I do for you sir?" He asked.

Flash became extremely serious. "Get me Night Breeze and Dust Storm. Now." He commanded forcefully.

The guard saluted and rushed out of the room. Flash sat back in his chair and stared at the letter on the desk. He scanned the letter in fear, then his vision drifted to a small ink mark at the bottom of the page.

Flash leaned forward and pulled out a magnifier glass. He rested the glass and his gaze over the ink mark. Flash was frightened about what he had just read. The guard rushed back in with Night Breeze and Dust tailing behind.

"Thank you. You may go." Flash waved off the guard, then he turned to his friends. "We've got a major problem."

Night Breeze immediately looked concerned. "What's the problem?" Flash looked at the clock on his desk. 2:10, he could still make it.

Flash got out of his chair and began to walk quickly out of the room, his friends walked out with him, trying to keep up a Flash's rapid pace.

Dust stopped Flash and turned him around. "Flash. What's going on?" He gazed in Flash's half-terrified, half-battle ready eyes.

Flash turned around and continued walking. "The Captain put a hit out on me."

Night Breeze stopped for a second. Then ran to catch up. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"In other words. Someone is going to try to kill me, and I think I know when and where." Flash retorted.

Author's Note:

Boom. Cliffhanger. I had a lot of trouble thinking up the last part of this story, but thought of it, and thought it was cool, so I put it in. Hope you all enjoyed it as well, I really didn't have any other ideas as to how to make the story go on without Flash being accepted back in, so I did that. I finished this chapter early so I have begun brainstorming for the next chapter! Yes, this story will be going on for much longer!