• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 3,655 Views, 131 Comments

Shadows of the Past - Double Rainbow

(Sequel to A Path Long Forbidden) Flash now suffers from his past choices, and regrets everything he did. Unfortunately, Flash now suffers from depression because of his actions. As Flash struggles, he begins to question his future.

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Chapter 2: What Goes Around, Comes Around

Celestia levitated some papers on her desk and tapped them, then turned to Flash. "So, from what I know you murdered Captain Jagged Wing out of hatred. Is this true?" She tapped her papers again. Tension filled the air, Flash felt like we was choking on it.

He breathed. "That is completely false, Princess." Flash told her. An eruption of anger came from the plaintiff consisting of three ponies.

"That's a lie! You murdered him you -" A yellowish-orange mare began to shout at Flash. "Silence, Solar Heart. It is not your turn to speak. Let us hear his side of the story." Celestia interrupted her. "Continue Flash Sentry."

Flash nodded, "Thank you. As I was saying. I was forced to kill the Captain. He threatened me with death, and I had to defend myself."

Solar Heart sprang from her seat again, "And you had to defend yourself by killing him?!" She screamed.

Flash shot Solar Hear an annoyed look and Celestia silenced her with a motion of her hoof, "Solar Heart, if you interrupt again I will be forced to have you removed from this courtroom." She told her. Solar Heart then sat down frowning.

"The previous time I was in the Captain's office he had forcefully struck me across my muzzle, and head." Flash continued.

"So hard that my helmet flew off. Then the next time, he began to walk over to me and I knew he was going to do the same thing. So I defended myself. Do you expect me to let him physically hurt me Princess?" Flash asked her.

"No, Flash Sentry." Celestia sternly responded.

Flash nodded, "On that note, I think I speak for the entire Royal Guard when I say, he was a terrifying, and abusive Captain. We all hated him." He added.

Celestia looked to the of the Royal Guard attendees, who were in the seats behind Flash, "Is this true?" She asked them. The guards were slow to respond but soon nodded in agreement to Flash's statement.

Celestia eyed them, "In what ways did the Captain - er -abuse you?" She asked Flash.

"Well for starters your honor the morning after Princess Twilight Sparkle became a princess, the Captain was debriefing us in the room, when he struck a newer recruit in front of us all." He stated.

"Was there a reason to why he struck the recruit?" Celestia asked.

Flash nodded, "There was, and that reason was for wanting to be the new Princess' personal guard. After that recruit was beaten by the Captain, he gave the position to me. Which is when the real trouble set in." He told her.

As many of the eyes looked at Twilight who was sitting to the left of Celestia, she began to blush with embarrassment.

Celestia nodded, showing that she understood. She then turned to Solar Heart, "Any objections?" She asked her. Was that sarcasm in her voice? Flash asked himself.

"One, Princess. I've known Jagged Wing since he was a foal. He was always so nice. He would never lay a hoof on anypony! Then to hear this? I just can't believe it!" Solar Heart told the Princess.

Celestia eyed Solar Heart questionably, "Solar Heart. What were Jagged Wings hobbies? When he was a foal." She asked her.

Solar Heart smiled and said, "Oh why Princess! He loved to play soccer and help others with daily chores. That kind of stuff!" She said all-too cheerfully.

One of the guard attendees walked up behind one of the two guards behind Flash and whispered something to him. The guard nodded and allowed the mare to stand next to Flash.

What's going on? Flash asked as he stared at the guard and the new pony, all the while Solar Heart kept ranting on how good Jagged Wing was.

Next thing Flash knew, a mare was standing next to him. Flash leaned over to her. "What are you doing?" He whispered in her ear.

"Helping you." The pony replied.

Flashed looked at him. "How so?" He asked.

The pony smiled at him, "I knew Jagged Wing when he was a foal too, and he was nothing Solar Heart says he was."

Flash nodded, "So do you want to testify against her?" He asked her hopefully.

The pony nodded. Sweet! Flash cheered in his mind. Solar Heart is gonna be proven a liar now, and in court too!

"- I just remember that day when he flew through the clouds with the birds like it was yesterday." Solar Heart finished. Everypony was relieved to hear her finish. When she finally finished after what seemed like countless minutes of her talking away, Celestia turned to Flash, "Does the defense have anything to say?" She asked him.

"Princess, I would like to call a pony to the stand to testify to that statement." Flash said confidently.

Celestia looked at him quizzically, "Who?" She wondered. Flash stuck a hoof at the pony next to him. "Her." He said.

With a nod from Celestia, the navy blue mare walked over to the stand on the right of Celestia and sat down.

"What is your name ma'am." Celestia asked the pony.

The pony looked back at her, "Elina, Princess." She responded.

"And what information do you have to share with us about Solar Heart's testimony?" Celestia questioned Elina.

Elina cracked a smile, "Well I'd like to point out that Jagged Wing, was never nice at any point in his life." She began.

An explosion came from Solar Heart, "Objection!" She yelled at Elina, who remained calm.

Celestia silenced Solar Heart with a hoof once again, "Overruled." She looked back at Elina, "Continue Elina."

Elina nodded, "Anyway, I know Jagged Wing wasn't nice because I knew him when I was a foal unfortunately." She explained. "He would tease me, push me into mud puddles deliberately, and when he got his cutie mark before me, he called me 'Blank Flank' everyday as if that was my real name." Elina teared as she recalled her foalhood memories.

Elina glared at Solar Heart, "So yes, you could say I am calling you a liar. Because you are."

Celestia turned her center of focus back to Solar Heart, "Is this true?!" She asked forcefully, anger hinting at her voice.

Solar Heart shifted her hooves nervously, "Some-what, Princess. He wasn't always nice, but he was sometimes."

"So do you admit to lying?" Celestia pressed.

Solar Heart frowned, "No! I'm not lying. I just know that Jagged Wing wouldn't kill or hurt a pony so severely as Flash Sentry described it."

"Objection, Princess." Flash cut in.

"Proceed Flash Sentry." Celestia nodded.

Flash leaned forward a little to make eye contact with Solar Heart, "When was the last time you talked to Jagged Wing. Muzzle to muzzle?" He asked her.

Solar Heart gave Flash a quizzical look, "Well, right after he became Captain of the Royal Guard. So, about a year ago. Why?"

"Because I think he changed after he became the Captain. Got a taste of - power." Flash told her. "You know what they say. Power corrupts."

The room fell silent. Ponies mouths hung open in shock of what Flash had just told them.

Celestia finally broke the silence, "Do you have anything to say to that?" She asked Solar Heart.

Solar Heart lowered her head and shook it. Celestia nodded and rummaged around with her papers. After a few moments of looking over her notes and talking to Luna and Twilight she raised her head. "This court has reached a verdict." She announced.

Every pony stopped and stared at her, reporters with their pens on their papers, gazing in awe.

"We find the defendant, Flash Sentry, guilty for murdering the Captain of the Royal Guard with full intentions. He shall be removed from the Royal Guard staff immediately and moved off castle grounds." Celestia proclaimed.

Flash's jaw dropped along with everypony else in shock. Even reporters couldn't write. They just stood there in silence, like they just witnessed a murder happen. His life was over. This can't be happening. He thought.

Flash's eyes welled with tears. The one thing he cared about the most, gone. All of those years, worth nothing now, and he could never get them back. The two guards lead Flash out of the courtroom, Flash's head hung in dismay.

They lead him to his room. "Pack up, Flash Sentry. We will wait for you out here to escort you out of Canterlot Castle." There was nothing Flash could do but nod. He walked into his room and jumped into his bed and began to cry.

This is really it. He cried inside his thoughts. It's really over. For good too.

A soft knock was at the door. "Flash Sentry?" A familiar voice called out. Flash propped his head up, wiped his eyes, and slumped to the door.

With a swift twist of the doorknob he opened it. In front of him was the elegant, lavender-colored Princess Twilight.

Flash didn't care. "Yes Princess?" He sighed, the depression obvious in his voice.

"I'm so sorry Flash. I wish you could stay, but -" Twilight began.

"I do too, but Celestia made her decision, and I have to abide to it." Flash interrupted.

Twilight lowered her head as Flash began to pack his things, his Royal Guard Uniform, his clothes, and everything else that belonged to him.

"I understand." She murmured. Flash was finished packing and walked over to her.

Flash place a hoof under her chin and lifted her head up so she looked him in the eyes, "No need to fret." He told her.

Twilight stared into his eyes. The mixture of light and dark blue that swirled in them captured her gaze. "Where will you go?" She asked him quietly.

Flash's face darkened with sadness, "I'm not sure. I'll probably stay in Canterlot. I don't want to leave just yet."

Twilight nodded, "Well if you want I'll accompany you to the gates." She offered.

"Thanks. I could use the company." Flash accepted, and smiled.

Flash finished packing and him and Twilight, accompanied by two Royal Guards, headed down to the main gate of the massive Canterlot Castle. The walk seemed to take forever in Flash's mind, as he left everything he loved behind. His reputation, his love, his way of life. One thing he worked his entire life for - gone. All in a matter of minutes.

When they were approaching the gates, Twilight waved off the guards, who bowed and walked off. Leaving Flash and Twilight alone. As they made it to the entrance of the castle after what seemed like the longest walk of Flash's life, they stopped and faced each other.

Flash sighed. "I guess this is it." He sadly commented.

Twilight grimly looked at Flash. "I'll try to get Celestia to re-consider. You were one of our most valuable guards." She attempted to cheer him up.

Flash wasn't in the mood to even smile, nor grin. "Good luck with that." He gazed up into Twilight's beautiful amethyst eyes. He locked his vision with her. "I am going to miss you Twilight."

Twilight smiled, "And I you Flash. I did enjoy your company. I felt like you were the only pony I could talk to without my friends here." She complimented. Partially blushing, but not noticeable.

Flash barely cracked a smile. "Thanks, that actually makes me feel a little better."

Twilight wrapped her hooves around Flash and hugged him. "I'm going to miss you Flash. I really am."

Flash hugged her back. He sniffed and began to back away from Twilight, who continued to squeeze him. Twilight was holding him so tightly Flash began to choke up.

"Twi-light." He gasped. "Cant - breathe." Flash wheezed through quick breathes.

Twilight quickly dropped him. "Oh! Sorry Flash!" She apologized. Flash inhaled as much oxygen as he could and rose to his hooves. "It's ok." He told her.

It's now or never Flash. Might as well, since you're no longer in the Royal Guard. Flash looked at the lavender princess again. "I guess this is good-bye Twilight." With that, he took her hoof into his, lifted it, and gently kissed her hoof.

Twilight blushed uncontrollably, her cheeks turning hot pink instantly. "Flash - I - I" She stuttered, unsure of what to say.

Flash looked at her, "No need to say anything." He smiled. With the flick of his tail, he turned and walked out of the Castle. Twilight standing there, blushing in awe about what just happened. Twilight grinned and turned around to head back to her room. The only thing on her mind being Flash.

Flash sighed happily. Well, at least I finally did what I've wanted to do. I got to kiss Twilight. Even though it was formally, it was still a kiss. He thought to himself.

Flash trotted down the streets of Canterlot, some ponies shooting him glares, which made Flash feel very uncomfortable. Other ponies that were reading the newspaper gazed at him and back to their newspapers then back to him, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Flash slowed his pace to a walk, and continued to the nearest Inn.

When Flash arrived at the nearest Inn, he saw the great sign on it. Stormhouse Inn. Flash walked in and the teller behind the desk sat upright. "Hi." He greeted Flash.

"How's it going?" He responded.

"Good enough."

"Good. Any rooms available?"

"Yeah. Can I get your name?"

"Flash Sentry."

The room fell still, and the teller looked up at him. "The same Flash Sentry in here?" The teller gave him a newspaper. The headline wrote, Senior Royal Guard Dishonorably Discharged After Murdering Captain! Flash's heart sank.

He sighed. "Yes. Does it matter?" He asked, praying it did not.

The teller looked at him sternly. "Well, the manager doesn't want any trouble makers in here. Which he believes military rejects are." He told him. "So technically, yeah. I'm sorry Mr. Sentry, but I'm afraid I can't give you a room."

Flash felt his heart fall to the pits of his stomach. He was going to be out in the cold tonight. Flash hung his head and walked out. He looked up into the sky. It was getting dark. Flash sighed and headed down the street. The streets were mostly deserted by this hour.

As Flash walked past a house, he peered into, only to see a family laughing over a massive dinner. Flash's own stomach grumbled, but he didn't care. He continued on and turned into an alleyway. He got a large box and squeezed into it. As he lied down in the cardboard box, he looked up into the sky once more.

He began to cry. Is this really what my life has turned out to be? He cried in thought. To be a homeless pony? Not wanted by anypony else? Tears ran down his face. He closed his eyes, to give way to a teary sleep.


Flash woke up slowly, he stretched, only to kick the box off of him, which when he did, he was met with hard, cold concrete. Flash stood up and stretched his back and legs. That was the worst sleep I have ever had. He proclaimed.

Flash looked around him. No pony was in sight. The street was bustling with life though. Flash's stomach grumbled. Better head to the diner. I'm starving.

Flash walked to the diner, with ponies staring at him from all directions again. It felt like their eyes seared through his fur.

Flash opened the door and stepped into the diner. Ponies around him enjoyed their food and didn't bother to look to see who had walked in. Flash sighed with relief.

He walked over to the nearest empty seat at the counter and sat down. A mare came up to him and asked him if he'd like some coffee, which Flash accepted. When he got it he slowly sipped the warm drink. It felt so good to run down his dry throat.

Flash ordered some eggs with toast, and awaited them hungrily. When receiving them, he gobbled them down and places some bits on the table. He then got up and proceeded to the door.

When Flash stepped out onto the stone pathway of the Canterlot street, he noticed the sun was high in the sky, looked like almost noon.

What now? He wondered. Flash really wasn't sure what to do. He was usually following Twilight around, being her guard. Now, he was guarding nothing. Nothing but himself.

Flash walked up the street until he was ambushed by a pony with a camera around his neck and a fedora hat on. He also had a notepad and pen attached to his hat.

The pony ambushed him with a flash of a camera. Flash was dazed by the sudden flash of light. He shook his head, only to be confronted by the pony holding a pen and notepad and staring at him.

Flash stepped back a little, "Uh. Can I help you sir?" He asked the pony.

The pony smiled, "Yes! I just want to ask you some questions about recent events!" He said all-too cheerfully.

Flash frowned. "I'd rather not talk about it right now." He moaned as he started to walk past the pony.

The pony followed him. "Oh please sir just a few minutes of your time!" He pressed.

Flash shook his head. "I don't want too!"

"All I need is just a few questions answered!" The pony insisted.

Flash sighed heavily. He stopped and turned around. "Fine! Let's go to the park. I'll answer your questions then." He concluded.

The pony smiled ear to ear with joy. "Oh just splendid!" He cheered as he and Flash made way to the Canterlot Public Park.

When they reached it, they sat down on a park bench, and the pony took out his notepad and pen. He cleared his throat and asked Flash his first question.

"What was your first reaction when you were discharged from the Royal Guard?"

"I felt like my world just collapsed on me." Flash answered.

The pony took the notes down. "Why did you choose to kill the Captain, and not just subdue him, then tell somepony?"

"Because the Captain would have killed me if I didn't kill him first."

The pony's mouth dropped open. "Really?" He asked.

Flash nodded, and the pony scrambled to write words. He was obviously in shock at Flash's answer.

The afternoon continued with question after question. The pony shocked at some of Flash's responses to the questions. When the notepad was practically full of notes, he closed it, slide it back into his fedora hat and nodded to Flash.

"Thank you for your time. Mr. Flash Sentry." He stuck his hoof out to shake.

Flash shook his hoof. "No problem. I got nothing better to do." He told him.

Flash sighed as he watched the reporter walk off. Hopefully that gets some attention. Maybe Celestia will change her mind. Flash hoped in his thoughts, but was doubtful.

Flash stayed in the park for a while longer. Staring at the fountain in front of him. The water gently splashing into the basin seemed to put Flash at rest. Other ponies laughed and giggled throughout the park, none of which Flash heard, all his attention was on the fountain. He was stuck in a daze.

Flash got up and walked over to the fountain. He gazed into it, staring back at his own reflection. The orange fur, the navy-blue mane that was so carefully slicked back in a stylish form. He smiled, and his reflection smiled back.

Flash took out a bit and place it in his hoof. One for good luck, and hope for one day my troubles may be gone. He thought and tossed the bit into the fountain. A soft plunk sounded as the bit hit the water and sank slowly to the bottom of the basin.

He felt a pain in his heart. The pain of failure, regret, and depression. Only difference is this time, I'm going to stick through it and take the coward's way out. He confirmed. He walked out of the park and down the city streets. He didn't have a set destination, he just walked.

As he was walking Flash heart of familiar voice calling his name. "Flash! Hey Flash!" The voice called.

Flash turned around, to see a dark-purple stallion with a black mane trotting towards him. "Hey Flash!" He called out.

When the pony got closer Flash recognized him. "Night Breeze?" He breathed, quite shocked.

"Yeah! Whats up?" He responded.

Flash looked around at the ponies looking over to see who was shouting back and forth. "Nothing much. You?" He told Night Breeze.

Night Breeze was finally muzzle to muzzle with Flash. "Aw I'm all good. I came to find you to see how you were dealing with life."

"It sucks." Flash said grimly. "Where's Dust?"

Night Breeze tilted his head. "He wasn't given the day off like me. So I came to talk to you." He told Flash.

Flash looked at the Canterlot Clock-tower. He frowned, "At four in the afternoon?" he asked.

Night Breeze could only shrug. "Well I had other stuff to do." He told him.

Flash wasn't convinced. "What kind of stuff?" He questioned Night Breeze.

"Oh, you know. Food shopping...and stuff."

"Anything else?"

"Not really."

Flash still wasn't buying it. "So it took you more than like, four hours to go food shopping. For one pony." He retorted.

Night Breeze didn't know what to say. "I guess." He shrugged.

"Whatever." Flash really couldn't care less. "Wanna walk?" He offered. Night Breeze nodded simply.

As the two stallions walked side by side, they received looks of curiosity by the public.

Flash was first to break the silence. "So how is everypony doing back in the castle?" He asked.

"They are doing ok." Night Breeze responded. "They miss you though."

Flash was taken back by this. "What? Really? I'm missed? Even after what I did?" He asked.

Night Breeze nodded. "We all know you did what you did only out of self-defense." He told Flash. "We really want you back Flash. Really. A lot of the younger recruits looked up to you."

Flash stared at his friend. "I - I didn't know." He stuttered.

"Well now you do." Night Breeze grew serious.

Flash saddened his look. "How are the Princess'?" He asked nervously.

Night Breeze darkened his look as well. "Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are fine. Though Princess Twilight is very upset about you leaving."

Flash shuttered where he stood. She misses me? "Really?" Flash breathed.

"Yeah." Night Breeze continued. "I've even heard rumors about her sobbing in her chambers. Flash, I'm starting to think she likes you."

Flash stepped back, "W-What?" He stuttered. "A Princess? That's not allowed and you know that!" He yelled at Night Breeze.

Night Breeze leaned back and smiled. "Wow Flash, calm down! Why are you so defensive?" He chuckled awkwardly.

Flash looked away. "Nothing. Just, don't joke about stuff that. You know that's one of the higher offenses."

Night Breeze kept smiling. "Well I know that Flash! You don't have to tell me."

The two stared at each other in silence. Other ponies took no notice of the stare-down though.

Flash broke the silence. "So - I guess you better get back to the castle. They are probably wondering where you are."

Night Breeze nodded. "Yeah. I'll put in a good word that your all ok."

"Thanks." Flash replied. "Oh and tell Dust I said hi!"

Night Breeze began to trot away. "Sure will! See ya around Flash!" He called back.

Flash sighed as he watched his friend trot off down the stone pathway. "I'll see you later too." He mumbled under his breath, sad to see his friend leave him alone. Flash stood in the middle of the street as he watched his friend trot off. He then turned and headed off to a restaurant that he'd been wanting to try.

Flash had his filling dinner and enjoyed the restaurant. I might just go there again. Flash though happily. He hadn't been this full in ages. He headed off to his original alleyway and cardboard box to sleep in.

Flash couldn't care less about sleep right now though. He had too much on his mind. Twilight, upset he was gone. All the recruits wanting him back. Flash almost wished Night Breeze hadn't ran into him earlier today.

Flash found his box again and curled up in it. Flash sighed. Another night in a box. I finally understand what it is like to be a homeless pony. He darkly joked with himself in his thoughts.

Flash began to slip away into sleep. His tiredness from the food weighing in his stomach made him exhausted. Flash curled up, closed his eyes and gave in to blackness.


Flash awoke with a rumble. He blinked lazily, then closed his eyes again, only to be shaken awake by another rumble. Flash crawled out of his box and stood up. As he looked up he frowned when noticing it was the middle of the night.

Ugh, who is sending off fireworks at this time of night? He wondered sleepily. He walked out onto the street with other ponies.

When another rumble occurred and explosion followed right after it that up the sky in a blaze of fire. Sending a shower of stone and brick onto the ponies on the street. Flash dove into his alleyway again, avoiding tons upon tons of stone landing on ponies, sending them running.

Flash ran back out onto the street and looked at the Canterlot Castle. Flash found that part of the North-Eastern tower had been missing and the spiral staircase was showing. Flash's eyes went wide as he say a great winged beast flying above the castle.

Flash thought of one thing. Get the citizens out of here. He turned around to the massive crowd and scream, "Dragon! Everypony get out of here! Move! Move!"

As the crowd cleared the streets, Flash took of in a full gallop to the castle. As he made his way up to it, he saw the massive red beast spew more fire at the castle, shattering the stone. Flash dodged the falling debris and looked up. Flash's heart fell to the pits of his stomach when he saw where the dragon had struck.

The top northern side of the castle had multiple holes in it. The dragon had struck the Royal Chambers. Where Princess Luna, Celestia, and - Twilight were. Flash stood in awe as the stone came crumbling down around him. A tear ran down his cheek. Twilight. My love...

Author's Note:

Well, how's that for a cliffhanger? I don't have enough time to fill in the full story, so I just leave it for the new chapter. That's how it's going to be and sorry since I know cliffhangers suck but I can't help it. I can't wait to start the next chapter though! Sorry if this chapter may seem a little boring. It was necessary though. I suffered a lot of "writers block" while making this chapter, but oh well. What are you gonna do about it? Enjoy the story!