• Published 28th Feb 2014
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Shadows of the Past - Double Rainbow

(Sequel to A Path Long Forbidden) Flash now suffers from his past choices, and regrets everything he did. Unfortunately, Flash now suffers from depression because of his actions. As Flash struggles, he begins to question his future.

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Chapter 11: Hearts and Hooves Day - Part II

Flash's hoof cramped after so long of writing and stamping letters. "Gah!" He grunted in agony as he held his hoof.

The stack of completed letters were now on the complete opposite side of the desk. Flash looked over the side to see if anymore were left, and to his surprise, nothing was there but the empty ground. Finally. About time. Anymore writing and my hoof would never be the same.

He looked over at the clock in his office just as it struck the hour of 6. Flash put a hoof to his chin in thought, Should I bring Twilight to dinner? Or, should I wait 'till later. Flash sat for a minute, just staring at the clock ticking along. I'll take her now.

Flash got up and trotted out of the Headquarters, turned down the long hall until he made it to the hallway that housed the Royal Bed Chambers. Flash went up to the first one and knocked on it.

Just as he knocked on the door, Princess Luna came out of her own room and saw Flash, who bowed. "Good morrow, Captain Sentry. What be thou purpose here?" She asked him.

I had heard that Luna spoke in the olden language, but wow. He thought when he spoke as he rose back to his hooves. "I'm going to ask Princess Twilight to dinner, your Highness."

Luna smiled at Flash. "Hm. Doth shall please thy princess. Good light - er, good night Captain." She corrected herself.

Flash bowed his head. "Good night, Princess." He said as Luna swiveled around and left Flash standing alone.

As Luna left him, the door to Twilight's room swung open, and the young princess stood in the doorway. "Hi Flash!" She peeked out and looked in both directions of the hallway. "Who were you talking to?"

"Princess Luna." He leaned in closer. "She really should work on her speech. She is stuck in the past almost." He whispered.

Twilight giggled a little. "I know! I can barely understand her sometimes." She said a little to loudly, and Flash plunged a hoof into her muzzle to quiet her.

"Sh! You don't want her to hear that." He cautioned, and Twilight nodded, so Flash took away his hoof.

Twilight sat back on her haunches. "So Flash. Why are you here?"

Flash sat down as well. "Well I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me." He gulped, sweat beating down on him from nervousness. Oh I hope it's the answer I want.

Twilight blushed and put a hoof over her mouth, as if she was shocked. Oh no. Flash was shaking in his armor, and quite noticeably. Eventually, after what seemed like forever, Twilight lowered her hoof and responded with a simple. "Sure!" She squeaked.

To Flash, this response felt like a 1000 pound burden being lifted off his shoulders. "Good." He breathed. "Go get ready, wear something formal. I'll come back for you in 10 minutes." He told her.

Twilight nodded, and stormed back into her room, slamming the door in Flash's face. "Well that went swell." Flash thought to himself as he went off to his own room in a different part of the castle.

The walk seemed shorter than usual, and Flash was in his room quickly. He leaped out of his boots and loosened the belt holding his backplate and chestplate together, and the armor fell off him and slammed onto the floor. He then took his helmet off and tossed it onto the bed. Flash swung open his closet and pulled out his Royal Guard Uniform, something he hadn't touched in what seemed like ages.

Flash slid into the uniform perfectly, as if he hadn't grown at all. Once into the uniform nicely, he looked down, and saw the blue and silver star medals. The Blue Service Star, standing for more than 5 years in active duty, but that wasn't of Flash's concern. The Distinguished Service Star, was a silver star that stood for honorable and heroic actions in combat. It was the highest medal in the Equestrian Guard, and he had earned in during the Changeling attack on Canterlot.

Flash found himself staring at his medals for a while, his mind racing through memories of the past. Some good times, other haunting him. He shivered, and went over to the mirror to check himself.

As usual, Flash combed his hair back neatly and made a few poses in the mirror until he thought he looked good enough. Flash put on his best smile and decided he was ready, and so he walked out the door to pick up his date.

Flash trotted down the hallway, ponies giving his glances since they have rarely seen him in his uniform since he was Captain, but none of that mattered to Flash. He continued on his way to the Royal Chambers corridor.

When Flash arrived, he walked up to Twilight door, and swiftly knocked on it. "Who is it?" Sounded from inside the room.

Flash sighed and his face lit up. "Guess who." He called inside.

"Come in Flash!" Called back to him. Flash opened the door and looked in the room. In the middle of the large room Twilight stood there, in her full royal gown she had worn the day of her coronation.

Flash's mouth fell to the floor, similar to a star-struck filly. She stood in front of him, her golden hoof-boots had her cutie mark engraved into them, and her white and golden gown sparkling in the sunlight coming through her window. Flash didn't know what to say. "I-You. Wow." He felt dumb.

Twilight blushed at Flash's facial expression. "What do you think? Is it good?" She asked him.

Flash still sat there, dumbstruck. Eventually he shook himself out of his daze and closed his mouth. "Yeah. You - whew - you look fantastic Twilight." He complimented.

"You're too sweet Flash." Twilight giggled as she walked over to him. Flash took her hoof into his and they walked out the door together.

When they stepped out of the room, Flash heard panting behind him. When he turned around, Night Breeze was dashing down the hallway to him. "Captain! Sir!" He called. When he got close, he wheezed when breathing, he had obviously been running for a while. "S-Sir. There - ugh." He got down on one knee and quickly breathed in and out.

"Take a second Night Breeze." Flash let Twilight go and put a hoof on Night Breeze's back. "Speak when you have the breath."

After a few more seconds Night Breeze coughed, and stood back up. "Sorry sir. Er - Your Highness." He bowed at Twilight's presence. "Sir. You have a letter in your office, marked urgently."

Flash flattened his ears. You've got to be kidding me. "Can it wait?" He pleaded.

Night Breeze shrugged. "I don't know, I didn't read the letter, it just said urgent on it." He told him.

"Then it can wait 'till later." Flash grunted. He turned back to Twilight. "May we go?" He bowed, signaling her to go first.

Twilight took the lead and Flash stayed back a little, Night Breeze walking next to him. "Get a message to Lieutenant Silvershot. Tell him to send a squad of guards to The Garden House restaurant. I want all round protection for the princess. Got it?"

Night Breeze nodded, and trotted off to find the Lieutenant.Flash galloped to catch up with Twilight, and walked my her side. "What was that about?" She asked him when he caught up to her.

Flash shook his head. "It was nothing. Just want to keep you safe. So I ordered some extra guards to be with us. If you don't mind."

Twilight smiled. "I appreciate it Flash, but I don't think we need guards watching over us. Especially when I have you." She nuzzled his side with her muzzle.

"You're too kind." Flash blushed. "Let's keep going."

The two left the castle and headed down the darkness of the Canterlot street. Streetlights lined the stone paving, lighting the darkness with comforting light.

They continued down a few blocks to the restaurant. When they arrived, Twilight looked puzzled at the restaurant. "Is something wrong?" Flash asked her, noticing her confusion.

"Since when was this restaurant here? I've never seen it before." She told him.

Flash chuckled. "I'm not surprised, it's fairly new."

Twilight looked surprised. "Really? I guess I should get out the streets more often."

Flash leaned in closely. "Between you and me, all the princesses should be out more. Out on more days than just celebratory days." He whispered.

Twilight shrugged, and Flash quickly stepped in front of her and opened the door to the restaurant. "After you princess." He grinned and Twilight blushed as she walked in.

The room was relatively small, with a podium in the middle of it, the stallion behind it was looking down. "How many will it be?" He asked as he looked up. "Oh my - Princess!" He quickly tried to bow in respect, but hit his head on the podium. He shuffled to the left and bowed.

Twilight looked at the stallion. "You may rise, and it's for two." She looked at Flash, who nodded approvingly.

"Y-Yes, Your Highness." The stallion stuttered as he stood up and went behind the podium, got menus and walked over to another door. "Follow me please." He gestured them.

Flash allowed Twilight to go first again, and followed the stallion through the door into a larger room. It had tables in the middle of it and booths running along the side. The lights were dim and in the back was a small orchestra playing soft, slow tunes that made Flash feel relaxed.

When they were seated the stallion handed them the menus and looked at them. "Your waiter will be with you in just a second, I'll go grab one." He said and rushed off.

Twilight put her menu down and looked at Flash, who was too busy staring at pictures of food. She coughed, and Flash lowered the menu. "Yes?" He asked.

She cupped her hooves together as she looked at Flash. "Why did you bring me here?"

Flash set his own menu down and stared at her, puzzled. "Well, I thought we could have a nice slow pace - maybe romantic dinner for Hearts and Hooves Day." He smiled, but on the inside, he was worried.

Twilight simply nodded. "Thank you."

Flash nodded and looked around, and other ponies stared at them, obviously intrigued by a princesses appearance in a public restaurant. Some looked at Flash and waved, Flash waved back, but most eyes were on Twilight.

Twilight reached a hoof across the table and held up Flash's medals as she raised an eyebrow to them. "What medals are these. I don't remember."

Now I wouldn't expect her too. Flash thought. Flash had told her, but long ago back in the days of Captain Jagged Wing. He shivered at the thought. "Um. Well which one do you want to know first?" He asked.

"This one. I've only seen a few with this medal." Twilight held up the silver star. Flash took his medals off his uniform and handed them to Twilight so she could inspect them better.

Flash pointed at the silver star. "This is the Distinguished Service Star. For heroic and honorable actions in battle. It was awarded to me after the Changeling attack on Canterlot." He explained.

Twilight nodded. "I remember."

"It's the highest medal in the Equestrian Royal Guard." He continued. "After the attack I was also promoted to Lieutenant." He told her.

This seemed to peak Twilight's interests, because stopped looking at the medal and raised her gaze to Flash. "You weren't an officer before the attack on Canterlot?"

Flash nodded. "Yeah. I haven't been an officer for a long time."

"How are you the Captain then?" Twilight asked. "I thought one would have to be a highly ranked officer for a certain amount of time before they could qualify for a promotion to Captain."

Flash shrugged. "That's what I thought, I guess things happen for a reason."

Their conversation was interrupted by the waiter coming up to their table. He bowed at Twilight. "Good evening Your Highness." He looked at Flash and bowed his head. "Sir. Can I start you off with some beverages?"

Flash gestured for Twilight to go first, and she faced the waiter. "Can I just have some water?"

The waiter nodded. "Most certainly, and you sir?" He faced Flash.

"Do you have Barehoof Red Wine?" He asked the waiter, who nodded. "I'll have that."

The waiter wrote down the order then looked back at them. "I'll be right back."

Once alone, Flash looked back at Twilight. "So yeah. It's what the guard wanted, if you remember that day." He stared at her blankly.

Twilight nodded, knowing he was referring to the court date that seemed so long ago. The one that would define Flash's future, and against all odds, he was placed in the highest spot in society under the princesses.

"Well I think you're an honorable pony, and I'm extremely happy to have you as the Captain of the Royal Guard." Twilight touched his hoof.

Flash placed his hoof atop Twilight's. "Thank you, that means a lot." He released his grip and sat back. "Anyway, what happened to Celestia? I have seen her in forever."

Twilight shrugged. "I'm not sure, I guess she's been busier than usual. Being princess is hard, especially when you are Princess Celestia."

Flash nodded, and the two sat in silence for a little, their drinks came and were placed in front of them without a word. "Are you ready to order your main dish?"

The wha - oh! Flash had forgotten to even look at the menu for food. He quickly snatched it off the table, skimmed through it, found what he wanted, and put it down. The two ordered and the waiter trotted off with their orders.

The rest of the night continued slowly, over small conversation between the two. At one point Flash looked out the window and saw a squad of guards patrolling the outside. Which Flash enjoyed the sight of, because he did want extreme safety for the amateur princess.

When they cooler, Flash lead the way and walked a little ahead of the princess. Ponies bowed as they passed by, which was the standard whenever you were in the presence a princess. When Flash exited the restaurant, he looked at the guards posted outside, 4 of them in total, and ordered them to form up around him and the princess in a diamond formation.

Twilight soon followed after and was immediately swarmed by ponies, who did a quick bow and began flashing cameras at the princess.

The guards immediately became aggressive and pushed on the gathering ponies. "Get back!" They roared at them. When the ponies didn't, the guards strengthened their line they had formed by point their spears at the ponies. "Get back!" They roared once more, this time the crowd submitting, and began dispersing.

One of the guards walked up to Flash. "Sir. I recommend we get the princess back to the castle. Now." He said to him. Flash nodded in agreement.

"You take the lead, the other three stay behind me and Princess Twilight." He ordered.

The guard nodded, then turned to the guards. "Alright! Let's move out! I've got lead, you three, behind the Princess and the Captain!" He shouted to the others, who formed up behind Flash and Twilight.

They began walking the several blocks back to the castle. On the way back, more ponies began trotting over to the mini convoy and greeting the princess, or to take a picture of her. The guards became aggressive as soon as the ponies came near, pointing their spears at them.

The street ponies quickly backed up, and Twilight stopped and looked at the guards. "Guards! You must not be so extreme when with me. It's not everyday a pony gets to see their princess. Rest your spears." She told them.

Three of the fours raised their eyebrows at the order, but obeyed, the last one however, refused to back down. "I don't think that's a good idea princess." He snorted.

Twilight stared him down. "I'm telling you to stand down! You're scaring these ponies!" Whoa, was that a temper in her voice? Flash thought as he took a small side step away from Twilight.

The guard still refused, and held his ground. Flash took a step up, and spoke out. "Guard! I swear by Celestia if you do not lower your weapon, I will have you NJPed or sent to the brig!" He shouted at him. "So. I'm ordering you. Lower. Your. Weapon." He growled.

After a long stare-down. The guard lowered his weapon, and Flash looked at the other guards. "Take his spear. I don't trust him with it." He ordered, and the three guards quickly snatched the spear from the guard's hoof. "Let's get back to the castle - Sorry everypony!" He called to the crowd of ponies, some of which still scared stiff, staring wide-eyed at the guard who had refused to back down.

The walk back to the castle was almost uncomfortable, as all eyes seemed to be glued to the guard who disobeyed and order from the princess, and as Flash looked to Twilight, it didn't seem she was taking it too well.

When they arrived, Flash sent the guards on their way, and followed Twilight to her room. Flash could tell Twilight was angered by the guard. "Twilight, I'll talk to the guard. It wasn't right what he did." He tried to calm her.

"Of course it's not right!" She yelled at him. Then immediately backed down and put a hoof on her mouth. "I'm sorry Flash. I didn't mean to yell at you." She apologized.

Flash stared at her, his eyes sympathizing. "It's ok Twilight. Anger isn't something you build up inside you, and better me than some other pony." He told her as she flopped onto her bed and buried her head in a pillow. Flash sighed. "Don't pout now. You're still princess, and in way more authority than me. You're on the same level as Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence."

Twilight turned over and stared at him. "Then why didn't that guard listen to me?"

Flash softly put a hoof on Twilight's mane and stroked it slowly. "He was just trying to protect you. As I said, I'll talk to him. Although we aren't in the position to lose guards."

This peaked Twilight, and she sat up quickly. "Why? What's going on."

"Are you sure you want to know?" Flash sighed.

Twilight narrowed her eyes. "I'm princess. I have more authority than you, so tell me." She mocked him.

Well I guess I gave her that one to use against me. Flash rolled his eyes. "Fine. Well, the Crystal Empire is getting threats from outside Equestrian boarders, and Prince Shining Armor is requesting that I send more guards to the empire to reinforce it." He explained.

Twilight gasped. "My brother is being threatened? You'll do something right?" Her eyes racked with worry.

Flash sighed. "That's just it. A decent number of guards were part of the Red Fang, so we lost a good portion of our fighting force. We don't have many officers, and too many low-ranks." He continued.

"So why don't you recruit more?" Twilight suggested.

"That's exactly what we are doing. It's not like we have a choice."

"So when are they going to get here?"

"In about two weeks." Flash stared at the clock, which the time 9:27 was on it's face. He looked back at Twilight. "I need to go finish up some guard things. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He gave her a swift kiss on the cheek and started walking to the door.

"Wait!" Twilight stopped him and Flash whipped around. "We need to plan a wedding date still." She blushed as she spoke.

Flash froze like a statue. Buck. Me. I completely forgot about it. "I'll get on it Twily. No worries!" He assured her before trotting out.

He started down the hallway and to the HQ. Flash was shocked by the low amount of guards patrolling the halls. Every once and a while a guard would say 'hello' to him but kept on walking. They must be asleep. It is nighttime. Luna's guards should be out.

When Flash made it to the HQ, he wasn't surprised when Moonshine wasn't there.

The only sound that could be heard was Flash's hooves hitting the floor as he walked into his office and sat down. He opened up the letter sitting on his desk, it had the Crystal Heart stamp on it, so Flash knew it was probably Shining Armor.

Captain Flash Sentry,

I understand your situation. Send all you can to the Crystal Empire. Also, what other threats should I know about?

Prince Shining Armor

Flash stared at the letter. He flipped it onto his back and saw nothing on the back of the letter. That's it? That has to be the shortest letter ever written.

Flash took out a pen and paper and began writing a response -

Prince Shining Armor,

The threat I told you about is none other than the return of Queen Chrysalis and her changeling army, whom were driven out long ago. I believe that the Crystal Empire will be their first point of attack. We don't know why, but that is what we have. Which is why I will send as many guards as possible to the Empire, along with an officer.

Captain Flash Sentry

Flash folded up the letter and slid it into an envelope then placed it aside. He stared out of his window, the Canterlot lights brightened the night sky. Off in the distance, he could see another town's lights.

He turned around and stared at his desk his mind on Twilight's words. "We need to plan a wedding date soon." Flash sat down and began searching for possible places to hold a wedding. He had work to do, he knew he was going to be up for a long time, maybe into the early morning. Even though he was aware that he was going to Ponyville the next day.

Author's Note:

For those who don't know, an NJP is a Non-Judicial-Punishment, which means a CO can punish a soldier via pay-grade, reduction in rank, more work, etc. Well, this chapter may have been a little boring, and a quick ending one, but I'll spice it up in the next, maybe. Also, due to school Finals, next weeks episode will be delayed for a couple weeks. Sorry for the inconvenience.