• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 4,698 Views, 367 Comments

The Fable of the Zealot - Silentpegasus

With Crimson and his friends stationed in Ponyville, the mages must now balance their work and personal lives. Friends will become enemies, enemies will become friends and forces will clash as everything Crimson holds dear is threatened.

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Chapter X: The Informant

Chapter X

The Informant

The three got an early start the next day and ventured out into the small town. Tumble weeds danced in the breeze and the wind whipped at their faces. The flyer and red mage followed the cowboy down the road. He stopped in front of an old bar.

“What are we doing in a brothel?” Cobalt asked.

“Recon.” The man said.“If shit hits the fan then I’ll do this.” The man took his hat off and used it to fan himself. “If you see that, then we run and regroup.” The three walked in and Bandit went to the back where a few men were setting up a poker game.

“Got room for three more?” Crimson asked. The man was older, mid fifties and had silver hair and mustache.

“Sure, one guy is in the can.” The three sat down and waited. Soon a man with jet black hair and tan skin. Crimson’s eyes shrank and glared at the man. He instantly recognized him as the thief that had attempted to steel the smuggled Alicorn Amulet.

“How ya doing Filch?”

“Oh shit!” The man attempted to run but was immediately tackled by the red haired mage.

“Oh shit is right ass hole.” Crimson said as he shoved the man back into the rest room. Bandit and Cobalt followed the man. Crimson had his forearm to the man’s throat and was pinning him off the ground against the wall. “I gave you a chance to walk away a month ago and then I find you in a shit hole like this.”

“Who’s this guy?” Cobalt asked.

“Tried to jump Spike and my client while in the Smog.” Crimson turned his attention back to the thief. “Surprised to see you get out in one piece.”

“Please.....you don’t....understand-” Crimson applied more pressure.

“I don’t understand?” The man said as he slammed his free hand into the wall and made the wood crack. “I gave you a choice for you, your girlfriend and kid to-”

“They’ve......got......Tip.” The man managed to breathe out. Crimson raised an eyebrow and let the man fall to the floor.

“Explain. Now.” The man was on his knees and was gasping for breath.

“My boss found out about how you caught us trying to steal that jewel.”

“That masked girl?”

“No, she just hired us. My boss as in the bandit leader.” He said with a sigh. “He said I gotta pay him 500,000 bits for compensation.” He said as he stood up. “If I don’t then he’ll kill them. That’s why I’m here, to earn money.” Crimson looked at Bandit and Cobalt. The flyer had a stern look on his face while the gunslinger was scratching his chin. Crimson and the other two huddled up.

“What do you guys think? Use him?”

“No goddamn way.” Cobalt said.

“Cobalt, right now we have nothing to go on. He may be useful.”

“Then I’ll make him talk.” He clenched his fist and electricity arced between his fingers.

“Bandit, you know guys like this. Can we trust him?” Bandit looked at the thief and ran his eyes over him.

“He’s obviously scared and you can confirm his girlfriend kid story?”

“Blood never lies.” Bandit nodded and the three turned their attention back to the man. “Good news Filch, we’re here to solve your problem.” The man looked at him in confusion. “A little birdie said that there’s some big meeting going on soon. Know anything about that?”


“We’re offering you a deal.” Bandit said. “You help us find out where that meeting is, we’ll make sure that you, your girlfriend-”


“And your kid never see him or any of his cronies again.”

“How can you guarantee that?” Cobalt walked forward and cracked his neck.

“By putting a bullet in his head.” The flyer said in a stern tone. The man gulped and bit his lip.

“I don’t know anything about any big time meeting.” Cobalt gripped his sword handle. “But, there’s a gathering tonight with my division officer. If anyone would know anything like that then it’d be him.”

“Where’s the meeting?” Crimson asked.

“Don’t know. Guys blindfold scrubs like me and take us to the meeting place.” Crimson bit his lip and sighed.

“Here’s what we’ll do.”

Back in the small town Rouge was biting her nails as she sat in the park. The Changeling sighed and grabbed her book off the seat and started to make her way through town. Rouge was then approached by Rainbow and the other five girls.

“Hey guys.” She said with a nod.

“What’s with you?” Dash asked as she saw the Changeling’s glum expression.

“Just worried.”

“I’m sure Ivory won’t be too rough with them.” Twilight said in a hopeful tone.

“That’s not what I’m worried about.” The girl gulped. “I’m worried that Cobalt will do something drastic.”

“Like?” Rouge let out a sigh and looked at the girls.

“Cobalt hates bandits with a burning passion. The Silver Fang Marauders more that any other.”

“Why?” Pinkie asked.

“Let’s just say that Cobalt has a history with them. A long, painful history.” The group gulped.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“Do you have newspapers at your library?” She asked as her eyes focused on the purple haired scholar.

“Yeah I think so.” The girls then made their way towards the library. As they opened the door they saw Spike on the couch reading a comic book.

“Look up July 13th from fourteen years ago.” Twilight nodded and levitated a massive scrap book filled with news papers. Rouge turned the pages to the year and found the month. After scanning the articles she reached into the folder and pulled out the paper. The girls read the title and their faces went pale.

‘Infamous Bandit Group Raid Mist Village Leaving One Survivor.’

The girls felt a feeling of dread wash over them.

“Cobalt was that survivor.” Rouge said in a saddened tone. “He lost his little sister, mom, dad, everyone.” The Changeling heard what sounded like a balloon deflating and saw Pinkie’s hair become straight and darker.

“What about Soarin?” Twilight asked.

“Soarin and his folks were away on vacation. They came back as soon as they heard.” The girl said with a sigh. “When they got back they took him in.” The room was silent for several minutes and dread filled the air. “I could go into more detail but it’s not my story to tell.” The Changeling said with a sniffle. “I’m worried that if Cobalt gets revenge then he’ll change.”

“How?” Dash asked.

“Vengeance blackens the heart and corrupts a person until they become the very thing they want to destroy. I’ve seen it happen to too many people.” Rouge said in a low tone. “Hopefully Crimson, Bandit and Ivory can keep him under control.”

Fourteen years ago.

Pain. That was the only thing that could describe what Cobalt was feeling. He opened his deep blue eyes and saw a white ceiling was above him. He heard the sound of a heart monitor and felt a mask over his nose and mouth. He inhaled deep and sat up. He looked down at his small ten year old body and saw several bandages across his chest. He grabbed his head in pain as his mind was flooded with images.

July 13th.

The child’s father kicked in the door to their home and ordered the boy, his mother and sister to hide. As the words left his lips a large sharp blade was shoved through the man’s back and came out of his chest. The other three screamed in terror as the man dropped to the ground and blood came pouring out of his mouth.

“R-run.” He said as another blade stabbed him through the throat. The child felt his mother’s strong grip around his arm and pull him. The boy quickly grabbed his five year old sister and ran after his mother. The woman spun around and shot a cyan lightning bolt at their pursuers. One of the men dropped to the ground and groaned in pain. The three kept running until they reached the forest on the outskirts of town.

As they neared the forest the woman felt a splitting pain in her back. She dropped to the ground and clutched her chest. The two children rushed to help their mother. She was bleeding from her left shoulder and was coughing up blood. The child put his mother’s arm over his shoulders and the three hobbled towards one of their neighbor’s house. They saw that the door was broken in and there was fresh blood on the walls. The woman covered her daughter’s eyes and Cobalt refused to look.

They hobbled to the bathroom and found bandages. Cobalt applied pressure and tried to stop the bleeding. Blood spurted onto his face and he heard his sister crying.

“C-Cobalt, listen to me.” The woman’s voice was filled with sadness and regret. “Grab Azure and fly away.” The boy had tears in his eyes. “I can hold them off for a few minutes, you need to get yourself and Azure to safety.” She coughed up more blood as she stood up. The three then heard the door being kicked in. “They’re coming. Go!”

“B-but mom-”

“I said go!” A bandit with a large scar over his right eye rounded the corner and charged with a knive in hand. Cobalt saw his mother radiate blue magic from her body and fire a bolt of magic that blasted one of the bandits out the window. The three then heard something crash through the window. The three quickly made their way into the kitchen and the woman’s eyes shrank. A timer with a few wires were rigged to a detonation crystal. Five-seconds remained.

Time slowed as Cobalt felt saw his mother grab Azure and her hand glowing with magic.


The child felt his body being hit by what felt like a freight train and was propelled out the window.


The force knocked him through a tree trunk. He felt at least five bones break upon impact and felt blood fill his mouth.


The boy’s vision was fading and could just make out the outline of his mother and his sister making their way out the window.


A flash of light and a deafening explosion. The heat felt like a dragon had just roared and incinerated everything he knew. He fell face first on the grass and managed to make out a glowing blue object. His mother was lying face down half burnt to death. As he slowly started to get up he saw a seven foot tall figure. He was wearing a white mask with a silver wolf imprinted on it. He stood seven feet tall and had a large cleaver on his back.

The figure looked down at the woman who had a defiant look in her eyes. The man reached inside his coat and pulled out a large pistol. The woman looked back at Cobalt and the child saw tears in the woman’s eyes as she smiled. A loud bang and smoke filled the air as the bullet went through the woman’s head and her lifeless body fell on the ground.

The child screamed and the figure locked his dark orange eyes with his own. Cobalt attempted to run but the explosion had burned his legs and wings. He heard the man heard the heavy footsteps approaching and scrambled to get away. He felt a heavy boot slam against his back and cracked a few more bones. Cobalt turned over and saw the barrel of the gun pointed right at his head. He heard the hammer on the gun being pulled back.

As the man pulled the trigger he was immediately swarmed by a flock of angry crows. The bullet missed Cobalt’s head but landed in his right shoulder. The figure dashed back and Cobalt saw a tall man with black hair and a rapier in his right hand. Several other people came out of the woods and opened fire on the bandits. The dark figure fired off several shots from his gun as he retreated. Cobalt saw two figures standing over his mother’s body. One shook its head and the boy soon passed out as he felt pressure on his gunshot wound.

July 14th

Cobalt looked down at his bandaged hands and angry tears filled his eyes. He felt a tingling over his body and saw electricity arc across his finger tips. The air became statically charged and the machines started short circuiting. The door flew open to show a doctor and frightened nurse.

“Young man calm down and-” He was cut off as a blue bolt of electricity struck him in the chest and he was launched out of the room.

“Where. Is. Mom?” He said as he got out of his bed. The man he saw before he passed out walked into the room. He was using a cane for support and had a stern look on his face.

“You recovered quicker than I expected.” The man tilted his head just in time to avoid a blast.

“Answer my question!” He yelled. The boy felt exhaustion overtake him and started to collapse. The man rushed forward and caught him. He picked him up and put him back in the bed.

“Before hand how about we introduce ourselves?” The man said in a calm tone. “My name is Crow Blackbird. I’m an agent with the Academy.” Cobalt had heard the stories of the legendary Academy agents. “Now it’s your turn.”

“C-Cobalt Striker.” He said.

“Nice to meet you Cobalt, I truly wish we could have met under better circumstances.” His voice had sadness present in it. The man pulled up a chair beside the boy.

“Where’s mom and dad?” He asked with a gulp. Crow lowered his head.

“I’m sorry Cobalt, but they’re gone.” The words felt like a ten ton weight had been dropped on his head. The child gripped the hospital sheets and tried to hold back the tears. “Don’t hold it in. It’s better to let it out.” Cobalt bit his lip hard enough to draw blood and opened the flood gates. The boy cried harder than he ever had or ever will in his life. Crow put an arm around the child and held him close.

“Wh-what about everyone e-else?” He asked in a shaky tone.

“There were a few others, but they died in surgery.” The child cried harder. Everyone he’d ever known, his family and friends. Gone.

“It’s my fault and-”

“No, there was nothing you could have done.” Crow said with a sigh. “There’s two people named Soarin and Spitfire waiting in the lobby. Do you want to see them?” The boy sniffled and gave a slow nod. “Okay.” Crow got up from the bed and walked back towards the lobby to see two children of the same age. One with light blue wings and hair. The other had bright golden wings and hair like fire. Both had tears in their eyes.

“I-Is he okay?” The blue haired child asked.

“He’s going to be fine.” The two let out a sigh. “If you want to see him then you can. Just keep it brief. He needs his rest.” Soarin gulped and followed the man to his friend’s room. He opened the door and Soarin saw his friend covered in bandages. The child felt dread fill his heart as he looked into Cobalt’s eyes. They were the same he’d always known, but different. Colder, devoid of any hope or happiness. The child rushed forward and hugged his friend.

The man felt a nudging of his shoulder and awoke to see Bandit looking down at him. The man rubbed his eyes and say up.

“It’s time.” The gunslinger said. The flyer cracked his neck and got to his feet. He hitched the replacement sword onto his belt and followed the man out of the crappy hotel room they had rented. The man followed the gunslinger up to the roof where they watched Filch outside the brothel. The two waited until they saw him get approached by another bandit member.


“Let’s just get this over with.” Filch said with a sigh. The two made their way down the road with the flyer and gunslinger following them on the rooftops. They trailed them towards the outskirts of town the man had a bag thrown over his head and lead to the end of the road where a horse drawn wagon was waiting for them. They saw the man get into a wagon with a few other people that were bagged. The driver whipped the horses and the wagon took off.

“Now what?” Cobalt asked.

“Shake the tree, see what falls.”

The bag over the man’s head was ripped off and a light was shined in his face. He winced and saw other men with the bags being taken off. He gave a nod and lead the men into what looked like a cave. The men walked single file deeper into the cave. The man then saw another man wearing a black vest with the wolf symbol imprinted on his back. In the corner Filch spied a few barrels of gunpowder and explosive crystals.

“Evening Gents.” The man said with a wicked smile. His teeth were crooked and stained yellow. “Let’s get to business then.” He took a seat and lit up a cigarette. “The Old Man is coming here?” The group all gave a gulp and looked at one another nervously. “I don’t need to tell you how important and dangerous this is to us. One wrong move,” The man made a slicing motion across his neck. “and that’s it.”

“Sir,” One of the men said. “are the stories about the Old Man true?” The group looked at him. “I heard that he burned an entire village to the ground in a single night.” Filch gave a gulp. The leader cracked his neck and sighed. Fast as lightning he pulled out a pistol and shot the man in the chest.

“Keep your mouth shut you idiot!” The man was crying in pain as he tried to stop the blood from pouring out of his stomach. “He has eyes and ears everywhere.”

“So where is this meeting going to take place?” Filch asked.

“Set up in the Lone Mountain. He should be arriving tomorrow.” He said with a chuckle. “Course if I were you I’d be more worried about paying your debt.” Filch gave a smile and started to laugh. “What’s so funny? I wouldn’t be laughing if my kid was being put on the squeeze.”

The man snapped his fingers and two men appeared and they had the blonde woman’s arms secured in their iron like grip. The girl struggled to break free but the men were too strong. She looked at her lover with worried eyes. The man gave her a wink and Tip saw that his eyes were blood red.

Back outside, Bandit and Cobalt were waiting just outside the entrance. They saw the two guards at the front with weapons by their sides. Bandit was laying on his stomach with a scope attached to his rifle. A magic indicator could be seen over the two guards’s faces through the scope.

“How long has he been in there?” Cobalt asked as he scratched his neck Bandit looked at his watch.

“Half hour.”

“Okay remind me again why we’re out here?”

“Crimson said he’d give us a distraction so we can move in. For now we have to wait.” The sharpshooter said as he focused on his targets. “What do you think he’ll do for a distraction?”

“I don’t know. Probably throw a rock, make a noise. That's what I'd-” The flyer was cut off as the two heard a loud explosion. The ground shook and the entrance was filled with smoke. “Or he could do that.” As the two guards moved, Bandit pulled the trigger and two bolts of golden magic erupted from the barrel and dropped both men before they could yell out.

“I think he’s a lot better at distractions than you are.” The cowboy said as he grabbed his rifle and the two charged into the cave.

Filch continued to chuckle as his pupils turned dark red. The man’s body started to shift and he bit his finger hard enough to draw blood. The red liquid poured out of his skin and he shot his hand forward. Two spikes jutted out from his bleeding finger and stabbed the two men that were holding the woman. Before they could react, the man’s hair changed to a deep red and he changed into the agent Tip had encountered in the forest. Crimson dashed forward and shot a blast of magic towards the stockpile. As the magic salvo hit the powder, Crimson threw up a dome shield around him and the woman.

The smoke soon settled and Crimson dropped the shield. The woman was looking at him in amazement, shock and fear. Several more men then filled the room.

“You might wanna find cover.” Crimson said as he summoned his scythe. The woman ducked behind some crates as the man charged forward and started slashing his way through the horde. One snuck up behind him with a mace but felt a magic blast propel him to the side. Crimson looked behind him to see Bandit with a revolver in each hand and Cobalt with the sword.

Tip watched as the three easily cut down over thirty bandits. The air was filled with red and blue slashed with some gun shots thrown in the mix. Ten minutes later the dust had settled and the three men relaxed. Crimson walked over to the woman and looked her over. Bandit heard a groan and saw a man trying to limp his way out. The gun slinger fired a round that hit the man’s leg.

Cobalt walked over to him and picked him up by the throat. The flyer slammed him against the wall and bore holes through his eyes. Cobalt raised his sword to impale the man but felt a hand grab his arm.

“Cobalt!” Crimson said as he looked at the man. “We need him to talk.” The man said as he glared at the bandit leader. “Okay shit for brains, I’m gonna give you one chance to talk before I let my friend here do whatever he wants to you.” Cobalt let out a huff. “That meeting you mentioned, Silver Mountain Marauders will be there?”

“P-Probably.” He gulped.

“Any of them from a torching that happened fourteen years ago?” Cobalt asked.

“I don’t know man. I just got this position three months ago.” Cobalt pressed the blade on the bandit’s neck. “Look what do you want from me? All I know is that The Bandit King is supposed to be there.”

“Bandit King?” Crimson asked.

“Rumor has it that there’s one guy thats in control of all the major bandit groups.” The gunslinger said. The three then focused on the captured bandit.

“They call him the Old Man.” The captive said. “Never seen him myself, but I’ve heard rumors. He’s got a specialty for lighting things on fire.” Cobalt’s eyes shrank. “Most who’ve seen him usually don’t live ti tell the tale or are in his inner circle.”

“So how will we know who to look for?” The flyer asked in an annoyed tone.

“Before I go say anything else what am I getting out of this deal?” The man said.

“Your life.” Crimson said with a scowl. “Along with a nice cozy jail cell.”

“That all?” Cobalt grunted and bore holes through the man with his cold blue eyes.

“Well, I could just drink your blood and leave you to rot from the inside.” The men looked at the blood mage in confusion. “You know why blood mages like myself are so dangerous? It’s not in our polymorphism, not our strength, not even in our regenerating ability.” The man bit his thumb and felt his blood pour out. “It’s our ability to manipulate our blood outside of our bodies that makes us so terrifying.”

Crimson grabbed the man’s jaw and forced it open. The man was struggling to wiggle free as Crimson put his bleeding thumb over his mouth. A small drop formed on the tip of the man’s finger and dropped into the man’s throat. Crimson motioned for Bandit and Cobalt to step back. The bandit dropped to the ground and coughed.

Crimson raised his right hand and cracked his neck. “Right now my blood is mixing with your own.” The man twitched a few fingers and the bandit’s arm moved on it’s own. “Like a puppet on strings.” Crimson bent his index finger and the man’s wrists started to turn on their own. He screamed in pain as the group heard bones crack.

“There’s no point in resisting. It’ll only make it more painful.” The man said in a flat tone. The bandit grunted in pain. “Should I do the leg next?” The man cried in pain as he felt pain in his already shot leg. “Or should I just make every cell in your body combust only leaving a large red stain on the ground?” The other two men looked at Crimson and saw a dark look on his face.

“Fine! Fine! Fine! I’ll tell you whatever you want!” Crimson dropped his hand and looked down at the bleeding man who had pure fear in his eyes. “The Old Man always has his bodyguard with him.”

“Bodyguard?” Bandit asked.

“She’s called the Serpent. She uses water style magic and always wears a mask with the Marauder symbol on it.” Crimson raised an eyebrow.

“What weapon does she use?” Cobalt asked.

“A machete with a serrated blade on the spine.”

“Her again?” Crimson said as he remembered the assailant. The group looked at him in surprise. “She tried to jump Spike and I while on our way back from the mission we went on.”

“She’s at his side at all times.” The man gulped. “I met her once. She’s....confusing.”


“She’ll take your arm off without batting an eye, then treats your wounds as if you were her best friend.” The man was obviously scared just thinking about her. “That’s all I know I swear!” Crimson raised his hand over the man’s bullet wound and the group gulped when they saw blood coming out of the wound.

“I removed my blood from your system.” The man said in a firm tone.

“I still say we get rid of him.” Cobalt said in a firm tone.

“No, he’s worth more alive.” Crimson said.

“Worth more?” The flyer said in confusion.

“Never mind. Point is he held up his end of the bargain.” Crimson said as he grabbed the man and summoned a box that looked like a coffin. He shoved the man inside the coffin and made the box vanish. The three men and woman made their way back into town. As they came into view of the brothel Filch ran up to them and hugged the woman.

“Oh thank the Creator.” He said with tears in his eyes. “Are you hurt Tip?” He asked as he looked the girl over.

“I’m okay.” She said as she wiped the tears away. “Thanks to these guys.” She said as she gestured to her rescuers.

“Your should give him more credit.” Bandit said. “It was his plan.” The man lied as he shot Crimson a wink.

“Correct. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a bounty to collect.” Crimson said as he made his way towards the police station. A few minutes later, Crimson dropped the bandit off at the station and received a bag of bits. Afterwards, Cobalt and Bandit were staring at him. “What?”

“What did you mean by ‘worth more alive?’” Cobalt asked.

“There’s something you’re not telling us.” Bandit said as he frowned. Crimson sighed and reached into his coat.

“While you two were busy packing, a new job showed up on the board.” The two men raised their eyebrows. “Since we were most likely going to do this anyway, I just figured we should get paid for it.” Crimson withdrew the job poster and showed the two men. Their eyes shrank and looked at the poster.

“You took an S Rank quest? Are you insane?” Bandit yelled.

“We were gonna do it anyway.”

“Did you know about the mission before you told me about the bandits being here?” Cobalt asked in an angered tone.

“No, it was a coincidence.” Cobalt looked into his friend’s eyes and saw no trace of deceit. The three then started to make their way back to the motel. Bandit still had a scared look on his face. “Calm down Bandit.”

“Calm down? How can I calm down?” He yelled. “You broke a major rule of the Academy and Cobalt and I are accessories.”

“Oh don’t act like you’ve never broken protocol.” Cobalt said.

“You do know that Crow will have our heads for this right? Not to mention what Ivory will do to us if she finds out.” The three cringed as they approached their room.

“Oh god, not the breadsticks!” Crimson said with a gulp.

“The what?” Cobalt asked. Crimson grabbed his friend’s shirt and had a panic filled look on his face.

“The breadsticks man! I didn’t think she could find a way to use them as a weapon. I was wrong! I was wrong!” That was one ass kicking method the blue flyer did not want to witness.

“I will never look at pasta night the same way again.” The gunslinger said with a shiver.

“But I know a way out of this.” Crimson said as he calmed down.

“How?” Bandit asked as he inserted the key into the door lock.

“We just complete the mission and no one’s the wiser.” The door flung open and the three men froze. There sitting at the table was the white armored angel of death with a stern look in her right eye.

“Oh really?” Ivory said in a stern tone. The three gulped and saw the woman approach them. Ivory cracked her neck and bore holes through the gunslinger who felt fear in his stomach. “Honestly, I expected this kind of stupidity from these two.” She pointed to Cobalt and Crimson.

“Hey!” They yelled.

“But my own teammate?” She face palmed.

“S-Sorry ma’am. I-”

“Save it.” She said in a flat tone. “First thing in the morning, we’re going home.”

“No.” All eyes turned to the swordsman. His arms were crossed and had a determined look in his eyes.

“Fine.” Ivory then summoned a broad sword and pointed it at Cobalt. “Then I’ll drag you back.” The tension in the room rose and the minutes ticked by. Cobalt grabbed the blade of the sword and pointed it right at his chest. Ivory looked at him in shock and knew that he wasn’t going to back down.

“Every night since I was ten years old I have been haunted by the images of the men that took everything from me.” Lighting started to radiate off his body. “This is the only chance I have to nail them. Take that away then you might as well kill me.” Ivory stared at him and frowned. Memories of her living on the streets came rushing back to her and she dropped the sword at his feet.

“What’s the plan?” She asked as she sheathed the blade.