• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 4,698 Views, 367 Comments

The Fable of the Zealot - Silentpegasus

With Crimson and his friends stationed in Ponyville, the mages must now balance their work and personal lives. Friends will become enemies, enemies will become friends and forces will clash as everything Crimson holds dear is threatened.

  • ...

Chapter XI: Family

Chapter XI


Soarin, Spitfire and his family were arrived in the hospital lobby just as visiting hours started. The children were anxious to see their friend and make sure he was okay. Soarin’s father, Storm Shocker approached one of the doctors.

“Excuse me doctor, we’re here to see Cobalt. Is he awake?” The man looked at the flyers and sighed.

“I think you’d better see for yourselves.” Storm gulped and feared the worst. He hesitantly lead his son down the hallway. The man stopped in front of the door and let out a sigh. “Before you see him I need your help to do something.”

“W-what?” Soarin asked with a gulp.

“Find him.” The doctor opened the door to show an empty hospital bed. The group gasped at the vacant room. “Security shows that he took off around four in the morning. His wings are still broken so he’s on foot.” The group started looking around his room. “I know you are close, so is there any place where he might go?”

Cobalt slowly walked down the burnt streets that was once his home. The school was now only a mountain of bricks, metal, and glass. Frames of houses still stood, but seemed to creak in the morning breeze. He came to the remains of his home and saw police tape across the front door. He went under it and started looking around. Most of it was trashed or burnt. Their family portrait was cut with large blade and was burnt to a crisp.

“Hard to imagine, isn’t it?” Cobalt spun around to see Crow standing in the doorway of the home.

“What do you want?” He asked in a frown.

“You shouldn’t be out and about yet.” The man said as he stepped inside.

“Still didn’t answer my question.” Crow sighed and looked at the boy.

“You may not believe me, but I know what you’re going through.” Cobalt just gave a snarl at the words. “So what are your plans now?”

“I’ll go to school and-”

“Boy, don’t bullshit me.” Crow said in a firm tone. “I can smell bullshit a mile away and you’re reeking of it.” Cobalt frowned. “I also know,” The man reached into his own pocket and pulled out a silver service revolver issued by all officers of the Equestrian Royal Air Force. He also moved his coat aside and showed a long officer’s sword. “that these are what you’re after.”

“Give those to me. Now!” Cobalt yelled.

“Can’t do that kid.” Crow said in a flat tone. “Tell you what, if you can take them from me then you’ll never see me again and I’ll give these to ya.” He said as he took off the weapons and laid them on the floor. The child locked his eyes on the man and charged forward. He lashed out randomly at the man. With one swift motion Crow raised his cane and used the end to whack him in the head.

Cobalt grunted in pain and continued to fight. Crow easily caught the blow and brought him in a headlock. “You’ve got spunk Cobalt, but spunk ain’t gonna bring your family back.”

“Screw off!” He yelled as he struggled to get free.

“I know you want revenge.” Crow said in a flat tone. “But those men are trained to kill and they enjoy it. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that.” The boy was still wiggling. “What if I told you I can help you?” The boy stopped moving and looked at him in confusion. Crow let him go and folded his arms.

“What exactly are you saying?” Cobalt asked.

“I’m sure that you’ve heard of the Academy right?” The boy gave a nod. “We house you, educate you and train you.”


“So when we find the sons-of-bitches that did this. You’ll be ready for them and you can take your revenge with honor.” The young flyer looked down at the floor. “I can promise you that these people will be brought to justice.”

“When?” Cobalt asked.

“Can’t tell, but I promise that you’ll be the first to know.” Crow heard a knock and saw a man with light blue hair and wearing a royal guard uniform. “Sergeant Armor?”

“We found one.” He said in a stern tone. Cobalt looked up at the man. “Seems like just a foot soldier, but it’s something.” The man then saw the young flyer. “He the one?”

“Yes, he’s-”

“I wanna see his face.” Cobalt said in a stern tone. Crow gave a nod and led the boy out of the home he once had. Cobalt saw a man in chains. He was lanky, tall and had a large scar over his face. The child recognized him as the man that invaded their home.

“You recognize him?” Crow asked.

“Kicked in my door and killed my dad.”

“You sure?” The guard asked. Cobalt just stared at the man.

“Not something that’s easy to forget.”

“Regardless, he’s getting life in prison.” Armor said with a sigh. Two guards came up beside him and started to haul him off. Cobalt then saw Soarin and his family running up to him. Everything happened at once. The chains around the bandit’s wrists broke and he head butted one guard. The other got a swift kick to the groin and was on the ground in seconds.

Soarin felt a strong arm grab the scruff of his neck and another arm wrap around his neck. A woman screamed and men started yelling as guards pulled their swords out.

“Nobody move or the brat dies.” The guards and academy agents looked at one another and frowned. “All weapons on the ground now!” The grip around the boy’s neck tightened.

“Do as he says.” Armor yelled. The guards dropped their swords and guns. Crow and the other agents did the same. As armor reached to unhitch his sword he found it missing.

“What do you want?” Crow yelled.

“Just look the other way and-” The man felt something slam into his back. It was sharp and heavy. He looked down at his chest and saw a silver blade sticking through, just a few inches above Soarin’s head. Blood quickly filled his mouth and Soarin felt the iron grip falter. He gathered his strength and broke from the hold into his parent’s arms. The guards quickly picked up their weapons and trained their sights on the criminal.

The man dropped to his knees and fell forwards. The man grunted in pain as his face hit the dirt. He felt the blade being pulled out and looked up to see the child he had chased after the night prior staring at him with focused blue eyes.

“That was for my dad you son-of-a-bitch.” Cobalt said as Crow rushed forwards and took Cobalt away. The guards and agents were immediately on the criminal. Cobalt walked over to Shining who looked at him in shock. He handed him his sword back and turned to look at Crow. “I’ll go with you.” Crow gave a nod.

“If that’s what you want.” Crow said with a sigh.

“If you’re interested, the Royal Guard is always-” Cobalt’s eyes were like daggers as he looked at the sergeant.

“I saw the guards stationed here run away like dogs with their tails between their legs.” Shining frowned at the child. “Rather join something that’ll make a difference.” Soarin and Spitfire then ran up to him. Cobalt felt a burning sensation on his chest and looked down into his shirt. On his left pectoral muscle was shield with two crossed swords wrapped in electric sparks.

“You saved my life man.” Soarin said as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Soarin’s father ran over and looked at Cobalt in shock. He’d known the child since he was a week old, but he looked as though Cobalt was a stranger. There was a storm behind those eyes that had been awakened.

A month later Crow traveled to Cloudsdale where Cobalt had started to live with Soarin and his family. According to Soarin, Cobalt had been spending every minute awake training his body for the Academy. He had put on a lot of muscle and had nearly doubled his wing power to what it was. Cobalt said goodbye to his adoptive family and left to start his new life in the Academy.

It was late. Around ten o’clock at night when a horse drawn carriage pulled up to the base of the Lone Mountain. It was bigger than all the other ones that had surrounded it and was the only one with a snow capped peak. The carriage stopped and a man standing at seven feet tall donning a dark cloak. Beside him was a woman standing at 5’ 5.” A mask with a silver wolf was over her face and a blue hood covered the rest of her head. The man hastily made his way inside as a smaller man ran up to the woman. The two waited until the taller one was out of range and they stepped to the side.

“Where are they?” The woman asked in an icy tone. The man felt sweat forming on his brow and gathered his courage.

“They’ve been completely wiped out ma’am.” The girl looked at him in shock. “rumors say that some people from the Academy are in the next town over.”

“Which ones?” She asked.

“I don’t really-” The woman then pulled out her machete. “I don’t know! All I know is that there’s four of them. One has white hair and a long sword. Another uses guns, theres a flyer with a sword.”

“The last one?”

“Red hair and a scythe.” The woman grunted in frustration.

“Damn him!” She said as she cracked her knuckles.

“What do we do ma’am?” The woman thought long and hard. Thanks to the red haired mage the coup was going to be a lot harder on her. She still managed to get a few followers but not enough to combat an entire army. This was her only shot.

“No change. Continue with the plan.” The man nodded and ran back down the cave. The woman sighed and quickly made her way back into the cave where the tall man was waiting.

“Trouble?” His voice was gravely and husky.

“I thought I heard someone scouting us.” She lied.

“You worry too much my dear.” He said as he put a hand on her shoulder. The woman would rather have a scalding iron being pressed against her than the man’s calloused hand. He nor any other bandit dared try to force themselves on her, else they’d get something chopped off. The woman was using all her restraint to not stab the man right then and there, but advised against it. She knew that he could take anything she could dish out and then some. She needed him distracted.

The two arrived in front of two large steel doors that stretched to the ceiling. The man opened the door to see a large table with several other bandit leaders. The each had a position at the table with one vacant at the far end. The large man made his way to his seat and cracked his back.

“Good evening everyone.” He said as he removed his mask. He was in his late forties and had a large striking scar running across his face in a diagonal formation. His hair was dark brown with bits of gray scattered about. The woman kept her mask on and stood beside the man ready to cut down anything that moves. The guests looked at the figure in confusion. “My personal guard and lieutenant.” The other men nodded.

“Now shall we get down to business?” A bald man said in an annoyed tone.

“Yes, how goes the expansion in the West?”

“We’ve got two more bandit groups signed on.” The bald man said.


“Sir,” The voice came from a man with shoulder length black hair and was sporting a beard. “why have so many?”

“Just do what I tell you.” Before any of them could react, the group heard a loud explosion coming from the cave.

Damn it! They got impatient! The woman thought as she bit her lip. The tall man pulled out a communication crystal and saw a man in bandit gear..

“Report!” The man barked.

“Sir, intruders.” The man ducked as a magic bolt went over his head. “They took down our first battalion.” The man said as he pulled out his pistol and fired a few rounds.

“Who is it? The Dark Claw?”

“No, it’s-” The feed was cut off and the man screamed. The group of thieves then heard what sounded like footsteps.


“Sorry, he’s a bit tied up at the moment.” The woman’s eyes shrank as she heard the red haired man’s voice. “I am a Zealot from the Academy, if you surrender then you will be given a fair trial and there won’t be anymore bloodshed.”

“Interesting offer, who exactly am I speaking to?” The crystal showed it being picked up and the red haired man’s face came into view. The group all gave a nervous gulp at Crimson. “I’m guessing that you are the Red Death?”

“Since you know my name then you obviously know how I deal with people who refuse to co-operate. This is your one and only chance to surrender.” The bandit leader chuckled and soon burst out laughing.

“Listen here boy, I have an army of bandits just itching for a fight and tear you to ribbons.” Crimson sighed. “So, I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”

“Then prepare yourselves.” The image cut off and the group fell silent. The man Sighed and looked at the woman.

“My dear, would you please deal with our guests?”

“Gladly.” She said as she walked out the door. After she left the man waved his hand and the doors locked. The other two men felt their neck hairs rise and looked at the bandit King. He reached into his coat and pulled out a large handgun and placed it on the table in front of him.

“Now gentlemen.” He folded his hands and sat back. “Lets talk business.”

Crimson and the other three agents made their way past the feeble defenses that the bandits had set up. They soon came to three separate passageways. Each had lights running down from the ceiling.

“Looks like we split up.” Ivory stated. “I’ll take the left.” The woman said as she unsheathed her blade and charged down the passageway. Cobalt took flight and went down the center. Bandit looked at Crimson who took out his scythe.

“Follow him.” The gunslinger nodded and hurried after the flyer. Crimson charged down the right tunnel and hoped that he would get to the bandits before his blue haired comrade. The man raced through the tunnel until he saw a large room. The man froze and cracked his neck. The masked woman who he had encountered on the mission with the dragon hybrid. The woman pulled out her large machete and pointed it at the man.

“You screwed up everything you know that?” The woman yelled in frustration. Crimson sighed and heard the door lock behind him. “Months, no, years of planning down the crapper.” The woman said as she charged. Crimson raised his weapon and the metal clashed.

“How so?” He asked as he pushed her away and took a defensive stance.

“Noticed how some of the guards were ready for you?”

“Thought someone tipped us off.” The two started walking in a circular pattern. The woman chuckled at the words.


“Then I’m gonna guess a coup.”

“Correct.” She said as she charged agin. Crimson pulled the sword out of the scythe’s sheath and locked blows again with the woman. Her skill with a blade was impressive. Enough to be on par with him, maybe even Ivory. The slashes came so quick that it only looked like black and red blurs. Crimson managed to get a few shallow slices on the woman and she him. The man sighed as he wiped the blood off his face.

“So you wanted to take down your boss.” Crimson said as he firmly gripped his sword. “Course a man like him knows his way around a fight and you had no hope of fighting him. At least, not without help from the Alicorn Amulet.” The two continued to slash at each other and the floor was soon coated in pools of blood from both fighters that were now deadlocked.

“Only question is why? For his position? The reward?” The woman chuckled and then started to laugh.

“I’d do it for free.” She said in a malicious tone.

“Some friend you are.” He said in a sarcastic tone. The woman froze and looked into the man’s red eyes with her own icy blue ones. A long silence fell over the room and Crimson felt the girl’s magic rise. She slashed faster than before across the man’s chest. Crimson jumped back and felt his blood spilling out.

“Friend? What kind of friend destroys your home? Takes away everything you’ve ever loved?” Her magic was spiking to massive levels and she was firing water bolts that could cut through solid steel. Crimson kept dodging for his life. “He took everything from me!”

“You could have come to us!” Crimson yelled. “We could have helped you nail him.”

“Too late!” She yelled as she summoned a large amount of magic and compressed it into the size of a volleyball. “This ends here and now!” The woman threw the swirling ball of magic at the man and Crimson countered with an energy blast of his own. The two were locked in an epic struggle of magic power and Crimson felt himself loosing ground. He looked into the woman’s icy blue eyes and saw rage, sadness and revenge.

Crimson focused and his white mask appeared on his face. In an instant his energy over game the woman’s and the blast kicked her back against the wall. The magic blast burnt her hood off and shattered her mask. The woman fell the ground in a heap and her body was smoking. The right side of the mask was broken off and laying beside her.

Her hood burned to reveal her icy blue hair. She grunted in pain and tried to move but her body wouldn’t obey her brain’s commands. “If you’re going to kill me then kill me.” She said as Crimsons saw a tear roll down her cheek and wet the ground. “I gambled everything on this one chance and I lost.” Crimson walked over and made his mask vanish. He sat the girl up and looked at her face. There was a scar above her right eye and she had a few burns from the blast.

Her blue eyes shined in the light of the cave and the conduit could see that she had truly seen horrors that no one should ever see. “Just do it.” She hung her head and waited for the inevitable. Crimson sighed and raised his blade and swung as something glinted in the darkness.

Ivory quickly made her way down the tunnel and came to a large area where tables and all sorts of drugs were being made. The area easily held over eight hundred people and she grinned. Several of the bandits saw her and attacked her with weapons drawn. Ivory removed her sword and easily dispatched them. One tried to get behind but soon found the woman’s boot in his gut.

Ivory kicked the man into a small group and cracked her neck. Several more men with swords surrounded her and she chuckled.

“Okay fellas,” She took a stance holding her sword over her head. “who’s first?”

Cobalt and Bandit came to a large iron door and snuck up on either side of it. Bandit had his pistols at the ready and Cobalt had his sword in hand. The two heard two loud gun shots and screams of pain. The door was locked and Cobalt cursed in frustration. Bandit reached into his coat and pulled out a few explosive crystals and lined the door with them.

The two got some distance between themselves and the slabs of metal. Bandit raised his hand gun and fired one shot into the crystal. An explosion made the entire mountain shake and smoke filled the area. The two ran inside the room with weapons drawn. Two dead bodies were on either side of the room and each had a bullet wound in the head.

“Ever her of knocking?” A gravely voice got both mens attentions. At the far end of the room sat the older man with a pistol in his hand.

“You the Old Man?” Cobalt asked.

“What of it?”

“People say you know everything about bandits.” He said as he raised his blade.

“Possibly.” The man was completely relaxed and sat back.

“The Mist Village Massacre.” Cobalt said in a stern tone. “Who was in charge?”

“Why do you care?”

“They took everything from me.” Cobalt said in a stern tone. “So out with it. Who was it?” The man sat back and folded his arms. Bandit shot a bullet at the man that hit his chair.

“We want answers now.” Bandit said as he took aim.

“Ho, ho, ho. It looks like the Bandit Hunter is still alive and kicking.” He chuckled. Bandit frowned at the man. “Now as for you,” He turned his attention to Cobalt. “Who exactly did they kill?”

“I’m sick and tired you bandits giving me the run around whenever I ask this question.” Electricity started to arc across his hands. “Tell me the truth or I’ll shock it out of you. You scum.” The Old Man frowned and started to chuckle. His chuckling soon evolved into one that belonged to a mad man.

“Congratulations brat,” He said as he removes his mask and his orange eyes shined like two flames. His face had many scars on it and his skin was like leather mitt. “you’ve finally tracked down your killer.” Cobalt gritted his teeth and zoomed forwards as Bandit fired a shot from each gun. The man raised his gun and fired three shots. Two collided with the bullets and stopped them dead in their tracks while the third hit the gunslinger in the stomach. Bandit felt the bullet pass through him and he grabbed the wound and tried to stop the blood from gushing out.

Cobalt launched himself at the man and slashed. The old man jumped out of his chair as the man’s sword cut straight through the wooden seat. “You know, I vaguely remember you.” He said as he ducked another blow. The man grabbed his own sword and pulled out the his large cleaver. It had many scratches and nicks in the blade. “Your mother begged for her life like a bitch.”

The flyer slashed out with murderous intent. Cobalt channeled his magic into his sword edge and the blade glowed blue. His rage drove his sword and the man continued to laugh. The man continued to slash at the man and looked for an opening. “You’re good kid,” The Old Man parried the blows and slashed Cobalt’s chest and he yelled in pain.

The flyer dropped his sword and panted as he clutched his chest. A firm kick to his face sent the flyer to the ground and he grunted in pain. “but I’ve seen better.” The old man saw something glinting on the ground and picked up the locket that was cut off the blue haired man’s neck.

“Give that back!” Cobalt yelled as he got to his feet. The Bandit King opened the locket and heard the chime.

“I know this jingle.” He said with a smirk. “I’m a fair man,” He said in a mocking tone. The bandit walked away so that he was standing twenty feet away from the man. Cobalt saw that his sword was lying halfway between himself and the man. “when the jingle stops go for the sword.” He said as he threw his gun to the side and sheathed his blade.

Cobalt listened to the jingle and his eyes focused on the sword. He was fast, but not that fast. Against an opponent who had decades more experience than him, this was one fight he knew he couldn’t win. As the jingle came to an end both fighters’ ears perked as they heard the tune start up again. The two looked towards the door and saw he red haired man standing in the doorway holding another locket making the same tune.

The Bandit King reached for his blade but heard a coking noise. His orange eyes trailed over to the badly wounded gunslinger who had him in his sights and shook his head. Crimson walked over to Cobalt’s side and summoned the sword that had rejected him.

“Crimson I can’t, I-”

“You have to.” He said as he handed him the blade. Cobalt hitched it to his side and nodded. Crimson slowly walked back over to the gunslinger’s side and watched. “Now we start.” Crimson said as he held the small locket in his hands and the tune started to wind down. Cobalt closed his eyes and thought back to the night where the man standing before him had taken everything from him and destroyed everything he had held dear.

The group watched in awe as he focused his mind and honed his magic. The group saw that the sword was now turning red and electric sparks of the same color were crackling off the metal. Soon red magic encased the man’s body and a red mask appeared over his face. The bandit King gulped and felt his arm shaking as he looked into the dark blue eyes of death. Somehow the man heard the sound of a neighing horse and felt panic seep through his body.

The tune came to an end and there were two blurs, one of orange and one of blue mixed with red. The two now stood where the other had been with their blades drawn. Cobalt’s sword was glowing a magnificent cerulean color and had repaired itself. The blue flyer felt the skin on his arm split open and he dropped to one knee. He looked over his shoulder and saw a large crack forming on the bandit’s sword before it broke and his chest exploded and his blood poured out.

The man coughed and grunted in pain. Cobalt walked over to the man and held the sword above his back.


“Don’t you dare try to stop me Crimson.” He said as he glared at the man. “This...thing deserves the worst kind of punishment.” His eyes were filled with rage as he looked down at the injured man.

“I’m not. Who am I to lecture you about revenge?” The man said as he looked at the pendants he held. “Theres someone else here you need to see.” He opened both lockets and the music played in perfect sync. “Believe me now?” He yelled through the doorway. The three men then heard boots scuffing against the dirt covered ground.

Cobalt’s blue eyes shrank at the sight of a woman with icy blue hair, matching eyes and bandages on her chest. She looked about five years younger than him and had a familiar air around her. Her face was that of shock and sadness as her eyes started to water. Something was trying to click in the back of the flyer’s mind as she drew closer to him. The woman remover her left glove and showed the back of her fist.

The flyer’s eyes started to water as his eyes fell upon a blue symbol. The man dropped his sword and the mask seemed to evaporate off his face. Cobalt slowly walked towards the girl. He had only seen that image once before. On his little sister’s hand, three days before the attack on their town.

“A-Azure?” The woman gave a slow nod at the words. The two embraced one another and held each other tightly. Cobalt could feel his sister’s tears soak into his shirt and the salty tears stung against his wounds. He didn’t care. Now fourteen years worth of tears and sadness came pouring out of the warrior as he hugged the woman. Crimson sat down next to the man and started to apply bandages to his gunshot wound.

“I-I thought you were dead.” The woman said as she buried her head in her brother’s chest.

“Same to you.” He said as he ran a hand through her hair. “How? I thought you and mom-”

“He,” She said as she glared at the injured man. “gave mother a choice. Me or her. She chose to save me.” The water mage said in a defeated tone. The white haired mage then walked through the door and saw the scene before her. Her boots and jacket were bloodstained and she looked worn out. Her eyes then fell upon the gunslinger and crouched next to her comrade as Crimson quietly explained what happened.

“A-Azu-” The bandit yelled in pain as The woman kicked him in the ribs.

“Don’t you dare say my name you troll shit.” Her voice was filled with malice. “Fourteen years. Fourteen long agonizing years I slaved under you, did your bidding and committed crimes for you.” The woman unsheathed her blade and held it over the man’s back. “Well now, justice is served.”

“Wait.” Cobalt said as he stood on the other side of the man. He unsheathed his sword and looked down at the new blade. “We do this together.” The woman gave a nod and both of them rammed their blades into his back and pierced his heart. The man gurgled and started to choke on his own blood.

“Any last words?” Cobalt asked in a rage filled tone. The fallen King raised his head and looked at the group.

“For....the....Order.” Hiss head dropped to the ground and he was motionless. Ivory walked over to the body and put two fingers on his neck.

“No pulse. He’s dead.” The woman said as Crimson helped Bandit up.

“How are you feeling?” Crimson asked the gunslinger.

“Been better.”

“I’m not Rouge but it should hold till we get back to the guild.”

“Right. About that.” Ivory said as she looked at the men. “You all are in serious trouble when we get back.”

“Right now I don’t care.” Cobalt said as he put an arm around his sister.

“So you’re Cobalt’s little sister?” Ivory asked.

“Y-yes, I’m Azure Wave. You are?”

“Ivory Knightwalker, I’m an S rank mage from the Academy,” Azure gulped at the woman’s rank. Judging from her appearance she had been through quite a lot. “and you are under arrest.” The group fell silent at the last few words.

“What?” Cobalt said in a stern tone.

“She’s a member of an infamous bandit group and she must pay for her crimes.”

“Um Ivory, don’t you think that-” The gunslinger was cut off as the woman’s gaze fell upon him.

“C’mon Ivory, that’s harsh. Even for you.” Crimson said as he stepped beside the woman. Cobalt got in front of her and growled.

“You want her, then you have to go through me.”

“So be it.” Ivory pulled out her sword and was getting ready to strike.

“Ivory! She was held as a captive for over a decade! She was probably forced to work for him.” Crimson protested.

“That’s not my concern.” She said as she raised the blade and Cobalt was readying his. A flash of white went through the air.

“YOU OWE ME!” Crimson yelled at the top of his lungs. The blade stopped inches from the flyer’s neck. Ivory turned her head and looked at her rival. His eyes were deadly serious and looked like two bottomless pools of blood. “I’m calling in the favor.” Ivory bit her lip and gritted her teeth. She lowered her sword and put it in it’s sheath.

“Fine, but I’m still reporting her to Crow when we get back.” She said as she took the gunslinger’s arm and put it over her shoulders.

“I’ll call him myself. My guild, my responsibility.” Ivory nodded and started to walk out of the room with the injured man. He then turned to the blue haired woman. “Sorry about her. She’s not so bad when you get to know her.”

“R-right.” Azure gulped.

“Orders boss?” Cobalt asked.

“We go home. All of us.” He nodded to Azure. “Let me just clean up here.” The man pressed both his hands together and a coffin appeared next to the dead man’s body. Crimson removed the sword and put the body in the coffin. He picked up the blade and held the handle to the woman.

“Leave it. I don’t wanna see that thing ever again.” She said in a stern tone. Crimson nodded and made it vanish. Something caught the man’s eyes as he looked at the dead thug. The conduit took something off the man’s hand and a black and red vortex swallowed the coffin up into the ground. Crimson walked back with his friend and let the two siblings reconnect.

The next day, Ponyville was buzzing with excitement. Twilight and her friends waited patiently in the guild. In attendance was Crow Blackbird and Princess Celestia. Both of them had received messages from the red haired mage telling them to meet him there. Within the hour, the doors to the guild opened and the five mages entered the guild. Twilight gasped as she looked at their condition and quickly made her way up to the man.

“Oh my Celestia! What happened?”

“Just went out on a mission.” Crimson said in an innocent tone.

“One that was far out of your league.” Crow said as he frowned.

“Nice to see you too Crow.” The cane carrying man walked up to him and hit him over the head with the stick. “Ow!”

“I have half a mind to brain you!”

“Before you reveal our punishment, there’s an important matter we need to discuss.” Crimson said as he and Azure walked forwards.

“Who’s this?” Rouge asked as she came up next to her boyfriend.

“This is Azure Wave. Second in command of the late Bandit King’s forces and Cobalt’s younger sister.” The room was dead silent at the words. Crow looked at the woman and saw the resemblance between the two. “She had been living amongst the bandits for the past fourteen years.”

“Let us talk in private shall we?” Celestia stated. Crimson nodded and lead the raven haired man, the Princess, and the two blue haired mages into the meeting room. Crimson gave in depth detail about their mission and how they found the girl. “You poor child.” Celestia said as she blew her nose into a tissue.

“You always know how to find trouble.” Crow said as he looked at Crimson. “Thank your father for that one.” Celestia stood up and looked at the girl.

“So why are you here?” She asked in a warm tone.

“We want to make a deal.” Crimson said in a flat tone. “Obviously no one is above the law and Azure must pay for her crimes.” Cobalt looked at his friend in shock.

“Now wait a sec-”

“Azure has been living with the bandits for over a decade. She knows who the higher ups are, where they sleep, where they’re stationed. She’s a valuable piece of information if there ever was one.” Celestia raised an eyebrow at the words. “All we want in return for the information is protective custody for her.”

“You mean that she stays here?” Crow said in a flat tone.

“Who better to protect her than us?” Crimson shrugged.

“And you are sure that the Bandit King is dead?” Celestia asked. Crimson snapped his fingers and a coffin appeared across the room. The man walked over and kicked the top off to show the corpse of the late King. “You continue to impress Crimson.”

“Hey I can’t take credit here. Cobalt was the one who did him in.” The two looked at the blue haired flyer and smiled.

“Good work.” Crow said with a smile.

“Would you two excuse the three of us?” Celestia said as she looked at the siblings. They both got up and made their way outside the door. Crimson had soundproofed the meeting room with a spell so no one could overhear what they were saying. An hour passed and neither of the three had come out. Soon the door creaked open and Crimson stepped out.

“Well?” Cobalt asked. Crimson walked over to the girl and stuck his hand out.

“Welcome to the Fable guild.” The girl smiled and happily shook his hand. “You’ll pass along any info you know about bandit activities to our informants and the royal guard.” Azure gave a nod and smiled at the man. Celestia then walked out and smiled at the siblings.

“Well, it was pleasure to meet you all and I hope only the best for your future.”

“It was pleasure to meet you too Princess.” The Princess smiled and she vanished in a flash of light.

“Cobalt.” The flyer turned towards his friend. “Why don’t you go introduce Azure to the others. Crow and I have some paperwork to do.”

“Sure and thanks man.” He said as he hugged his comrade. Crimson returned the hug and watched the two leave. He walked back inside the room and closed the door.

“Paperwork?” Crow said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Before we came back I took something off the King’s finger.” Crimson reached into his pocket and extended his hand. aAs he opened his palm Crow’s eyes shrank. A large silver ring with a broadsword carved into the fine metal shined proudly in the light.

“The Order of the Sword?”

“His last words were ‘For the Order.’” Crow sighed and bit his lip.

“Why would they do business with low lives like the Bandit King?”

“No idea. I’ll ask Azure about it next time I catch her alone.” Crimson said with a sigh. “If they come back then everyone is in danger, not just me.”

“I know.” Crow said as he stood up. “It’ll take a while, but I’ll make the call.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t think for a second that I forgot that you and the others broke the rules.” He said as he threw on an evil grin. “I will not do anything this day, but the storm is coming. Prepare yourselves.” The man then vanished in a puff of green smoke and crimson couldn’t help but cringe at what the mad teacher was cooking up in the witch’s cauldron most people called a head.

Crimson sighed and made his way back downstairs where Cobalt was introducing Azure to the other guild members and Twilight’s friends. The indigo haired librarian then ran up to him as he cleared the stairs.

“Hey Twi.” He said as he gave her a kiss.

“So you have a new recruit?” She said as she looked at the girl.

“Yeah.” He looked around at the happy faces of the teammates and friends. “we don;t get many moment’s like these.”


“For once, everyone is happy.” He said as he put an arm around his girlfriend.