• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 4,698 Views, 367 Comments

The Fable of the Zealot - Silentpegasus

With Crimson and his friends stationed in Ponyville, the mages must now balance their work and personal lives. Friends will become enemies, enemies will become friends and forces will clash as everything Crimson holds dear is threatened.

  • ...

Chapter III: The First

Chapter III

The First

Celestia’s sun rose over the sleepy town of Ponyville and filled the red haired man’s room with light.

“Go away sun.” Crimson said in a groggy tone. Despite the man’s protests the sun did not go in reverse and instead only seemed to shine brighter. “Fine you win.” As Crimson started to move he felt a weight on his chest. The man looked down to see the librarian.

What the hell? He mentally screamed. I thought she went home last night.

Are you complaining?

No. Crimson tried to break free from the scholar’s grip but she just pulled harder on the man and pulled him closer so her mouth was next to his ear.

“No.....not done yet.” Crimson looked at her and noticed that she was still sleeping.

“Not done with what?” He asked hoping to get something out of the scholar.

“Playing with you.” She said in a groggy tone. The next few minutes were filled with the sleeping scholar whispering things into the man’s ear. Crimson’t face grew redder and redder as she continued to tell him, in full detail, of everything she wanted to do to him. Crimson looked at his girlfriend in surprise as he realized how much of a dirty mind she possessed. The whispers spoke of tight fitting outfits, restraints and odd scenarios.

Crimson lightly tapped the scholar on the forehead and she stirred. Her purple eyes opened and she looked around to see the man’s room.

“Um Twilight,” The girl then looked at Crimson. “not that I’m complaining or anything, but why are you here? I thought you went home last night.”

“I did. I remember going to the library and going to bed.” She said as she rubbed her eyes. “I was having such a good dream.” She whined.

“Yeah I kinda know.” Twilight looked at him in confusion. “You talk in your sleep.” Twilight gulped as the man leaned in close and whispered back the things the scholar said while she was snoozing. The woman’s face went bright red and she tackled the man onto the floor and was now sitting on his chest. Crimson chuckled as Twilight stared down and pressed her forehead against his.

“You tell no one about what I may or may not have said or else I’ll find you, do exactly what I want with you, torture you then tell Celestia to send you to the moon.” The man gulped as a wave of fear and arousal over came him. The man tried to force the thought of Twilight Sparkle, the dutiful student tying him down on his own bed and being tortured by her.

The door was then kicked in by the blue haired flyer. The sword-man froze when he saw the two mages on the floor. His face went red and his wings slowly started to become erect.


Cobalt you immature jackass. The red haired man thought with a grunt.

“I guess I’ll come back in five...ten minutes pending.” He said as he closed the door. Minutes ticked by. Twilight was frozen in shock and couldn’t bring herself to move. The woman then felt a small pinch on her hand.

“Um Twilight. Mind getting off me?” Crimson said with a red face. The scholar nodded and got off the man. As Crimson stood up he saw that Twilight was only wearing a short sleeve lavender T-shirt that was cut off just above her belly button and a pair of short shorts of the same color. The man turned away and heard the scholar teleport into the restroom. “I’ll see you downstairs in a few.” The man said as he threw on a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

The red haired man made his way downstairs into the main room where the other guild members were having breakfast. Cobalt had a sly grin on his face.

“Morning Crimson.” Sunny said with a smile.


“So did I walk in on some sort of rape-bondage-sex-scene or something?” The green haired woman spat her drink out in surprise. Crimson glared at the flyer.

“There was no bondage, no rape and NO sex!” He said as he folded his arms and scowled. Ivy then leaned in with a smirk.

“Much to your disappointment I’m sure.” Crimson ignored her comment and went into the kitchen and started frying some eggs. A few minutes later Twilight came down wearing a white collard shirt under a purple sweater vest that matcher her pants.

“Morning.” Twilight said with a gulp.

“Sup?” Ivy said as Sunny brought her a plate of eggs. “So Cobalt here tells me that he saw-”

“Nothing happened! I don’t even know how I got here last night.” The scholar said as she blushed. The scholar bit her lip and motioned for the girls to come closer. Cobalt took the hint and made his way into the kitchen. “Mind if I ask you guys a personal question?”

“Shoot.” Twilight bit her lip and tried to find the right words to use.

“I’m just wondering,” The girl made sure that the two males weren’t listening. “have you guys ever....ya know?” The girl said with a bright blush on her face.

“I’m just going to assume that you mean, have we had sex?” Rouge asked. Sunny then left the conversation and went into the kitchen.

“Y-yeah.” Twilight said with a gulp.

“Duh.” Ivy said in a flat tone.

“Ivy!” Rouge said with a sigh. “Yeah neither of us are virgins.” She said in a cam tone. “Why?”

“I was just wondering.” The girl then made sure that the males were still in the kitchen. “I heard that the first time hurts. That true?” The Changeling looked at the flyer and shrugged.

“Yeah at first, but you get used to it.” Ivy said with a shrug.

“If you don’t mind me asking who was-”

“Can’t remember.” Ivy said. “Got drunk at a party, he was gone before I woke up.” Twilight gulped and hung her head in shame.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”

“Nah it’s fine Sparkle.” The girl chuckled. “That was years ago and I’ve had more than just that one time since then.” Twilight nodded and looked at Rouge who pointed to the blue flyer.

“I take it that there’s a reason why you’re asking us these questions?” Rouge stated. Twilight gulped and shot a glance towards Crimson. “Oh, right. I take it you’ve never done it before?” The scholar gave a slow nod. “Figured.” Rouge stated.

“I’m sorry. I’m not sure why I’m acting like this.” She said with a sigh. Rouge raised an eyebrow and saw the scholar shifting in her seat. The Changeling’s eyes glowed and her vision shifted.

“Twilight, are you in heat right now?” The scholar’s face went bright red and she shifted in her seat more.


“Okay and how do you usually deal with it?” Ivy asked.

“I take these pills that....lessen the urges.” The two warriors looked at one another in surprise. “Don’t you girls do that?”

“Yeah, when we were younger.” Rouge said. “I’m assuming that you’ve ‘relieved yourself’ before?” Twilight’s blush intensified. “Relax Twilight, everyone’s done it.” Twilight just shrank back. “So from what you’ve told us, you want Crimson badly right?”

“Y-yeah.” Twilight said with a sigh.

“It sounds like your magic is acting on it’s own to fulfill those...desires. Even going as far as to teleport you while sleeping, which is extremely risky.”

“Why?” Ivy asked as she looked at her friend.

“If the spell wore off mid way then she could have teleported inside a wall or half of her could end up somewhere else.” Ivy’s jaw dropped.

“Oh so you mean like Georgia?”


“Who’s Georgia?” Twilight asked.

“She was testing a long range teleportation spell. She accidentally activated it in her sleep.” Ivy explained.

“What happened to her?”

“No one knows they never found her.” The two warriors gave a moment of silence. “Any who, the only way to make sure you don’t end up like her is to fulfill your urges.” Twilight’s face went red at the thought of her and the man becoming...intimate. The girls then broke apart as Cobalt and Crimson came out with a few plates with eggs and bacon on them.

“Okay, soups on.” Crimson said as he handed Twilight a plate.

“You can cook?” Twilight said in surprise.

“Oh yeah.” Cobalt said as he took a mouthful of egg. “This guy was our cook when we were on long missions.”

“Somebody had to know how to cook. You and Ivy can’t make ice.” He said as he sat beside Twilight. The scholar took a bite of her food and her taste buds exploded with flavor.

“This is so good.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Crimson said with a smile.

“Where did you learn how to cook like this?” The scholar asked.

“Just something I’ve picked up over time.” He said as he ate. The group finished their meals and took care of the dishes. “Well, I’m off for some training.” The man said as he cracked his back. “I’ll see you later Twilight.” The man gave her a quick kiss before going out the door.

Twilight made her way out of the guild and back down to her library. She opened the door to see Spike looking around.

“There you are Twilight!” He said in an irate tone. “Where have you been?”

“Sorry about that Spike. I must have accidentally teleported in my sleep.” The dragon’s jaw dropped.

“You did what?” He yelled. “Isn’t that like dangerous or something? You could teleport inside a wall or something like that!”

“Yes, I know.” She said with an embarrassed smile.

“Need breakfast?”

“No thanks Crimson cooked me some eggs before I left.” The boy shrugged and went about his chores as Twilight sat down and opened a research book.

The warm air hit against the red haired man’s skin with a light breeze as Crimson made his way through the Everfree Forest. The large untamed wilderness was like the perfect training ground. Dangerous animals, unknown weather changes and surprises behind every tree. Crimson stopped as he came to clearing and snapped his fingers. A scythe with a black handle and white curved blade appeared in his hands. The blade edge was dark red and had a certain shine to it. Crimson looked at the blade as he remembered the shade that wielded it before he took it for his own.

“Okay, let’s see what you can do.” The man turned it in his hands and felt the weight. “Light.” He plucked one of his hairs out of his scalp and pressed it against the blade. The sharp metal sliced it in half with barely any effort. “Very nice. Not sure why that punk threw you away.”

He got cocky. Crimson flinched when he heard the voice. The man looked around looking for the source of the voice. Relax genius, no one but us. The voice was female and the man looked at the blade.

“You’re a soul edge?”

Bingo. Crimson felt the hairs on his neck stand up. Might wanna look behind ya. Crimson pulled a 180 and saw a large Manticore in a pouncing position. Time for a test run. The voice said with a chuckle. Crimson got in a defensive stance and waited. The red eyes locked with the amber eyes of the beast and sighed. The manticore charged and swiped at the man. Crimson jumped back and slashed the beast.

“Okay fur ball.” The man said as he cracked his neck. “My move.” Crimson gripped the handle and charged forward. He used the back of the blade to parry the scorpion tail. As Crimson got ready for another parry he felt the weapon move on it’s own. The force caused the man to spin in the opposite direction. Crimson heard the blade make contact with the Manticore. After completing the move he looked to see that the Manticore’s head was laying beside its body.

“Hey!” Crimson said as he smacked the blade. “The hell was that?”

Decapitation. What’s with the hit?

“Hey how we fight is my call. Got it?”

Whatever. Crimson made the weapon vanish and he looked at the sky.

Just what I need. Another weapon with an attitude. He thought with a groan. The man then saw the manticore’s body and sighed. “Well, it’d be a shame if all this meat just went to waste.” Crimson walked over to the bleeding body and sealed the wound. He put a hand on the pelt and it vanished. “Dinner is taken care of.” He said as he started to make his way back towards the guild.

As the man walked back inside he saw Spike sitting down at one of the tables. The dragon hybrid got to his feet and walked up to the man. “Hey Spike. Need something?”

“Twilight asked me to come get you.”

“What for?” Crimson asked with a raised eyebrow.

“She didn’t say. Only that it was important.” Crimson scratched his head and sighed.

“Okay, let me just drop something off in the kitchen first.” Crimson walked behind the bar to see the golden haired Changeling. “Hey Sunny.”

“Oh hello Crimson.” She smiled.

“Hey Sunny, I just came to drop off an ingredient.” The man opened up the meat locker and summoned the manticore body. The man levitated it up and slung it on one of the meat hooks. The Changeling looked at the body and gulped. The man came back out where the hybrid was waiting for him. The two then started to make their way towards the library. The two kept silent.

Crimson didn’t know that much about Spike, aside form him being Twilight’s adopted brother and that he was a dragon that was turned into a human by the scholar during a test. As Crimson was about to say something the two were approached by a black eyed Thunderlane.

“Hey guys.” He said with a weak grin.

“Need something?” Crimson asked as he crossed his arms.

“Yeah,” Thunder said with a sigh. “look I was really, really drunk last night and-” Crimson put a hand up.

“Relax. We’ve all done stupid things when we’re drunk.” The flyer let out a sigh of relief. “Just make sure that it doesn’t happen again ya hear?” Crimson said in a rough tone.

“Sure no prob.” Thunderlane flexed his wings and took off from the ground. Spike looked up at the man.

“What was that about?”

“Nothing. Just guy stuff.” The two continued into to small town and approached the library. Spike saw a curtain move and the door opened to show the scholar.

“Thanks Spike. I can take things from here.” She said with a smile.

“You sure?”

“Yeah Crimson and I are just,” The scholar quickly thought of an excuse. “going to do some magical research about magical relativity and-”

“That’s my cue.” Spike said as he started to walk away. “I’m gonna go see if Rarity needs help with anything.” The two watched the dragon go off towards the boutique. Crimson then walked inside the tree house.

“Um mind if we talk upstairs?” Crimson raised an eyebrow and shrugged. When the man started to make his way upstairs Twilight quietly locked the front door. When she got upstairs she saw that the man was using the restroom. She quickly darted into her room. Crimson came out of the restroom and saw that the scholar’s door was cracked open.

“So what did you want to talk-” The man froze in his tracks. The room was covered in scented candles. The thick scent of lavender was affluent in the air. The man’s jaw hit the floor when he saw Twilight sprawled out on her bed wearing purple colored lingerie that accentuated her natural looks.

“Ready to do some hands on reading?” She said in a seductive voice. Crimson heard the door close behind him and the lock click shut. The man took off his coat and made his way over to the bed. He put both his hands beside the woman’s head and he stared into her amethyst colored eyes.

“Look Twi, I don’t want to rush you or anything. You don’t have-” He was cut off as the librarian wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him into a deep kiss.

“I want this and I want it to be with you.” She said with a smile. “Now loose the cloths. I feel kinda under dressed here.” She said with a giggle.

“Yeah, where did you get that outfit anyway anyway?” He said as he kicked off his boots and removed his shirt.

“Rarity sells more than dresses you know.” Crimson laid down beside the girl and brushed the strand of hair out of her face. The man wrapped his arms around the girl and pressed his lips against hers. “Just one thing.” Twilight’s hands glowed and the man felt a tingling sensation around his nether region which caused a small yelp.

“What was that?” He asked as the feeling started to fade.

“Temporary sterilization spell. I think that we can both agree that neither of us want to be parents just yet.”

“Agreed. Wouldn’t want that the first time.” He said as the feeling vanished. “Now where were we?” He asked with a smirk. The woman then swung herself on top of him and had a smile on her face.

“I think here.” She said as she straddled his hips.

Ivy and Rouge were walking along the dirt road with a few shopping bags in hand. Rouge noticed that several people were still uncomfortable with her appearance. They didn’t giver her any trouble with Ivy watching her back. Even though she could take anything they could dish out and then some. The two girls then saw Spike sitting in front of the library with an annoyed expression on his face as he kicked the dirt with his shoe.

“Hey Spike.” Ivy said as they walked up to him. The hybrid just rolled his eyes and sighed. “Something bugging you?”

“You find Crimson?” Rouge asked.

“Yeah and now I’m locked out.” He said as he pointed his thumb towards the library.

“What did Twilight need anyway?”

“She said something about magical physics. Wasn’t really paying attention.” He said with a shrug. “After that I went over to Rarity’s to see if she needed a hand with anything. She didn’t so I came back here and the door is locked.”

“Can’t you send her a message?” Ivy asked.

“I’ve tried at least ten times now.” He said with a sigh. “I’m not sure what they’re doing in there, but it must be important.” The two girls looked at one another.

“I can find out for you.” Rouge said as she put her bag down.

“How? The doors locked.” The Changeling snapped her fingers and the Changeling turned into a small purple spider. “Dude that’s creepy.” Ivy scooped the tiny bug up and raised her up to the tiny window at the top of the door. The spider crawled inside and the girl returned to her normal form. The Changeling wasted no time in searching.

The lab was deserted along with the main floor. The girl then heard a thump and started to quietly sneak up the stairs. She closed in on the noise coming from the scholar’s bedroom. Rouge changed into her spider form and managed to squeeze underneath the door. What she saw next will haunt her for possibly forever.

Her mind froze as she saw the two mages intertwined with each other. The moans were loud and the smell of passion was affluent in the air. The spider quickly mad her way back out into the hallway and stayed in her spider form hoping not to interrupt the two lovers.

She came out the same way she came in and walked onto Ivy’s hand. “Well, did you find them?” Spike asked as the girl took her original form. Ivy noticed her flaring cheeks and raised an eyebrow.

“Sorry Spike, but they are doing really hard work in there.” She said trying to keep her composure. “Like crazy magic stuff.” The dragon grunted as Rouge whispered to the green haired flyer who was stifling her laughter.

“Um Spike, how long ago did you bring Crimson here?” The flyer asked. Spike looked at his watch.

“I’d say an hour and a half ago.” The girls looked at one another with mouths agape.

“You can stay at the guild till they finish up.” Rouge said as Ivy bit her lip to stop her laughter.

“Nah, I’ll just go see what the CMC are doing.” He said as he made his way away from the library of lust. The two girls then made their way back to the guild in silence.

“So, how much did you-”

“I saw everything.” The Changeling said as she entered the guild. Cobalt was at a table with a bored look on his face.

“There’s my love bug.” He said with a smile. “What did you two buy at-” The Changeling then looked at him with a deep glare.

“You. Me. Bed. Now.” Cobalt blinked and saw that his girlfriend’s eyes were filed with lust.

“I just ate and-”

“Now.” She said as the man whimpered. The blue flyer knew there was no reasoning with her and reluctantly allowed her to drag him up and have her way with him. Sunny looked at Ivy with confusion on her face.

“What was that about?”

“Let’s just say that we are the only two not getting laid.” Ivy said as she went up to her room.

“Well, that was....exhilarating.” Twilight said as she cuddled with the man beside her. Crimson had his right arm wrapped around Twilight’s waist and had a bead of sweat on his forehead.

“To quote Rainbow Dash, that was awesome.” He said as Twilight gave him a peck on the cheek. Crimson looked at the time and he sat up much to the scholar’s disappointment. “Sorry Twi, but if I don’t get back then one of those idiots will try to cook and end up burning the place down.” He said as he put his clothes back on. He gave her a quick goodbye kiss and vanished in a flash of light.

He appeared outside his guild and made his way inside where the other four mages were talking. “Hey guys sorry I’m late I-” He stopped talking when he saw that they all were grinning ear to ear. “Why are you guys looking at me like that?”

“No reason.” Cobalt chuckled. Crimson raised an eyebrow as he made his way into the kitchen.

“Make sure you wash those hands lover boy~” Ivy teased. The connection clicked and Crimson felt a deep blush appear on his face. The shame he would have to endure would be a reckoning in itself.

“So if that was only for heat,” Cobalt started. “I wonder what will happen if Crimson has an overdue library book.” The man was quickly silenced by a pan hitting him square in the face.

“Another comment like that and I’ll feed you to Cliff Mr. ‘I like it when my girlfriend plucks my feathers out.’” Cobalt’s face went bright red and Ivy roared in laughter.

“Dude, that hurts like hell.” Ivy said with a shiver. Most flyers just let their feathers molt, but actually plucking them is almost equivalent of getting teeth pulled.

“I know.” He said with as shrug.

“Okay, new rule. No talk about sex while eating.” Rouge said. “All in favor?” The other four mages held up their hands. “Good. Now I need something to eat. I’m starving.” The Changeling said as the man started to cut up the manticore.