• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 4,691 Views, 367 Comments

The Fable of the Zealot - Silentpegasus

With Crimson and his friends stationed in Ponyville, the mages must now balance their work and personal lives. Friends will become enemies, enemies will become friends and forces will clash as everything Crimson holds dear is threatened.

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Chapter II: Feels Like Home

Chapter II

Feels Like Home

Throwing a party was a tradition in Ponyville, thanks to a certain pastry chef. Pinkie had combined the Guild opening party with Sunny’s ‘Welcome to Ponyville Party.’ Drinks were poured, songs were sung and a good time was had by all.

“I’m telling you man, somethings missing.” Crimson said as he looked at Cobalt.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. Just not sure what though.” The two continued in deep thought as they looked over the checklist.

Name: Check

Symbol: Check

Armory: Double check

Library: Check

Dungeon: Check

Cobalt gave up when Thunderlane, Caramel and several other members of the male populace walked up to them. “Sup guys? Enjoying the party?” Cobalt said as he looked t the group.

“Yeah its awesome.” Caramel said with a smile.

“We just have one question concerning Crimson.” Thunderlane said as he looked at the red haired mage.

“What’s up?” Crimson asked as he looked at the flyer.

“Me and the guys have noticed that you and Twilight have been spending a lot of time together.” Thunder said as he and the group folded their arms in perfect sync like they did in those old greaser movies. “We were just wondering if you guys were a couple.” A long silence fell over the building. The music stopped and all the attention was put on the red mage.

“Um, yeah we are.” The mage heard several cups fall to the ground and the crowd erupt with cheer. Crimson saw a few of the guys sobbing at the news of their crush being taken away. Several cries from the women of the town followed suit as they looked at the scholar who was blushing brightly.

“You always did like to cause a scene.” Cobalt chuckled as he looked at the mage.

“Ha, ha.” Crimson mocked before he was grabbed by the mob of guys and was pulled into a fusion of sobs and pats on the back. Twilight was receiving the same treatment, though she was getting more jealous looks from the other girls. Thunderlane had a drink in hand and was chatting with the red haired mage.

“So Crimson, how is Twilight anyway?” Crimson looked at him in confusion.

“She’s doing fine. Why?”

“Not like that dude. How is she in bed?” Crimson’s face went bright red and he frowned at the grey winged flyer.

“That is none of your business!” He said as he slammed back his drink. “We’ve only been dating for a month and we’re taking things slow.”

“C’mon dude, me and every other guy here is wondering if-”

“I’m gonna stop you right there and I’m just going to assume that you’re already drunk and that’s why you’re asking this. Cause if you ask again then I’ll just have to take you out back and beat you like a drum.” Thunder charged by the man’s challenge and the alcohol in his system smirked and slammed back his drink.

“Thongs or panties?” Crimson frowned and handed Cobalt his drink before cracking his fist. He pressed both his hands together and the floor started to shift. People got out of the way as the hard wood started to move and a circular pit came into view. Thunder gulped and felt himself being pushed down into the pit. The man landed with a thud and saw stars before Crimson leapt into the pit on the opposite end and removed his jacket.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” Cobalt said as Sunny handed him a microphone. “In this corner, weighing in at 165 pounds. Thunderlane!” The crowd gave a cheer. “In this coming in at 170 pounds Crimson Storm!” The red mage cracked his neck and grunted. “In order to keep things fair, no wings, weapons or magic allowed. Just your fists and feet. Ready?”

“Bring it!” Thunder said in a drunken tone.

“Ring the bell.” Cobalt nodded and a bell sound was rung. Thunder charged forwards and tried to land a punch on the man. Crimson leaned back and slammed his fist into the flyer’s jaw. The force propelled Thunder out of the pit and into a table. Cobalt flew over to the man and saw that he was out cold. “Next?” Crimson said as he cracked his neck.

The other crowd members backed off and the man jumped out of the pit with ease. He brushed himself off and smiled. “Now it feels like home.” The man said with a grin.

“All right folks, party is over. See yourselves out.” Cobalt yelled. Several people grumbled as they made themselves scarce. Soon only the guild members remained and they made their way back towards their homes.Twilight gave Crimson a goodnight kiss and walked back to her library.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter. Next one will be WAY better.