• Published 5th May 2014
  • 2,568 Views, 126 Comments

Dead Loyalty - Darksonickiller

Weeks ago, Rainbow Dash was murdered and now her 5 best friends are left to find her murderer. Will they ever find the culprit?

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Dead Loyalty
Chapter 1: Introduction

''I-I just can't believe shes gone, girls. Rainbow is gone.'' Scootaloo moped as she sat in the clubhouse with her fellow crusaders, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They were all just as upset of each other, tears covering their cheeks as they recollected memories of their times with the rainbow-maned Pegasus. The time when she encouraged Scootaloo to go back to her friends and go to the Equestria Games when she didn't believe in herself, worried she would let them down, especially Rainbow.

The time they all went camping together. Sisters Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Applejack along with Rainbow and Scootaloo, just before Rainbow adopted her as a sister. Every time she'd think of that memory, it would make her tear up.
But she knew she couldn't change the past. Rainbow was gone, and she guessed things are how they are, but why would anypony in all of Equestria have anything that bad against Rainbow to make them want to murder her? What possible reason was there to want her dead?

''I know you're upset, Scoots. We all are. She was a good friend to us all.'' Sweetie Belle said, her voice a little cracked from her crying.

''She wasn't just my friend, girls. She was my sister. I loved her as much as I love you girls.''

''We love ya too, Scoots. 'Tis just who would wanna kill somepony like Rainbow Dash in 'ta first place? Who?'' Apple Bloom said as a tear slid down her face.

''Gosh, its been a week now, and we are acting like it was yesterday. I'm sure Rainbow wouldn't want us crying over her. I think we should try to get our minds off of things. Do you two wanna go crusading today?'' Sweetie Belle asked, earning a skeptical look from her two friends.

''Naw. I don't feel like it.''

''Me neither.''

''Aw, come on, girls. We can't mourn her forever. We eventually have to move on with our lives.''

''Maybe you're right, Sweetie. Its just so hard ta take in that somepony could be cruel enough to murder Rainbow.'' Apple Bloom said as Sweetie pulled her and Scootaloo into a hug.

''Come on. We've got to hold it together.''

''Girls, you two can stay here if you want, I'm just gonna go for a walk and try to think of something else other than crusading and murder.'' Scootaloo said as she broke from the hug and made for the door of the clubhouse.

The weather outside was sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and that only made Scootaloo even more upset. These were the kinds of days Rainbow enjoyed flying in. Perfect temperature, open skies and unlimited freedom. It was just saddening to not see a flash of Rainbow in the skies today. Maybe ponies will never hear the sound of a sonic rainboom again. Maybe those days were gone forever.

Scootaloo walked among the well-worn path towards Ponyville, looking down the whole way with tears glistening in her eyes. On the way she was thinking about all the good times she had with Rainbow, and when they'd both hang out. Even though they made her sad, it also made her smile a bit. As she walked, she couldn't help but see Rainbow's mansion in the distance. The flows of the rainbow rivers seeped and ran down the sides of the house and onto the ground below. Just looking at it made her smile turn into a small frown. She let out a sigh and continued walking.

''I really miss you, Rainbow...'' She muttered quietly as she continued walking, only to bump into Fluttershy. She looked up, meeting her gaze with a pair of sweet, teal eyes. She smiled at Scootaloo, but she didn't smile back, turning Fluttershy's smile into a weak frown.

''Hi, Fluttershy.''

''Hey, Scootaloo. W-What are you doing all alone?''

''I just want to be on my own, Fluttershy.''

At her statement, Fluttershy backed away a little bit, noticing the saddened look on the young filly's face, concerning her but making it quickly apparent that something was wrong.

''Um...is something wrong, Scootaloo? You look...sad.''

''Fluttershy...I just wish Rainbow wasn't ever murdered. She was my sister!'' Scootaloo said in a raised tone with tears dripping from her cheeks.

Fluttershy looked at her for a moment before she herself started shedding tears.

''I miss her too, Scootaloo. She was my very best and closest friend, you know.''


''Yeah, we both go way back. I just can't believe that anypony in all of Equestria could be so heartless and take her life.''

''She was the best as a friend to me, but more importantly she was my sister. I loved her.''

''Me too, Scootaloo. Me too.'' Fluttershy said as she pulled Scootaloo into a hug, rubbing her cheek into Scootaloo's scruffy, purple mane.

''Scoots, do you wanna come back to my cottage? You know, just try to relax?''

''Sure, Fluttershy. That'd be nice. Thanks.''

At Fluttershy's cottage, both Pegasus sat down on the couch, sipping cups of hot herbal tea as they tried to unwind.
Fluttershy kept her gaze mostly on Scootaloo, noticing that she hadn't changed in mood. Well, she wasn't really surprised about it, either. It is perfectly understandable seeing as she lost her dear friend, idol and sister to a gruesome act. Scootaloo placed her cup down on the table gently before looking up to Fluttershy.

''Fluttershy? Can I ask you something?''

''Sure you can. What is it?''

''Well, its about Rainbow...'' Scootaloo started, seeing Fluttershy's expression become a little uneasy. ''W-What happened to her exactly? Who did it do her?''

The yellow Pegasus put down her cup of tea, falling silent for a few moments as her eyes began to well up with tears. She looked at Scootaloo for a few brief moments before she spoke.

''Scootaloo...um...I really can't tell you. You're a bit too young to understand what happened.''

''Please, Fluttershy. Somepony killed my sister, and I want to know what happened to her. Please?''

''No. I can't, Scoots. I just can't tell you. I know you're upset and eager to know what happened to Dashie, but I can't tell you anything about it. Sorry...''

''You know what? I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I shouldn't of brought it up. I just wanted to know what happened to her before she died..''

''Its okay, Scootaloo. I know what its like to lose something or somepony you care about.''

''Well...thanks for the tea, Fluttershy. I gotta go.''

''Bye, Scootaloo.''