• Published 5th May 2014
  • 2,573 Views, 126 Comments

Dead Loyalty - Darksonickiller

Weeks ago, Rainbow Dash was murdered and now her 5 best friends are left to find her murderer. Will they ever find the culprit?

  • ...

The Search Begins

Dead Loyalty
Chapter 6: The Search Begins

Dear, Twilight,
I had just received your letter, and I have to say I'm shocked at this news. I'm afraid I can't quite find the words to express my mood towards this, so quite simply, I'll be there tomorrow as soon as I can. I'll meet you and the others at the library in the morning.

Yours sincerely,
Princess Celestia

Twilight read the letter and placed it down on the table after releasing it from her magical grasp. She wiped her teary eye with a hoof, letting out a loud yawn. She had been up all night awaiting a response from her, not wanting to miss out hearing her course of action.
Though it had been a few hours since she found out who murdered Rainbow Dash, she still couldn't quite get over the fact of why Lightning Dust would do something so cruel and result in killing her best friend.

It was getting about 5:00 and already it was already getting dark outside. Twilight was about to turn around and call it a day just before she heard three gentle taps at her door, stopping her in her tracks before she descended to the stairs. Letting out a tired sigh, she quietly trotted up to the door and used her magic to turn the knob and open it. At the other side stood a worried looking Fluttershy.

''Oh, Twilight. Is it a bad time? I can come back later if that's-''

''No, Fluttershy. Its alright. But, what are you doing up at this time? I thought you'd be at home or something?'' Twilight said as she allowed the yellow pegasus inside, motioning for her to take a seat.

''Twilight, are you feeling alright? We haven't heard much from you since we last got together.'' Fluttershy said worriedly as she watched Twilight's eye twitch slightly as she sat down next to her.

''Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm alright. I don't want any of you to worry about me, Fluttershy. I'll be alright. So howcome you're here? Something wrong?''

Fluttershy didn't respond but instead hid behind her mane, softly breathing as she looked into Twilight's pretty purple eyes.


''Sorry, Twilight. Its just...''

''Hmm? What?''

''...About when you found out those feathers were Lightning Dust's...do you...do you think she did it because she wanted r-r-revenge on Rainbow for what happened at flight camp? After that tornado she created?'' Her tone was quiet, nearly a whisper.

Twilight didn't respond for a while, thinking quietly as she tried to piece it all together. Granted, Fluttershy's hunch did make sense, but enough to make Lightning Dust want revenge? Even Twilight didn't expect her to do something so cruel in an act of revenge. To her, Lightning overreacted when it all happened. Even though she created that tornado to get work done faster, endangering the other members in flight camp, she blamed it all on Rainbow for getting her kicked out. It wasn't Rainbow's fault.

''I dunno, Fluttershy.'' Twilight said tiredly. ''Even though it might be true, I wish it isn't.''

Twilight laid down on the couch, her eyes drooping a little. Fluttershy noticed this and etched closer to her, also laying down.

''Twilight? Twi?''

Her answer was met with quiet breathes as Twilight inhaled and exhaled slowly while she slept. Fluttershy smiled as she watched her sleep. Carefully, Fluttershy placed herself at her side, so they were touching. Fluttershy's warmth being transferred to Twilight's cold body as she cast a wing over her and snuggled her cheek into her side lovingly moments before she herself fell asleep.

When morning came around, Fluttershy awoke first. Yawning quietly as she stretched her hooves. She turned around and looked at Twilight, whom was still sleeping softly with a weak smile spread across her face. Slowly, Twilight cracked open an eye, a little confused as to why Fluttershy was there. She yawned loudly, opening both her eyes and looked at Fluttershy, seeing her giggle at her as she woke up.

''Morning. sleepyhead. Feel better?''

''Yeah, much better, thanks.'' Twilight said with a smile.

''So, I guess you were pretty tired last night, huh?''

''I guess I was. Did I drop off or something?''

''Yeah, you did.''

Fluttershy offered a hoof to help Twilight off the couch, to which she accepted and got to her hooves. Fluttershy blushed a little at her gaze, she doing the same, but shortly, their moment was put to a halt as Princess Celestia entered the library along with two royal guards. Noticing her, the two turned around, bowing before her.

''There's no need to be so formal, Twilight.'' She said softly with with a smile spread on her face. ''I believe there was something for us to discuss, Twilight?''

''Oh, right! Hold on just a second!'' Twilight said before quickly galloping off and soon coming back with a few mint-green feathers. Celestia gently took them in her magical grasp and inspected them. After a short while, she handed them back to Twilight with her magic.

''So, Twilight.'' She started. ''I assume those were from Lightning Dust?'' Earning a confirming nod from Twilight, she continued. ''Right. Well, how do you know they are actually from Lightning Dust and not from a bird?''

''Well, you see, I was given them by Fluttershy not long ago to do a DNA test, and when I got the results back, it came up with Lightning Dust's name.'' Twilight explained.

Celestia simply nodded, slowly taking in what she was being told.

''Um...I found them not far from Rainbow's house...'' Fluttershy said quietly, all eyes focusing on her, making her feel a little scared. ''I was flying that night, but when I saw Rainbow laying on a cloud and not moving, I went to go see if she was hurt. When I got there...she wasn't moving. She was covered in so many cuts and bruises...there was blood all over!'' Fluttershy explained as she tried to hold back sobs, but to no avail.

''And you found those feathers near where you found her body?'' Celestia asked with a raised brow.

Fluttershy nodded sadly, tears glazing her eyes.


''Yes, Princess?''

''I think you should round up the others. We might need you to go with us if we are to find Lightning Dust.''

''Alright. C'mon, Fluttershy.''

Nodding, Fluttershy and Twilight ran out of the library and went to find the rest of their friends, leaving Celestia and her guards alone. She turned to face her two guards.

''Captain, I need you to go back to Canterlot and assemble the search team. If we are to find Lightning Dust, we need to conduct a thorough search of Ponyville and its surrounding areas. Now, go!''

''Yes, ma'am!'' He shouted, saluting the princess before taking off to the skies with the other guard.

''Oh, my. The chaos never seems to end...''

Author's Note:

Judge me, I'll find you and give you a smack across the face. Got it?