• Published 5th May 2014
  • 2,572 Views, 126 Comments

Dead Loyalty - Darksonickiller

Weeks ago, Rainbow Dash was murdered and now her 5 best friends are left to find her murderer. Will they ever find the culprit?

  • ...

Fate of Lightning

Dead Loyalty
Chapter 8: Fate of Lightning

The day had come when the fate of Lightning Dust would be announced. At Canterlot Court, crowds of ponies filled the court room from all sides, and at the front of the room sat the remnants of the Element Bearers. The crowd of ponies sat together, eager and impatient to hear the news that would determine what should become of the murderer of Rainbow Dash.

Down at the end of the seats, two Pegasus ponies sat. One had a rainbow-colored mane, and the other had a rough, blue mane. Twilight guessed it was Rainbow's parents. Her mother had two blue lightning bolts for a cutie mark, the color matching her mane. The father had a star, shooting rainbow colored streaks from each point. He was cuddling her while she cried on his shoulder.

Before she could introduce herself and her friends, the judge who was taking the court session into action entered the room. She had a grey coat and even darker grey mane and had royal purple eyes. And her cutie mark displayed a small, wooden gavel.

Stepping up into her place, she cleared her throat and picked up her gavel, banging it on the table, the sound echoing through the room, catching everypony's attention as they stopped their conversations, presumably about the case.

Waiting for them to all pay attention to her before she started the case, one of Celestia's royal guards came into the court room with Lightning Dust, her hooves and wings chained tightly and making small clanks as she walked along in front of the guard, soon finding her way to the seat beside the judge. When she sat down, all eyes in the room were fixed upon her, including the friends of those she murdered, but with more hateful expressions that only displayed their true flame toward her very being. Rainbow's parents, however, didn't look her in the eye. Even her dad was crying as he held his wife close. Lightning hung her head low, now able to bear the feeling of what was to become of her. Out of her eye, she let a stray tear fall to the ground.

''Miss Lightning Dust.'' The judge began, her voice bellowing throughout the room. ''Do you know why you have been summoned here today?''

She looked down at Lightning, seeing her nod her head slowly, in a sad motion.

''Do you have anything to say for yourself, Miss Dust?''.

''N-No...'' She muttered quietly, barely audible.

''Would you speak up, please?'' The judge demanded, clearly not wanting to waste time.


''Are we sure? Not a thing makes you guilty, you think?''

Lightning looked up to her, her nerves beginning to be pulled just from meeting her gaze. To say the least, she scared her.

''I didn't say that! Judge, you have to believe me, I never intended to kill Rainbow! I swear!'' Lightning defended herself, fear clearly heard in her voice.

''Oh? What do you mean by that? Do you care to explain?'' The judge inquired, placing down her gavel as she looked at Lightning, almost like she could sense the fear on her.

''Well...I guess it started off when we were training at the Wonderbolts Academy...''

As Lightning Dust explained her story, the audience and the judge started to understand more of the reason behind what she did. She told about how they met each other, the tornado they created, and even the part were Rainbow and her fell out because it nearly killed her friends when they came to visit her with the balloon getting torn to shreds, including when she ended up being kicked out of the Wonderbolt Academy because of her stupid actions.

''...And that's pretty much all there is to it, your honor.'' Lightning said, unaware that she was crying slightly, remembering all the good and bad moments they had together.

''I see...'' The judge murmured for a moment, tapping her chin a few times. ''Well, convincing story, Miss Dust, but...the thing that you haven't explained fully is the part leading as to why you committed a crime as gruesome as you did. Care to explain your actions?''

Her heart stopped, and her breathing became heavy. T-They wanted to know why she did it? For real? Even she had to admit it was a bit embarrassing... Taking in a deep breath, trying to regain her calm state, she gulped before she opened her mouth to speak.

''I...I...I just wanted you all to know...t-that I didn't hate Rainbow in any way, but I-I-I never meant for any of this to happen...'' She wiped a hoof across her eye, wiping away a few tears as quickly as they formed, not wanting to show herself break. ''I was just so angry at myself at the time. I liked Rainbow, I truly did, but as things went downhill in our friendship after I got booted from the Wonderbolts Academy, I started to hold a grudge against her.'' She stopped, noticing the few awkward stares that the ponies all gave her, making her feel a little uneasy. (Not like she wasn't already).

She gulped hard, trying to hold herself together, but finding that she couldn't, and eventually, she began to visibly show her tears as they flowed down her face like a water pipe had just burst.

''T-T-T-Then when I-I-I couldn't t-take it anymore, I-I kidnapped her a-a-and then I...I...'' She sobbed openly, trying to stop, but to no avail. ''....I killed her.''

Everyone in the court room gasped, trying to take in what she had just confessed to doing. They all started to mumble things to each other, shock flooding their minds. She actually did it: killed Rainbow Dash? Out of the crowd, a harsh voice called out to Lightning, making her shrink back. When she focused her eyes a bit more, she saw it was Applejack.

''Your a monster, Lightning!'' She yelled at her, seething anger visible in her emerald eyes, making them look like they were on fire with hate. ''You killed my best friend!'' She jumped from her seat, propelling herself towards the mint-green Pegasus, ready to forcefully kick her in the jaw. However, before she could, a purple aura grabbed hold of her tail and stopped her in mid-air.


''Applejack! Please just calm down!''

''No! She killed Rainbow! I want vengeance!'' She kicked and flailed, strongly resisting against Twilight's magic, but to no avail could she escape the magical grip on her tail. Being as careful as she could, Twilight pulled Applejack back down to her seat, still not letting go of her with her magic.

''Now, do you promise you won't do that again?'' Twilight asked simply, trying to keep her friend out of trouble.

Applejack just huffed, blowing her mane from her face, but calmly said, ''Fine. I promise.'', and as soon as she said it, Twilight smiled and released her from her grip. Saying nothing, Twilight felt Applejack's hooves wrap around her pulling her into a hug. Unexpectedly, Applejack started to cry into her shoulder, taking her back a bit, but given the circumstances, it was understandable.

''I...Ah'm sorry, Twi. I just loved her so much...'' She whimpered, nuzzling Twilight's neck softly.

Before anypony spoke up, the judge cleared her throat, getting everypony's attention once more.

''Miss Lightning Dust.'' She said sharp and cold as she stare Lightning in the eyes. ''This court finds you guilty of the murder of Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty, and sentences you to a life sentence in prison!'' Then she slammed down her gavel.

Lightning gasped, as did a few ponies in the crowd. A life sentence? For real? Oh, well, she guessed she kind of deserved it for something as horrid as she'd done. What's done is done, and nothing can change the past.

''A-A-A life sentence?! B-But I-'' She was cut off by the royal guard pulling her from her seat and dragging her away from the audience and out of the room. Seeing that she was gone, the judge brought down her hammer again.

''Case closed. You may be dismissed.''