• Published 5th May 2014
  • 2,572 Views, 126 Comments

Dead Loyalty - Darksonickiller

Weeks ago, Rainbow Dash was murdered and now her 5 best friends are left to find her murderer. Will they ever find the culprit?

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Friendly Reunion and Suspect

Dead Loyalty
Chapter 7: Friendly Reunion and Suspect

Night was setting into Ponyville, and Twilight and the others gathered at her library to stay over for the night. They figured it to be a better time as any to spend time with one another seeing as they were all partly getting on with their lives and didn't see each other as often as they used to. But with Rainbow Dash gone, it seemed to draw them back to each other. That was another thing: was this ever going to be the same without Rainbow there? Would it just change things in future without her at their side, and what of the Elements? Without all of the Element bearers together, there is a very high chance of them never being functional again! What would Equestria do then? They would be defenseless!

When all of them arrived, they all sat together in the basement of the library on some sleeping bags. For a while, none of them talked. In fact, they all seemed glummer than ever, mostly Pinkie and Fluttershy. Fluttershy sat next to Twilight, and obviously, Twilight wanted to ask her and Pinkie what was wrong, but then decided not to, because judging from that look it seemed to be bothering her a lot.

Applejack sat with Pinkie, while Rarity sat next to her, and Twilight next to her with Fluttershy by her side. For some reason, The whole lot of them didn't seem to want to be apart from each other, Twilight figured out. Of course, it was judging from how close they were sitting to each others sides. Surprisingly, Fluttershy had etched herself just a little closer to Twilight's side, enough that they were touching.

''Fluttershy?'' Twilight said quietly, looking at her with concern clearly visible in her eyes. She also noted a small tear in Fluttershy's eye.

Fluttershy didn't respond. She just remained quiet and stared lifelessly at the floor. After a moment of awaiting a response, she asked again, but she still remained silent. Quietly, Twilight decided to handle this one her way, because right now her friends needed her more than ever. The loss of Rainbow Dash seemed to take their very emotions. Twilight gently reached a hoof over Fluttershy's back and pulled her closer, cuddling her warmly as she rubbed her cheek into her long, pink mane.
Feeling the comfort of her friend, Fluttershy let her tears trickle freely down her cheeks, matting her pretty, yellow coat.

''Twilight...I-I-I just miss her....s-s-so m-much!'' Fluttershy cried aloud, tears stinging her eyes and dripping onto the floor.

''I know, Fluttershy.'' Twilight said as she softly stroked her friend's back. ''We all miss her. She was family to us.''

As the moment passed, Applejack was hugging Pinkie in a comforting manner, sadly, it didn't really seem to move her in the slightest, but she returned the embrace and cuddled with her as Rarity did the same, they themselves crying openly.

''Ah jus' dunno why Lightning woulda done somethin' as cruel as that to Rainbow. I swear, when Ah find Lightning, Ah'm gonna buck her into next week!'' Applejack said through gritted teeth, anger and hate brewing slowly within her.

''I know you do, darling. I think we all want to, but violence just won't solve anything.'' Rarity stated, trying to hold back her anger and tears, but to no avail.

''Rarity's right, everyone. I know she may of done something as cruel and heartless to Rainbow, but what good would it do even if we did try to get back at her? It wouldn't solve anything.'' Twilight told them, seeing their hurt.

''Maybe you're right, Twi. I just can't believe anypony such as Lightning could do such a terrible thing to Rainbow! She was my best friend! HOW COULD SHE BE SO HEARTLESS?!'' Pinkie yelled, her tears now burning her eyes as she felt herself begin to break.

Twilight didn't respond, but she did feel tears invade her eyes, dripping onto the floor below her. She didn't want to show how hurt she'd been by it, but her true feeling for Rainbow are what made it only much more worse than she wanted it. Since the day she met Rainbow, she already like her, and from there she began to even love her, but because of the evilness that took her from her friends, she never got to tell her about how she truly felt about her. There was only one thing Twilight knew for true, and it made her hurt more inside, just the fact that she and her friends would never see her again, and have to move with their lives without her.

''Well, girls, its getting late.'' Twilight yawned softly. ''I think we should all try to get some sleep. Things might turn out better in the morning.''

''Twilight! Wake up!'' Applejack shouted as she shook Twilight's shoulder roughly, awakening her from her sleep.

''Huh? What? What's wrong?'' Twilight said dully as she opened her eyes and got to her hooves slowly, shaking the sleep from her hooves.

''Quick! They found her!''

''What? Found who? Rainbow?''

''No! Lightning Dust! Hurry!''

Without being given a chance to respond, Applejack ran upstairs to the library, shortly being follow by Twilight, who was still a little confused. When she got to the top the stairs, the first thing that she saw was a couple guards restraining a frightened looking Lightning Dust with their magic. And waiting with them was Princess Celestia, herself. Seeing Twilight, she motioned for her to come closer. The rest of her friends were waiting for her beside her, all with angry and hateful expressions towards the mint Pegasus.

''P-Princess?'' Twilight said quietly before bowing to Celestia, ''What are you doing here?''

''Isn't it quite clear, Twilight? We found Lightning. And I do believe there are some matters we need to discuss in private.'' Celestia's tone was sad yet somehow filled with a hint of hate. Twilight couldn't really blame her for it, though.

''Guards? Care to explain?'' Celestia said as she looked at one of the two guards.

The guard on the left of Lightning nodded to his princess and looked back to Twilight and her friends.

''Well, ladies, when we were ordered to find Lightning, here, we seemed to be searching for ages, but one of the patrols called the rest of us after him to follow, claiming he had a lead to the suspect.'' The guard explained, eying the Pegasus with a hatefully cold glare before looking back up. ''At first, we thought he had the wrong place to look, but soon enough, he led us all to a wooden cabin not far inside the Everfree forest. When we got closer, we still thought it was nothing but a small home for a small family. That is...until we came face to face with one of the most horrific things we ever saw.''

''W-What did y'all see?'' Applejack said, eager to hear the truth.

Feeling uneasy, the guard stopped a few times as he was about to continue with his story. But finding himself unable to continue, the guard on the right spoke up instead.

''Well, what we saw was just gruesome, and even upsetting to know anypony of Equestria coould have possession of. Through one of the windows were...were...'' Stopping, he looked at the floor, feeling just as uneasy as his partner. Not looking up, he continued, ''Weapons and tools covered in blood...''

Everyone gasped, horror show visibly on their faces as they all stared Lightning in the eyes with the same, cold and hate-filled emotion. Unexpectedly, Applejack pounced at her, but before she could get to her, Celestia restrained her in her magical glow, stopping her in mid-air.

''LEMME GO! I WANT PAYBACK! SHE KILLED MA FRIEND!'' Applejack yelled, causing Lightning to flinch, just imagining what would happen if Applejack got to her.

''Applejack, please calm down.'' Celestia said firmly. ''There is going to be a court session soon in Canterlot. Her fate will be decided there. Until now, nothing can be said for sure.''

''Calm down?! CALM DOWN?! She's a monster! A MONSTER! SHE KILL MY BEST FRIEND!!!''

''Applejack! Just calm down! You heard her, there's gonna be a court session soon, so it won't make a difference if you hurt her!'' Twilight told Applejack, but the stubborn pony didn't listen.

''I don't care if she gets sentenced to prison or not, I WANT PAYBACK!''

Suddenly, Applejack fell silent in the air and a small flash of light emitted from Celestia's horn, indicating that she had activated a sleep spell. Gently, Celestia lay Applejack down on Twilight's back.

''I put her in a deep sleep for now, but she should awake soon. In a few days, the court session will be ready to take place, so for now, I think its best that you ponies get some rest. Its going to be a long day. I'll see you all in Canterlot when its time for the court session to take place. Until then, I must return back to the castle.''

Author's Note: