• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 1,503 Views, 55 Comments

Diamonds are a girl's worst enemy - Rarity Belle

Follow Rarity when she embarks on an adventure that takes her deep down into the mines below Canterlot in the hunt for gem of times long gone by. The only problem is that she ends up with a lot more then she had originally bargained for.

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Act 2 chapter 10

Hours had gone by since the events had managed to capture Rarity at the highest time of misfortune. Hours had gone by since the fusing of the crystalline columns and her very spine had happened. Hours had gone by and she still hadn't woken up. Though that fact was something that would change itself in the moment of choosing. For above the little town had the weather still been going strong. The pegasi had one little surprise in store for the whole place, a terrible one.

Without a warning was there one massive burst of lightning that traveled out of the skies. It just rushed at an incredible speed towards the land. The place of impact was nowhere else then the square before town hall, which fortunately was already emptied out. It wasn't the flash that scared the ponies though. It was the near deafening and roaring thunder that followed up not even a second later that did the trick.

Ponies all over the town and far outside of it all shocked up and walked to their windows in the hope to catch as much as a glimpse of what was going on. Of course they didn't saw anything, but it did work as a very good wake-up call for anything that was still vastly asleep.

All of the sudden did the eyes of Rarity open themselves up in shock and she began to inspect her surroundings. No scent of smoke, no sign of any fire that had been erupting. From the looks of it was she safe. That was until she looked upon her location and shook her head ever so lightly. Nothing in her being could even as much as understand as of why she happened to be lying on the ground.

“W-What have I done in order to end up, here?” she asked to herself before the terrible pain in her back returned. A pain that was only a small shock, but powerful enough to make her turn her head around. The sights that then fell into her eyes would have been a literal eye-opener for her. For as she looked over on her back, it became quite literally apparent that she wore one of the most beautiful dresses she had ever seen within her entire life.

A dress that was made out of the purest diamond and crystal shards connected –if not tailored– together with a magical connection. It was a true beauty to look at, weren't it for the single fact that she had seen the design somewhere before. Both enjoyment as well as fear suddenly filled up the unicorn. There was no more recollection of how she had gotten the dress and just where she had seen the picture of it before.

The wildest of thoughts suddenly raced through her mind. Though only a deep gulp showed any of her worry on the outside. Her face became static, almost as if she had seen a ghost and she eyed even whiter than it normally was. Something was terribly wrong and she knew it. Rarity just couldn't yet pinpoint it.

Though she did still lay down on the ground and couldn't move her body one bit. The weight of the dress was something that came literally crashing into her being. She felt just how the shards pressed themselves up against her coat. Another gulp was being released by her mouth. The head turned itself back for a better inspection.

Her face looked deadly pale before she tried to hoist herself even upwards from the floor. Though the strength wasn't there in her own hooves. Instead she needed help from something, or anything to do just such a simple task. It seemed impossible for her for certain but that was the situation as it was.

In the silence of the moment did the horn charge itself. The unicorn tried to speak a levitation spell upon herself. A spell that failed actually the second that it was fired. The eyes closed themselves again as she gave up on the matter. She needed to regain her strength through another manner in order to figure out just what had happened to her.

Though the answer was perhaps a lot closer than originally thought it was going to be.

For all of the sudden did the weight of the dress decrease itself. A heavy clunk could be heard upon the ground. As if something in the shape of a crystalline giant’s leg had stomped itself into the ground. The mare could have been called a liar if she had said that it didn't make her curious one bit. Though to make the matter even more interesting, there was a second one that did just the same.

It was impossible for the mare to keep her eyes shut any longer. A thing that was actually amplified by the fact that the front of her body actually rose itself upwards. Yet the most interesting fact had to have been as if she tried to control her own legs. Or better said, a new set of legs.

Once more did the terror fill up the unicorn as she had not a clue of what was going on yet doubted to whether or not she had to open her eyes. Yet in order to confront the situation as it was, the mare had to open her eyes and see the horror for herself. That was a fact that even she knew deep down to the core of her being.

So with a deep sigh that was being exhaled, all four of her legs had set themselves firmly back upon the ground. There was only one thing that she had to be doing. One thing that terrified her.


The eyes got opened widely and they stared right at them. Each of the eyes got the near perfect view. The saw something that not even Rarity could have come up, even if she wanted For in the carpet of her living room stood the crystal column with a change to it. The very end had formed itself as a three jointed talon that was taking up most of her weight and pressed it down unto the floor.

Though the surprises didn't end there. When she followed the direction the thing went into, it ended up right in her back. The eyes of the mare went wide when she realized that not one, not two, but four of those things sprouted out of her body as if they were nothing.

“No, this can’t be, this can’t be true. A, a minute ago there was this wonderful dress!” Rarity exclaimed. She began to tremble upon her legs once more. Though when her body shook, there was another fact that she then realized. There was one of the crystalline arms that was staring to the back of her head. Except where it was thought to have felt unnatural, it felt like she was in control of the things. They weren't anything that the arcane arts themselves commanded.

Instead they were commanded by the brain and will of the unicorn herself. All four of the claws made their way towards the face of Rarity. The mare had one great and deep look at each of them. The fear was still readable from deep within her eyes as she knew she had broken her word to Twilight.

But not only that, she had also realized just what the spell did in its fullest. Those four crystalline arms that she had gained, were the dress she wore a minute ago. All of the sudden did everything began to make sense. That sudden realization scared the living daylight out of her. She took a couple of steps back before her will bend each of the arms straight into the ground.

A deep and loud scream of utter agony and emotional troubles filled the living room of the boutique, while the thunder continued to roar like a hungry beast.