• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 1,503 Views, 55 Comments

Diamonds are a girl's worst enemy - Rarity Belle

Follow Rarity when she embarks on an adventure that takes her deep down into the mines below Canterlot in the hunt for gem of times long gone by. The only problem is that she ends up with a lot more then she had originally bargained for.

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Act 1 chapter 3

When the train finally rolled out of the station and Rarity had waved to every last pony that was still standing on the thing, the mare was finally having some time for herself. That was until it would arrive in the massive city that was the capital of Equestria itself. It did hurt the mare a little bit that she had to leave everypony behind in the manner that she did, but it was all for a better cause in her eyes. Still she had been able to give them all her goodbyes and even a massive group hug was given by just about everypony present. Her family and friends all had come to wave her out and the thoughts continued to linger through her mind as the train continued to pick up the speed.

Slowly but surely did all of the stress that was given to her fade away into nothing else but a rather simple and single thought they were all compressed in and that thought was then moved to the back of her head were it would be safely stored. The unicorn snuggled up a bit up against her seating before she felt herself losing the grip of reality more and more. Bit by bit she was falling more into a sleep up to the point she actually was just that. Rarity had fallen asleep on the train that continued to race towards Canterlot.

Thoughts and dreams all crossed her mind with a relative ease and all of it seemed to have been just so pleasant and rather wonderful. Though it might also have been something that had to be done with the landscape they were racing past and the sun that shone weakly on her seat. All of it added to just a nice little time in the train.

That was until she was woken up by something not even she knew. All of the sudden did her dreams faded out and the grasp of reality became as thick as ever once again. With a small jump on her seat had the mare opened her eyes again and looked around. Her eyes went over the window to see the landscape racing by before they turned themselves back over to the insides of the train.

“Ticket please,” was then being said to her. It was something that caused the mare to blink a couple of times before she finally understood just what was being said. Rarity’s eyes were turned over to the origin of the voice and she looked straight into the eyes of a brown coated stallion wearing an official train company vest. Without a doubt, it was the ticket collector.

“O-One moment please,” said Rarity to buy herself some time. She then reached inside of her blue colored jacket. It was a nice and comfy little jacket that the unicorn preferred to use as she traveled towards the massive city. Unlike Ponyville were most ponies would be walking in true equine fashion –which was being almost naked– Canterlot had a different look upon that. Everypony wore something up there and the last thing that Rarity wanted was to stick out from that view model like a sore hoof.

“Ah, here we go,” she spoke up to the stallion before she gave him the ticket. He took it calmly over from her and looked over it with the eyes of a hawk for a second or two before he made a hole into it.

“Hope you will be having a good time up there and, sorry for the rude wake up,” he said to her as he returned the ticket and made a respectful nod with his head.

“It doesn't matter dear, you need to do your job anyways so I can’t blame you,” Rarity replied to him before she released a small giggle in response. Once again did the stallion gave her a nod before he then continued upon the travels throughout the train.

Though with the unicorn finally awake again, it was truly impossible for her to fall asleep once more. So the only thing that she could be doing was to just sit back and enjoy the view that was racing past her. Not many could actually blame her for doing so, as the weather was beautiful and the landscape albeit rushed still had this wonderful charm to it.

“Almost like a painting if you ask me. Heh, maybe a new form of art? High speed passing by? Wouldn't be surprised if that already had been made up by somepony in that city.” Rarity chuckled to herself in that moment. She then leaned her head against a hoof whose elbow was being set against the bottom of the window.

It was a thought that was just as crazy as she happened to be actually. But something in her mind also said that it could be working. As the everyday things that perhaps only a few truly could be appreciating, were always the most beautiful things around. “Might give painting a chance, when the time is truly there.”

For the rest of the trip she remained rather silent, even for her own liking actually. Of course there was the occasional talk to somepony who seemed to have recognized her from some place and those were genuinely nice little moments for her for certain. Even if they were just getting a little obnoxious due to the sheer rudeness that some carried. But it wasn't anything that the unicorn couldn't deal with.

The brakes of the train finally set themselves in and they rolled towards the platform of Canterlot Station. The time had arrived to disembark from the long trip that she had. Both the bags and suitcase were being levitated from their little compartment. The sapphire blue rimmed eyes of the unicorn looked over all of the ponies that were trying to get out as first and the mare made the wise decision to wait just a little bit.

With Canterlot being the final stop for the train before it would return back to the Frozen North, she could be taking her time until most of the ponies had already left the train before she would be finally going. A thing that caused her to depart from the carriage without a problem whatsoever.

Though the things she needed to be doing first was to actually check in by her hotel before she would be going towards the meeting that would be held in the early evening. Judging by the time that was displayed by one of the many clocks of the station, Rarity would be having all the time in the world to wait for that to happen.

“Suppose I can stroll down the busy streets here for a little bit. Maybe do some window shopping, or actual shopping. Got to be careful with bits though.” Rarity giggled to herself while she left the platform and the station as a whole. The hotel was the first thing that would be done before just strolling around in the massive city without a care. Only to have the meeting begin after that.

A meeting that would hopefully clear some question for her while still being in her favors. A hard thing to ask from one of the royals alone, let alone if the both of them are present.