• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 1,503 Views, 55 Comments

Diamonds are a girl's worst enemy - Rarity Belle

Follow Rarity when she embarks on an adventure that takes her deep down into the mines below Canterlot in the hunt for gem of times long gone by. The only problem is that she ends up with a lot more then she had originally bargained for.

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Act 3 chapter 4

It was the sound of the thud against the ground that knocked the ivory coated mare straight back into the world. The eyes opened themselves wide and the expression that was to be found within them was frightened. She was utterly and terribly frightened of the events as they had gone down. She didn't knew what had happened, but it couldn't have been anything good.

Her crystalline limbs made the return back to her where they almost calmly hovered right in front of her face. The sapphire blue eyes of the mare looked at them as if she had seen a ghost. They were still there. Of course they were still there. She had chased Twilight in order to not have them cut off in the first place. It was difficult for the mare to actually understand just what was going on.

One part of her mind wanted them gone, while another wanted to have them stay. Though the most eerie of things had to be the fact that the second thought wasn't her own. It was a thought that raced through her mind, but she wasn't the original thinker of it. Could it be that these, have their own intelligence? she questioned herself. Then there was a deep shake given with the head. There was a time and place to think about such things.

Yet where she happened to be, was neither of them. The mare had to look around and see what happened to everything with her own eyes. She knew that it was going to be a sight she rather didn't see but just felt like her eyes needed to have at least glanced over it once.

It was the deeper inner struggle that caused the unicorn to sigh deeply. Her eyes lowered themselves back to the table on which she laid. She wanted to glance so much, but somehow all of her muscles just went straight into lock whenever she tried to turn her head. Almost as if she was too afraid to see what laid there. Which she in fact, actually was.

Rarity was terrified to witness the crimes she had commenced against Twilight, let alone what her arms had physically done to her. It was difficult for the mare to even begin to understand just how much the struggle would consume her. A struggle that could have driven her to madness.


Eventually and after literally minutes were the arms crammed back into the ground. With force had they hoisted Rarity up from the table. If her own body denied her the fact of looking, perhaps her new limbs would be giving her the option. Slowly but surely did she rose and turned herself towards the scene of the crime. Her sapphire blue rims were revealed to the world once again as they slowly opened. She awaited anything and everything to fall within her eyes, no matter how horrible.

When her sight fell upon the horrible scene, tears almost immediately sprung into her eyes. Rarity just couldn't believe that what she had done to Twilight. There were only a few set of words that could be spoken by her in that moment. “I, I killed her. I k-killed her,” she whispered to herself in sadness. Her eyes remained stationary upon the lifeless body. The arms lowered the body of the unicorn to the ground. But she just wasn't able to stand on the ground herself.

She was shaking like a filly who had a nightmare, except that her nightmare was the cold reality. A hoof was brought over to her mouth in order to cover it as the tears gently began to roll off of her cheeks. Rarity just couldn’t believe it that she had killed one of her most dearest friends in the entire world. It was just a concept she couldn’t wrap her head around whatsoever.

“Murderer…” whispered Rarity all of the sudden. The words came just after the hoof was placed back on the ground. Her crystalline limbs didn't even move one bit as the sheer cruelty within the tone would silence anything. “I, I need, I need to get out of here, and fast.”

Her eyes glanced for one last time over the bleeding body of Twilight. She was nothing more than a body that laid lifeless on the floor. No respiration, no heartbeat, not even the tiniest sparks of magic could be seen coming from her. If Rarity only had known that Twilight was just knocked out, instead of dead. The ivory unicorn turned herself quickly around and began to look for a way out.

There was desperation that struck her before she opened the door of the lab by almost breaking it in half. She needed to get out of the place and with luck the library was still abandoned. The arms turned themselves back into the dress as the mare reached the living quarters and looked for the entrance. “I’m sorry Twilight, I’m so, so sorry,” she spoke to herself. Her eyes looked one last time towards the laboratory.

Only then she just disappeared straight into the night and wanted to go no place else but her home to think about her future. Certain things just couldn't be done anymore and that very thought scared the living daylight out of her. In the dead of night she walked over the stone cold ground of Ponyville while her legs were still shaking. Her life as she knew it, had completely changed.


Though the closer she came to her home, the more the realization of the situation managed to kick in. If she would have gone home, that would have been the first place that the guards would be looking for her. She would only be having herself cornered in such a situation and therefore perhaps needing to live her time in jail.

If there was one thing that Rarity would have refused to be doing, it was going to live her life in jail. “No, I need to get out of here as soon as possible,” said Rarity to herself. Then her eyes turned over and into another street. A street that was so perfectly straight and long that it looked straight into outskirts and even to the forest that everypony feared.

“The Everfree Forest,” she mumbled before her dress merged back into her arms. “There where the monsters roam free.” All four of them placed their claws upon the ground and hoisted the mare up in the air as the look of dedication grew within her eyes. “There, where the queen of tyranny, is nature itself. There, where I shall make my new home.”

It was a bold and idiotic plan for certain. Though Rarity couldn't think straight anymore. In the time that she had gotten her crystalline arms and left the Golden Oak library, her mind had been descending down the path of madness more than ever before. She wasn't used to such levels of insanity. Those very same levels managed to take over her body faster than anything.

With the arms doing the walking for her, Rarity kept her eyes straight and firm upon the woods which she would be making her new home. There wouldn't have been any goodbye’s, just her straight up disappearance. Of course did she thought about her family and remaining friends but the story of Twilight experimenting on her and actually vaporizing her before the spell killed herself would have been a lot more believable story.

Even though it sounded like madness itself already. Rarity’s mind had come dangerously low and she almost didn't feel any more mercy for the death of Twilight. It would have sounded odd and definitely crazy, yet it was the truth. Something deep inside of her mind had snapped completely and messed up with her morals, beliefs and behavior. Gone was the lady of grace, she was replaced with something terrifying and dangerous, as well as unexpected.