• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 1,503 Views, 55 Comments

Diamonds are a girl's worst enemy - Rarity Belle

Follow Rarity when she embarks on an adventure that takes her deep down into the mines below Canterlot in the hunt for gem of times long gone by. The only problem is that she ends up with a lot more then she had originally bargained for.

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Act 3 chapter 7

Slowly but surely did the light return to the eyes of Spike. A deep groan was being released from the soul. He hoisted himself back upon his legs. The teen-aged dragon had not a single clue of whatever could have happened to him, though he did have a little idea or two. The throbbing of his head managed to maintain for a bit longer before he rubbed the spots in the hope to calm it down.

It was something that was a bit more aimed towards of wishful thinking than anything else really. Though he couldn't complain that much about it. His eyes adjusted themselves to the levels of light and when they saw sharp again, he saw an oddly comforting sight for sore eyes. For within his very eyes he saw nopony else but Twilight in a hospital bed. The only catch was that it seemed like she was both vast and deeply asleep. Still, the scene managed to grow a smile upon his face.

It was only then that he also noticed another pony who was standing next to the bed. A mare who was dressed in white with her mane nicely flung backwards and a set of glasses upon her nose. The mare turned her attention calmly towards the dragon before a smile formed itself upon her face as well. “I was already wondering when they would send you,” she spoke to him with a smile.

Those words left Spike a little bit baffled. “You mean, that I have been expected? W-What happened to begin with?” He had not a clue about anything or anyone anymore at the moment. His joy of seeing Twilight safe had actually prevented him from realizing the facts as they had happened. Which in and of itself actually caused the questions to slowly arise.

“You might want to sit down for that, sir. For it happens to be quite the tale that I need to be telling you then.” Spike could only obey the words said to him. He glanced over to room before he dropped within the nearest chair. He would be awaiting the news then. The other mare calmly walked up to him as she thought about how her words could best be spoken. “When miss Sparkle here was teleported over to Canterlot, you soon enough followed as her aid, or close relative should I say. One to keep her comfort in the dire time of need. For, I am not sure if they told you this already, there are some things they couldn't get done in Ponyville.”

The mare removed the glasses from her nose. She looked straight into the eyes of the dragon with a serious glance. It was unbelievable that somepony could even look that sternly into someone else’s eyes. “They, told me something though,” Spike then replied as he tried to recall his mind.

“And that being, if I may ask?” the mare asked with a genuine curiosity.

“Amputation of her leg?”

The mare gave a nod with her head to confirm the thoughts. He was right on the bits. Though the process as it was going to be, still remained unknown to him. That was where she came in. There was a small sigh that was released through her nostrils. Then the truth of the matter was revealed. “Her leg indeed needs to be amputated yes, and she shall receive a prosthetic. But since this is the princess’ personal protégé we are talking about, just a stick or another leg won’t do it for her.”

That was the moment where Spike had to interrupt on the matter. He noticed that something was just completely off and even dead right wrong with the procedure as it would have followed. “You are not going to give her a special treatment just because she is in good with the princesses! I won’t allow that,” he growled to her.

“If you just let me speak out here for a moment, there is a reason behind it all.” Spike just released a deep huff in response before allowing the mare to continue. “Thank you. The reason behind it, is because a normal prosthetic doesn't give the freedom of a real leg and a stick well, nothing. I think you’re aware of the pirates of old wearing those. There is something we can do about that, to give her back the entire leg. But it will also be something heavy on your department. Gem prosthetic.”

The heart of the dragon almost came to a standstill when he heard those words. Something inside of him just made his stomach turn and twist into pretty much every single way that was known to ponykind as uncomfortable. He ate gems all day long, devoured them by the dozen. Whatever the doctors had planned for Twilight, he needed to learn to behave himself. “T-Tell me a bit more, before we continue or do anything else.” It was perhaps the best solution he could have come up with in the moment. For his lack of information on the matter, really let him touch in the dark.

The doctor understood the words he spoke. She began to explain just what she meant with her words. Slowly but surely it became clear that they wanted to make a mold of Twilight’s leg in order to replace it with one made out of amethyst and through a set of magical currencies they could make it act like an actual leg. As if the leg itself was never amputated to begin with.


“That, that is certainly some heavy stuff indeed, doc,” commented Spike before he wiped the sweat almost from his forehead. Something about the words had of course worried him and that same expression was readable from the mare her face.

“Knowing, and judging your teeth, that you actually eat crystals or gems in general, I think there only rests me one question. Would you be able to contain yourself, for her?”

“I would go through Tartarus for her. If it means that I need to kick off from one gem, then so it be. But, it brings dangers with it, doesn't it?” returned Spike to her.

The doctor couldn't lie, there were indeed dangers linked to the operation that didn't come from the dragon. “There are always dangers I’m afraid. But it is the best for her if she wants to continue doing what she loves to be doing. So, as heavy as it sounds, the decision has fallen upon you. You may decide what will happen to her. How she shall be treated.”

It was as if somepony dropped a massive weight upon his shoulders without a warning. All of the sudden he had the fate of Twilight in his hands. Never in his entire life had he ever come close to holding such power and responsibility. It terrified the dragon actually. The fear that came to his eyes was something that was highly understandable and he couldn't have been able to hack the rope.

The decisions that were asked of him were simply too much. “I, I need parchment and a quill, I need to write to somepony and I need to do it now. She, she can remain like that for a little while, right?”

The doctor nodded to his words once more and a massive sigh was sent through the room by the dragon. Mere minutes later was the message for that one special pony send away within the fires of Spike’s breath and the wait could begin. For there was only one pony in the land allowed to actually make that decision, and it wasn't Spike’s to make. Spike would have been one of the last beings in the land that should have been allowed to give such a responsibility to his adoptive mother.