• Published 29th May 2014
  • 3,534 Views, 335 Comments

Divine Jealousy and The Voice of Reason - Jordan179

Late Season 4: When Discord discovers that Fluttershy has another love interest, will he attempt a traditional solution? Or can a Voice of Reason stay his hand?

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Chapter 1: An Unwelcome Discovery


Discord was in an unusually-happy mood that morning.

He knew that it might seem surprising to those who knew him only as a merry spirit of Chaos Incarnate, prone to play his mischievous tricks far and wide -- at least that's what he thought it meant when Ponies screamed, often dropping whatever they were holding at the time, and ran in doors, or into the forest, or the nearest handy caverns, whenever they saw him. An unwillingness to join in the fun, or something like that. However, that at least implied that they knew he was all about fun. That he must seem to everypony to be a rather happy and carefree sort of fellow.

But there was one Pony he knew who was almost always willing to join in the fun. As long as he didn't hurt anypony, that was. And it wasn't as if he wanted to hurt any ponies any more. He'd promised not to, after all. To her. And he especially didn't feel like hurting any ponies any more. Especially not when he was with her.

She was a Pony, and how could he possibly want to hurt any of the same species that had produced her?

So he stepped in that direction indescribable to most Ponies -- only one could see it clearly, and that particular Pony lived with her family in South Dunnich, some fifty miles from where he was going -- and toward Fluttershy's parlor. Or that was going to be where he was going, except at the last moment he decided to step into her bedroom, because that would be a much more fun thing to do. Either she'd still be asleep, in which case he'd do something spectacular to wake her up, or more likely she'd be downstairs in her kitchen and then he could dramatically fly down into her parlor.

One step, and he was there. "Surprise," he started to say ...

The first thing he noticed was that, while Fluttershy was in bed, she wasn't asleep.

The second thing he noticed was that, while Fluttershy was in bed, she wasn't alone.

She was not exactly in flagrante delicto. But the presence of the head of what was indubitably a stallion (and a remarkably large one at that) on the pillow next to her, the rumpled condition of the bed-clothes, and a very strong smell of sweat and sex in the room made it very obvious that he had avoided catching her in that position by a matter of mere minutes.

That and the look of extreme shock on both their faces, and fear on the stallion's face the moment he realized just who had abruptly appeared in the bedroom of his inamorata. The guilt that a moment later flashed onto Fluttershy's face made it obvious, if all the other evidence had been inadequate, exactly what had just happened.

He started to make a move forward, and Fluttershy's expression shifted instantly. Determination blazed in her eyes.

"Discord, no! Don't hurt him!" she said, and behind it was the force of her Stare, and so of course he could not act as he had intended and turn her prince back into a frog. That was a classic transformation, one of his favorites. He dimly wondered through the sick sense of betrayal, how she could just do that to him.

Stupid bugs, he thought sourly. Where'd they get the power to do that? Then he remembered. Oh yes. Possibly not my best decision ...

But it was not just some stupid bug, it was Fluttershy -- his Fluttershy, or so he had thought, whom he'd also considered his friend, who had done this to him. And how did she even know that would work? he wondered. The last time she'd tried to use the Stare on him, he'd pretended to immunity.

Either she'd figured out later just what had really happened, or she'd just been that worried about her lover's well-being that she'd tried it without even considering that it might not save him. The depths of emotional intimacy and attraction the latter interpretation implied depressed him further.

Fluttershy snapped the Stare closed, turned toward the stallion.

"Bulk, you have to go," she told him in a low, calm voice. "Now," she added, when he hung indecisive.

"But I ... what if he tries to hurt you?" he asked her in a voice that seemed ridiculously childlike, despite its breathy gruffness. Concern was plain on his exceedingly-ugly face.

"He won't," Fluttershy assured him. "And if he wanted to --" she lowered her eyes sadly, "-- you couldn't stop him. Now go."

"But ..." Bulk said again, clearly torn between the desire to protect his mate and the desire to obey her.

"Now!" insisted Fluttershy. The Stare flickered briefly, and he cowered back. Tangling himself in the bedclothes as he did, Bulk -- with an exceedingly unhappy look -- bolted out of the room and down the stairs.

She turned back to look at him, unafraid.

You forgot to tell me not to hurt you, Discord thought darkly. Old desires stirred within him, old habits churned beneath his greater emotional numbness. Did you forget? Or are you just assuming that I won't, because I'm your friend?

In his mind, which was very great though very disorganized, the pieces of what amounted to a weapon clicked into place. Energies rose within him. Realities prepared to warp, to turn Fluttershy into something physically-incapable of Staring at him ... but he couldn't do it.

It wasn't the old geas she'd put on him months ago -- that had long since worn off, as was inevitable when cast against a being at his level of power. It was, alas, exactly what she'd been counting on.

He couldn't hurt her ... because he still saw her as his friend.

Despite everything, he still loved her.

With a howl of inchoate rage that shook the whole cottage, created a flock of a bird species which had been extinct for ten million years, and triggered an unplanned deluge of iced tea over a random part of the Everfree Forest, he stepped back home, leaving that accursed bedroom far behind him.



Bulk Biceps tumbled out of Fluttershy's front door, uncertain of where to go next. Without really thinking about it, he galloped down the lane leading from her doorstep across her wide front yard. cutting corners on her twisty path up the low hill, across the little bridge, toward the gate opening on the main road. Running was the best plan he had available ... for now.

Bulk was not the most brilliant of Ponies, but he was smarter than he looked. Which, admittedly, wasn't all that difficult to achieve, since he looked like a mindless slab of muscle in roughly equine form. He knew exactly why Discord might have been so upset to find him in bed with ... for a moment, he almost lost track of his thoughts in utter worship of the wondrousness that was Fluttershy, the sweetness and beauty that she had privileged him to so intimately know ... well, yeah. Fluttershy had told him that she and Discord weren't involved that way, but he knew how guys thought. Being one himself.

And, for all his brief bravado, he knew that there was no way he could fight Discord. He remembered the Day of Madness three years ago, a day he'd spent being chased all over town by a swarm of creatures that looked like butterflies but had appetites and teeth that no butterfly naturally born had ever owned. That was something Discord had done to him by way of idle amusement, no hard feelings. What wouldn't the Twister do to someone who he caught in bed with ... momentary distraction, forced down by combined willpower and fear .. somepony he thought was his mare?

Yeah. And not the happy kind of "yeah" either.

He was running away, leaving her -- his Goddess -- alone with that monster. Even though she said he wouldn't hurt her. Because, in the end, Bulk had no choice. He was just an ordinary Pegasus, caught in a clash of divine forces.

For all his size and muscles, at that moment Bulk felt very small.

The next moment he felt very surprised. Because as he reached the gate, a familiar pink mare had popped up from behind a wooden gate that surely must have been way too small to conceal her. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen her approaching along the road, either.

"Hi Bulk!" Pinkie Pie said with her usual squeaky good cheer. "We gotta get you to safety!"

"Yeah," said Bulk, galloping back toward Ponyville, Pinkie easily keeping pace with him despite the fact that she was bouncing rather than properly galloping, and doing it backward, "that's what I'm doin' now." He generally liked Pinkie -- it was generally impossible not to like Pinkie, annoying as she so often was -- but this didn't seem like a good time for a party.

"No, silly!" said Pinkie. "That's not safety! Discord'll look for you there first!

Bulk slowed and stopped. The crazy pink filly -- he had never really perceived Pinkie as a mare, even though he had once heard that she was only a year younger than his goddess Fluttershy -- actually had a point. "Where's safety?" he asked, not unreasonably.

Pinkie spoke a set of syllables that did not sound like they could possibly have come from any equine throat, then cocked an ear as if listening for a reply. Her whole body seemed to tremble. She smiled in mad glee.

"There's safety," she said, as the very air in front of them shimmered and in a circle opened to show a very different landscape, some sort of hilly woodlands with oddly-regular mountains in the background, on which the Sun seemed to be shining at a different angle, judging by the positions of the shadows.

"Twister's on his tail!" shouted Pinkie into the circle of altered vision, though Bulk could see no one on the other side to whom she might be speaking. Wait ... was something distorting the view? Bulk leaned forward, tried to see more clearly ...

Thwap! Thwap! Thwap! Bulk screamed like a little girl as three invisible, wet tentacles wrapped themselves around his middle and both forelegs. He struggled, but the tentacles were tremendously muscular, their owner far stronger than himself.

They began dragging him toward that changed circle of air.

"Thanks, Claire-Bear!" Pinkie said. She grinned madly at Bulk himself. "Say 'hi' from me to Inkie and Blinkie when you meet them! And I hope you like rocks!"

"Aieee!!!" shrieked Bulk as he was pulled into the portal.



"Nice fella," commented Pinkie to herself, aloud.. "A good sport. He was friendly on the trip. I can see why Fluttershy likes him.

"But boy, is he excitable!" The last word was almost a happy cry, her voice pushing the upper registers of the Pony hearing range.

"Oh well," she said. "He's not my colt-friend." Pinkie smiled, perhaps somewhat more goofily than was usual even for herself, at the thought of the very special stallion she'd met just this August, who wasn't quite yet her colt-friend but whom she very much suspected might assume that role in her life.

Pinkie Pie was 23 years old, an age at which many mares were betrothed or even married, yet it had only been this year that she had noticed herself looking at stallions in a strange and exciting new way. Not mere marehood and mild sexual attraction -- that change had come to her a decade past -- but the thought that, maybe, one of them might be The One with whom she could be happy for the rest of their days.

It had seemed impossible to her for so long -- she was a Daughter of Paradise, and a very unusual one at that, and she hadn't seen how anypony could really understand her. There were Ponies she really liked, whom she felt she might be tolerably content with -- her fifth cousin Big Mac was one pretty awesome guy, and really kind and caring under his 'I'm-a-big-tough-stallion-who-feels-no-pain-not-even-when-I-get-an-ouchie' manner. And she knew that in one worldline they'd actually gotten married, and seemed to have really loved each other -- she was kind of glad that the details of that were hazy, or they might have broken her heart to contemplate. So she'd thought about him a little that way -- but he didn't really have her own sense of fun. Nopony did, which was the problem.

Then -- well then Cheese Sandwich had blown into town. And he was fascinating and annoying and enraging and -- absolutely wonderful. With those dreamy green eyes and that wild long curly brown mane so much like a darker version of her own, that manic energy which meant he could actually keep pace with her, that quick mind, that warm heart, that sense of humor and ... and he was linked to Paradise! Just like her! Even though he wasn't a Child of Paradise, for Paradise told her that it had sired no Sons ...

She didn't totally understand him. Even Paradise didn't totally understand him, and it was older than this Cycle of the World and had all the secret knowledge of the Age of Wonders plus everything it and its Ponies had thought about for three thousand years stored within its self. But she didn't have to totally understand him, because there was a part of Pinkie Pie, a part of her soul that had never opened or been touched before, that was now blossoming and wanted very, very much to be touched. By him.

Pinkie was glad that she'd refused all the offers she'd gotten over the years from other stallions. And some mares. Offers from the few who wanted her despite the fact that everything other than her body was telling them that she was an immature filly, too young to mate. Those weren't usually the nicest kind of Ponies, anyway, and most of the time they were making these offers because they had a serious and fundamental misunderstanding about the function of a "party pony," much like those meanies Aloe and Lotus sometimes had to toss out of their spa did about the nature of their profession. They were not whorses -- and neither was Pinkie.

So it would be Cheese. She'd already decided in her heart, though of course she wouldn't let him know right off the bat. And she was glad that Cheese would be the first -- hopefully the only -- Pony she would give herself to. It would be much funnier that way. And much sweeter.

She sighed happily. She loved sweet things. Then, she remembered the problem at hand.

Let's see ... Bulk's safe now, once he realizes Claire and the Flappies aren't going to eat him, and he stops screaming, Granny can tell him he's in her wards and Dissy can't get in there without trying real hard. And Dissy's lazy -- never woulda liked living on our farm! Well, I didn't like it that much either -- but that was mostly because it was boring ... I'm super-okay with hard work, as long as it's fun ...

She supposed she could have sent him to the Crystal Empire instead. Its Crystal Heart was the original model for Granny's wards, and it was much stronger. But then making Gates was Claire's Talent, not Pinkie's, and if Granny thought Bulk needed to be in the Crystal Empire, Claire could send him there. No point second-guessing Granny, Pinkie decided. She's one big smartie-Pie, she thought to herself, then snorted appreciatively at her own joke.

I should go check on Fluttershy, Pinkie decided. She's prolly kinda frownie right now, and nopony puts a smile on somepony's face like me! A possible problem occurred to her, and she tasted the probabilities. Oh, Dissy's gonna be gone a while, he's gotta get in touch with his innner self! So Fluttershy it is!

She smiled happily, bouncing toward Fluttershy's house, glad to be alive on such a lovely autumn morning. Sbe spared one last thought for Discord.

I really hope his inner self can talk some sense into him!

Author's Note:

Obvious inspirations for this story are Alex Warlorn's PonyPOVerse (for Discord's deep background and the Inner Self we will meet in the chapters ahead) and Scoots2's CheesePie stories. Thank you!

Oh, and "thank you" to Classical Mythology, and especially the tale of Zeus and Metis.