• Published 29th May 2014
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Divine Jealousy and The Voice of Reason - Jordan179

Late Season 4: When Discord discovers that Fluttershy has another love interest, will he attempt a traditional solution? Or can a Voice of Reason stay his hand?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Twilight's Council

Twilight Sparkle found Rainbow Dash sleeping on a nearby cloud.

"Rainbow," she said, "you need to come to the library right away ..."

"Mmphgurgle," was Rainbow Dash's drowsy reply.

"Discord caught Fluttershy with Bulk Biceps and --- yow!"

Rainbow's eyes snapped wide open. "Aw, crap," she said, and streaked at high speed toward the Golden Oaks Library, leaving her usual rainbow-colored contrail.

Twilight did several involuntary somersaults in Rainbow's wake, then straightened out to follow after the Pegasus.

As she caught up, Rainbow asked "Where's 'Shy?"

"Showering in my bathroom," Twilight replied. "Don't scare her."

"I won't," assured Rainbow.

They landed on the balcony. Twilight touched the building with her horn. A tracery of pale purplish-red fire crawled over the outside. "Wards still up," she said. "She's safe."

Rainbow nodded. "Any dead yet? Or wounded?"

"No, to both" said Twilight, then looked at Rainbow Dash with newfound respect. "You've been expecting this."

"Oh, yeah," Rainbow affirmed. "In character."

"I didn't know you'd been studying Discord," said Twilight, opening the balcony door.

"Studying?" Rainbow's voice was scornful. "Me? Nah."

"Then how did you ...?"

"I know how jerks think," said Rainbow bluntly. "And Discord's a jerk." They stepped inside. Twilight renewed the wards.

"What do you think Discord will do?" asked Twilight. She could hear with some relief the sound of the shower still running.

"Something jerky," said Rainbow. "I don't know. Gilda would usually tear up pillows or drop molasses on somegriff. Minor vandalism and other pranks. I even thought it was funny, at the time. But Discord?" she shrugged.

"He could tear up mountains or cover cities in boiling lava," speculated Twilight, her face frightened as she tried to consider all the possibilities, and wound up damaging her own sanity with the speculations.

"Or not," pointed out Rainbow. "Sometimes Gilda could be a total sweetie about stuff that woulda set me off. Jerks are unpredictable. And Discord's an A-1 jerk."

"How do you feel about all this?" Twilight asked Rainbow.

"What, Discord being all jealous over `Shy and Bulkie? Told ya, he's a jerk," said Rainbow.

"No, I mean Fluttershy's ... um ... relationship with Bulk Biceps," Twilight clarified, keeping her voice low.

"Oh, I've known about that for the last coupla months. Known it's been serious for the last week." She looked curiously at Twilight. "What, you didn't notice it?"

"Well ... no," admitted Twilight, looking down sheepishly.

"Oh, come on Twilight -- they were all over each other on the train to the Crystal Empire. And on the way back ..."

"Actually, I didn't see much of them on the way back ... oh," said Twilight, coloring as she belatedly realized the implications of their protracted mutual absences from the team car.

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash shortly, looking away.

Twilight noticed that her friend did not seem entirely happy about this aspect of the situation.

"Are you all right with this?" Twilight asked her.

"With Discord being a jerk? No, but what I can I do about it 'cept stick with 'Shy to keep her safe?" replied Rainbow Dash, looking at the closed bathroom door.

Twilight was not the Element of Honesty, but she could recognize evasion when she saw it.

"No ... I mean Fluttershy with ... I thought you and her were kind of ... close." It took an effort on her part to talk about this so openly, but she wanted to make sure that Rainbow wasn't hiding any deep-seated resentments on the matter.

Rainbow looked up at Twilight, mouth pursed tight, suddenly looking a decade older. For a moment she was silent.

"Yeah," Rainbow said. "We were kind of close. Still are, in many ways. What's your point?"

"So you're not jealous of ..." Twilight began to ask.

Rainbow stomped a hoof on the floor.

"Of course I am!" she said loudly. Then, moderating her tone. "But I'm not going to be a big jerk toward 'Shy about it, not when she needs me like this."

Twilight looked at her quizzically.

"I hate talking about mushy stuff," said Rainbow, "so I'll say this all once and be done with it. I've lo ... liked Fluttershy loads and loads since we were little fillies together. Of course I have. How can you know 'Shy and not ... like her? She's sweet and beautiful and gentle and kind ... all the things I'm not and never can be. She's like ... like some sort of goddess descended to share our skies, walk our world. From the moment I saw her I knew that it was my job to protect her, keep her safe from jerks who wanted to hurt her cuz they were jealous of what she was. Understand?"

Twilight nodded.

"I haven't always been there for her when she needed me," Rainbow continued, "like when she was sixteen ..." Rainbow looked at Twilight significantly, then snorted at the blank look she got from the Alicorn. "Don't ask her about that. Let her tell you if and when she feels comfortable with it. Seriously, you'll just wind up hurting her."

"Okay," said Twilight. "I don't want to hurt her."

Rainbow accepted the reassurance.

"So I'm not perfect," Rainbow admitted. "But I try to be there when she needs me. And, well, sometimes our friendship has been pretty ... strong," she said. "Somtimes it's been more like ... well ... mushy. Physical, even." Now Rainbow was blushing brightly. "But not dirty," Rainbow quickly added. "Nothing could be dirty with her. Aaagh, I hate talking about this stuff!

"Anyway," she continued, "the physical thing's been pretty much on and off. I'm not that much into it, I dunno, never really have been. And 'Shy ... it's more important to her, you understand? And the mushy stuff."

Twilight looked briefly shocked.

"She's shy," Rainbow said. "But she's warm, if she trusts you enough. I ... I can't explain it. Really don't want to."

"You don't have to," Twilight said. "I think I understand."

"Well, so then you got it," said Rainbow. "It's just that ... we kind of drifted apart on the mushy stuff. And now she's into Bulk. Which is okay. Bulkie's an okay guy. One 'a the nicest you could know. I like that big lug -- just don't tell him I said that, okay?"

"I won't."

"And 'Shy and me?" Rainbow said. "We love each other. Always have, always will. It's not about being physical or mushy, that stuff can be nice, but what's more important is that we look out for each other. That's what love really is. And friendship. And they're not too different from each other, if you get my point."

"I do," said Twilight softly, looking at Rainbow Dash with admiration.

"Fluttershy -- she's gone a bit beyond me, just like you have," Rainbow said. "She's becoming something -- I don't know what, maybe an Alicorn like you, maybe something else, the goddess I've always known she really was since I met her in Flight Camp. But whatever she becomes, where ever she goes, I'm gonna love her, and I'm gonna be there for her. Can I stop talking about this touchy-feely stuff now?" she asked, face completely red.

"Yes," said Twilight Sparkle. She stepped over to Rainbow Dash and gave her a big hug, holding the blue pegasus despite her startled protests and half-struggles. "Thank you," she said.

"For what?" Rainbow asked, so startled by this that she stopped struggling.

"For being you," replied Twilight, smiling warmly right into Rainbow's face. "That's all. And it's more than enough."

"Um -- you're welcome?" said Rainbow in some confusion, and briefly returned the hug. Then she pulled back. "Okay. No more mushy stuff."

They separated, and noticed that the bathroom door was open. Fluttershy was standing there, a purple towel wrapped around her mane like a turban, smiling at them.

"Hi," she said.

Rainbow promptly contradicted her previously stated desire by running over and hugging Fluttershy. Her friend looked surprised for a moment, then happily returned Rainbow's affection.

"Feeling better?" asked Twilight.

Fluttershy nodded. "I know Bulkie's safe," she said, "and nopony's actually been hurt, have they?" Her voice got a little anxious toward the end of that statement.

"Not as far as I know," Twilight said. "And I think if Discord was going to do anything violent, we'd have noticed by now."

"I think he was just surprised," said Fluttershy. "Don't be too mad at Discord -- it was maybe my fault for not telling him beforehand."

"Oh yeah," said Rainbow Dash, "like that would have helped matters."

"Communication always helps between friends," Fluttershy assured them.

Rainbow Dash looked doubtfully at her.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

"I see, darling," came the familiar voice of Rarity from the main hall. "You were right to hurry. I hope she's feeling better now."

"I'm sure she's over the shock by now," replied the even more familiar voice of Spike.

"Now, Spike," chided Rarity. "Not everyone's a big tough dragon like you!" There was the sound of a hoof scraping gently over semi-metallic scales.

Twilight stepped out to the head of the stairs and looked down to see Rarity and Spike at the foot.

"Hello," Twilight said. "Thank you for making it over here on such short notice." She walked down the stairs.

"Think nothing of it," said Rarity. "I'm always willing to take time out for friends." She looked up to where Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were standing at the railing. "Are you feeling better, darling?" she asked Fluttershy.

"I'm okay," replied Fluttershy, smiling slightly. She was still wearing the towel on her head.

"All right," said Twilight. "We'll meet in the main hall." She stepped over to the main table, Rarity joined her. Fluttershy and Rainbow hopped down from the second story. "Pinkie's off getting Applejack."

As she said this, Pinkie and Applejack tumbled down from the ceiling.

This time it was a longer drop. Applejack cried "Yee-hah!", flipped in midair, bent her knees and executed a perfect energy-absorbing landing on all four hooves simultaneously.

Pinkie Pie again landed headfirst, bounced around the room several times, then came to a stop, giggling. "I knew this would be fun to do again!"

"Aren't you even a mite bruised from doing that?" Applejack asked her pink friend curiously.

"Nope!" squeaked Pinkie, tapping her head, her hoof rebounding elastically. "It's rubber!"

"Is that even anatomically possible?" wondered Twilight aloud.

"Now, Twilight, don't be a meanie," Pinkie chided her. "Lampshading spoils the joke!"

Twilight shrugged. She had more important matters to consider than Pinkie being Pinkie. And from some of what Celestia had taught her about quantum event determination, she thought that Pinkie might be completely serious about lampshading spoiling the joke. And she did not want to spoil Pinkie's jokes, especially not when they might be in real danger. Pinkie's jokes had saved them all more than once, more often than the others perhaps suspected.

"All right, girls," said Twilight briskly. "I've assembled you all here to let you know that there may be a problem with Discord."

The others leaned forward with interest.

"Fluttershy is in love with Bulk Biceps," Twilight said. She waited for the shock to hit them all, then noticed that they were all looking at her as if expecting her to say much more. "What, you all knew that?

Fluttershy and Rainbow of course did.

"Well, she's my best mare-friend," said Rarity. "I've known of her attraction to Bulk for two months now."

"I told you about it, remember silly," said Pinkie. She snort-laughed. "And it was kind of obvious."

"Ah'm Honesty," Applejack pointed out. "Plus, they were making goo-goo eyes at each other all the way to the Crystal Empire. And before that. And there was that business in the North Field ..." She noticed Fluttershy looking at her pleadingly and finished by saying "... other clues."

"Am I always the last to know of these things?" asked Twilight, peeved.

"Yup," said Applejack.

"Pretty much," added Rainbow Dash, nodding.

"Maybe," said Fluttershy very softly.

"You don't really pay much attention to l'affairs du coeur, darling," Rarity explained.

"I like Cheese Sandwich!" shrieked Pinkie Pie, pulling out a huge black-and-white glossy of him, signed 'From Cheese Sandwich to His Number One Party Pony, XXXOOO.'

Everypony stopped and stared at her.

"What," said Pinkie. "I thought we were doing dramatic love confessions now!" Instead of looking at all embarrassed, she gave the photograph a big goofy grin.

For a moment Twilight thought she could actually see little red hearts boiling off Pinkie, then blinked her eyes, and could see them no longer. Then the more important information registered.

"Wait, Pinkie's in love with Cheese Sandwich?"

"Well of course, sugar cube," said Applejack in a kindly tone.

"It's kind of obvious," pointed out Rainbow Dash. "They got all friendly at my birthaversary, and he's been back in town a couple times since then, just to see her."

"They have so much in common," added Rarity. "They're practically kindred spirits. Isn't it wonderful?."

"I think it's nice," said Fluttershy softly.

Pinkie ignored the conversation, now occupying herself by making little kissing motions at the photograph.

"Anyway," said Twilight, "getting back from this issue of True Confessions to the severe existential danger in which we and the whole of Equestria may now be ..."

That quieted them. Except for Pinkie, who for a moment continued making kissy-faces at her photograph of Cheese. Then even she straightened up and put her memento away to whatever place from which she had originally retrieved it.

"So," Twilight continued, "Discord is also apparently attracted to Fluttershy ... and yes, I had already noticed that." She looked challengingly at everypony, but nopony seemed inclined to say anything on that topic. And Discord discovered Fluttershy's relationship with Bulk in a rather ... ahem ... upsetting manner for all three of them concerned."

"Oh, dear, said Rarity.

Applejack tsk-tsked.

Pinkie grinnned.

Rainbow looked unhappy.

Fluttershy drooped every part of her body simultaneously in one of the sadder expressions Twilight had ever seen on her.

"And Discord teleported away to ... where ever it is that Discord goes when he's not here," Twilight said. "To sulk, I'm guessing ... I hope, because the alternatives all strike me as much worse."

"And Mr. Bulk?" Rarity asked.

"He's safe on the Pie Rock Farm. Its wards should keep Discord out -- unless he tries really hard to get through them, that is," explained Twilight.

"Well, that is a relief," commented Rarity. "He seems like such a nice stallion, and I'm sure Fluttershy would be quite distraught if anything happened to him."

Fluttershy's eyes grew big at the thought.

At that moment Spike came back from the kitchen, where he had made tea and sandwiches for everypony. He served them with biscuits and little sweet muffins.

"Ooh!" said Pinkie Pie, "We can have these, too!" She reached into somewhere, and got everyone pink-frosted cupcakes on the side. She also began blowing up party balloons and hanging streamers around the room.

Twilight pressed her hoof against her forehead.

"Pinkie," she said in irritation. "You do know this really isn't a party, right? It's a serious council of possible war ..."

"Well of course I know that, silly," Pinkie assured them. "So these aren't really party balloons. They're serious-council-of-possible-war balloons." She smiled maniacally. "See?"

Twilight simply shrugged.

"Now, the problem is that we don't actually have the Elements of Harmony," she said. "So we couldn't use the Elements against Discord even if ..." she looked at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy shook her head in an emphatic no.

"... Even if everypony was willing to do so. And Discord hasn't actually done anything really bad yet -- he's just been rude. So I think we should all just be aware that Discord may be in a dangerous mood, treat him diplomatically, maybe figure out what he might do if he decides to act." She paused and looked at her friends expectantly.

"Ah'll be nice to him, less'n he starts hurtin' Ponies," Applejack assured her.

"I shall treat him with perfect charm and grace," said Rarity, striking a charming and graceful pose.

Spike looked at her with adoration.

"Meh," said Rainbow Dash, folding her forelegs and looking peeved. "I won't clobber him."

"I think he still wants to be friends," said Fluttershy.

"Oooh!" squeaked Pinkie Pie. "We can throw him a 'We're all still friends' party! And there can be cakes, and balloons, and party games, and little adorable plushies as party favors!"

"Pinkie," said Twilight. "That's ..." she paused and thought about it a moment. "... actually not all that bad an idea. Might put him in a good mood."

"Woo-hoo!" shouted Pinkie. "Chaos God friendship party!" She darted around the room, putting up decorations which she seemed to have somehow already pre-positioned.

"Anyway," said Twilight. "We need to let the Princesses know what's going on." She looked at the wings on her own back and clarified her point. "Celestia and Luna, that is." She pulled out a piece of paper and a quill pen from a drawer, began writing. "They actually know Discord well -- they'd be much better at predicting his actions than am I," Twilight explained to her friends.

Twilight looked at the result, sanded, blew. "There," she said, satisfied. She rolled and tied up the paper. "Spike?" she asked, tossing it over to him.

Spike spouted green flame and the letter vanished.

"Now, this will probably take a little time before we get a response," Twilight said, "so we should discuss some basic tactics. Unless Discord actually starts killing Ponies, we don't want to make him any angrier than he already is. One thing --" she looked at Fluttershy.

"Me?" asked Fluttershy, almost squeaking it out.

"If he does show up he'll probably be focused primarily on you," said Twilight. "You can play it by ear: be nice to him, but don't make him any promises you really don't want to keep ..."

"Promises?" asked Fluttershy.

"... but if he looks as if he's going to go berserk, Stare him. Quickly. Make sure he can't hurt anypony. No, make that anyone," Twilight amended, looking at Spike.

Spike looked frightened, and moved closer to ... Rarity? The white unicorn mare responded by moving closer to him, too, so that she was sheltering him like a mother its colt. Almost like that, but slightly different ...

That's odd, Twilight thought, though not really all that relevant.

"I ... um ... I don't actually know how well my Stare works on him," Fluttershy pointed out. "It might not --"

"It probably works better than anything else we have," Twilight pointed out, "and it's the only weapon we have that can stop him without risking massive destruction.

"What about your magic?" asked Applejack. "Ah notice it's been gettin' stronger since you became a Princess," she pointed out.

"Why, thank you," replied Twilight. "I've been practicing. But no, I'm afraid that the best I can do against Discord if he's really mad is throw up shields, teleport, maybe try to sting him with magic missiles. Delaying tactics. If you knew what I knew, about the source of his power ..." she said, shuddering. "He's probably the strongest mage on the Earth, right now."

"What about me?" asked Rainbow Dash. "I could dart in, give him a punch here, a kick there!" she demonstrated, risking damage to the library fittings until Twilight gently wrapped her in her bright pinkish-red aura.

"No," Twilight said. "If he gets hostile, you keep moving, make yourself a difficult target and keep your flight-field strong. You don't understand what he can do if he gets really mad," she said. "He's always just toyed with us. I don't want to lose you, Dashie."

"Ah'd like to say that Ah could do better ..." began Applejack.

"You couldn't!" insisted Rainbow Dash.

"... but I cain't," Applejack admitted. "Ah t'aint no mage. All Ah am is a good brawler."

"And you're incredibly loyal friends, both of you," Twilight interjected. "Just try not to get killed, see what you can do."

At that moment Spike burped up a scroll.

Twilight took it, unrolled it.

Mine Own Dearest Friend,

I am alarmed at the deeds of Discord. Beware him. If he feels himself scorned, his wrath might be terrible. I shall meet thee with all haste -- I must gather some things first.

I hope to see thine own welcome face again in this life. If I do not, know that thou art and hast always been dear to my heart. And that we shall in any case meet again, in the fullness of time.

Eternal Love,
Princess Luna Selena Nyx
Who Was Once Moondreamer

Twilight read the salutation and the first paragraph aloud to everypony. Then she got to the second paragraph and stopped reading aloud, continuing silently. Her face first blanched, then blushed in quick succession.

"What's it say?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah, what's Celestia gonna do?" queried Rainbow Dash.

"Ooo, I bet she's gonna bring cake!" guessed Pinkie Pie.

"Um," said Twilight. "It's actually from Luna, not Celestia, and she says she thinks Discord might be really angry, and we should be careful, and that she'll be joining us with some things she needs to gather first. She looked at the letter. "And, you know, the usual polite stuff. She can be very, um, formal."

Applejack looked at her dubiously, but said nothing aloud.

Twilight stuffed the letter into the drawer. This, with a pile of other ones, was going into her private collection. She sometimes liked to read Luna's letters over to herself. If she survived the next day or so, she might do the same with this one.

Twilight had to wait a moment to regain her composure. "All right," she said. "Rarity, if there's trouble ..."

"Charm should still suffice," replied Rarity. "He is, after all, male." She lifted her pretty head proudly, batted her lovely eyelashes.

"Yes," agreed Twilight, "but I don't think you're getting what I mean by 'angry' here." She could not help but remember Celestia's tales of seas evaporating, whole races transformed into new species, earthquakes, volcanoes ... Surely he would't go that far over the kind of situation you'd find in a Prench farce, she told herself, and hoped she was right. Would he? "I mean ... remember the day he first came back?"

Rarity nodded, shuddered at a recollection which Twilight was fairly sure centered around a certain boulder.

"He wasn't actually mad at any of us back then," Twilight explained. "He was only playing."

"Oh," said Rarity, realization starting to set in. "Oh."

"Eep," said Fluttershy.

Pinkie gave a gasp.

At this point there was a dramatic swirl of smoke -- or was it something less tangible? -- at the far end of the library. The smoke dissipated in what seemed to be a flock of bats, but the bats themselves warped and vanished before they could fly too far, as if they were some sort of highly-concentrated and precisely-crafted warp in spacetime.

"Aaah!" shrieked Fluttershy, trying to hide behind Rainbow Dash. This was a poor strategy, as Fluttershy was actually a lot larger than her rainbow-maned best friend. For her part, Rainbow assumed a defiant pose, ready to give her life if need be to protect Fluttershy.

Rarity whirled and tensed for action. Even Applejack seemed perturbed.

Pinkie, whose gasp had come before the strange effect had appeared, cried out in happy delight:

"Black Snooty!" She reached for a piece of cake, ran forward.

Twilight, who knew who it was the moment she saw the bats, stepped forward with a glad smile.

"Princess --" she began.

"Would you like some cake?" asked Pinkie Pie, shouldering Twilight aside to present the promised delicacy.

Princess Luna stood there. Tall, proud, and regal, with starlight in her long rippling blue mane. She was clad in half-plate with her Mark on the breastplate, worn with open-visored helm and spiked sabatons. Twin crescent swords were sheathed at her sides, she had quivers of javelins, bullas hung from her side-harness, and some sort of bands of what looked like small rockets were draped over her form. In her aura she held a curious weapon like a small multi-barrelled cannon, with the barrels arranged in a circle around a central mounting; small ovoid bulla-like devices with rings on one end hung from a belt. Her expression was very serious.

Beautiful blue eyes blinked in confusion at the balloons, banners and streamers.

"That is really more my sister's -- wait, is that chocolate?" she asked.

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically.

Help had arrived.

Author's Note:

Luna likes chocolate.