• Published 29th May 2014
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Divine Jealousy and The Voice of Reason - Jordan179

Late Season 4: When Discord discovers that Fluttershy has another love interest, will he attempt a traditional solution? Or can a Voice of Reason stay his hand?

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Chapter 4: The Original Occupant

Discord materialized within the landscape of his own mind.

Discord's mind was very large, and very ill-organized, like a vast house, built over centuries and inhabited for millennia by generations of occupants, each of whom furnished it according to his own tastes and engaged in random architectural modifications. Assume that more than half of these tenants were utterly insane, and that the decor was not limited by normal physics, and one will have as fair a picture of Discord's incarnate brain as one can have without going utterly insane oneself.

His Cosmic Self, of course, would drive one mad if I were to adequately describe it. So I shan't even make the attempt.

This particular portion of his mind might be likened to a large suite of rooms which had been inhabited by the same tenant for a very long time: over six thousand years -- longer than Discord had been alive in this incarnation. This was possible because she'd been in this brain longer than had Discord himself.

She was a highly-intellectual, very orderly tenant. Books and maps lined the walls, each in its proper place and giving the impression of a vast implicit reason for each one of those items to be there. They were interspersed with many pictures of all Five Kinds, including the two who were now thought of as the Lost Kinds, and many other creatures. In several prominent places were portraits of the same individual -- a bipedal creature with a bare, peach-colored skin, blonde mane and blue eyes.

In the portraits she looked friendly, but very highly determined, as if anything that stood in her way should probably move or get trampled. Discord knew from the histories he had read growing up on Paradise Estate that numerous hostile creatures who hadn't moved, had been trampled so thoroughly that their names had vanished from all histories save those kept in Paradise Estate itself. Some of them had previously been worshiped as gods: the Megan was still so worshiped in many locations, though her true nature had long since been forgotten.

Such was The Megan, the other being who had been most emotionally important to the oriinal occupant of Discord's body. The Megan had not been the original occupant of Discord's body -- if she had been, Discord was fairly sure that he would have wound up the one living in the back of her mind, rather than the other way round. Or simply being knocked back out of incarnation to the Cosmic level. According to the legends, she had a habit of doing things like that.

The Megan had been an early-adolescent when Paradise Estate had known her. Discord knew that, based on the time ratio between their universes, she was probably in her prime right now. There had been a time he had hoped to invade her universe, but -- looking at the portraits of her, it was probably better for him that he hadn't been able to do so. He might have gotten trampled. He didn't know how, but neither had any of the other powerful beings whom she'd defeated. Until she did so.

The bookshelves were in places inconveniently high for anything bound by gravity, and the accesses between rooms sometimes difficult, possibly only by climbing up or down steep, narrow ladders. Discord wasn't inconvenienced: he just fluttered his mismatched wings and the conceptual equivalent of his flight field let him pass from room to room. This was, of course, essentially what the occupant of these rooms did, as she was a Pegasus.

As Discord made his way toward the room within which was the occupant, he could not entirely suppress a shudder of horror at the sheer rationality and order of this apartment. It bespoke a mind very much unlike his own, a mind which thought in a very rigid and uncompromising, non-contradictory sort of manner. The truly frightening thing was how effective was that mind. Discord knew that the only reason he'd beaten her was because of his superior psychic power. On a level playing field, she would have outwitted him ten times over.

Discord wanted so very badly to change the decor. Make the rooms link in infinite loops, randomize the books, turn all the portraits into pictures of melting watches and gorillas in tutus. But here, in what should have been the main cognitive center of his own brain, here was the one place where he had no such power. She controlled these rooms, and while she couldn't actually hurt or confine him within them, anything he did to them she could reverse with a trivial effort of will. Ahd he couldn't really hurt her either, nor could he confine her save within this suite itself.

It was all so very unfair. A Draconequus ought to be able to be the master of his own mind.

Even if it had, originally, been hers.

The last room he entered was almost entirely filled from end to end -- and its measurements were both vast and rather vague -- with a complex, glowing multi-dimensional model. Focusing his full senses on the model, he perceived it to be an incredibly complex structure of lines that bundled, split, extruded sparks from one bundle or line to another, and occasionally merged. Within each line at any point there were worlds, galaxies, empires and individuals.

Many of the individuals he recognized. He could see himselves, Celestias, Lunas and many, many other beings, too many for even him to grasp at the same time. Some of the selves were identical from one line to the next. Some, however, were very different.

It was a map of the Multiverse. For a moment even Discord paused and gaped in awe at its beauty and complexity.

The other occupant of the room, of course, was the pegasus. As he entered, she was in the process of making a minute adjustment to one small part of the model.

"Ah, that's much better," she muttered. She landed on the conceptual "floor." Then she slowly, unhurriedly turned to face him.

Her coat was powder-blue. Her neatly but simply styled mane was purplish-pink. There was something about her which said that she would tolerate absolutely no nonsense. On her long and rather beautiful tail was her one concession to ordinary femininity -- a white bow that enticingly half-concealed her hindquarters as she shifted position. Her Cutie Mark was visible as she turned into profile -- three pink and three blue whistles.

Reddish-pink eyes came up to look into his own. They could be friendly eyes, he knew that from some of his earliest memories. They could be kind eyes -- he remembered that they had usually looked upon the young incarnate Celestia and Luna with extreme kindness. They had rarely looked at him with much kindness -- she hadn't had the knowledge then she had now, living inside his own mind, but some rational faculty within her had processed what he was the moment she saw him as a foal, the moment he had been impossibly born from Shady, and categorized him not as the new "Baby Shady" but as a threat. Interloper. Predator.

She had been right, of course. Too bad for her that she didn't understand the reason why until he fully woke up, until Luna woke up too because she'd been walking in his dreams, until he donned the mantle of his full incarnate power. Too bad for the Pony who stood before him that -- for all her famous ruthlessness, her devotion to pure reason -- killing a helpless foal, and one born of her own herd, was something strictly forbidden her by her ironclad code of honor, her unyielding morality.

He knew that if she had understood what he was, she might have tried to kill him anyway. And she would have done a proper job of it, too -- caught him in wards whose only way out led to the Cosmic level, where his own kin would have grabbed his soul with glad cries and dragged it off to indescribable torment.

Discord had a lot of enemies, and his own family were among his most persistent.

"Discord," the Pegasus said, her eyes contemptuous upon him, as always. "You've obviously done something seriously stupid, or are about to do something seriously stupid. Otherwise you wouldn't be here to see me. How have you botched things this time?"

There was no fear in those eyes. There was never any fear in those eyes. He remembered when he had killed her, over twenty-five hundred years ago. There had been no fear in those eyes then, only a cold and grim determination.

She was the epitome of rational courage. Fearless, but not because she didn't understand the dangers. Because she scorned the very notion of letting fear affect her ability to think clearly.

To her friends, she was intensely loyal. To her foes, utterly pitiless. She was a coldly calculating engine of creation and destruction, in equine form, with a pretty white bow on her tail.

There was -- and hopefully never would be -- any other Pony quite like her. For the day that any large number of Ponies ever became like her, Discord knew, their species would rule the Universe.

"Hello, Wind Whistler," he said. "Nice to see you too."

Author's Note:

This is, of course, the G1 pony Wind Whistler, who was Megan's best friend in that series. Wind Whistler was, essentially, made of concentrated Awesome. As far as G1 was concerned, IMO Wind Whistler was Best Pony.

Her backstory with Discord is taken directly from Alex Warlorn's PonyPOV series, specifically Season Four: Generation Transitions & Origins and most specifically Episode 54. You should read it -- it's really epic.