• Published 29th May 2014
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Divine Jealousy and The Voice of Reason - Jordan179

Late Season 4: When Discord discovers that Fluttershy has another love interest, will he attempt a traditional solution? Or can a Voice of Reason stay his hand?

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Chapter 2: An Unpleasant Prospect

In a place which was really no place, in a time which was no particular time, Discord brooded.

His home was a pocket dimension he had formed out of the raw stuff of Chaos, held together by a minor but continuing exercise of his power. He had shaped this place out of his dreams and memories, and it was always a soothing place to which he might return, especially to think.

It was not as bizarre a realm as one might have supposed from the nature of its master. Discord needed a contrast against which to shine, and Discord's Domain seemed deceptively normal toward the center. There was a house on a grassy plateau overlooking a river, and all around rose low, tree-covered mountains. Sometimes it could be a very strange place indeed, at Discord's whim, but right now Discord really didn't feel like being at all creative.

If one looked carefully, of course, one would notice that the visual horizon really was the end of the world, and that the details diminished as one moved away from the central house -- a pleasant little walled mansion compound, whose structures ranged in height from one to two stories. Its architecture was alien to modern Equestria, but thosands of years ago, in two separate eras, the place on which Discord had modeled it -- after he had destroyed its original -- had been the center of what civilization survived upon the Earth.

The two Royal Pony Sisters would have recognized this place immediately, for they had spent their earliest years in their current incarnations here, learned there the lost lore of the Reclamation and of the Age of Wonders They had not had the heart to rebuild it, but had built their first great castle near its ruins, the better to watch the Nexus which made this place special.

Discord had formed for his domain the land of his own childhood, which he had spent with them here. Oh, he remodeled it, destroyed it, warped it into all sorts of fantastic and interesting shapes. But always he restored it to this form, because it was the last place in which he had ever known any real, sustained happiness

He had recreated Paradise Estate in the Void.

Now, the master of Discord Estate had returned home.

He stood before his house, brooding a while.

Then with frightening swiftness the sky was riven by impossibly vast lightning bolts. The mountains quivered like jelly, wobbling before the thunder of these detonations. The trees upon them launched themselves, blazing, to crisscross overhead like fireworks. The air itself became as thick as gelatin, assumed various improbable and in some cases impossible chemical compositions, then spontaneously generated what looked like a fantastic ecology that blossomed and died around him Then the hills melted into jelly, into lava, became fire-fountains.

Only Discord, and his Estate, remained untouched by these changes.

With a look of exasperation and one casual wave of his lion's paw, Discord banished them, and the valley returned to its default state. Pointless, he thought. Utterly pointless.

He made another gesture and suddenly the lawn was full of Ponies, of all three Kinds and various hues, though all of them were mares. They frolicked about happily, conversing about nothing. Discord smiled to see them. He'd killed their originals, of course, but he still terribly missed them from time to time. Back then he'd been in the first flush of his power -- he hadn't yet realized that if one broke one's toys, one limited one's opportunities for further play.

Two new mares wandered onto the scene. They were Alicorns, with both horns and wings, powerful and graceful. The first was white of coat and pink of mane, with a subtle color gradation that had would in time, Discord knew, become a pastel rainbow. She was larger than the others -- though nowhere near as much larger as she would one day become, and in mid-adolescence. Her build was still fillyish, but graceful. Especially when she walked, she was heart-breakingly beautiful.

Impossibly beautiful, incredibly good, he thought. I should have known just by looking at her What she really was. What we all were. But I was spared that. When she was that age, I was no older, and I knew nothing. And was the happier for it.

The second, her sister, had a dark blue coat and light-blue mane. She was younger -- in early adolescence -- and smaller -- the size of the other Ponies, though there was a certain gawkiness about her and size to her feet that made it obvious that she had a lot of growing left to do. She seemed more awkward than her older sister -- but it was a subtle and purely social thing, for she moved with extreme efficiency, as if her body was were a fine musical instrument for her to play.

Or a weapon for her to wield. But she didn't think much in those terms, yet. Discord remembered. That came later. After we all found out the truth.

They looked in some ways not very unlike the way they would look twenty-five centuries later. The difference was in the eyes. Their real models, today, bore the strain and melancholy of all those weary years on the Earth, fighting for their little Ponies, too often failing. Oh, they'd been awesomely intelligent, even back then, but they hadn't yet learned the cruelties of the world. The eyes of Discord's ghosts, recalled out of his fond memories, held nothing but kindness -- love -- innocence.

Discord smiled with unfeigned warmth at their beauty. For a moment his heart was touched by the shadow of the joy it had once known in the presence of their originals.

Shall I make them a companion? Discord thought. Someone else unusual, like them, though not as pretty? A best friend, with whom to play? The thought briefly appealed to him.

Then he realized why it would be just too sad to watch. Especially the way he felt right now.

He banished the ghosts. Alicorns and normal Ponies, they simply shimmered and vanished.

Discord sighed and a bizarrely-shaped tree, with a reddish-purple bole, an incredibly-simple dual branch structure like something a child would doodle, and purple tuftlike masses of leaves on the end of its main bole and two branches grew up out of nowhere. Its original had come, copied many times over, from a set of children's books, some of the ones which an alien visitor had given to this place, a visitor who had seen a shattered species, a race about to perish under the pressure of impossibly-vicious predation. She'd come to love that race, and decided to make it her business to save them. And she'd succeeded, beyond what must have been her wildest dreams.

It had not been one of the more practical books, not one of the ones on technology or warfare, or even ethics or law, but it had been one of his own favorites growing up. The author of those books had called herself (Discord assumed her to be female, for she must have been a leader of her kind) Dr. Seuss.

Discord sometimes wished he'd met Dr. Seuss. Or Megan. He was pretty sure that they were interesting beings. Though, on reflection, he might not have enjoyed an encounter with Megan. By repute she'd been a fearless and frighteningly-capable slayer of monsters.

Monsters like himself.

He coiled his way up onto the largest branch of his thinking tree. Gripping the branch to hold on was easy, automatic. He could fall asleep in this position, and awake still firmly grasping the living wood. He'd done so many times.

He didn't feel sleepy right now.

He was furious at Fluttershy. She's the one that betrayed me, he reminded himself. Pretending to be my friend, to care about me, to love me -- only to gallop right into the embrace of that stupid stallion! He almost started another Chaos Storm just from thinking about it, then remembered that doing so wouldn't solve anything -- wouldn't even really make him feel any better.

She's just like Celly, he thought. Celly told me she loved me, only to betray me and turn against me when -- oh wait, no, I was the one who betrayed and turned on her. Well, I destroyed Paradise Estate and killed almost everyone she'd known. That would count as betrayal, right? Yes, I suppose so, if one looks at it a certain way. I can see why she's still mad at me over that.

And if we're going to get technical, I then proceeded to subject the Earth to a thousand years of chaos (an improvement, I thought, but most of the Ponies didn't appreciate it much). Which I guess Celly didn't like, given how much time and effort Celly and Lulu put into fighting me. It did slow down the multi-millennial plan to raise Ponykind back up to the heights of the Age of Wonders, I suppose. Which was kind of important to them. So yes, they have a bit of a grudge against me there.

And, hmm, the Sun's been getting a little wobbly these last few centuries. Worse since I had that really wild day when I was first free again. Sundreamer's little clockwork geocentric Solar System may have been damaged a bit. I guess she's probably annoyed by that too. Not that I meant to do that ...

But Fluttershy? What did I ever do to Fluttershy to make her hate me? Or at least make her not want to come to me, first, if she was looking for wild passionate love? Which amounts to the same thing, doesn't it? He pondered this conundrum.

It's true that the first time I met her, I took over her mind and raped her soul and accidentally fathered an immaculately-conceived child on her who is now sleeping inside her in another dimension. But these things happen. I didn't really know her then -- I'd never treat her like this now. Well, I probably wouldn't, because I don't think she'd like to be treated like that.

Anyway, Fluttershy doesn't even know Fluttercruel exists. Does she? And who expects everything to go swimmingly on a first date?

He thought a bit more.

It's not about the sex, he thought virtuously, a halo briefly appearing over his head. I can get plenty of that from my imagination. This was especially the case, since his imagination could produce temporary but real physical objects, including living beings. All I want from her is her eternal adoration. Is that so much to ask?

He squirmed his body around into a more comfortable position. Or at least a different one.

I should hate her for this. But I can't hate her. I can't even harm her. What in the name of the Gap is wrong with me?

He grinned savagely.

I can hate him, though. I can hurt him, when her geas wears off. Which it will, because she's not going to remember to keep renewing it. She'll think that I forgave him -- because forgiving is what she does, but I can hold my anger in, pretend to be all sweet and nice and tolerant, until the moment when I strike and ...

He saw the flaw in his plan. His face fell.

... and she finds out that I've done this and she hates me forever, and it'll be just like with Celly, I won't have a friend, just another on my depressingly-long list of immortal enemies, starting with all my closest kin, both Family and Cousins, and working its way down to a whole roster call of lesser Cosmic beings and sub-Cosmic spirits.

For Discord had long since realized what Fluttershy really was, smelled the tell-tale traces of Gaia where she lay curled up impossibly small within his friend. He knew that Fluttershy was a nascent Alicorn. Part of his great joy at having won her friendship was the hope that they could have a very, very long time together.

A hope now turned to ashes.

Discord sighed. What can I do? he wondered. Do I pretend that this never happened? But she'll probably keep sleeping with that -- barely sapient creature -- and it'll hurt me every time she rubs my nose in it. The fact that Fluttershy wouldn't actually be trying to hurt him, that she would probably be trying to reconcile two males, both of whom she loved. made it all the worse, because among other things it put himself on the same level as a depressingly ordinary Pony. Or do I seek my revenge -- and get everypony mad at me?

Depending on just what he did by way of revenge, this might range from Fluttershy refusing to speak to him, to Celestia and Luna coming against him in full battle array. And though he'd easily overcome the Sisters the last time, he knew they probably by now had a backup plan for if -- or, knowing Luna's ungenerous but depressingly-cunning little mind, when he betrayed them.

Anyway, Fluttershy refusing to speak to him was bad enough. Beacause of who she was. And what she was.

Even killing her wouldn't stop her being mad at me, Discord realized. She'd just respawn in a few centuries, even less inclined to want to cuddle.

Unless I consumed her. And f I did that, she'd be inside me, being mad at me, forever.

What can I do? he asked himself again. Himself didn't have any good answers.

Oh no, wait, there is a "myself" who always has good answers. Though she doesn't like me very much. What is it about some mares that makes them hold grudges against you for more than twenty-five hundred years?

But she has to listen to me. She doesn't really have much of a choice. And she loves to solve problems. And she's very smart. Discord smiled at the prospect of finding an answer to his dilemma.

Then he frowned. He was remembering just why he didn't like to talk to her.

She's so sarcastic! He shuddered to himself at certain memories. And judgemental! And hostile! I hate talking to her!

But then, there was nopony better if he wanted wise counsel.

No, he had to speak to her. His own personal Voice of Reason.

Swallowing his pride (it tasted like honeyed almonds), he took a firm grip on the branch. He rolled his eyes back into his head, went into a trance ...

And dived headlong into himself.

Author's Note:

Discord just can't put his past behind him.

Admittedly, it's more difficult when one has his past.

Gaia comes from Alex Warlorn's PonyPOVerse. As, really, does this whole version of Discord's background. You should really read the PonyPOVerse stories. They're great.