• Published 18th Jul 2014
  • 2,760 Views, 63 Comments

Tales of Apple Scratch: Roseluck & Fleetfoot - RoyalRainbow

Since the beginning of the Equestria Games, Roseluck and Fleetfoot quickly became friendly rivals and good friends with one another. But when they started to develop secret attractions for each other, will they emerge triumphant in the end?

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Chapter 12 – No Matter How Long the Winter, Spring is Sure to Follow

Chapter 12 – No Matter How Long the Winter, Spring is Sure to Follow

As they made their way down the hallway of their hotel, Spitfire and Soarin were positively giddy over the course of their first date together. With arms draped over each other, they wobbled toward Spitfire’s room where she had something special in mind for the two.

“You know, Soarin, despite how many pies you’ve consumed this evening, I certainly hope that you’ve saved room for dessert.”

“Oh trust me, Spitfire, I still got room for one more.” he grinned wittily. “And despite how good those apple pies were, I’ve been looking forward to this one for very long time.”

“You’ve been such a good boy, Soarin.” she purred sensually as she drew circles on Soarin’s shirted chest with an index finger. “And as a reward for your patience, your prize is just beyond that door.”

“Mmm… I can’t wait!” he smiled while licking his lips hungrily.

As the orange-haired woman reached for her hotel key inside her purse, she suddenly heard a distorted noise beyond the door to her room. Alarmed by this, she pressed her ear against the door’s wooden surface in hopes to verify that unusual sound. Curious by this, Soarin does the same as they listened carefully on what was inside. It was very faint, but thanks to their well-trained ears, they could definitely hear what sounded like to be heavy, muffled cries.

“Wait, is that Fleetfoot?” Soarin asked in a puzzling tone. From the mention of her roommate, Spitfire’s eyes widened as she feared for the worst.

“Oh no.” After they stepped away from the door, she turned to her male companion and asked of him, “Umm… Soarin?”


“I really hate to do this to you, but… can we postpone this for another night?” she pleaded softly. “I mean… I know that you were looking forward to this, but I--!”

“Hey, it’s okay, Spitfire.” he reassured her with an understanding smile as he caressed the soft, fire-looking hair of hers. “You just do what you can for Fleetfoot, alright?”

When his delicate touch reached her rosy cheek, she laid her hand on top of his and sighed with a warm smile before assuring him, “I’ll make it up to you, Soarin. I promise.”

“With another date perhaps?”


“Then that’s all I need to hear.”

Reluctantly, his hand left her beseeching face, and he turned around to head to his own room. Not wanting to end their first date with just a simple touch, Spitfire spontaneously called out to him, “LIEUTENANT!”

From hearing that familiar, unmatched tone of authority, Soarin stopped in place, turned around sharply, and saluted to her right away, “Y-yes, Captain?”

While maintaining her recognizably fierce demeanor, she stomped toward her suddenly nervous date, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and promptly pulled him in for a very extensive kiss. She moaned to herself in great joy on experiencing that wonderful feeling again as Soarin felt the same way when he wrapped his gentle arms around her and pulled her in closely.

Satisfied, she gently ended their kiss and added in a flustered manner, “That was for… well you know… everything.”

With a goofy smile, he responded simply, “Happy to be of service, ma’am.”

After a short chuckle, she started to feel really embarrassed by how lovey-dovey she was acting and waved him off in a brokenly stern tone, “Alright, dismiss!”

As the carefree Jupitarian continued his walk toward his room, Spitfire faced the door, breathed out a heavy sigh, and opened it gently. Inside, everything was dark, and the only sources of light to shed in this severely grim room was the crack of the door that Spitfire just opened and the window’s dimly opened shutters. A Wonderbolt jacket was laid carelessly on the floor. And on one of the two queen-sized beds that was closest to the window was the constantly weeping Fleetfoot, flat on her stomach and her arms crossed underneath her tearful face.

Carefully, Spitfire closed the door quietly, softly crept over to Fleetfoot’s bed, and gently seated herself down next to her lamenting friend. With a wary hand, she laid it on top of the white, spiky hair before she soothingly patted the fluffy locks, which Fleetfoot didn’t mind at all from feeling that calming touch of hers.

“Fleetfoot?” Spitfire said to her sweetly. “Is everything okay?”

She didn’t responded at first, but eventually, she murmured in a sniveling voice, “I-I couldn’t do it, Spitfire. I couldn’t go through with it.”

Continuing with her soothing brush, Spitfire suggested softly, “Do you wanna talk about it?”

“…I guess.” she whimpered in response.

“Well what happened, Fleetfoot?” she asked in a caring tone. “Last time I checked, you and Roseluck were having a good time on the dance floor.”

Finally, Fleetfoot lifted her sniffling head up as Spitfire took notice of her puffy eyes and numerous trails of tears that have stained the Wonderbolt’s pale white face. When she felt ready enough, Fleetfoot took the time to explain herself.

“Well… after that, Rose led me to a park, so she could show me some of its pretty flowers. Then, we’re standing on a bridge, admiring the scenery, and… holding hands.” From the mention of those last two words, Fleetfoot blushed warmly upon that recollection, which didn’t go unnoticed by Spitfire’s observant gaze.

“Was that when you kissed her?” Spitfire assumed as she fretted from within that Roseluck didn’t share the same interest as Fleetfoot did.

“N-no… I didn’t kiss her…”


“…sh-she kissed me.” she corrected as her blushing face intensified with a small smile breaking through.

From hearing that as well as from seeing Fleetfoot’s glowing reaction, Spitfire grinned brightly in surprise and delight over this unexpected news. “Really? Fleetfoot, that’s wonderful! I can’t believe that she was the one to kiss you first!”

“I know, right?!” Fleetfoot smiled widely in excitement. “I still get chills just from thinking about that!” From unintentionally saying the word “chills” in her previous sentence, she fell back into her state of depression as she sat up with her fingers gripping her bare, shaky shoulders while her hands impulsively gave off an unpleasantly cold mist.

“But then… when I was holding her, my hands… they just… they’re still just as out of control as before!” she exclaimed with fresh tears running down her pitiful face. “All of that hard work for nothing!”

Unable to see Fleetfoot punishing herself like this, Spitfire wrapped a warm arm around her shoulders and asked, “Did you tell Roseluck about this?”

“N-n-no. I… didn’t want to frighten her.” she answered in a trembling, grief-stricken voice. “So… I left her there. I couldn’t bear to tell her the truth anyhow.”

Using her other arm, Spitfire embraced her sorrow friend as Fleetfoot clung on to her while carrying on with her renewed melancholy. Out of all of her personal friends, Fleetfoot had nothing to fear about being so close to her sisterly friend since Spitfire’s specialty involved controlling heat, which it will perfectly counteract with her reflexive freezing powers.

Once her cursed magic subsided, Fleetfoot apologized in a more casual tone, “Anyway, I’m sorry if I made you end your night with Soarin so abruptly. I knew how anxious you were from getting in his pants right about now.”

Shrugging off that light bit of teasing from the more playful Wonderbolt, Spitfire grinned in response, “Nah, don't worry about that. There will be another time for that anyhow.”

“Oh, how can you be so sure?”

“Let's just say... I still promised him that slice of my pie for next time.” Spitfire answered with a cryptically sly smile.

With a raised eyebrow, Fleetfoot inquired in confusion, “Are you talking your grandma's secret family pie or...?”

“What do you think, Fleetfoot?” Spitfire responded with a knowing smirk and a raised eyebrow of her own.

“...He really thought that he was getting the actual pie, wasn't he?" Fleetfoot deadpanned her assumption bluntly.

“Yep!” Spitfire acknowledged with a short chuckle.

Groaning to herself, Fleetfoot shook her head and expressed her sympathy to Spitfire over Soarin’s lack of insight, “Sigh... you really know how to reel in all the idiots in your love life, huh Spitfire?”

“Maybe...” Spitfire admitted with a carefree shrug before she faintly blush with a growing smile, “…but he's my lovable idiot that I wouldn't trade for anyone else in the world right now.”

They shared a good, hearty laugh over their male comrade’s obliviousness before Spitfire offered an idea in mind to help mend things up with Fleetfoot and her florist friend, “You know… if you like, we can still see Roseluck tomorrow before we head back to HQ.”

Sigh… forget it, Spitfire.” Fleetfoot dismissed that in a defeated, cold tone as she took off her boots and pants. “It wouldn’t work out anyway. She probably hates me for running away like that. I wouldn’t blame her. Besides, it’s better off that way than if I had hurt her instead.” In just her arctic blue tank top and panties, she sluggishly crawled underneath the covers and settled down in her bed with her back facing Spitfire. “Anyway, I’m really tired. It’s been a long day for me, so… I’m going to bed now.”

Seeing how there was no point into changing Fleetfoot’s mind this late at night, Spitfire replied softly, “Oh… ok. Well… goodnight, Fleetfoot.”


After silently changing into her light gray, cropped tank top and matching sleeping shorts, Spitfire delicately packed her evening clothes into her suitcase before turning in for the night. But while doing so, she couldn’t stop herself from thinking of another way to turn this around for Fleetfoot. She was so close from finding a potential girlfriend for herself, and for her to turn it away so suddenly within her very reach was just unfathomable.

Once she packed up her gorgeous, yellow dress and took out what she will wear for tomorrow morning, she decided to take a quick look at her schedule from her personal travel bag, so that way, she would keep in mind on what’s to come for her and the Wonderbolts. The first thing she noticed on the current month of her agenda was a red marked circle around next Saturday, and within that circle was something written in bold, red letters:


From seeing those words written on her miniature calander, Spitfire broke into an ingenious smile as she may have figured out a way on how to fix her friend’s heartbreaking dilemma. She may need to pull a few strings here and there, but if this will allow Fleetfoot to regain her newfound happiness, the results of her valiant deeds will be totally worth it in the end.

“Hmmm… maybe… Just maybe…”


Nearly One Week Later in Ponyville…

At the local flower shop, things had been relatively quiet since the end of the Equestria Games. No longer was the greenhouse crowded with out-of-town customers or fans hoping for a chance to see Ponyville’s famed gymnast. At least sales were still above-average levels thanks to the vast amount of victories earned by town’s athletes. But as of now, it was for the best that there wasn’t much activity within the florists’ establishment.

Behind the counter, Daisy was slouching on her seat as she placed an elbow of her flexed right arm on the surface while her bored face rested on her right hand. She sighed heavily on how slow business had been compared to what she was used to in the previous weeks. She missed all of the many, new faces she would warmly greet and help whenever they entered the store. Just as she was about to fall asleep, the green-haired florist perked up immediately when she saw her fellow coworker, Lily, leaving from the greenhouse with a very solemn look on her face.

“So… any luck with Rosie yet?” Daisy asked even though she knew the answer herself based off of Lily’s disappointed expression.

“No. She’s still awfully quiet ever since last week. I’ve never seen her this way before. She just so… detached from everything else, including her own work.”

“Arrgh! I bet it was that Wonderbolt’s fault!” Daisy gritted her teeth harshly. “How dare she reject our Rosie and breaking her heart into two like that!”

“Well, we don’t know all the facts ourselves unless Rosie tells them herself.” the blonde-haired woman pointed it out gently as she shook her head. “For now, we just need to support her in anyway possible.”

Her instinctive anger faded away before the curly-haired florist let out a heavy sigh and responded calmly, “Yeah, you’re right, Lily. I just wish there was something we can do for her.” Then, she drooped back into her tiring position as she added, “But then again, it’s not like a solution will fall right on our doorstep.”

As soon as Daisy said that, a firm slam was suddenly heard as a familiar mail carrier smacked against the glass entrance. With a swift swing of the door, the blonde-haired deliverywoman landed clumsily in front of two startled coworkers.

“Ditzy!” Lily shouted as she rushed to the recently famed Ponyvillian’s aid. “Are you alright?!”

As Lily helped her up, Ditzy Doo replied with that ever-so carefree, chuckling smile while scratching the back of her head, “Sorry. I should have knocked first beforehand.”

“Do you need any first aid, Ditzy?” Daisy asked as she stepped away from counter to approach their friend.

“No thanks, Daisy. I’m okay right now. Really.” she reassured with a cheerful smile as she got herself up before quickly brushing off her postal uniform. “Oh! I nearly forgot why I was charging in here in the first place! I have an important letter that I had to deliver right away!” she hastily explained herself as she reached inside her single-strapped, brown carrier bag. Once she found what she was looking for, she pulled out a letter with a big, red stamp that indicated it as “express mail.”

“Really? Well, who is it for?” Lily asked.

“It’s for Roseluck, from the Wonderbolts’ Headquarters.”

From hearing that reply, Lily and Daisy looked at each other with wide eyes before they anxiously reached for that significant piece of mail as Lily greatly insisted, “Quick! Give it here!”

Daisy followed it up in the same manner by demanding childishly, “Yes, let’s see it! Let’s see it!”

A bit troubled by how grabby the two florists were, Ditzy quickly held out a free hand in front of them as she secured her letter back into her shoulder bag before expressing her disapproval firmly, “Whoa! Hold on for a second! I know we’re friends, but I have an important duty to fulfill first. And a letter this important is obviously meant for Roseluck’s eyes only.”

From that surprisingly steadfast reminder, the two florists ceased their beseechingness as they drooped like disciplined puppies before Lily apologized on their behalf, “Sorry about that, Ditzy. It’s just that… Rosie hasn’t been herself since… well you know.”

With a soft, forgiving gaze, Ditzy nodded with an understanding smile, “Right, of course. But that’s why I want to deliver this letter immediately! I think this might actually cheer her up for a change! Hey listen, it’s really great to see you girls, but I really need to get back to work. Can I trust you to hand this over to Roseluck for me?” she asked of them as she pulled out the letter again.

“Of course, Ditzy!” Daisy saluted in high spirits. “You can count on us!’

“Thanks girls.” Ditzy beamed with delight as she handed the letter to the green-haired florist. “Oh, here! A little gift from me to you three!” Then, she pulled out three of her all-time favorite, blueberry-flavored treats that were neatly gift-wrapped in three plastic bags.

GASP… MUFFINS!” Daisy grinned excitedly before she carelessly tossed the letter aside and eagerly reached out for the scrumptious gifts as Lily made the swift interception for the flung item.

After Lily caught the letter in midair, she expressed her warm gratitude to their town's favorite mailwoman, “Aww… thank you, Ditzy! You’re always so sweet to us! Here let me get the door for you.” Once she got the door opened, Ditzy hovers from the ground and made her way outside the flower shop before Lily waved her off, “Say ‘hi’ to Dinky for us! Oh, and if you stop by for some of our flowers, we’ll gladly give you a special discount in return!”

“Thanks, Lily! I’ll keep that in mind for next time!” And after that, Ditzy Doo shot off like an arrow to make her next delivery.

Once she closed the door, Lily looked at the letter as she called out to her green-haired coworker, “Come on, Daisy! We need to show this to Rosie right away!”

Daisy had just opened her muffin from the bag and was about to take an enormous bite out of it. Freezing in place with her gaping mouth so close to her tempting treat, she protested with a exaggerated whine, “But… muffins~!”

“Now, Daisy!”


Inside the greenhouse, Roseluck was mindlessly tending to some of her roses. She was not only grateful that she got to spend some time in her greenhouse once again after the Equestria Games were over, but also for the fact on how vacant it was within the larger section of her shop. However, she wasn’t as enthusiastic like the countless times she would be when it comes to tending her flowers. Evidently, her coldly restrained emotions greatly affected her Eponian Magic as the roses she was tending to didn’t blossom as fully as before.

Still, she definitely needed the time to herself as she tried to get over on what had happened last week with Fleetfoot, but she still couldn’t wrap her mind around it. Rose was definitely hurt by the Wonderbolt’s abrupt departure, but she could still remember the terrified, tearful look on her face. After that, she wasn’t sure on how react to that rejection. If only she knew on why Fleetfoot was so horrified in the first place, then maybe she could find a way to make it up to her.

“Rosie! You've got to see this!” Daisy screeched alarmingly as she and Lily quickly approached their younger associate in the aisle that she was working on.

“What is it?” Roseluck asked.

“It’s a letter from the Wonderbolts!” Lily answered swiftly as she showed the sealed envelope to her.

From the mention of that famous Jupitarian team, Rose’s eyes shot wide-opened as she stared at the letter in front of her. Unable to contain her curiosity for just a few seconds, she snatched the letter from Lily, ripped the sealed top portion of the envelope, and frantically pulled the letter out before read it to herself.

Dear Ms. Greentouch,

You are cordially invited to witness the most exciting two minutes in sports at Canterlot’s racetrack: the Wonderbolts Derby. Along with this invitation, we’ve also included a free ticket that’s exclusive to our VIP members. This special privilege offers a private box seat with all of its complimentary services, a backstage pass to meet with the racers after the derby, and an invitation to their after-party. From there, you will get a chance to meet all of your favorite Wonderbolts, including the two-time Derby winner, Fleetfoot Stormwind. We hope that you will come for this momentous occasion and not miss out this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


A Friend

“Well? What does it say?! What does it say?!” asked Daisy as she along with Lily could hardly contain their suspense.

Flabbergasted by the letter’s ambiguous statement, Rose pulled out the precious ticket and eventually replied to her friends, “It’s… a VIP invitation… to the Wonderbolts Derby.”

“V-V-VIP?!” Lily stammered as she mirrored Daisy’s immense surprise. “Is it from Fleetfoot?”

“No. It just says… ‘a friend.’”

After Roseluck handed the letter to Lily, the blonde woman hastily read it herself before saying, “Why would they leave it so anonymous like that?”

“Perhaps this ‘friend’ caught wind on what has happened from last week and sought to lend a helping hand in this.” Daisy presumed.

“In any case, this will be perfect, Rose!” Lily proclaimed ecstatically as she passed the letter to Daisy next to her. “You can go to the Derby, meet up with Fleetfoot, and win her back!”

Rose was about to smile widely on that promising thought, but then, she dismissed that dreamy notion as she responded in a detached tone, “Girls… this doesn’t indicate anything. Maybe she’s just doing this as a way to apologize.”

“Hmm… for her to give you an exclusive VIP ticket to one of their biggest races, that’s pretty hefty of an apology to make.” Daisy stated as she read the letter while stroking her chin with a free hand in a pondering manner.

“Besides, don’t you want to set things rights between the two of you?” Lily inquired as she grabbed Rose’s shoulders to force her to look her in the eye. “Don’t you want to see her again, Rosie?”

As Rose gave it some more thought on this rare opportunity, the memories of the time she shared with Fleetfoot flooded into her mind as she went through each of them. From how they first met, to how they had ran into each other, to their first lunch together, to their faceoff in the Blitz-ball Finals, and ultimately, to their very first kiss. From recalling that kiss, Roseluck remembered on how truly affectionate and sincere that was despite how unclear that breakup was.

From reliving those heartfelt memories, her feelings for Fleetfoot rekindled anew as she spontaneously started to cry while answering earnestly, “I do! I really do!”

Happy to see their smiling Rose breaking from her own personal gloom, Lily and Daisy warmly embraced their figurative sister as the green-haired florist declared with a very perky smile, “Alright! Then the race is on! All abroad the love train! CHOO-CHOO!”

“Speaking of which, when does the race begin?” Lily asked.

After wiping away the tears from her eyes, Roseluck looked at her ticket and her pupils shrank once she read the date of the event. “It’s on this Saturday at 6pm.”

The eyes of the other two florists nearly bulged out of their sockets before Lily shrieked in distress, “Oh no! That means the Wonderbolts Derby starts tomorrow afternoon!” Then, she mightily pushed Roseluck to the greenhouse’s closest exit as she ordered sternly, “Come on, Rosie! There’s no time to lose! You need to pack up right away!”

As Rose tried to halt Lily’s shoving, she expressed herself worrisomely, “B-but I don’t even know on what I’m supposed to wear for the Derby!”

Lily then ceased her pushing as she pondered on that issue. “Well, we’ve never been to the racetracks before nor have we been invited to their after-parties. Is there anyone of our friends who would know on what to wear for such an occasion?”

After giving it some careful thought, Roseluck came up with one answer in mind despite frowning on the idea herself. “I know of one person… but I’m not going to like it.”


Approaching the door of the apartment with caution, Roseluck gently knocked on it three times and waited for someone to answer it. Hopefully, this person will be on her best behavior today, but that would be highly unlikely. Once the door was opened, Rose was greeted with a very friendly smile from this year’s Best Swordsman of Equestria and head of Ponyville’s Guard, Cloud Kicker.

“Hey, Rose! What’s up?”

“Hi, Cloud--!”

But her greeting was interrupted when she gazed in bewilderment at what Cloud Kicker was wearing. With the cool-mannered Jupitarian leaning on the doorway with the use her right arm, she had on a small, light purple shirt, which showed her smoothly toned abs and embraced her nicely cupped breasts. But CK’s tight t-shirt was practically casual compared to what she was wearing in substitute for normal slacks. Right between her legs was a very revealing g-string as Roseluck was completely spellbound by that saucy piece of clothing.

“Uhh… my eyes are up here, Rose.” she directed the flower girl’s diverted attention with a small smirk and a cocked eyebrow.

Embarrassed by that distraction, Roseluck snappily turned her startled gaze away from the g-string as she apologized while blushing like mad, “R-r-right… sorry.”

After a short chuckle, Cloud welcomed her in. “Anyway, why don’t you come inside already. I don’t want anyone else getting the idea on a free show from this.”


As Cloud led her guest into the living room, Roseluck was unfortunately still under the spell of the lieutenant’s g-string as she was distracted by the completely exposed buttocks with nothing more that a narrow cord between those cheeks and around her swaying waist. However, Rose wasn’t as flustered as the first time she saw that while making a mental note to herself.

Hmm… her ass does look pretty good, but it’s nothing compared to Fleetfoot’s! Mmm… I bet she would look really good in that g-string herself!

As the blushing Roseluck drooled over the mental image of her favorite Wonderbolt in that sexy underwear, Cloud Kicker turned her head back and asked with a teasing grin, “So, do you like what you see?”

Pushing away her perverted thoughts in the very corner of her mind, Roseluck replied in a very stern tone, “Quite the opposite actually. How can you be so casual from wearing that thing around the house like that?”

“Well I do prefer to sleep naked on a hot summer night.” she stated with a cryptic smile while sitting down on one of the couches. “Besides, I had laundry to do, so this was the only pair I had in the meantime. And I certainly wasn’t expecting guests when it’s my day off today. Though I don’t mind showing off on how gorgeous my ass is to one of my closest friends.” she teased once with a boastful grin while wiggling her eyebrows.

Unimpressed by Cloud Kicker’s usual swagger, Rose took her seat on the opposite couch as she softly muttered her rebuttal, “Fleetfoot has a better-looking ass than yours.”


After that sharp reply, the two female athletes shared a good chuckle before Cloud added kindly, “Anyway, it’s really good to see you again, Roseluck. I was worried about you since last week.”

“I am okay now, CK.” she reassured with a comforting smile. “Actually, that’s why I’ve come to see you. I received an urgent letter from the Wonderbolts this morning.” she explained as she handed her letter to her attentive friend. “I don’t know on who sent this to me, but they’ve invited me to the Wonderbolts Derby this Saturday, and it's emphasized that Fleetfoot’s going to be there.”

Silently, Cloud Kicker read the letter to herself as she comprehended the paragraph very carefully. The typed paper didn’t off much clues on the writer’s identity except for Fleetfoot’s name being in bold letters. However, Cloud Kicker assumed that it had to be someone who knew about Roseluck and Fleetfoot as well as their relationship; whoever it was, this person would go to such great lengths to have this sent out for the red-haired Eponian from Ponyville. With one particular Wonderbolt in mind on who had the resources to pull this one off, Cloud displayed a knowing grin and handed the letter back to Rose.

“So, you’re getting back in the saddle, eh? That’s awesome, Rose! I definitely think you should go there and give chase to that Wonderbolt of yours! But what is it that you want to see me about?”

“Well… I’ve never been to a Derby before, so I was wondering… if you had any advice on what I should wear for that event.”

“Oh… is this for attendance or to impress someone?” Cloud Kicker asked with a mischievous smirk.

“Umm… both… maybe?” she blushed meekly.

“Then girl, you have come to the right place!” she declared with a very eager smile as she got up from the couch before she lifted the surprised florist off her seat and anxiously led her toward the exit of her apartment. “Come on, we’ve got some shopping to do!”



The Next Day in the Early Afternoon…

At Ponyville’s Train Station, the next locomotive was getting ready for its departure to Canterlot as Lily and Daisy got ready to say their goodbyes to Roseluck and Cloud Kicker. While the blonde-haired Jupitarian was wearing some very casual clothes, the red-haired Eponian on the other hand was wearing a very lovely, silky, red evening dress while carrying a simple, beige purse, which contained her secured ticket to the Wonderbolts Derby this evening.

“I still can’t get over on how amazing you look in that dress, Rosie!” Daisy commented joyfully as Rose blushed modestly. “Do you think Fleetfoot would like it?”

“Trust me, she’s gonna love!” Cloud Kicker reassured with a wink and a confident grin as she wrapped an arm around Roseluck’s shoulders. “Besides, I’ve helped her picked out the dress myself.” Then, she leaned closer to the Eponian’s ear and whispered slyly, “By the way, Rose… you’ve got your ‘secret weapon’ on you, right?”

Flustering from that somewhat subtle hint, Roseluck groaned with a roll of her eyes, “Yes, Cloud. I’ve got it on me.”

Then an earsplitting whistle was heard from the steam engine as the conductor called out to his passengers, “LAST CALL!”

“Oh, that’s our cue!” Cloud stated to the girls.

Lily went up to CK and gratefully shook her hand. “Thank you so much for escorting Rosie to Canterlot for us.”

“My pleasure, girls.” she nodded with a welcoming smile. “Plus, this trip will give me a chance to see Lady Sparkle later on.”

“Goodbye, Rosie!” Lily embraced her younger roommate. “Best of luck to you.”

“Yeah! Go get her, kid!” Daisy added cheerfully as she turned this into a group hug.

“Thanks.” Roseluck replied warmly.

After their farewells, Roseluck and Cloud entered one of the passenger cars before eventually, the train whistled one last time and gradually made its leave to Canterlot. With the train’s departure, the two Ponyvillian athletes waved their goodbyes from the car's window to the two emotional florists as they waved back while the train picked up at full speed. Once the train was out of their sight, Daisy commented to Lily with a sigh as they each shared a contented smile on their faces.

“There she goes, Lily! Our little Rosie is growing up so fast!”




“We SO need to get laid someday!”

“Oh yeah!”

Author's Note:

In case you are wondering for those that are fans of "Apple Scratch", I know NOTHING on what happens in the end of the third story, "Onward to the Equestria Games!" So in regards with this side-story, this one doesn't offer any spoilers to the main story branch. Sorry.