• Published 18th Jul 2014
  • 2,760 Views, 63 Comments

Tales of Apple Scratch: Roseluck & Fleetfoot - RoyalRainbow

Since the beginning of the Equestria Games, Roseluck and Fleetfoot quickly became friendly rivals and good friends with one another. But when they started to develop secret attractions for each other, will they emerge triumphant in the end?

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Chapter 8 – Out to Lunch

Chapter 8 – Out to Lunch

After a leisurely walk throughout Ponyville, Roseluck and Fleetfoot arrived at their destination: the Clover Café that the red-haired florist recommended to the Jupitarian earlier. Like all the other houses around town, the café had that rustic charm to it with its timber-framed structure and thatched roofs that overhanged the upper floors. The green-framed restaurant was decorated with many colorful plants that occupied nearly every window and main entrance, and it featured an outdoor seating with a retractable canopy over its seated guests. In the back of the cozy, cottage-like café, a cobblestoned chimney rose above the rooftop as its soft smoke carried a hint of deliciously baked bread.

With their hunger calling them forward from taking in the whiff of that oven-baked bread, Roseluck led the equally famished Fleetfoot inside. To their surprise however, the entire café was packed with a huge mass of people. Every table inside and outside was already filled up, and there were over a dozen more customers waiting in the lobby for the next one available.

After going up to the headwaiter’s counter to ask for how long the waiting time was going to be, Roseluck went back to Fleetfoot with a disappointed look on her face as she informed her, “Well… apparently it would take about an hour before they can get a table ready for us. If you don’t want to wait for that long, we can always try somewhere else.”

After contemplating on how to turn this situation around for Rose’s sake, Fleetfoot broke into a devious smile and countered in response, “Or… we could speed things up and get a table right away.”

“How?” Roseluck perplexed. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

“Oh no?” the Wonderbolt grinned knowingly as she pulled out her unique, purple shades and coolly placed them over her eyes. “Watch and learn.”

As the smirking Jupitarian strut over in a poise manner with her timid, Eponian friend following behind her, she casually leaned against the attendant’s counter with a left arm laid on top of it and her legs crossed over in a very cool posture.

“Hello, may I help you with something?” the puzzled headwaiter asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, hi there.” she greeted him with a carefree smile. “What’s your name, pal?”

“Umm… Caesar, ma’am.”

“Well Caesar… maybe we haven’t properly introduced ourselves.” she continued with a happy-go-lucky smile as she lowered her shades with her piercing, fuschia eyes staring at him. “The name’s Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot Stormwind. Nice to meet ya.”

From hearing that cheery introduction, Caesar’s eyes bulged greatly at the mere mention of Fleetfoot’s name as the nearby attendants and customers were just as surprised as he was. Flabbergasted to be in the presence of a celebrity, Caesar stumbled over his response, “Fl-Fl-Fleetfoot? As the THE Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts?”

“Last time I checked.” she replied as she nonchalantly rubbed her right fist against her jacket before looking at it. “So yeah, I’m new around here, but I heard so many good things about this place.”

“R-really?” he stammered with a growing smile of astonishment.

“Yep! And it’s thanks to my new friend you met earlier, Roseluck Greentouch!” she verified happily as she firmly reeled Roseluck in with her right arm wrapped around her shoulders.

“What are you doing?” Rose whispered in embarrassment.

“Just play it cool, Rose.” Fleetfoot assured her quietly. “I’ve got this.” Then, she turned her attendance back to Caesar as everyone else listened in on their conversation. “Yes, that’s right! THE Roseluck! You know, one of rising superstars of Team Ponyville? Gold medalist of the Rhythmic Gymnastics? Anyway, you’ll have to forgive her for not verifying that earlier. She can be a bit shy sometimes.”

Ignoring the subtle growling from the embarrassed florist next to her, Fleetfoot carried on with a crafty smile, “Anywho, Roseluck informed me that this is one of her favorite places to eat around here. I’m quite surprised that you didn’t recognize her since she’s one of your regular customers.” she teased lightly as Caesar was slightly ashamed for not recognizing the red-haired Eponian earlier. “And from the way she was describing on how everything you serve here is truly delicious, I was really looking forward to having a nice meal today. But seeing how all of your tables are filled up at the moment, I’m afraid that I may never get that opportunity to experience your renowned cuisine at this time. Sigh… Oh well… I guess we’ll have to eat somewhere else. Come on, Rose.” she dismayed exaggeratedly in front of the apprehensive attendant before she turned around and led the baffled Roseluck toward to exit.

“Why are we turning around now?” Rose inquired softly. “How is this supposed to help us get a table?”

“Wait for it~!” Fleetfoot reassured slyly as they steadily made their toward the café’s exit.

And at the right moment, Caesar frantically called out to the two ladies, “Excuse me, Miss Fleetfoot?”

With a slow turn of her body, Fleetfoot looked over her shoulder and articulated shrewdly, “Yeeeeesss?”

After he quickly conversed with one of the attentive waiters, Caesar was willing to work out some kind of deal with the two female athletes. “If you can just give us a few minutes, I believe we can get a table ready for you and Miss Roseluck!”

Satisfied over everything going according to plan, Fleetfoot replied with a victorious smile on her face, “Great! Could you make sure that table gives us some privacy as well?” After Caesar whispered something into the waiter’s ear before he quickly sent that person off to fulfill his duty, he hastily nodded back to Fleetfoot. “Thanks! And if everything meets to our expectations, I’ll definitely put in a good word with my Wonderbolt friends back at HQ, okay?” she guaranteed gleefully while lowering her shades and winking to the edgy yet smiling Caesar.

“Y-yes, ma’am!”

Once that was finally settled, Fleetfoot and Roseluck eyed the crowd that was waiting in line for their next number to be call up. To Rose’s surprise, they didn’t seem to object the two competitors from getting a table before them. Still, the humble, red-haired Eponian felt a little bad for being part in Fleetfoot’s grand scheme of things. With the awestricken, speechless customers surrounding Rose and Fleetfoot, the latter grinned wildly as she figured out a way to kill some time and offer something in return for those who were still waiting.

“So in the meantime… who wants an autograph from their favorite athletes?!”

While Roseluck was surprised from hearing that overly generous offer from Fleetfoot, nearly everyone else got up from their seats as they didn’t want to miss this rare opportunity from the Games’ rising superstars by encircling the two and practically begging for any pictures and signatures they can take. Despite feeling a bit intimidated by the surrounding fans, Roseluck was happy to do her duty as a local celebrity and gladly joined with Fleetfoot in the merriment.

A few minutes later, Fleetfoot and Roseluck’s table was all set just like Caesar promised, and they said goodbye to their new fans before the two are led to their table. As they made their way, Rose couldn’t help herself from smirking as she playfully scolded the Wonderbolt, “You know, that was pretty shrewd of you to cut in front of everyone like that.”

In response, the silver-tongued Fleetfoot shrugged with a smirk that matched with her counterpart’s, “I didn’t hear you making any objections beforehand.”

“Heh, and here I thought that you were supposed to be an aspiring role model.” she retorts with a lighthearted chuckle.

“Eh, you know what they say: when you got it, flaunt it!”


Once Roseluck and Fleetfoot got to their table that was right next to a window and away from most of the other seated tables, they took the time to order their drinks first: freshly brewed iced tea for Roseluck, and iced water for Fleetfoot. Following with the drinks they received, the two athletes were able to decide on what they wanted for their lunch, and their waitress jotted their orders down quickly before taking her leave, which left the two to carry on with their conversations.

“So… what’s it like being a Wonderbolt?” Roseluck asked with curious delight.

“Well for one thing, it’s very demanding.” Fleetfoot exaggerated in a light chuckle. “Whether it’s through training, publicity, show performances, or military duties, there’s hardly any moment of rest and relaxation for either one of us.”

The Eponian blinked from hearing how exhausting it can be for the Jupitarian before she sympathized with a petite smile, “Wow… when you put it that way, I guess even fame has its own price, huh?”

“Don’t get me wrong. I love being a Wonderbolt, and I’m proud to do my duty for my country. But I didn’t do it for all the fame and attention.”

Surprised to hear that, Roseluck asked, “Well then, why did you join the Wonderbolts in the first place?”

“Actually, it was Spitfire who insisted that I join up with her.”

“Really?” Rose responded in slight astonishment.

“Yep! Me and Spitfire go way back since flight camp. We’re pretty much like sisters, even when we were little kids. Always roughhousing, teasing each other, competing in every activity imagined. Sigh… good times.” she reminisced with a warm, amusing smile. “Nevertheless, we would always have each other’s back no matter what. In fact, she’s like my big sister since I would always look up to her for advice and encouragement.”

“Well that explains why your hairstyles are so similar to one and another.” she stated with a giggling grin.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Fleetfoot agreed in a chuckle while brushing her white, fluffy hair through her fingers. “And for the record: I came up with this cool style first before she did. Just so you know firsthand in case Spitfire says otherwise.”

“Right…” Roseluck dismissed that claim with an amusing smile.

“Anyway, if it wasn’t for her, I may have never been able to overcome my shyness back then, and it’s because of her persistence that I joined the Wonderbolts along with her.”

“You know, it’s funny that you would talk about Spitfire like that. Because that’s how I see Lily and Daisy back at the flower shop.”

“Oh yeah, Lily said to me earlier that you are like a little sister to them.”

“Well… that isn’t too far from the truth. Though there were times where I wish they wouldn’t baby me so much.” she vaguely grumbled to herself before recollecting with a warmer smile. “In any case, they’ve always been like family to me ever since I was little. Lily would be the more mature, big sister who would handle the bigger responsibilities like business and financing, and Daisy would be the middle child who knows on how to cheer someone up. It was through our love of gardening that led us to share the same house together as well as to set up our flower shop right next to it.”

“And where does your dancing and gymnastics come into play?”

“I guess ever since I was a little girl. With ballet especially, I get the chance to be more… expressive with myself. Other than tending to my flowers, dancing allows me to unwind without having my worries get to me so easily.”

“Even when you perform in front of hundreds of people?” Fleetfoot asked in amazement.

“Even if that’s the case… once I get into the zone, I don’t let that stop me until the very end!” Roseluck answered with conviction.

Astonished to hear this from the usually timid flower girl, Fleetfoot broke into a hearty giggle as she commended Rose, “You know, if you were born as a Jupitarian, I would have recommended you a position in the Wonderbolts right on the spot!”

“Oh, stop that, Fleetfoot!” she smiled humbly as she flushed a little. “You’re making me blush!”

“I’m serious! With you as a choreographer, you can probably make headlines right away after your first Wonderbolts performance! And besides, I’ve seen your certified level on concentration from your hurdle qualification and Rhythmic Gymnastics. People may look down on you for various reasons, but trust me when I say this: you’re definitely no amateur when you compare it to the other athletes out there!”

Almost getting choked up by the Fleetfoot’s constant praise over her, Rose broke in a spontaneous chuckle as she responded, “That’s awfully nice of you to say, but flattery will get you nowhere, Fleetfoot.”

“Eh… worth a try. But if you ever grow a pair of wings someday and you want to reconsider, send me a letter next time.” she winked with a witty smile.


Less than half of an hour later, their waitress brought back their ordered meals. Each of them ordered a small cup of soup and a lunch entrée. For Roseluck, she ordered a cup of carrot soup with just the right amount of curry spice and lightly grilled chicken salad that’s mixed with slices of succulent apples and dried cranberries. As for Fleetfoot, she had a cup of creamy tomato basil soup and a turkey burger with melted, white cheddar cheese on lightly toasted buns that’s served with a generous portion of sweet potato fries.

Starting with their soups first, Fleetfoot took a spoonful of hers and savored its rich creaminess. “Mmmm… this soup is really good! How’s yours?”

After taking a small, delicate sip of her soup, Roseluck nodded, “Mine’s pretty good too. Though it might be a bit too hot for my taste.”

“Here. Allow me.” Fleetfoot insisted as she brings her right hand up.

With a simple flick of her wrist, her fingers conjured up a very small, wispy tornado before it gently glided toward Roseluck’s soup. Stationed above the orange-colored soup, the miniature cyclone carefully swirled around the liquid surface to provide cool air to its substance without letting it spill over the table. Once its work was done, the tiny twister disappeared as the carrot curry soup emitted less steam than before.

“Better?” Fleetfoot asked with a positive smile.

After swallowing up another sample of her soup, Rose smiled widely on how less hot it was and scooped up a larger spoonful to thoroughly enjoy its flavor. “Mmm… much better. Thank you.”

“No problem, Rose.”

As they continued to savor the rest of their soups, Roseluck conversed with her guest, “It must be really nice to have Jupitarian powers like yours, Fleetfoot. With magic like that, you can practically control the weather! If I had powers like that, it would certainly make my job easier when it comes to taking care of the plants.”

“It is kind of cool I guess, but I mostly enjoy the aspects of flying just like any Wonderbolt would. And besides… it’s not like I have complete control over everything else.” As she said that last line with subtle discouragement, she looked at her hands with a soft sigh as Roseluck pondered on Fleetfoot’s sudden distraction. After noticing her counterpart’s curiosity, Fleetfoot displayed a friendlier smile and shook her head while saying, “Anyway, enough about me. I wanna hear about your magic instead, Rose.”

Surprised to hear that request, Roseluck inquired, “Well… what would you like to know about my Eponian Magic?”

While munching on her delicious turkey burger, Fleetfoot restated herself, “Well for starters, maybe you can explain to me on how your magic works.”

“Oh, my magic is nothing special compared to yours.” she hesitated on considering that request. “I’m sure you don’t want me to go over it in great detail.”

“Of course I do, Roseluck.” she insisted warmly. “I really want to know more about it.” Then, she leaned across the table as she pleaded with her puppy-dog eyes and pouty, quivering lips, “Pretty please?”

Unable to resist such a cute face from Fleetfoot, Roseluck giggled with a smile and concurred, “Okay… since you insist. First off, as a Jupitarian, how does your magic work?”

“Well… we can control the weather around us through the environment’s air, water, or temperature. And through a combination of those elements, we can shape them into various elemental spells such as lightning, ice, or clouds.”

“So, regarding with Titanians, they can shape the space inside their magic auras, correct?”

“Yes, that sounds right. Why do you ask?”

“In that case, what do Eponians shape in regards with their own magic?”

Fleetfoot took a while to figure out the answer for herself as Roseluck patiently allowed the Wonderbolt to take her time. As Fleetfoot recalled on how immensely strong the Eponians usually are, she came up with her best guess and answered sheepishly, “Their… bodies?”

“Yes, exactly!” Roseluck confirmed ecstatically as Fleetfoot smiled to herself on getting the answer right on her first try. “Of course, with Eponian Magic, it’s very passive compared to the other two. You see, our inner magic mostly reacts on its own due to our survival instincts, so it allows us to exceed limits beyond that of any normal human being. Whether it’s by running faster, making our skins harder, or lifting stronger weights than usual. So for Applejack’s case, it’s not just her farming routine that makes her so implausibly strong, it’s her immense Eponian Magic that makes her that way.”

“I get it.” Fleetfoot nodded as she was enlightened by this concept. “The more Eponian Magic you have, the higher your physical limitations are.”

“That’s right. But there’s another side to our magic that some people tend to forget.” Roseluck pointed it out as she worked on her chicken salad. “Through the blessings of our Nature Mare, Epona, we are more in touch with our surroundings, both figuratively and literally.”

“Yeah, I heard that Eponian farmers can produce some of the finest crops in all of the land, but how does that work exactly?” she contemplated before taking another bite of her burger.

“Well… through physical contact, we can imbue our magic into whatever we may touch, instinctively or otherwise. Of course, Eponian Magic doesn’t work right away. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to bring forth the abundant fruits of our labor. But whether it’s from planting a seed into a ground or watering them, every effort I put into tending my plants allows me an opportunity to work my magic, sort of speak.” she chuckled a little before chewing on the skewered leaves, chicken, and apple slices.

“So with Eponian Magic, your plants will grow faster, become healthier, and taste even more delicious than ever.” Fleetfoot verified when she pointed at the salad that Roseluck was eating.

“Mm-hmm.” she muffled her confirmation while eating a mouthful of her salad before swallowing it and continuing where she left off. “But that kind of principle isn’t just limited to gardening. Eponian can apply their magic in the fields of music or medical practice. For well-talented musicians, they can amplify their music to produce better sounds when they pluck a string instrument or blow air through a brass instrument. As for Eponian doctors, their soothing touch helps calm down their patients, ease their tensions, and sometimes mend some of their pain.”

“Just like how you helped relieve some of the soreness in my shoulders with that massage of yours.” she recalled tenderly over that wonderful sensation. “But wait… what about that magical warmth you demonstrated earlier? Where does that fall under the Eponian category?”

She pondered a bit while chewing on her salad before she cleared her throat and replying back to Fleetfoot, “If I had to guess… I’d say that it’s a combination of the Eponian’s abilities to raise my body temperature and to emit a soothing sensation from physical contact. It’s mostly a common practice among florists such as myself, but I did heard that the chief baker here can use his ‘solar hands’ to allow the yeast to ferment faster and make bread tastier whenever he kneads his dough.”

“Raising your body temperature, huh?” said the Wonderbolt as she smirked widely of a sudden while munching on her sweet potato fries. “Is that why you blush so easily all the time?”

“N-n-no! That’s not it all!” Roseluck snapped with an alarming blush making its appearance.

“Really? Because your face says otherwise!” the teasing Wonderbolt pointed it out with a fry held in her hand.

Flustered by Fleetfoot’s usual teasing, Roseluck grabbed her iced tea and hoped that would be enough to cool her down her flushed face. While drinking her sweet beverage, Rose grumbled out softly, “Jerk.”

After letting out a brief giggle over Rose’s agony, Fleetfoot expressed her appreciation with an honest smile, “Anyway, thanks for sharing all of that with me, Rose. It really was quite fascinating to learn all this from you.”

From receiving the Jupitarian’s kindhearted gratitude, Roseluck finished her drink and replied kindly, “You’re welcome, Fleetfoot. Thank you for your interest.”

Overtime, they carried with the consumption of their satisfying meals with Fleetfoot finishing first. As she waited patiently for Rose to finish the last few bites of her salad, a thought came into the Jupitarian’s mind; something that made her blush mildly and hesitant from asking. Once Roseluck was nearly done with her salad, Fleetfoot’s curiosity couldn’t hold back and proceeded to ask her question carefully.

“So… Rose… have you found anyone special in your life yet?”

Roseluck almost chocked on the last bite of her lunch before she cleared her throat with some more iced tea and timidly answered with a hint of self-pity, “N-no… not really. I’m… kind of a shy in that regard.”

“Really? I could never tell.” she grinned sarcastically with her right hand resting underneath her chin.

“Oh, ha-ha, Fleetfoot. Very funny.” Roseluck deadpanned with small yet serene smile.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself with that one.” she chuckled before she continued in a comforting tone. “Anyway, if it means anything, I think you’re a very interested girl to talk to who would make someone very happy one of these days. You’ll see.” she reassured with an encouraging smile and a wink.

Roseluck modestly blushed from Fleetfoot’s encouragement even though the florist already knew on who she wanted to be with, whether the Wonderbolt was aware of it or not. Then, she rebounded the question back to the Jupitarian.

“So, what about you, Fleetfoot? You must have fans lining up for a chance to go on a date with you.” she smirked humorously.

“And counting!” Fleetfoot added with a hearty chuckle. But then, her lightheartedness died down gradually as she recollected on the last person she had a relationship with before she hesitantly confessed to Rose, “Although… there was only one person I’ve ever dated before.”

Noticing the melancholy in Fleetfoot’s voice, Rose cautiously inquired, “Really? Well… may I ask on what happened?”

The suddenly cold Wonderbolt didn’t answer right away. She just stared at the glass of iced water she was holding. Her hesitation caused her grip to tighten around the glassware as her fingertips spontaneously created frost on the glass. Swinging her head back, she chugs the rest of her cold water before placing it softly on the table and answering to Rose with a cryptic smile.

“…Let’s just say… I flew too close to the sun on that one.”

Deeply puzzled and concerned on what the impassive Fleetfoot meant by that, Roseluck decided to draw the line with her questioning and offered her condolences to her, “Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that, Fleetfoot.”

Hoping to not worry Roseluck with her own problems, Fleetfoot lightly shook her head and smiled brightly, “Anyhow, let’s ask for the check and bounce out of here! Alright?”

“S-sure.” she complied softly, even though she wasn’t totally convinced with Fleetfoot’s sudden change in demeanor.

Eventually, their waitress came back with their check just as they have requested and gave them a gratifying farewell before attending to her other tables. At once, Roseluck reached forward to grab the black, narrow envelope that contained their food bill. But as her fingers touched the smooth, leathery exterior, so did Fleetfoot’s as their digits came in contact with each other’s. They were simultaneously blushing from that, but nether one of their hands retracted as they offer apologetic smiles for one and another.

“Forgive me, I was just going to get the check for us.” Roseluck stated as she slowed pulled the check toward her.

“Oh, that’s alright. I got this anyway.” said Fleetfoot as she pulled the check back in the opposite direction.

“But I was the one who invited you out for lunch, Fleetfoot, so it’s my privilege to pay for our meals.” she firmly reassured as she retracted it back in a stronger pull.

Fleetfoot stubbornly pull it back with an even greater force as she retorted, “Nonsense! I’ve got plenty of bits to spare for something like this!”

“So do I!” Roseluck counter-argued as their tug of war reached at stalemate. “Or are you trying to out-friend me on who’s more generous of the two?”

Their competitiveness took hold as they piercingly stare at each other eyes while their gripping hands refusing to give in. But then, their assertive frowns gradually shifted into smiles as they broke into infectious giggles while they reflect on how silly they were to compete over a piece of paper. With their spontaneous laughter dying down, Fleetfoot decided to call it quits and allowed Roseluck to win this round.

“Alright, fine. Have it your way.” she grinned at the victorious Eponian. “But next time, it will be on me.”

While pulling out her money from her pocket, Roseluck winked back at the equally smiling Wonderbolt, “I’ll keep your word on that.”


After their delightful lunch together, they walked through the uncommonly crowded streets of Ponyville as Fleetfoot escorted Roseluck back to her flower shop.

“I have to say, Rose!” She commented with a satisfied smile as she licked her chops. “That café really knows how to make a good burger! You certainly hit it right on the money with that restaurant you’ve picked out for us! Thanks again for lunch today!”

“My pleasure, Fleetfoot.” she welcomed warmly. “I’m certainly glad to hear that everything met up to your satisfaction.”

“Yeah, with high-quality food this good, I’ll have to bring my teammates over for lunch next time!”

“Well you know, Ponyville is a thriving town for agriculture. Just ask Vinyl and Applejack. Their family runs Sweet Apple Acres, one of the biggest apple providers in Equestria. In fact, their grandmother is one of the founding members of Ponyville.”

“Really? I never knew the Apples’ family has such a rich history here!” Fleetfoot reacted in surprise. “They must be the most renowned family in the entire town!”

“Well… they’re certainly not the richest family in Ponyville, but they are undoubtedly well-respected within our humble community.”

“Guess some of Equestria’s greatest treasures aren’t always defined in bits and materials, huh?” Fleetfoot stated with a clever grin, which Roseluck agreed with a soft giggle.

Several minutes later, they arrived at Roseluck’s greenhouse. Before entering inside, the contented Eponian faced the Jupitarian and thanked her for the company.

“Thank you for joining me for lunch this afternoon, Fleetfoot. I had a really good time today.”

“Likewise, Rose.” she smiled back at her. “We should definitely do this again some other time.”

“I would like that as well.” she concurred delightfully. “I guess the next time we see each other, it might be at the Blitz-ball Finals, huh?”

“Oh, it will definitely be at the finals.” Fleetfoot corrected with a promising grin. “Believe me.”

After a lighthearted chuckle, Roseluck bore an anxious frown, which Fleetfoot caught wind of that before the concerning Wonderbolt asked, “Are you… nervous about that?”

“A little, yes.” But to Fleetfoot’s bewilderment, Roseluck unexpectedly shifted into a brighter smile before continuing. “But… in a way, I’m actually looking forward to it.”

“Oh. How so?”

“To me, a lot has changed since the beginning of the Equestria Games. At first, I never imagined myself as a worthy athlete like so many others. But thanks to all of my friends and especially… you, I’ve gained more confidence in myself and had chances to prove my worth from time and time again. And besides, we never got a chance to compete with one and another since our first hurdles race, and I did promise you that I would kick some ass in the competitions to come.” This earned Rose a chuckling smile from her listener before she persisted with astonishing resolve. “So when we meet in the Blitz-ball Finals, it would give me the chance to show you on how much I’ve grown since then. So even though you’re my friend, I don’t want you to go easy on me because I’m going to give you my all when that day arrives!”

Briefly startled by unexpected firmness from her determined challenger, Fleetfoot grinned with pride over Rose’s tenacity and extended a well-mannered handshake to her. “Well I wasn’t going to go easy on you in the first place, but… I appreciate the fair warning none of the less.”

With both of them looking forward to resolve their initial match-up that was never finished, the two good-natured rivals shook each other’s hands firmly and smiled on that match to come. After that, when Fleetfoot turned around to make her departure, Roseluck’s determination was abruptly replaced with uneasiness as she recalled on how Fleetfoot look so downhearted when she subtly hinted a tragic element behind her previous relationship. Wishing to mend her heart in some way or another, Roseluck called to her quickly.

“Hey, Fleetfoot… There’s… something else I want to tell you.”

From hearing that soft call, Fleetfoot faced her friend once again as the Jupitarian kindly waited for the nervous Eponian to say her piece while her soft gaze drifted away from the Wonderbolt’s. “Umm… well… I just want to say… that even though we’ve known each other for just a few short days, I want you to know… that… if there’s anything that’s on your mind… anything at all, you’re always welcome to talk or write to me about it. I would be more than happy to lend an ear for you.”

From expressing her opinion in such a nervous manner, Roseluck thought that she was just making a fool of herself as she blushed progressively. But then, her blushed face intensified when she was suddenly pulled in for a strong yet caring hug by Fleetfoot herself. With Jupitarian’s arms wrapped around the Eponian’s neck, Roseluck was paralyzed by the comforting embrace of her taller friend.

“Coming from you, that means a lot to me.” Fleetfoot whispered softly.

After hearing those simple, sweet words from the Canterlotian, Roseluck loosened up in the midst of their warm embrace as she passed her arms around Fleetfoot’s back while resting her head in-between the Jupitarian’s neck and chest. Held in the Wonderbolt’s caring arms, the nuzzling Roseluck silently sighed from this heartfelt affection as she had never felt so secured in such a long time.

Reluctantly, Fleetfoot separated their short-lived hug as they give each other some room after that. With a blushing smile, Rose bid a brief farewell to Fleetfoot and entered her shop. As for the Wonderbolt, she was blushing just the same as Roseluck before she too made her leave back to her hotel. Despite vowing to not repeat her past mistakes, she couldn’t help herself from bearing a hopeful smile that stretched across her rapidly warm face.

Maybe… just maybe…

Author's Note:

For more information on Apple Scratch Verse's Magic ranging between the human sub-races: Eponians (Earth Ponies), Titanians (Unicorns) and Jupitarians (Pegasi), check out Apple Scratch Verse's Forum: Magic.

In regards with Fleetfoot, while it was nice to see her make an official appearance in Season 4's "Rainbow Falls", I was a bit disappointed by their choice in voice acting and her role in that episode. Most people assume that Fleetfoot has a lisp in narrative, but I think what really bothered me is that her voice is just too raspy for my taste. Wish they could have gone with a more feminine voice compared to Spitfire or Rainbow Dash. Also, was it really necessary to make her and Spitfire into jerks when they try to persuade Rainbow to join their team in the Equestria Games? They just seemed so out of character, especially with Spitfire.