• Published 18th Jul 2014
  • 2,760 Views, 63 Comments

Tales of Apple Scratch: Roseluck & Fleetfoot - RoyalRainbow

Since the beginning of the Equestria Games, Roseluck and Fleetfoot quickly became friendly rivals and good friends with one another. But when they started to develop secret attractions for each other, will they emerge triumphant in the end?

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Chapter 7 – The Delicate Touch

Chapter 7 – The Delicate Touch

Monday morning.

Usually, most people don’t like to get up on this kind of day when they just finished a relaxing weekend. But for Fleetfoot’s case, this day was an exception. It was the sixth day of the Equestria Games, and Fleetfoot and her teammates finally got a chance to relax for awhile since the Blitz-ball Tournament was still going on, which meant Team Canterlot didn’t have any events to compete today. Seizing this opportunity on a leisurely day, the woman with the white, fluffy locks took a nice shower before she changed into her official Wonderbolt leather jacket, an arctic blue tank top, some blue jeans, a pair of black boots. After she exited the room that she and Spitfire shared in, she had some breakfast in the hotel lobby and headed outside to explore the town a bit more.

As she strolled around Ponyville on a clear, sunny morning, Fleetfoot took in the sights of the ever-so busy, little town. Countless vendors distributed all kinds of food to the public. Merchants continued with their promotions over the Games’ merchandise. And local shops were constantly packed with countless waves of tourists. Sure, this small town was more overcrowded than usual due to its important role as a current host to the Equestria Games, but it still maintained that unique, hospitable charm that Fleetfoot wouldn’t find in bigger, more renowned cities.

While aimlessly wandering around the streets, Fleetfoot almost missed a familiar location: a greenhouse that Roseluck worked at, which was right next to her home. Only something was different about the flower shop this time. To the Wonderbolt’s surprise, the flower shop was more popular than usual.

Of course, once she saw some of store’s banners and posters, she began to understand the obvious reason for the flower store’s sudden popularity. Since Roseluck also worked there, the store decided to take advantage of her celebrated status as a local athlete to shamelessly promote their flora products. The large, welcoming banner and posters included the following taglines:





Fleetfoot chuckled herself as she imagined that Rose wouldn’t have anything to do with this self-promotion. Upon reflecting this, she remembered that Roseluck and her teammates didn’t have to compete on this day either. So maybe she could get a chance to hang out with her today. With a hopeful smile, she entered the florist's shop and hoped to meet up with her Ponyvillian friend.


Inside the floral shop, Fleetfoot eyed the place around in search of Roseluck. The room she was standing in was filled with a wide, colorful variety of bouquets, flower pots, and vases. Each one of them was different from the rest. Across from the entrance, there was a cooling unit that housed more elegantly arranged flowers. To Fleetfoot’s right, there was a single full-glass door that led to the vast greenhouse, which was attached to the smaller store. On her left, there is a counter with a register on top and gardening accessories hanging from the wall behind it.

The shop had roughly a dozen customers inside the smaller section of the store as they looked around for ideal gifts for their loved ones while some of them already at the register to make their purchases. So far, through Fleetfoot’s observation, there were only two people working right now. One of them was a woman with curly, shoulder-length, lime green hair, who was wearing a light magenta work shirt, a green apron, and beige pants, that was helping out with one of the customers. The other female employee was working behind the register, who had long, smooth, blonde hair with a white lily flower hairpin over her right ear and was wearing a pink shirt, a pale yellow apron, and blue jeans. After the green-haired florist finished helping out with her customer, she noticed Fleetfoot’s presence by the door and went up to her to greet the newcomer.

“Hi, welcome to our store!” the green-eyed florist welcomed the Wonderbolt with a very friendly smile. “Is there anything in particular I can help you with? We’ve got some special deals regarding with our roses this month! And trust me… they’re a real knock-out! He-hee! No pun intended!” she giggled at her own little joke.

“Actually, I’m just here to see Roseluck today.” Fleetfoot responded kindly.

“Well who doesn’t want to see our most renowned athlete in our fine establishment!” the florist pointed it out excitedly. “Unfortunately, our little Rosie needs a break to herself from all of the overwhelming publicity. But you’re welcome to come back at a later time.”

“Look, could you at least tell her for me that it’s Fleetfoot and--!”

“‘Fleetfoot?’ Hmm… that sounds very familiar.” she mused to herself with a tilted head, a raised eyebrow, and a forefinger on her cheek. “Where have I heard of that name before? Now… let me see…”

With inquiring eyes, the curious employee examined her mysterious customer. She started off by looking at the large, semi-spiky, white hair that looked just as soft and fluffy as a cloud. Then, she turned her gaze downward to look at Fleetfoot’s unzipped flight jacket. The blue, leathery coat featured two yellow lightning-like stripes, one on each sleeve that stretched from the shoulder to the wrist. For the exposed collar and cuffs, they have the same yellow color as the lightning patterns. And on the front side, there was a recognizable patch that depicted the Wonderbolts’ logo. From those identifiable characteristics, the florist began to realize who this person was.

“Oh wait, I got it!” she announced with renewed excitement as she pointed a finger at the white-haired Jupitarian. “You’re Fleetfoot Stormwind of the Wonderbolts, aren’t you?!”

From that announcement, various people sharply turned around to face Fleetfoot, included the blonde retailer, as they broke into gasping smiles over the Wonderbolt’s unexpected appearance.

Humorously, she replied with a boastful smirk, “Heh, it seems my reputation precedes me!”

“Yeah, and not only that, but you are also a member of Team Canterlot and--!”

Abruptly, the green-haired florist paused mid-sentence as her frozen, wide eyes were fixated on Fleetfoot. Then, all of a sudden, her friendly smile shifted drastically into a frown as her narrowed eyes glared fiercely at the perplexed Wonderbolt.

“Oh… I see why you are here now.” the florist muttered in a colder tone.


Suddenly, the suspicious employee got dangerously close to Fleetfoot’s personal space as she pointed an accusing finger at her. “You’re here to divulge some of Roseluck’s secrets and use them to your advantage, aren’t you?! Admit it!”

Surprised by that random accusation, Fleetfoot assured uneasily with her hands up in the air, “What?! No, of course! I would never do that to Rose! I just wanted to see if we can hang out today, that’s all!”

“Ha! A likely story!” she dismissed Fleetfoot’s claim sharply. “Well, don’t think that your tricks will work on me, missy! I won’t tell you anything about Rose and the team, no matter how enticing your offer might be!”

From hearing that outburst afar, the other employee stepped around the counter and called out to her coworker, “Daisy! Stop that!”

“No no! It’s okay, Lily! I’ve got this!” Daisy flashed a sweet smile to her before she swiftly assumed her improvised role as interrogator to the uncomfortable Fleetfoot. “Who hired you?! Who sent you?! Huh?! Was it Shining Armor?! Spitfire?! The Princesses?! I bet it was Princess Cadance all along, wasn’t it?! That coldhearted bi--!”

“Daisy!” Lily intervened firmly as she heeled her growling coworker by pulling her away from the slightly nervous Wonderbolt. “This is the one that Rosie was talking about! Remember? You know, the one who helped her out in the hurdle qualifications? The one she keeps gushing about non-stop since then?”

Because of Lily’s soft assurance, Daisy began to calm down a bit from her aggression toward Fleetfoot. But Lily knew that Daisy wasn’t too convinced as her green-haired coworker kept eyeing the Jupitarian with a suspicious eyebrow.

With a deadpan expression, Lily added, “Sigh… the one who was nice enough to bring some of that delicious cake for us?”

From hearing that latest claim, Daisy’s eyes widened and blinked a few times before she flustered in embarrassment over her behavior toward Fleetfoot. “That was you?! I’m so sorry! I guess I got carried away with that! Umm… you’re not going to mention any of this to Princess Cadance, are you?”

Relieved over the misunderstanding, Fleetfoot reassured the apologetic florist with a chuckling grin, “Don’t worry. I won’t say a thing to her.”

Brighten up from that gracious act, Daisy then asked with a very eager smile, “By the way… thank you so much for that scrumptious cake you brought over for us! I don’t suppose you might have some more on you by any chance, do you?”

“Sorry, that was practically a one-time gift from a friend of mine.”

“Oooooh…” Daisy pouted childishly.

“It’s easy to stay on her good side when you exploit her weakness over sweets.” Lily explained to Fleetfoot with a teasing smile. “Her sweet tooth practically has a mind over its own.”

“Hey, I do not!” Daisy snapped to her coworker.

“Oh really?” she smirked in response. “Then describe the cake that Fleetfoot and Rosie brought over days ago.”

“Oh that’s easy!” she perked right away as she hungrily recalled that unforgettable dessert. “It was a moist, triple-layered, chocolate cake with shell-like trimmings, eight red roses made out of frosting that was arrayed in a circle, and at the center, a blue horseshoe with a yellow, feathery arc underneath it--!”

Realizing that she fell right into her coworker’s trap, Daisy snapped her mouth shut while Lily giggled softly to herself as her smirk widened. “You see? Anyway, I hope you can forgive her defensive behavior. To us, Rosie is like a little sister to us, so she can a bit protective of her sometimes.”

Understandably, Fleetfoot replied, “It’s okay, really. I can relate with something like that.”

“Oh, how rude me. We haven’t introduced ourselves yet. I’m Lily, and I see you already met my very eccentric coworker here.”

After Fleetfoot shook Lily’s hand, Daisy stepped up and introduced herself with an energetic smile, “Hi, I’m Daisy! Nice to meet you!”

As Fleetfoot grasped Daisy’s vigorous handshake, Lily added, “Along with Rose, all three of us run this flower shop together. We even live in the same house next door from here.”

“It’s very nice to meet both of you.” Fleetfoot smiled sincerely. “I must I admit, I don’t visit that many flower shops from where I come from, but you really have such a lovely store here.”

“Thank you.” Lily said warmly before bowing lightly before her. “It really is an honor to have one of the famed Wonderbolts coming into our shop, let alone meeting the same woman that has captivated our young Rosie’s heart.” she ended with a slightly shrewd smile.

“Think nothing of it.” Fleetfoot shrugged with subtle blush as she sheepishly swept her white, fluffy locks. “I’m just here to see a friend, that’s all.”

“Oh, that’s right! You wanted to see Rosie today, didn’t you?”

“If it’s not too much trouble for you and her.” she requested tenderly.

“No, of course not. I’m certain that she’ll be thrilled to know that you’re here today. Daisy, could you watch the register for me while I go in the backroom and find Rose?”

“Aye aye, captain!” Daisy saluted to her comrade before she took her post behind the counter.

“If you like, Fleetfoot, you’re welcome to wait for her in the greenhouse while I go and get her for you.”

“Thanks, Lily. I really appreciate that.”

With a gratifying smile, Fleetfoot opened the door to the greenhouse while Lily giddily entered the doorway that was right next to the counter to fetch Roseluck.


Meanwhile, in the flower shop’s backroom, Roseluck was merrily carrying on with her routine task as she putted on the finishing touches for her latest flower arrangement. In casual attire, she wore a red shirt, a pale green apron, and cream-colored pants. Due to her own personal shyness, she usually enjoyed the serenity when it came to her job and hardly interacted with most of the store’s customers; that’s usually Daisy’s specialty. So for most of the time, Rose would happily work in the greenhouse as she attended to the various plants in need of her care.

Unfortunately, she limited herself from working at the greenhouse recently due to her unexpected popularity as a rising superstar athlete to her local town. So every time she would stop by her flower shop, people would line up for her autographs and pictures. While she was grateful for some of the attention and being seen as a role model for the younger female generation, the never-ending masses kept coming around, which kept disrupting her from her own job. And it didn’t help ease her mind when Lily was the one who was shamelessly promoting her own fame without her consent. Still, her newfound celebrity status would be benefit to their store, since they haven’t reached sales this high before the Equestria Games.

“Rosie~!” Lily called out sweetly as she entered the backroom. “There’s someone here to see you~!”

“Just a minute, Lily. I’m almost done here.” she responded as she adjusted some of the last flowers in her most recent arrangement.

“Oh, I don’t think you would want to keep this one waiting for long.” she grinned all-knowingly.

Finishing her work at last, Roseluck turned around to face Lily and inquired with a deadpan sigh, “Let me guess. You’ve somehow got a sponsor for me without my consent again?”

“Nope! Though I should keep that one in mind for next time. Anyway, it’s someone even better!” she smiled widely as she slightly cracked a door opened for Roseluck to see through.

With a roll of her eyes, Roseluck went up to the door and peeked through its crevice. Quickly, she surveyed the shop first to see anything captivating that Lily was hinting at. Then, when she looked through the clear glass door that was leading to greenhouse, she froze in place as soon as she recognized a familiar figure beyond the transparent glass. Mostly, it was from the unmistakable white locks that took shapes of wispy clouds. Then, when Fleetfoot turned around slightly, Roseluck was rewarded with a glimpse of the Wonderbolts’ vibrant, fuchsia eyes. Afraid on Fleetfoot making eye contact with her, Rose quickly closed the door that she was peeking from and entered a state of panic behind it.

“It’s her! It’s Fleetfoot!” she whispered in trembling excitement.

“I know, right?” Lily concurred with a broad, giddy smile.

“What’s she doing here anyway?!”

“Duh! She’s here to see you, silly!” she answered as she giggled over Rose’s reaction.

“R-really? She is?” she blushed greatly as her grinning coworker answered with a steady nod.

Then, Roseluck took a peek once again; only this time, it was through the door’s small, glassed opening. From there, she could still see the unaware Fleetfoot as she looked around the greenhouse. But once the Wonderbolt was out of sight, the red-haired Eponian frowned slightly in disappointment.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Lily insisted as she attempted to push Rose through the door. “Go on and see her!” But Lily’s own strength was nothing compared to Rose’s as she greatly resisted the driven force from her blonde friend.

With Lily giving up in the florists’ test of strength, the flustering Rose panicked once again as she impulsively checked herself out and frantically brushed her short, red hair, “B-b-but… I don’t know if I’m ready to go out there just yet! Oh, how do I look? Is there any dirt on me?”

“You look fine, Rosie!” Lily assured as she gently patted the nervous athlete’s shoulder. “Just go out there and talk to her like you usually do.” Then, a marvelous idea came to mind as she sought to share it with Rose while displaying a very bright smile. “Hey, I’ve got an idea! Why not ask her out for lunch today?”

The blushing Eponian was speechless at first by that ideal suggestion, but then, she answered in self-conscious hesitation, “Well… I’m not totally against that idea myself. But… what about Fleetfoot? She may not take the idea so kindly! I don’t even know if she’s into…! Gulp! Well… you know… girls.”

“It doesn’t have to be a date, Rose.” Lily clarified with a gentle smile. “It can be just a friendly chat over lunch together. Beside, this will give you an opportunity to learn more about her. And knowing your extraordinary luck, you might get a date out of her afterwards.” she concluded with a playful wink.

Hesitant at first, Roseluck asked timidly, “You and Daisy don’t mind if I go out with her on my lunch break?”

“Not at all.” she reassured kindly. “We’ll be fine by ourselves, so don’t worry about it. You and Fleetfoot go out and have a good time today. You deserve a break after all that you have done for us.”

Gratified over the good nature from one of her dearest friends, Roseluck pulled Lily in for an appreciative hug as she softly expressed her gratitude, “Thank you, Lily.”


Once she went by all of her newly acquired fans by offering them their autographs, Roseluck finally entered the greenhouse and began her search for her in the garden-like maze. Within her own sanctum, she marveled on the wondrous display of the gardening that she, Lily, and Daisy take great pride in. Each aisle is like a strip of a rainbow, with its own display of lush colors.

After passing by some of aisles, she stopped at one of them as she finally spotted Fleetfoot. From finding her at last, Rose was hesitant at first due to the fact that she wasn’t sure on how to approach her friend. In the midst of her indecisiveness, Roseluck continued to observe Fleetfoot from afar as she tried to make up her mind on how to greet her.

In the meantime, the Wonderbolt was distracted by a very pretty flower in front of her. From the orchid section of the glasshouse, she was fascinated by this one particular variation: a bright, yellow orchid that was speckled with many orange and red spots. Completely spellbound by its warm colors, Fleetfoot instinctively reaches her hand out slowly as it drew closely to the enticing flower.

But as one of her fingers nearly brushed the flowery texture, the orchid shivered from that cold touch as its exposed head hastily closed up in front of the startled Wonderbolt. Following that example, its neighboring blossoms instinctively closed up and concealed their wondrous shapes and speckled colors. From seeing the flower shy away like that, Fleetfoot stared at her disgraceful hand as she quivered in dread upon reflecting her haunting past… when she hurted someone once dear to her long ago.

As Fleetfoot recollected on this in her grief-stricken silence, Roseluck took notice of her sudden sadness and felt really bad for her. For all she knew, she assumed that Fleetfoot felt sad for something she did wrong with the orchid. Then, she remembered on how cold the Wonderbolt’s skin was from some of their previous encounters. Once she figured out on what the problem might be, Roseluck brightened up with a brilliant smile and approached the Jupitarian, who was still lost in thought at the moment.

Once Rose was in close proximity of Fleetfoot, the distressing Jupitarian turned around and panicked greatly once the red-haired Eponian spontaneously appeared in front of her. With her hands behind her back, Fleetfoot shivered in fear and surprise as if she was caught red-handed.

“Rose! I’m… I’m so sorry!” she apologized frantically. “I didn’t mean for it to happen like that! I just wanted to touch it, and I… I…!”

As she was unwilling to finish that last sentence while kept her shameful gaze down to the ground, Roseluck walked closer to the fearful Fleetfoot while comforting her with a compassionate smile, “Shh… it’s okay, Fleetfoot.”

When Fleetfoot eventually looked up, she was greeted by Roseluck’s warm smile as the Eponian extended her hands out while saying, “Here. Give me your hands.”


“Give me your hands.” she repeated gently. “I want to try something.”

Hesitant at first, Fleetfoot slowly brought her hands forward. Once they were in sight, Roseluck grasped them as their conjoined hands drew them closer to each other before Rose’s soft fingers intertwined with Fleetfoot’s. With their palms pressed together, Fleetfoot blushed like mad as she was unsure on what was going on in the florist’s mind to require such physical contact. But for Rose’s case, she was hardly blushing at all. The Wonderbolt could only see the intense concentration behind that tender smile of hers as Roseluck closed her eyes and gripped their hands firmly.

And before Fleetfoot could even question Rose, she felt a familiar sensation radiating between their hands. It was that same magical warmth that the Fleetfoot felt from the time Roseluck volunteered to give her a massage. Only this time, that same radiance was emitting more of its soothing heat than ever. The miraculous energy was expanding so much that it reached throughout the entire hands of the astonished Jupitarian.

With a soft exhale, Roseluck finished her work and let go of their hands while Fleetfoot examined hers with wondrous eyes as she could still feel the unique warm feeling that was engulfing them.

With a soft smile, Roseluck issued, “Now then, try it again.”

“Roseluck… I don’t think it’s such a good idea.” she said in a nervous voice as she pulled her newly warm hands away. “I don’t want to do anymore harm than I already did.”

“You won’t, Fleetfoot.” she insisted cooingly as she grasped the Wonderbolt’s retracting hand. “Trust me.”

With Roseluck gently guiding her hand, the reluctant Jupitarian was unable to pull it back as the insistent Eponian lead it to one of the yellow orchid’s shut-in heads. As soon as her shaky fingers reached their target, the sheltered flower bloomed anew as it welcomed the Wonderbolt’s newly warm touch by presenting its lovely, lush petals once more.

Fleetfoot was almost petrified by this. Not just because the rest of the orchid’s floral heads are opening up at once, but because she could touch them without having to worry about controlling her own sheltered powers. Taking this rare opportunity at hand, she delicately caressed the colorful petals and she marveled at their uniquely soft texture. As the ecstatic Jupitarian beamed uncontrollably while continuing to softly stroke the orchid, Roseluck smiled to herself as she was thrilled to see Fleetfoot experience the same kind of joy that she knows all too well on a daily basis.

“You see?” Rose explained with a proud smile on her face. “They’re just a little shy by how cold your hands were, that’s all. Most flowers are very sensitive to temperatures, so during the night, their petals close up to protect themselves from the cold and to conserve their energy.”

Satisfied at last, Fleetfoot faced her pleased friend as she showcased her overwhelming, wide-eyed astonishment over this phenomenon. “H-h-how…? How did you do that?”

“My Eponian Magic allows me to generate more warmth when my body comes into contact with a person, an animal, or a plant. So I figured that if I transfer some of my own magic to you, it might help warm your hands up a bit.”

“That’s… that’s amazing!” Fleetfoot flabbergasted.

“Oh, it was nothing, really.” she blushed mildly over the Jupitarian’s praise.

“It was more than nothing for me. So… thank you, Rose.” she smiled with extreme gratitude.

“…You’re welcome.”

After they silently gazed at each other with warm, appreciative smiles, Roseluck was the first to speak up after clearing her throat, “So… what brings you over here anyway?”

“Oh nothing much.” Fleetfoot answered in a cool manner as her fingers combed through her white, fleecy hair. “Just thought that I should explore Ponyville a bit more considering we don’t have any games to participate this day. Then I saw your flower shop, and I was wondering if you wanna hang out with me today.”

“Sure, that sounds like fun.” Rose nodded with an eager smile. Then, she reverted to her bashful personality as she suggested timidly, “You know, I did promise that I would give you a tour around town, so I figure that while we’re at all, maybe… we can get some lunch together.”

“Yeah, lunch definitely sounds like a good idea, and I don’t have much of a clue on where I can get some good local cuisine around here.”

“Oh, well… I know of a great café that serves some really high-quality meals at reasonable prices.” Roseluck recommended gleefully. “It’s one of my favorite places to have lunch on a nice day like this.”

“Then it’s a date!” Fleetfoot concurred with a chuckling grin.

Then, an awkward silence filled the greenhouse as the two athletes stared speechlessly at one and another while they recalled on what the Jupitarian just said. Almost simultaneously, they turned their shocking gazes away from each other as they quickly blushed with embarrassment over the Wonderbolt’s poor choice of words.

In a desperate attempt to forget that awkwardness she unintentionally set up, Fleetfoot quickly changed to a different subject as she exposed the collar of her jacket to relieve some of the figurative steam that was generating from her blushing face, “Yeesh! Did someone crank the heat around here? ‘Cause it is like a sauna right now!”

“Maybe we should go outside already before the heat really gets to us.” the very rosy Eponian hinted gingerly with a soft, giggling smile.

“Yes, lets!”

Without delay, they exited the greenhouse to get some fresh air and proceeded to make their way to one of Roseluck’s favorite restaurants.

Author's Note:

Cover artwork for this side-story is based off of this chapter.

When I first came up with the story, Fleetfoot's main magical abilities would be ice powers since I didn't read any form of magic she has displayed in the original Apple Scratch story. But after suggesting the idea to Mariacheat-Brony, he commented that she would have great control over wind magic instead of ice, and he also added that her ice powers should be a lesser affinity since she would struggle with controlling them anyway. I definitely agreed to his ideas and thankfully it helped out with the structure of the story greatly.