• Published 18th Jul 2014
  • 2,760 Views, 63 Comments

Tales of Apple Scratch: Roseluck & Fleetfoot - RoyalRainbow

Since the beginning of the Equestria Games, Roseluck and Fleetfoot quickly became friendly rivals and good friends with one another. But when they started to develop secret attractions for each other, will they emerge triumphant in the end?

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Chapter 3 – Relieving Tensions

Chapter 3 – Relieving Tensions

The next morning, on the second day of the Equestria Games, Roseluck woke up refreshed and her left foot was feeling much better than yesterday. Since there weren’t any events for her to participate in today, nor were there any games for her to watch and support her fellow teammates just yet, the red-haired Eponian decided to take the opportunity to work out for a bit so that she can strengthen her legs before she’s fully healed. After a hearty, balanced breakfast, along with her intake of her prescribed medicine, she changed into a sleeveless, red top with long, gray pants and sneakers before she headed out toward Ponyville Coliseum.

After being chosen to host the Equestria Games this year, Ponyville was granted a massive fund to give them everything they need, from constructing a spectacular stadium that was fit for the Princesses, to adding features that can appeal to its competitors and spectators. Most notably, the Mayor included a public fitness center for all of their athletes and visitors, especially those who will join in the future once the Games were over. Roseluck decided to stop by the newly refurbished facility just to see if it lives up to expectations.

Inside, Rose gasped with awe as she stared at the vast facility before her. Everything looked sleek and shiny as there were countless machines to choose from: elliptical machines, stationary bicycles, treadmills, and various weight machines that focus on specific muscle regions. The place even had separate rooms for a range of other activities such as yoga and racquetball. You name it, they got it. Even though she wouldn’t trade Applejack’s gym for anything else, she couldn’t help but feel jealous on how more advanced the stadium’s equipment was.

As she walked around aimlessly while admiring all of the shiny exercise equipment, which a few of them were being used by some of the other competitors there, Roseluck almost missed a familiar face within the facility. At one of the arm press machines, Fleetfoot was working out in her usual routine. Rose couldn’t help but wondrously stare at the female Wonderbolt in the midst of her workout. From the matching sky-blue sports bra and shorts that’s embracing her well toned body to the exposed muscles on her legs, abs, and arms. Eventually, Fleetfoot ended her reps on the arm press and greeted the distracted Ponyvillian with a pleasant smile.

“Oh, hey Roseluck! Did you sleep well last night?”

After she subtly broke out of her daze while blushing mildly on her snow white face, she replied warmly to her new friend, “I did. Thank you for asking.”

“No problem. So how’s your leg holding up right now?”

“It’s feeling much better than before, so I figure that I should stop by and do some workouts here.”

“Well you certainly got a good head on your shoulders, Rose.” Fleetfoot chuckled lightly as she got up from the arm press machine. “As for me, I’ve got nothing better to do this morning, so I wanted to come here and keep my figure in tip-top shape myself. Hey, since you’re here, you wanna do some exercises with me?”

Not wanting to turn down such an honor from a Wonderbolt, Roseluck gladly accepted the invitation, “Sure, why not?”

Since Roseluck just got here, the two young women decided to start out with some usual stretches. After that, they worked closely on some of the exercise machines, mostly on the ones that focus on improving one’s legs for Rose’s own benefit at least. Lastly, they did some weight training as Fleetfoot frequently lifted up a hefty barbell while Roseluck served as her spotter. Once the white-haired Jupitarian was finished, the red-haired Eponian helped put the heavy bar in its secured place before Fleetfoot stood up from the bench she was lying on.


Suddenly, a twinge of pain sent shocks through her left shoulder as it caused Fleetfoot to wince unexpectedly before she sat back down on the bench she was just on.

“Fleetfoot, what’s wrong?” Roseluck asked worrisomely.

“It’s nothing.” she reassured her concerning friend with a forced smile as she laid a hand on her sore shoulder. “Just a cramp, that’s all. Heh, guess I’ve overdid it on those weights this morning.”

As Fleetfoot rubbed her aching shoulder, Roseluck wished there was something she can do to help relieve her friend’s tensions, just like how the Wonderbolt helped her out in her time of need. Then, a crazy thought came to Roseluck’s mind as she blushed intensely before she shared it in a very timid voice, “Well… you know… if you like… maybe I can… offer you… a massage?”

Hesitantly, the blushing flower girl made eye contact with Fleetfoot, and just as expected, the staggered Jupitarian stared back at the Eponian with extremely wide eyes as all she could do in the midst of her temporary shock was blink a couple of times.

Afraid that she may have crossed a line with that suggestion, Roseluck hastily retracted on what she just said, “I mean, if you really don’t need one, that’s fine by me! I just thought that I would somehow repay you for all that you have done for me yesterday, that’s all! You know what? Just forget I’ve ever suggested that to you--!”

“Sure, a massage sounds nice enough.” Fleetfoot replied at last as she nodded with a casual smile.

From receiving that as her answer, it was Roseluck’s turn to blink a few times while she stared speechlessly at the surprisingly laid-back athlete. But before the florist can come up with a proper response, she continued to be flabbergasted as Fleetfoot gripped her hand and led her out of the fitness center.

“But not here. Come on! I’ll take you somewhere more private!”


With Fleetfoot leading the way in the stadium’s maze, the two made their way to one of the private locker rooms. With a carefree smile, the white-haired athlete opened the door and entered the room. Roseluck, however, was very reluctant to enter this one. This definitely doesn’t belong to her teammates once she noticed the symbol and title of Fleetoot’s team on the door’s surface. This was “enemy” territory she was about to trespass.

From turning her head back, Fleetfoot noticed Rose’s hesitation and asked, “Well, aren’t you gonna come in or what?”

“Am I allowed to come in here?” Roseluck asked softly.

“Of course you are. Why? Were you hoping that we would sneak into the men’s room instead?” she inquired with a playful smirk as she wiggled her eyebrows.

“D-don’t be ridiculous!” she flustered in response. “I meant if I’m allowed to enter another team’s locker room or not!”

“Roseluck, it’s fine.” she reassured in a comforting tone. “Usually, it’s just me and Spitfire who has to use this room. So no one else is going to disturb us, alright? Trust me.”

Taking the Wonderbolt’s word, Roseluck took a leap of faith and stepped inside. As Fleetfoot walked over to her locker room to fetch her duffle bag, the younger athlete looked around the room she was standing in. There really wasn’t that much difference with Team Ponyville’s locker room. It had the usual features: a dozen of lockers, a bathroom with six shower stalls, and access to a room where medics and physical therapists can perform their duties for their fellow athletes. It’s not as if popular teams, such as Canterlot or Cloudsdale, get special privileges over the lesser well-known teams.

“Oh, can you grab me a towel over there?” asked Fleetfoot as she pointed to a stack of them at the end of the bench. With a nod, Roseluck walked over and picked up the one on top of the neat pile. With the towel in hand, she turned around and handed it over to Fleetfoot.

“Here you go--! EEP!

From that high-pitched squeak, the two women froze in place as Rose accidently dropped the towel she was supposed to bring. Roseluck was blushing so much that her face nearly matches that with her raspberry-colored hair. Fleetfoot was confused at first by that spontaneous reaction, but as she followed the blushing woman’s eyes, whose fixed gaze was staring below eye level, she began to understand on the cause of the Eponian’s latest embarrassment. Freezing in place, the Wonderbolt just started to undress herself when her crossing arms were in the middle of the process from taking her blue sports bra off. From this exposure, Fleetfoot was unintentionally showing the underside of her breasts.

It was just a mere glance from Roseluck’s perspective, but she could see nearly every detail from those beautiful mounds attached to the able-bodied athlete. How a bead of sweat glided on one of the smooth, circular surfaces and trickled at the end of its trail. Or how Fleetfoot’s pressed arms caused the cleavage underneath to look so alluring. Her half-exposed breasts are nothing compared to Applejack’s, but through Roseluck’s awestricken eyes, the jugs on Fleetfoot looked like they were the perfect size. Even Rose was slightly envious when she mentally compared them to hers.

Realizing that she had been staring at them for too long, even if it was only for a few seconds, the ashamed Eponian quickly covered her bright, red face with her hands as she embarrassingly apologized, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to look!”

Considering that she didn’t mind it at all, Fleetfoot couldn’t help herself as she lightly teased the poor florist with an amusing smirk on her face, “Now now. Don’t by shy, Rose. We’re both girls here, right?”

“R-r-right… of course.” she acknowledged with an even deeper embarrassment.

With Rose’s hands still covering her eyes and blushing face, Fleetfoot made it easy for her by turning around with her back facing her deeply flustered friend before she insisted delicately, “You’re welcome to look now. I’ve got my back turned if it makes you feel any better.”

“O-okay, sure.” she muttered softly.

As Fleetfoot resumed where she left off by stripping off her sports bra, Roseluck slowly but surely removed her hands away from her face and steadily opened her eyes. But as soon as she did that, her astonished eyes went wide once again as she gets another glimpse of Fleetfoot’s extraordinary anatomy.

After the Jupitarian took her top off, she shook her massive fluff of white hair as beads of sweat flew off her head while they sparkled underneath the light. Meanwhile, Rose continued to stare with awe as she was mesmerized by the glistening, bare back of Fleetfoot.

Oh wow… so this is the body of a top-level athlete! Roseluck marveled in her own thoughts. I can practically see every perfectly toned muscle of hers! And yet… they’re not as bulky as you would expect on a bodybuilder… or AJ for that matter! Every one of them is smoothed to perfection! Mmm… I can’t wait to get my hands into--! NO, STOP! You have to be professional about this! You just here to give her massage, and that’s all!

As Roseluck eyed silently while biting her lower lip, Fleetfoot carried on with her task without worries as she removed her shoes and socks next. But after that, the spellbound Eponian had to cover her mouth to prevent an awestricken gasp from escaping as the next article of clothing that Fleetfoot removed was her gym shorts. Roseluck blushed extremely over the display of the bent-over Jupitarian’s clothed behind. Even with the light blue panties clasping tightly around her perfectly rounded buttocks, it didn’t leave much to Rose’s imagination on what they would look like without that lone piece of clothing.

By the Gods! Just look at that ass! They look… so… SOFT! I bet they would serve as a nice substitute for a pillow! It’s like I’m looking at two plushy marshmallows! she mused while licking her chops impulsively. I wonder if she would let me massage that too--! DAMMIT, ROSE! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! You shouldn’t be ogling her like that! For Epona’s sake, have some restraint!

To Roseluck’s fear as well as her anticipation, Fleetfoot was about to remove that last article of clothing. Within a fraction of a second, the struggling Eponian had a crucial decision to make: saving her own dignity so that she doesn’t act like some kind of pervert, or see the famed Wonderbolt in all of her splendid nudity. With her good morality seizing control over her unforeseen lust, Roseluck finally broke free out of her self-induced trance as she power-walked pass her nearly undressed friend.

“I’ll just… meet you in the other room whenever you’re ready!” the flower girl said to Fleetfoot as she walked over to the massage room while keeping her curious eyes away from the Wonderbolt’s naked body.

Inside the vacant room right next to one of the two massage tables, Roseluck took the time to compose herself as her blush started to diminish. To help maintain her composure, she got the table ready by fetching a large, white linen from the closet nearby. However, in midst of her attempt to keep herself preoccupied, she just couldn’t keep her mind off of Fleetfoot’s beautiful body earlier.

Sigh… what am I even doing here? I came here to just give a massage, and yet, I can’t get over on how amazing Fleetfoot’s body is! I feel just as naughty as when Allie and I tried to spy on Applejack and Rarity in the shower! Except now I feel bad for being so perverted like that! Fleetfoot has been so kind to me since yesterday, and here I am, acting like some depraved fangirl towards her!

As Roseluck finished covering the enlarged sheet over the table, she turned around to see the arrival of Fleetfoot. While the young florist had not lost her cool this time, she still failed to prevent herself from blushing a little as she gazed at the Wonderbolt. For Fleetfoot, she was wearing nothing but a fluffy towel that’s wrapped snuggly around her extremely fit body.

“Okay, I’m ready whenever you are.” she smiled to her masseur.

“Just lay on this table, and we’ll get started.” she instructed softly.

“Whatever you say.”

As instructed, Fleetfoot walked over to the clothed table and laid her belly onto it. Once she laid down in a proper position, she unwrapped her towel as it covered her back like a blanket. When Fleetfoot was ready with her hands resting underneath her chin, Roseluck approached her friend and gently folded the towel back as the only thing it was covering was the Wonderbolt’s posterior.

Seeing how that it was too late to turn back now, the slightly nervous Eponian began her duty and placed her hands onto Fleetfoot’s shoulders. At first, Fleetfoot’s skin was a bit cold to the touch, but that slight chilliness faded away in a near instant as Roseluck put her Eponian Magic to good use. In the beginning of their session, the massage started out gentle, but as Rose got the hang of it, she mixed it up with some unexpected firmness as Fleetfoot moaned with approval. Like a masterful sculpture, the Ponyvillain’s hands molded the smoothly chiseled features on the very ecstatic athlete.

“Mmm… this feels niiiiice~!” she expressed blissfully with a very goofy smile stretched across her face.

“Th-thank you.” Roseluck said humbly.

“Man… you’re really good at this!” Fleetfoot continued her praise as she succumbed to her state of relaxation. “Where did you learn on how to massage like this?”

“I usually go to the spa on a regular basis whenever I finished a week’s worth of ballet practice and gardening.” she explained with a casual smile. “So occasionally, I learned a few tricks from Aloe & Lotus, who work there.”

“Is that why you were selected for the team? Because of your ballet?”

“Yes, but I’m also an accomplished gymnast too!” Roseluck snapped as if she took offense to that while she stopped the massage briefly.

“I didn’t mean to offend you like that, Roseluck.” Fleetfoot reassured softly. “I was just curious, that’s all.”

Realizing her mistake, the Eponian apologized timidly as she continued with her work. “Sorry. It’s just… I’m sure that my own skills are nothing compared to the Apple Sisters or Cloud Kicker at least.”

“Now don’t you say it like that!” she retorted to boost her friend’s confidence. “If it weren’t for that tumble yesterday, you would have been on your way for a medal, that’s for sure! Believe me, I know what I’m talking about!”

With a glance over her shoulder, Fleetfoot could see a smile radiating on Rose’s face. With a gratifying smirk, the masseuse inquired, “Are you are always this nice to everyone you meet?”

In response, Fleetfoot smirked humorously, “Only to those who can give me a massage as good as this!”

For several minutes, Roseluck carried on with her massage as Fleetfoot moaned in ecstasy. Through that tranquil silence, the Wonderbolt could feel the extraordinary warmth radiating from the florist’s silky hands. The same warm touch she felt when Roseluck removed some of the chocolate frosting off of her face last night. In this extended session, Fleetfoot could thoroughly enjoy this soothingly warm touch to its full extent.

“You know, you can go lower if you like.” she insisted to her masseur.

Following with that request, Roseluck moved her hands downward to where Fleetfoot’s shoulder blades were. At full force, the Ponyvillian kneaded the shoulders firmly as the Jupitarian sighed with pleasure.


Without removing her hands, they descended a little lower before she worked underneath the shoulders. As her delicate fingers caressed around the scapulas, she was careful to not touch the Wonderbolt’s sides as she didn’t want to mistakenly fondle the Jupitarian’s pressed breasts; no matter how tempting that might be.


Roseluck was surprised to hear Fleetfoot’s repeated command, but she obey none of the less as her soothing hands traveled down slowly. As least there was more room for her to work with for the lower back area, but it ended at the edge of the folded towel, where it covered the two cushiony spheres.

She’s not going to ask me to go lower than that… is she? And even if she did, would I still do it? I won’t mind, really. I mean, just look how plump and juicy that--! No! No, Roseluck! Stop focusing on that perfectly heart-shaped pillow of an ass! Ooh… what will I do if it ever comes to that--?


From that familiar callout from Spitfire outside of the locker room, Roseluck and Fleetfoot nearly let out ultrasonic yelps for different reasons. For Rose, she was completely startled by the Wonderbolt Captain’s shouting. But for Fleetfoot’s case, she was completely startled when the masseur’s hands were tightly gripping her ass so suddenly. From feeling such unusual softness, Roseluck looked down and quivered greatly at the sight of her own hands clutching the Jupitarian’s plushy cheeks.

Oh Sweet Epona! I touched her ass! Roseluck screamed on the inside as she hastily let go of her hands while she trembled with unbearable embarrassment.

Oh Merciful Jupiter! She touched my ass! Fleetfoot squealed internally with surprising delight and a broad, gaping smile.

“Fleetfoot, you in there?” Spitfire asked again before she opened the door and entered inside.

The second shout out was enough to snap the two blushing ladies out of their trances. Quickly, Fleetfoot got Roseluck’s immediate attention by pointing downward with a finger as if to say: “Quick, hide here!” Without delay, Rose crouched down and frantically hid underneath the clothed table with the expanded sheet securing her invisibility. In the nick of time, Spitfire walked in the massage room and found her Wonderbolt friend.

“There you are! Wait… what were you doing on that table?” Spitfire inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, I was just… taking a nap! That’s all!” Fleetfoot fibbed as she displayed an awkward smile to her inquisitive, unconvinced commander.

“And the reason you’re half naked with that towel on is because…?” she asked while pointing out the obvious.

“Well… that’s because… I had a very nice massage after my morning workout. So I drifted off to sleep after that.”

Spitfire blinked a few times, but then, she displayed a very shrewd smile that stretched widely across her face as she articulates, “Ooooh… I see what this is all about!”

As the perplexed Fleetfoot sat up on the table with the towel covering her from top to bottom, the grinning Spitfire approached her Wonderbolt comrade and playfully nudged her with an elbow.

“Come on~! Where she is~?” she asked in a playful tone.

“Just what are you going on about?” Fleetfoot tensed up immensely from those provoking questions.

“Do I need to spell it out for you, Fleetfoot? You had an erotic massage here recently, didn’t you?”

“N-n-no I didn’t!” she retorted with a maddening blush from hearing such a ridiculous accusation. “I was just exhausted from my exercises this morning and how good that massage felt!”

“Yeah… from a ‘happy ending’ no less.” the fiery-haired Jupitarian muttered to herself.

“Anyhow, she’s not here right now!” Fleetfoot added sharply to help cover up for Rose, who was still hiding underneath table as she was listening the two Wonderbolts nearby. “She left a while ago!”

“Ah-ha! So it was a girl!” Spitfire grinned wildly. “Did you get her name beforehand?”

“That’s… that’s none of your business!”

“Now that’s no way to talk to your captain like that.” she teased with a smirk.

“True, but then again, you’re not the captain of this team, now are you?” she broke into a smirk of her own.

Surprised at first by that comeback, Spitfire answered with a light chuckle, “Alright, fair enough.”

“Anyway, is there a reason you’re here to see me?” she scowled a little.

“Just figure I should ask if you’re interested in exploring the town and having lunch with me. They probably have better food to choose from than what we may find here at their concession stands.”

“Sure. Just… wait outside for me in the hallway so that I can change into something real quick.”

“Alright. Don’t take too longer.”

Finally, Spitfire left her teammate in peace as she exited out of their locker room. Once the coast was cleared, the towel-clad Wonderbolt leaned down, lifted the sheet, and called out to Roseluck underneath.

“It’s okay, Rose. You can come out now.”

Carefully, the blushing Eponian stepped out of her hiding place before she stood next to the Jupitarian and apologized in a shaky manner, “I’m so sorry, Fleetfoot. I didn’t mean for all of this to happen.”

Nah, that’s alright.” she shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m sure I’ll get her back at some point.”

However, that did little to help calm down the nerves of the completely embarrassed Roseluck as she frantically panicked over her recent actions. “B-b-but… she assumed that I was… and then I… I-I didn’t mean for my hands to--!”

“Roseluck, it’s fine! Really!” Not that I didn’t mind it in the first place. she mentally added while maintaining a faint blush of her own. “No harm no foul, right?”

“R-right.” she smiled slightly after she finally calmed down.

“Anyway, thanks again for the massage.” Fleetfoot beamed with gratitude while flexing and rotating her left arm. “It really did wonders to all of my achy muscles. Speaking of which, you ever considered being the Wonderbolts’ personal massager once the Games are over?”

“St-stop kidding around, Fleetfoot!” she blushed modestly.

“Who said that I was?” Fleetfoot muttered with a sly grin.

As they exited the massage room, Roseluck realized something as she gasped in a hushed voice to prevent anyone outside the locker room from hearing her, “Oh no! I just realize something!”


“How am I supposed to get out of here if Spitfire’s waiting outside?”

“Oh right, I totally forgot about that!” Fleetfoot exclaimed in a soft tone matching that with Rose’s. After tapping her chin with a finger while pondering over a solution, she then said, “Ok, how about this: I’ll go first, and once you know that the coast is cleared, you can go after me. Sounds good?”

“Okay… sure.”

Afterwards, the white-haired Jupitarian changed into a fresh set of clothes from her duffle bag while Roseluck blushingly kept her back facing the changing Wonderbolt to prevent herself from catching a sneak peek of the professional athlete’s bare-naked body. Once she was ready, Fleetfoot signaled the Eponian with a tap on her shoulder before they bid their brief farewells.

“Well then… I guess I’ll see you around?”

“Yeah… I’ll… catch ya later, Rose.”

After Roseluck stand next to the wall that’s away from the doorway, Fleetfoot pushed the door open and met Spitfire, who was leaning against the hallway’s wall in a very cool manner with her arms crossed over.

“So, ready to head out?” fiery-haired athlete asked as she stood up straight.

“Yeah, let’s find something to eat already!” she replied with a hungry smile while rubbing her belly. “I’m starving!”

As the two Wonderbolt took their leave, Fleetfoot looked back without Spitfire even noticing and saw Roseluck peeking out of the doorway. Once Fleetfoot gave the “okay” signal with a simple wink, Rose stepped out of Team Canterlot’s locker room very quietly, waved goodbye in an adorably timid manner, and walked away in the opposite direction. After Roseluck’s departure, Fleetfoot could finally unwind a bit so that she could have a nice lunch in the local town with her best friend. But her mind spontaneously shifted to a certain, red-haired Eponian as Fleetfoot dreamily recalled that nice, wonderful massage she just received from her.

Why am I feeling this way about her? I haven’t felt like this since--!

No! Roseluck is just a friend! And that’s all she will ever be!

Author's Note:

In regards of the dialogue, I was really looking forward to the completion of this chapter.