• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 2,362 Views, 39 Comments

Dreams of Loss - KalenNighteyes

Twilight Sparkle is having a recurring nightmare in which Rainbow Dash perishes attempting to save the alicorn's life.

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Chapter One

Her dream is always the same. The new castle in Ponyville is aflame and Twilight Sparkle finds herself trapped on an upper floor. She doesn't know why but her magic is useless. In an attempt to escape she makes for a window; however, the blaze consumes the path to that exit.

“Help! Can anyone hear me? I'm stuck on the second floor of the castle!” Twilight calls out.

For a moment, it's as though no one could hear her pleas for help, but suddenly, Rainbow Dash bursts through the flames near the staircase of the castle. “Twilight! Come on! Let me get you out of here!”

Twilight smiles as she runs toward the pegasus, knowing that if anyone could get her out of the burning building, it was Dash. “I'm so glad you heard me. Thank you Rainbow,” she said, giving the rainbow-maned mare a kiss on the cheek.

With a grin, she boosts Twilight onto her back. “Hang on tight! This is going to be a bumpy ride,” Dash tells Twilight and immediately takes off and flies down the staircase.

As they are flying, debris is falling all around them while the castle begins to crumble. “Please be careful Rainbow! I don't know what I'd do if--”

Twilight was cut off by a piece of the structure falling directly in their path. “Look out!” Twilight called, but it was too late. Rainbow Dash just wasn't quick enough to dodge the debris.

As they begin to fall, she grabs the alicorn by the hoof and, with all her might, tosses her toward the exit of the castle. Twilight hits the ground so hard, it knocks the wind out of her. With all her might, she manages to sit up, immediately scanning the flames for any sign of Rainbow Dash. She almost lost hope of finding the pegasus when she notices something blue struggling with a large beam.

“Rainbow! Are you okay?” Twilight calls.

“Don't worry about me! You get yourself out of here. I'll be right behind you!” the pegasus replies.

“Promise me, Dashie! Promise you'll make it out!” Twilight shouts.

“I promise! I'll be right there! Go, please!” Dash exclaims.

With some hesitation, Twilight turns and ran out the door of the castle. Outside, her other four friends are waiting for her.

“Where's Rainbow Dash?” Applejack asks.

“She's still inside! She said she'd be right behind me!” Twilight says, turning back to face the structure.

“Don't worry. I'm sure she'll--”

Rarity's words are halted by the castle starting to give way and collapsing in on itself.

Twilight screams and makes for the tumbling building but she's held back. She isn't sure by what, but she knows she hates whatever is holding her back. “Let me go! I have to save Rainbow! She's still in there!”

“Honey, there ain't time!” Applejack says.

“Yes, please! We can't lose you too!” Fluttershy pleads.

“No! Rainbow! Rainbow! Please!”

* * * * *

“Twilight! Hey! Are you alright? Twilight, wake up!”

Twilight's eyes opened. Spike was standing on the bed next to her, his hand on her shoulder. “Spike? What's going on?”

“You were screaming in your sleep... was it the dream again?” Spike asked, a concerned tone in his voice.

The purple alicorn looked down and nodded slowly. “Yes. I don't know why I keep having the same dream over and over Spike. It's really starting to eat at me.”

“I know. You barely sleep anymore. I wish you'd take my advice and talk to Princess Celestia about this dream. It's not right for you to have it so much. How long has it been happening? Three weeks now?” Spike asked.

Twilight nodded. “I can't tell Princess Celestia though. I still look up to her and all, but it just doesn't feel right talking to her about this.”

“What about Princess Luna? Isn't she supposed to be able to enter other ponies' dreams and help them?”

“Yes, she does but I can't talk to her for the same reason I can't talk to Celestia. It just doesn't feel right...” Twilight said.

Spike gave Twilight a disapproving look. “If you won't talk to them, you need to talk to Rainbow Dash. Tell her how you feel. I bet if you did that, you'd stop having the dreams.”

Twilight stood up out of bed and walked to her balcony. “I can't tell Rainbow Dash. She's been too wrapped up in this Wonderbolts stuff. Besides, I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way. She's never once even given the appearance of having anything resembling a feeling for me. Other than the fact that we are friends, I mean.”

“So, you're just going to keep letting this dream happen? You've lost enough sleep as it is, Twilight! I wish you'd just listen to me for once,” Spike said.

“Just drop it Spike. I'm not going to tell anyone and that's that!” Twilight exclaimed. “And neither are you.”

“Fine,” Spike said and stomped angrily out of the room.

I'm sorry Spike. I just can't do it, Twilight thought to herself. It was then she realized that the sun was just beginning to crest over the horizon. Twilight watched as it began lighting up the entire valley in which Ponyville sat. So beautiful. I wish I had somepony to share it with. Not that Rainbow Dash would be up this early. The thought made Twilight giggle. Rainbow Dash was so carefree. She could sleep half the day away and still do everything she wanted to get done in that day.

Rainbow was funny, always happy, she was attractive, but there was one trait that Twilight loved about the pegasus most of all: Her undying loyalty to her and the rest of their friends. You would never see Rainbow Dash walk away from anypony. It just wasn't in her nature to do so. Loyal until the bitter end. And that's when she finally made her decision.

“Spike!” Twilight called.

After a moment, Spike poked his head in the room. “Yeah, Twilight?”

“I'm sorry Spike. You're right. Let's write that letter to Princess Luna. Hopefully she can help me figure out what to do about this dream nonsense,” Twilight said.

“What about your feelings for Rainbow Dash? Are you going to tell her about that too?” Spike asked.

“No, Spike. I'm not. This dream has nothing to do with my feelings for Rainbow. Once Princess Luna helps me get this dream sorted out, I'll be back to normal without spilling my feelings for Rainbow all over the place,” Twilight said.


“No, Spike! It's not going to happen. Now please, just write my letter to Princess Luna,” Twilight said, sounding a bit more angry than she had intended. “Please.”

“Well, I guess I should just be glad you decided to at least write to Luna about your dream, Twilight. I think she'll be able to help you pretty easily,” the purple dragon said, walking over to the bedside table and pulling out a quill and parchment. “And I'm sorry I got a little bit mad at you before. I just don't like to see you so down and worn out.”

“It's okay Spike. I forgive you. I know how much you hate to see me like this,” Twilight said with a warm smile.

“Yeah, I do,” Spike said. And that's why I sent a quick message to Rarity about your feelings for Rainbow Dash. If anyone can convince Twilight to talk to Rainbow, it's Rarity! He thought to himself and chuckled inwardly. He knew Twilight would be upset with him at first, but he didn't mind. He just wanted his friend to feel better and be happy.

“Spike? You okay?” Twilight asked.

Spike jumped slightly and pressed the quill to the parchment. “Yup! I'm ready to write the letter!” he said with a big grin to the purple alicorn. “Where do I start?”

Author's Note:

I was so glad that so many people liked my first TwiDash story! There were a few suggestions about what I could do with the current one, but rather that change that one a lot, I figured I'd try my hand at writing a new one. This one is going to have a few chapters so, if you like it, be sure to check back for the next chapter! Thanks again for reading!