• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 2,362 Views, 39 Comments

Dreams of Loss - KalenNighteyes

Twilight Sparkle is having a recurring nightmare in which Rainbow Dash perishes attempting to save the alicorn's life.

  • ...

Chapter Six

**Present Time Just After Luna Speaks With Twilight**

Princess Luna had returned after having been gone for an hour. She told them that Twilight was alright, but that she was scared. “I have formed a theory as to how we can get Twilight Sparkle out of her dream.”

Rainbow's ears perked up and she turned to Luna, giving her her full attention. “That's great! How?”

“It will require somepony to enter her dream,” Luna said.

“Well, how can we do that? It doesn't seem possible!” Dash said with a confused look.

“I am not sure if it can be done, but I would have to act as a bridge for the one who is to enter Twilight's dream,” Luna said.

“The one going will be me,” Dash said adamantly.

“I had not doubted that it would be you, Rainbow Dash. Your dedication to your friends is truly great, however, this process could be dangerous,” Luna said.

“I'm not worried. 'Danger' is my middle name!” Dash scoffed. “Besides, I'll do anything to help get her back to me—I mean us.”

“It's alright, Rainbow, we're all aware of how much you want her to wake up,” Rarity said with an understanding smile.

“I do not intend to try to dissuade you from doing this, but are you certain you are willing, Rainbow Dash?” asked Celestia. “For all we know, you could be physically hurt, or worse.”

“And, if you are hurt, there will be no way for us to know back here,” Luna said.

“There's nothing anyone could say that would stop me from doing this,” Dash said.

“There is a possibility that you could die,” Luna said.

“I don't care, as long as I have a chance to bring Twilight back,” Dash said, unflinchingly.

“Are ya sure about this, Rainbow? I mean, ya don't know what to be expectin' once ya get in there,” Applejack said.

“Stop trying to talk me out of it! I'm doing this. It's my choice,” Dash said, temper rising.

“I'm not! I just want ya to think this through! The princess here said ya could die. Twilight's already in a bad spot, we can't lose both y'all,” Applejack said, giving the blue pegasus a concerned look.

“I understand what you're trying to do, A.J., but my mind's made up,” Rainbow said, and turned to Princess Luna. “What do I have to do?”

“I will need you to lie next to Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said.

“No prob– What?” Dash said, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

“Lie down by Twilight, please. The closer in proximity you both are, the easier this should be,” Luna said, motioning toward the bed.

With slight hesitance, Rainbow approached the bed and looked down at Twilight. “You're sure about this?” she asked Luna.

“Well, no. As I said, I have never done this before. I am just following what my instincts tell me,” Luna said.

Rainbow nodded slowly, gently moved Twilight a little more to the other side of the bed, then climbed into the bed herself.

“Aw, don't you two look sweet and cozy!” Pinkie said cheerfully.

Dash's face flushed red once again. “Shut up! Laying next to somepony is something that's entirely new to me! You talking like that isn't helping my comfort levels here.”

Pinkie giggled. “Sorry Dashie, but I can't help it! You two are going to make a great couple!”

Fluttershy took a timid step forward. “I think so too.”

“Alright my little ponies, enough–,” Celestia said with a warm smile. “If you keep this up, her coat is liable to change colors.”

The laughter that followed was a surprising comfort to Rainbow. She had been so upset and sad the entire day that laughter seemed to lift her spirits somewhat. She glanced over at Twilight, and gave the sleeping alicorn a smile.

“Are you ready, Rainbow Dash?” Luna asked, stepping behind the space between the wall and the head of Twilight's hospital bed.

Without removing her gaze from Twilight, Dash nodded. “Yeah. I'm ready.”

“Then let us begin,” Luna said, placing a hoof on Twilight's head and one on Dash's. “Close your eyes. Picture Twilight in your mind.”

“Easy enough. She's all that's been on my mind today,” Dash said, closing her eyes.

“Very good. Now, just relax. This will not hurt,” Luna said, her horn beginning to glow.

A couple of minutes passed with nothing happening. But just as Dash was about to say something, she suddenly found herself inside the Ponyville castle, only there was something wrong. It was on fire. The heat from the flames made beads of sweat appear on her forehead, and the smoke felt like it was trying to suffocate her.

Okay, Dash. Remember why you're here. To save Twilight. Ignore the discomfort you are feeling, and focus on finding her. You have to tell her how you feel!

With determination, Rainbow spread her wings and took off. It didn't take her long to realize that the castle seemed much larger in the dream. She wasn't sure where to start looking for Twilight; she could be anywhere.

* * * * *

Twilight ran through the upper hallway of the castle, trying to find a place to hide. Princess Luna had said not to leave the castle, and Twilight was determined to stay hidden from her dream's version of Rainbow Dash.

“Hello! Twilight! Where are you? It's me, Rainbow! I'm here to get you out of this place! It's going to collapse at any moment!” came Dream Dash's voice.

“No, no, no!” Twilight exclaimed and dove into a nearby room. Luckily, this room wasn't on fire, and she was able to hide inside a tall wardrobe. She could hear hooves getting closer and closer to where she was hiding. With a light nudge, she pushed the door of the wardrobe open slightly. Rainbow was in the room looking for her.

Please, please go. I don't want you here! This place can't collapse if I'm still in it!

Suddenly, the doors were yanked open. “There you are! Gosh, for an egghead you sure picked a dumb place to hide.”

“I'm not going with you, Rainbow. I'm staying here!” Twilight protested.

“Don't be an idiot! This place is up in flames! Please, let me get you out,” Dream Dash said.

“No!” Twilight exclaimed, running out of the wardrobe, and past the pegasus. “Just go away and leave me alone!”

* * * * *

Rainbow had nearly given up hope of finding Twilight when she heard the purple pony's protesting screams.

“Just go away and leave me alone!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Twi! There you are!” Dash said as Twilight ran into view.

Twilight came to an immediate stop. “Rainbow? How did you get ahead of me?”

“What are you talking about? I just got here. Princess Luna worked some awesome magic and got me inside your dream!” Dash said.

Twilight was shocked. She looked back the way she came and saw Dream Dash flying toward her. “I don't understand... I know Luna said she was going to try to get me out of the dream, but she didn't say how.”

“Yeah. That's why I'm here! To save you!” Dash said.

“No! Twilight, don't listen to that Rainbow Dash, she's lying! I'm the one who's here to save you!” Dream Dash said.

Twilight looked between the two of them. “I don't know if I believe either of you. Dreams are strange things. You could both be lying to me.”

Rainbow flew down to Twilight and stood in front of her. “I can prove that I am the real Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh yeah? How are you gonna do that?” Dream Dash said, a smug smile crossing her lips.

“With these words: I came into this dream to save your life. I feel that I'd do anything for you. I love you Twilight Sparkle, and that's the truth,” Dash said, her cheeks turning red.

Tears came to Twilight's eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was almost too good to be true. “I... I don't know what to say. I didn't know you felt the same way as I do.”

“I didn't either, until today. I'm sorry that your dreams haunted you so badly. Had I known, I'd have tried to do something about it, because, you know, I'm awesome,” Dash said with a cheesy grin.

“Oh, Rainbow! It really is you isn't it?” Twilight said, throwing her forelegs around Dash in a big hug.

“Yeah, it's me. Don't get too sappy right now, egghead. We still need to get you out of here,” Rainbow said.

“Well, if anyone can get me out of here, it's the real Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said, releasing her from the hug.

“Yeah, well, like I said, I'm–“


Twilight and Dash looked at the dream copy. It had turned black, its eyes were glowing red and, worst of all, it had grown to be the size of an Ursa Minor.

Author's Note:

Hope you all are still enjoying the story! Thanks so much for reading!