• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 2,361 Views, 39 Comments

Dreams of Loss - KalenNighteyes

Twilight Sparkle is having a recurring nightmare in which Rainbow Dash perishes attempting to save the alicorn's life.

  • ...

Chapter Eight

The Shadow was bearing down on Rainbow and Twilight, who were now cornered.

“What do we do?” Twilight asked, panic in her voice.

“We're going to have to make a run for it!” Dash said.

“But where, Rainbow? The whole place is in flames!”

“Then we're going to have to make for a window or the front door,” Dash said, staring down the creature in front of them. Dash noticed that the room's size seemed to have grown — probably the doing of the Shadow. The run to the door wouldn't be easy, but she was confident they could make it out.

“Windows are out of the question. I tried that before when I was by myself, but it didn't work,” Twilight said.

“Then we make a break for the front door,” Dash said.

“Okay. I'm with you,” Twilight said with a smile.

“Now! Run!” Dash said.

Both ponies took off running as fast as they could toward the door. Twilight watched Rainbow run between the Shadow's legs, so she followed suit, but it terrified her. The beast roared with anger and began stomping its hooves on the floor.

“We're almost there!” Dash said.

When Twilight didn't respond, she looked back to the room. Twilight had been knocked to the floor by the creature's constant floor stomps.

“Twilight!” Rainbow said, spreading her wings and flying to Twilight's aid. Reaching the alicorn, Rainbow landed and motioned to her back with her hoof. “Get on!”

“But, your shoulder!”

“I don't care! Get on, now!”

With hesitation, Twilight stood, and climbed onto the pegasus's back, taking care to not block her wings. “Let's go.”

Dash nodded, and took flight. As they left the bedroom, they could hear the Shadow roaring with anger.

”There's nowhere you can run! We will always find you, Twilight Sparkle! Your efforts to escape will be in vain!”

Dash smirked. “Not this time, they won't.”

* * * * *

At first, Rainbow was sure she could find her way to the front door, but after a few minutes of wrong turns and dead-ends, she was beginning to realize that it wasn't as easy as that. Finally, she gave in, and asked Twilight.

“Which way to the front door? You've had more time in here than me, you've gotta know your way around.”

“Sort of,” Twilight said. “Stop flying for a second, and let me get my bearings.”

Dash did as she was asked, and landed. “Be quick. The Shadow's probably right behind us.”

“Yeah, I know. Hold on,” Twilight said, looking around. Finally she saw what she was looking for. An ugly statue stood farther along the corridor. “Over there. See that statue?”

“Yeah, I see it. What about it?”

“There should be stairs that lead down to the castle's main floor.”

Without hesitation, Dash took flight again, heading for the statue. “I hope you're right. I'm starting to not even recognize this place. It's like it keeps changing.”

“Some things are changing. Didn't you notice what happened to the bedroom when the Shadow came in?”

“Yeah, it seemed to double in size. It was weird.” Dash said, as they arrived at the statue. “Okay, where are these stairs from here?”

“Right over there,” Twilight said, pointing off to the right.

“Great!” Dash said, flying down the staircase.

When she came to the bottom of the stairs, flames were everywhere once again, and debris was falling from the ceiling.

Dash came to a halt and stared out across the destruction. “This is insane, but I'm sure I can find a safe path across all of this.”

Twilight's fears were beginning to get the better of her. “I don't like this. This room is where we get separated. I can't lose you Rainbow... Especially not now.”

“You're not gonna lose me, Twi! We're both getting out of here. I pr-”

“NO!” Twilight said, interrupting her friend. “Don't you dare promise me, Rainbow Dash. That isn't a promise you can keep. You've promised me before, and you've died each time!” Twilight said, dropping off the pegasus's back.

“Wait, Twilight! Okay! I won't promise you, but you're coming with me. I can see the front door, and I think I finally see a path out,” Dash said.

Twilight looked out across the room. The flames were so thick, and the debris falling wasn't helping her feel any better. She looked back at Dash.

“Trust me, Twilight. When have I ever given you cause to doubt?” Dash asked, giving Twilight a pleading look.

Twilight sighed. “You haven't. Alright. Let's get out of here,” she said, then climbed back onto Rainbow's back.

Dash smiled. “Awesome! Let's go!”

Rainbow took flight close to the ceiling, and headed for the door.

Half-way to the door, the Shadow came seemingly from nowhere. It stretched out its leg, and swung at Rainbow. The blue pegasus attempted to dodge, but she wasn't prepared. The Shadow's blow connected, breaking one of Rainbow's wings, and they began to fall.

As they fell, Dash grabbed a hold of Twilight's hoof. “Twilight, spread your wings! Even if you can't fly, you can still glide! Spread your wings out, and head for the door!”

“Not without you!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Stop being so stubborn! I'll be right behind you!”

“NO! I'm not going without you!” Twilight protested.

Determined to save Twilight, Dash began flapping her wings. The pain was excruciating, but she managed to make herself, and Twilight, stop falling. As they neared the door, Dash swung Twilight back and forth a couple times, then tossed her toward the door.

The pain had become too much for Dash to bear, and she fell to the floor. Flames and debris now separated the two.

“Rainbow! Can you hear me?” Twilight called.

“Yeah, I can hear you,” Dash said, wincing at the pain she was feeling.

“Can you make it to me?”

“I'll find a way around. You get out of here! I'll be right behind you!”

“How do I know that?” Twilight asked.

“You don't! You'll just have to trust me!” Dash replied.

Twilight struggled with what to do. On one hoof, she wanted to stay to make sure Rainbow made it out. On the other hoof, she wanted to trust her friend to find a way out.

“Fine, but you better make it out!” Twilight said, resigned.

“Go!” Dash called.

Twilight didn't say anything, she just turned, and ran out the door. She was just going to have to trust Rainbow.

When she saw that Twilight made it out the door, Dash turned. The Shadow was standing over her. “I told you I'd get her out,” she said simply.

”You think you've won? We have you now. We can take out our revenge on you, and take your life.”

“Do your worst, monster. I did what I came here to do. Twilight will be safe,” Dash said.

The Shadow roared with anger, and slammed its front legs hard into the floor, making the building begin to crumble.

Dash smiled, sat down, and closed her eyes. You're safe now, Twilight. That's all that matters to me.

Author's Note:

I finally found a way to get over my dislike of chapter eight. It took a couple rewrites, but that's what authors are supposed to do! Chapter Nine soon! :)