• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 2,362 Views, 39 Comments

Dreams of Loss - KalenNighteyes

Twilight Sparkle is having a recurring nightmare in which Rainbow Dash perishes attempting to save the alicorn's life.

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Chapter Nine

The steady beeping of a heart monitor was the first sound Twilight heard as she awoke. “Where am I?” she managed to say, her voice just above a whisper.

“Hey! She's awake!”

“Spike?” Twilight said, opening her eyes slowly, and seeing the baby dragon standing over her.

“Not just Spike, sugar cube. All of us are here,” came Applejack's voice.

Twilight heard murmurs of agreement from her other friends. Suddenly her eyes snapped fully open as she remembered what had happened in the dream world. “Rainbow Dash – is she okay?”

“I am uncertain of that, Twilight Sparkle. She has not yet awoken,” Luna said, coming into view.

Twilight sat up, and looked around. Not only was Princess Luna standing by her bedside, but so was Princess Celestia. “You both came here? I don't understand.”

“That does not matter right now, Twilight. We are glad to see you awake. It seems that Rainbow Dash was successful,” Celestia said, giving Twilight a warm smile.

Twilight returned the smile, then noticed the blue pegasus lying next to her on the bed. “Rainbow...” Twilight said softly, then looked back to Luna. “Is she alright? What happened?”

“We were hoping you could tell us. You were the one in the dream after all. What was keeping you there?” Rarity asked.

“It's all sort of fuzzy. I remember The Shadow. It's some sort of being that lives within nightmares, and feeds on ponies' fears. It chased us through the burning castle, but Rainbow managed to get me out. She said she'd be right behind me,” Twilight said, her gaze returning to the pegasus lying beside her.

“I see. I am surprised that I have not heard of this monster,” Luna said, losing herself in thought briefly, but continued her statement. “Now that I am aware of its existence, I will make sure it does not do this to anypony ever again.”

Twilight, however, had stopped listening. She had laid down again, and moved herself closer to Rainbow. She brought a hoof up to the blue pony's cheek, and caressed it softly. “Rainbow...I hope you can hear me. Wake up. I need you. I need you to see that I'm okay, and I need you to be okay,” she whispered into Dash's ear, as tears formed in her eyes.

“Um, maybe we should leave the room for a few minutes, girls. I mean, if that's alright with you four,” Fluttershy suggested timidly.

“Well, a course it is!” Applejack said, walking to the door, followed by Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.

“We will remain here. Somepony should be here if... if the worst has happened,” Celestia said.

Spike didn't move from his spot. He had been standing there the whole time, remembering what he'd done and said to Twilight earlier that day. How could he leave her, knowing that he hurt her, and could have lost her to this dream?

Suddenly, Spike was on Rarity's back, being taken out of the room. “No! Wait! I don't want to leave Twilight. I was so mean to her today,” he protested, and attempted to jump from Rarity's back, only to be caught in a magical bubble.

“I'm sorry, Spike. You will have time to give her your apologies later. Right now, she needs to be with Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said. “And I'm sorry that I have to pull you away like this.”

Twilight had tuned everypony out. In that moment, it was just her and Rainbow. All her thoughts were focused on the pegasus next to her. Nothing was going to tear her attention from Dash. “Please, Rainbow. Please wake up.”

Twilight's heart sank when she realized that Rainbow didn't seem to be responding to her voice, or her touch. The alicorn rested her head against the pegasus's, and began crying softly. Despite the fact Rainbow was breathing, Twilight couldn't help but feel she had lost her. The Shadow had won in the end.

At this realization, Twilight began to cry uncontrollably. She moved her hoof around to Dash's shoulder, and pulled her in close. “Rainbow, I'm so sorry! If I hadn't been such a coward, you'd still be here with me. Please come back to me.”

Celestia moved forward, and placed her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. “My dearest Twilight. I am so sorry. I'm not sure there any words I could say to you right now that would help, but I am here for you.”

Twilight didn't move. She continued to hold Rainbow close to her, and cry. That's all she wanted to do right now. Nothing else in the world mattered to her at that moment.

A few minutes passed, and Twilight's cries had dwindled down to nothing more than sobs. She felt hollow, like a part of her had just been ripped away from her. Inwardly, she cursed The Shadow, and she wished there was some way that she could get revenge for what it had done.

Anger had begun to snake its way through Twilight, and she was beginning to embrace it when a weak voice pulled her back from the brink.

“Twilight...” Rainbow said weakly.

Twilight opened her eyes, and raised up, looking at Rainbow Dash, who returned her gaze. “R-R-Rainbow?”

“Heya, Twi,” Rainbow said.

At first, Twilight wasn't sure how to react. She stared down at Rainbow, a look of disbelief painted on her expression. “You're awake. I thought I'd lost you.”

Rainbow gave Twilight a weak laugh. “You forget who I am. I'm Rainbow Dash, and I'm awesome!”

A smile worked its way across Twilight's face, and fresh tears formed in her eyes. Her anger had ebbed away, and the hollowness she felt had disappeared. In that moment, Twilight felt only what she could describe as pure joy. The somepony she loved was alive, and safe. “You never cease to amaze me, Dashie. That's one of the things that has made me love you.”

Rainbow smiled. “Aw, don't go getting all sappy on me, now. You're gonna make me cry,” she said, fighting the burning sensation that had formed in her eyes.

Twilight gave a small giggle, then kissed Rainbow on the cheek. “You really are an awesome pony. Never change, Rainbow.”

Rainbow's face flushed to a bright pink color, and she gave Twilight a cheesy grin. “I don't plan on it!”

The door to the room opened once again, and Applejack's head appeared. “Did Ah hear Rainbow's voice?”

“You sure did, A.J.! Come on in here!” Rainbow called.

“Yeehaw!” Applejack exclamed, opening the door fully.

The ponies and Spike walked quickly in, and all somehow managed to squeeze onto the bed, initiating a huge group hug. Any fear of losing either Twilight or Rainbow had vanished from their minds. They were all just happy to be together once again.

Author's Note:

This chapter went through FOUR rewrites, but I think I finally ended up with something I am happy to have you all read. Thank you so much for the comments and feedback. Thank you for reading! Not done yet! Don't worry!