• Published 2nd Jul 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 4 -- Fury Run - shysage

Returning from 'Equestria Past', Summer Rain and Shysage just need rest and time... But a nasty 'Fury Boil' pops, sending a steady stream of deadly Furies directly at Ponyville. The only victim may be the most painful of all...

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Chapter 10, By The Moonlight (Pegasus Play)

Hi, it's me, Shysage.


It was pretty late in the evening by the time Summer and I got home after seeing the Twins off in the Equestria Girls world.

Summer and I had a real 'couch' now, and we decided to test it out a little more.

We both changed into people, in our nice new 'Shysage' clothes. I laid on the couch, and Summer was soon laying on top of me. I didn't mind, and we hugged and kissed a while, until it was clear we needed to move.

Summer then rolled over to the side, up next to the back of the couch, and put her head down on my chest near my neck. We both sighed together at the same time.

I was again hugging Summer with one arm, and held her hands with my other hand.

Our new couch is very nice. Laying like this was very comfortable, much better than the floor, and we were both soon asleep.

I awoke a few hours later, surely past midnight, to find Summer gently kissing my face. Evidently, she could not sleep any more, and so was making good use of her time. I just kissed her back. Well we both said "I love you" at the same time once, too.

Kissing her, especially as people, just does something to me. I didn't really mind. I love her so much.

Still, I got up, and asked her to join me, and then asked that she change us back into ponies. I still couldn't do that yet.

After we were ponies again, I stood facing her, and we rubbed noses a minute. Then I gently and slowly licked her nose.

Right after doing that, I walked quickly out the door, and into the broad path outside our home. As I had expected, it was very bright outside, thanks to the same Full Moon we saw last night. I was planning on that.

Summer followed me quickly of course, probably wondering what I was doing. We were soon again standing, facing each other, looking into each other's eyes.

I slowly bowed to the ground in front of her, on my knees, and all, closing my eyes, and putting my head down. Then, still bowing, I looked up.

Summer then did the exact same thing, bowing fully, closing her eyes, dropping her head, then opening her eyes again. Still bowing, she looked up at me.

We were still both on our knees.

Then, I gently unfurled my wings straight out to the side, while tilting the tops of my wings as far forward towards Summer as I could.

Summer... blushed... brightly... I could even see this in the moonlight... I wasn't sure why she blushed, until she slowly did the same thing with her wings...

Wow... She looked beautiful like that... Maybe it is a Pegasus thing, I don't know... But I was awestruck... ...I just couldn't look away... I just wanted to hold her tight...

Hi, this is Summer.

One of the most important things to us ladies is security...

For the last two and a half years, Shysage has done nothing but take care of me... He protected me... He guided me... He watched over me... He rescued me... In so many ways he was just always there for me... And for our girls too, and that alone was extremely important to me...

I honestly felt like he was sheltering me, us, under his wings that whole time...

And when he put his wings out like that, I just connected that with his amazing care for me... I just melted... I just wanted to hold him too...

And I gotta say too, my Stallion really did look HOT... But again, it wasn't just that he looked that way... Everything was just amplified by his amazing care and consideration for me... I was awestruck too...

Anyway, Shysage licked my nose in the house, then we came out here.

After we both put our wings out like that, we were quickly rubbing noses again, still bowing on our knees before each other.

Then, I gently licked Shysage's nose, and I quickly ran off...

Of course, he ran after me.

I was not trying to outrun him, and I was not running really fast, that wasn't the point of this at all. I just wanted him to chase me, and that's what he did. Well, he started it!

We both kept our wings spread, and this is generally not a good idea, but it was just a part of what was going on. And yes, this is a Pegasus thing. I have no idea how my Stallion knew to do that...

Shysage realized I was heading for my tree, and he just followed me. He said later he would have followed me anywhere.

Most of the way there, I shrieked, and pulled my wings in quickly and dove to the side into the grass. Shysage followed me of course, and only then realized that we had almost 'tackled' Princess Twilight.

Shysage and I tumbled together into the grass, laughing of course.

But we quickly got up, and bowed to our precious Princess.

She had us up quickly, and I just as quickly gave her a big hug, and said "I love you, Princess". Then Shysage hugged her too.

"What are you two doing up in the middle of the night?" She asked with a smile.

Shysage and I looked at each other, and I think we blushed.

I said with a smile "We are playing a game..."

Princess Twilight thought for a minute, then said "It looks fun, can I play?

Shysage and I looked at each other again, and I think we blushed again.

Then Shysage said "I don't think three can play this game, Princess..."

Well, by then, our Princess "just knew', and smiled, then said "Oh, you two..."

We both felt a little bad, and Shysage said "Princess, I'm sorry, we are really trying to avoid making things harder for anypony..."

Princess Twilight sighed, then said softly "Shysage, I know... It's not what you two do, it's who you are... I simply know of no other ponies that are so deeply in love... So deeply and fully devoted to each other... You have both woven true friendship so deeply into every part of your lives, and the time you are together... Anypony that spends time around you realizes that. It's not a bad thing either..."

Princess stopped, and sighed again...

"But I am glad we have stopped aging... I can only hope that some day, I can meet such a stallion... And I would be lying if I said I didn't envy you both... Still, being a Princess seems to take a lot of my time..."

Shysage sighed sympathetically... "I'm sorry... I'd offer you my Twin if I could, Princess..."

Princess Twilight smiled. "I don't think Summer's Twin would pass up that opportunity."

I blushed again. My Twin was waiting...

Shysage spoke up again, softly "Well, Princess, I know that I really don't deserve this amazing Mare..."

I just said softly "Oh, Shysage..."

It was quiet for a minute, then Shysage asked "Princess, what brings you out tonight?

A look of concern quickly swept Princess Twilight's face as she answered...

"That Fury Run really scared me. If you both hadn't seen that thing, hundreds, maybe thousands of ponies would have had to die... Probably most of Ponyville... And some of us...

"Whenever I can't sleep, I get up and just take a walk around Ponyville, just to make sure. I doubt I would be able to spot everything, but I am trying to keep an eye out anyway..."

I spoke up quickly "Princess, can we walk with you?"

Princess Twilight thought a minute, then answered "I would appreciate the company, but wouldn't want to interrupt your game..."

Shysage answered softly "Princess, putting others first has brought us where we are, and we're not going to stop now. We would be happy to walk with you."

With Shysage on one side of our Princess, and me on the other, we all walked around Ponyville for a while.

We talked, laughed, and maybe we cried some too. It was a good time.

At one point, Princess said "I don't understand it, but I feel safer with you both around. I really can't explain it."

Shysage mentioned "Well, Princess, we really do need each other, that much is true."

I replied a little more seriously "Princess, I just don't feel safe unless Shysage is near me. I can't explain that either."

We were soon back in front of Princess Twilight's new Castle.

I spoke up "Princess, we don't mind if you wake us up to come on your walks with you. This was very nice. Please don't be bashful about that."

Shysage then added quietly "Princess, we both love you a lot... We would be happy to share this task with you."

Princess just said quietly "I know... And thank you."

Shysage and I both hugged our Princess, then she went inside her Castle.

It was silent for a minute or two, then I said quietly "Shysage, I wish you had more Twins..."

For maybe a minute, I just looked into Shysage's eyes... I just can't explain what that does to me...

Out came his wings, and mine did too. Then I ran off, the rest of the way to 'my tree'.

I kneeled down, wings still out, and he did too, then we rubbed noses a little while.

Then he gently licked my nose, and he ran off.

I followed him, of course.

We essentially retraced our steps, and ran back through town, past our house.

All of a sudden, Shysage pulled his wings in, and screeched to a stop, and I barely stopped in time behind him.

"Shysage you need 'tail lights' " I said, then I started laughing.

Shysage smiled, then said "Summer, come with me a minute."

We walked to the front door of Dawn's shop. Dawn is our neighbor. While running past, Shysage noticed Camille, Dawn's foal, standing next to the open door, and looking out. She looked concerned.

"Summer, are you mad at Shysage? I saw you chasing him..." Camille asked.

I walked up and gave Camille a hug. "No Camille, we were playing a game. I don't think I have ever been mad at Shysage."

Shysage just added "Nor I, you, Mare."

Camille heard 'game', then said "Can I play too?"

I got a very serious look on my face, and said "Camille, you must never come out at night unless your mommy is with you.

"Especially since you are young, that can be very dangerous.

"And it would be very easy for you to get lost out here, too.

"I know it looks light out tonight, but that is only because the moon is bright, but it will go down soon. Then it will be very dark."

Then I smiled, and said "Some time during the day we can play a running game with you and your mommy, just not tonight."

Camille yawned big, then said "I'm getting tired anyway. Bye, Summer and Shysage."

Camille walked into the showroom, closed the door, and was inside.

Shysage quickly bolted off, opening his wings in the process.

I just followed him.

Shysage ran out to the small hill in the meadow to the East and stopped.

We actually both lay down on our bellies side by side for a little while, and again thanked our true friend that Shysage was back, and for each other, and also for all our amazing friends, on both sides of the Portal. And we asked him to protect our amazing friends too.

Then we got back up, and kneeled facing each other on that hill, with our wings out.

We rubbed noses a minute. Well, maybe two...

Then I gently licked his nose, and ran off.

He followed me, of course.

This time, I took to the air.

Flying at night, even under a full moon is very dangerous. Still I wasn't flying fast, and we did know the Ponyville skyline very well, so it worked ok.

I flew over Ponyville, then headed straight for Princess' Castle. When I was close, I slowed, then dropped closer to the ground.

Next, I flew up the entire front side of the Castle, all the way past the top, past the end of the large Spire...

It's me, Shysage again.

This part was absolutely amazing... And deeply, breath-takingly moving...

I was not as close to the Castle as Summer was, but was following her... ...up the front of the Castle...

The full moon, behind us... was shining on her back... on her wings... on her beautiful mane and tail... on her amazing body...

My Mare... ...softly glowing by the moonlight... flying gracefully in front of Princess Twilight's beautiful new Castle...

I was absolutely awestruck...

I watched my Mare fly up in front of Princess' Castle almost in a trance... Summer looked so beautiful... That sequence of images burned itself into my soul, and I will never forget it... Ever...

Summer arched our path around, behind the top of the Spire, then back down in front, and we landed back at 'her tree'.

We bowed on our knees to each other with our wings out. Then, still on our knees, we rubbed noses, well a while...

Then I gently licked her nose, then I flew quickly away.

Summer followed me, of course.

I flew to the East again. Once I was past the end of Ponyville, I carefully landed in the meadow, then bolted off, further East across the meadow.

There is a large lake on the far side of that meadow, and I ran up to the edge of the lake, then stopped.

Summer ran up and stopped, facing me.

With my wings still out, I bowed on my knees in front of her.

She did the same thing.

We rubbed noses a few minutes.

Then Summer gently licked my nose, jumped up, pulled her wings in, then jumped through the water around the edge of the lake, splashing wildly.

Water and wings don't mix, and it is really easy to injure your wings in water. They had to be tucked away for this.

And ponies are not good swimmers, so we just stayed near the edge of the lake.

Still, I jumped through the water after her...


Summer took over at this point.

Anyway, we jumped into the lake and splashed each other for maybe five minutes or so... ...Laughing...

We had moved back around to the side of the lake closest to Ponyville at this point, then we climbed out and just fell together into the grass.

We were soon hugging tightly, staring into each other's eyes, weeping softly...

I said softly "Stallion, the more I give you... I receive far more in return..."

Shysage just answered softly "Sounds like true friendship to me... I love you Summer..."

"I love you too, Shysage..." I said.

It was quiet for a few minutes. We were both falling asleep.

Then I said "Shysage, I think Fluttershy wants to fly with us in the morning. Let's go sleep near her cottage, maybe?

Shysage smiled, and said "Summer, I will follow you anywhere..."

We were soon in the grass, in the clearing next to Fluttershy's cottage, laying side by side, with our heads next to each other.

We fell asleep quickly.