• Published 2nd Jul 2014
  • 536 Views, 1 Comments

The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 4 -- Fury Run - shysage

Returning from 'Equestria Past', Summer Rain and Shysage just need rest and time... But a nasty 'Fury Boil' pops, sending a steady stream of deadly Furies directly at Ponyville. The only victim may be the most painful of all...

  • ...

Chapter 11, Calming Down

The next morning, Shysage awoke to Angel jumping up and down on his back, like it was some sort of trampoline. Shysage suspected that Angel developed this habit while Shysage's memory was gone.

Angel wasn't always the most friendly animal...

Shysage also noticed that his Mare was still close, but she and Fluttershy were a small distance away, still laying on their bellies, just talking together quietly.

Shysage mustered the lowest voice he could, then said "Angel", and raised the pitch of his voice a little at the end as he said it, to add a little authority.

Angel quickly jumped the entire distance between Shysage's back and Fluttershy's front legs, and just cowered in fear next to Fluttershy.

Everypony just laughed.

Shysage got up and moved next to his Mare, and said "Hi, Sis" to Fluttershy. Then he rubbed his Mare's nose briefly.

"Don't let me interrupt anything" Shysage said quietly. "I'm with my Mare, anything else is fine."

"We have been talking a while, Stallion, you were really tired, I guess. I think we will go flying soon though" Summer said.

Shysage added softly "Fluttershy, you were such a huge help for my Mare. I think we are going to try to spend more time with you, if that's ok."

Both sisters looked at each other, and smiled at this.

The three of them were soon in the air flying slowly around Ponyville. Fluttershy seemed to be enjoying herself too, which was very nice. Summer and Shysage loved to fly. Well, that WAS a Pegasus thing.

Before long, Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight had joined them, and they all just flew together. This was just amazing. Flying with such amazing friends...

Shysage led them on a path that flew them near Princess Twilight's Castle, and they all noticed that Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie had gathered in front of the Castle now, so they all landed.

It wasn't too long before they were all sitting in a tight circle together. Shysage didn't feel like he really belonged here, but everypony else thought otherwise apparently.

Still, Princess Twilight had them say together:

"We are deeply devoted to each other...
"We are true friends, and committed to true friendship...
"We are... ...Equestria..."

And it wasn't a pain or anything either; the ponies in this group were all just really close friends, and loved each other dearly.

Shysage spoke up after a minute's silence "Princess, can you try to see if the Group Link works with this group? I think I might block it, so I can back out if I need to.

Princess thought a minute, then said "Good idea. Shysage back out, girls move in tightly, and let's see if it works.

It did.

Shysage didn't mind sitting and watching, as Summer and her amazing mare friends enjoyed the communion of the Group Link. They were in no hurry, and neither was Shysage. He just waited.

Seven of the most amazing mares he could ever imagine... And one was his Mare even... What had he even done to deserve this, Shysage thought to himself...

Almost an hour later, the mares were still enjoying each other's presence, when an Air Coach landed near Princess' Castle. Princess Twilight broke the link.

Shyage was already over talking to the lead stallion, and walked back to the group. "Mom and dad need to head to Canterlot" Shysage said to his Mare.

Summer and Shysage hugged everypony, then both climbed into the Air Coach, and they were soon on their way.

Half way there, Summer said quietly "Shysage, I love you..."

Shysage thought briefly, then mentioned softly "Yes, that trip over this same route was much different. You were really scared, if I remember correctly."

"Yes... Four months into making amazing friends in Ponyville, and I thought that task was soon to be over. I really didn't know what to think. I was so scared, I didn't even bother watching the scenery..." Summer said quietly.

"Instead, you left your sister, and found her Twin" Shysage said with a smile.

"Well, yes, but those amazing girls have still left me feeling torn across the Portal... I love them all..." Summer said softly...

Shysage sighed, then said "I know... We do get to see them quite a bit however."

"Well, I'm glad most of my dream was just a dream..." Summer replied.

Shysage just answered back "I love you too, Mare."

The Air Coach landed in it's parking spot in the grass next to the large grass Commons area outside the Canterlot Audience Hall.

Summer and Shysage both got out, and walked over to Cel and Lu, who were on the Audience Hall side of the Air Coach.

After both were near Cel and Lu, Cel said simply 'Mom, dad, turn around."

Summer and Shysage turned around, and both immediately gasped...

Next to the Audience Hall, the grass Commons area was maybe 600 feet wide. The grass Commons area now extended, the same 600 foot width, all the way to the edge of the top level of the mountain... You could see across Equestria for dozens of miles now... It was amazing...

Cel volunteered "The large building shown perched on the edge of the top level of this mountain in most paintings of Canterlot, was actually a building owned by us.

"We had stopped using it a few years ago, when we realized it was going to fall off the edge. The two buildings on either side were vacant as well. We had them all removed, and added grass to the end."

Cal and Lu next walked maybe halfway from the Audience Hall to the edge, then sat down together... Just like they had the afternoon of their first visit up here in the distant past... Well, it was less that a year ago for Summer and Shysage.

Summer and Shysage walked over and sat next to them.

Lu said quietly "Mom and dad, we both remember our first visit up here. It is clear now that you knew what would eventually be up here. Our comments about our kingdom being up here must have really amazed you."

Shysage said softly "Well, yes, but really, our two girls are what really amaze us."

This precipitated a group hug for a few minutes.

Cel then said "Mom, dad, come over here."

Cel walked over to the side, well the left side when looking away from the Audience hall.

There was a small, maybe 25 foot round island surrounded by a maybe 20 foot wide moat of sorts, and the island could only be accessed by a small bridge.

Summer knew what it was immediately, and didn't really want to get closer, and was quickly hugging Shysage, weeping softly.

That island was the only part of the surrounding Commons that was under a small shield covering Princess Twilight and her girls, along with the five Equestria Girls, and Summer Rain. Sunset Shimmer threw every magic spell she could at it, trying to kill the twelve ponies under it. A huge rut surrounded that spot after the battle was over.

That night was one of the scariest nights for Summer, and she was sure her Princess would get killed...

Summer and Shysage just walked slowly away. Still, Shysage thanked the girls for the memorial. That really was an important night for Equestria's history.

Cel and Lu next led them over towards the edge of the Commons, the edge of the top level. Everypony knew there was maybe a 400 foot drop-off past the edge to the next level.

Still, it was clear that safety was a big concern, and there were two rows of fencing and guards stationed along the slowly curving fence line.

In the center was a raised platform, maybe 20 feet wide, also with fences on the side, but no fence at the edge. It was accessed via steps, and was guarded by two Unicorn guards.

The guards quickly moved aside as Cel and Lu walked up on the platform.

Cel said "Mom, dad, please come with us."

Then, Cel and Lu spread their wings, and jumped, and were quickly gliding away. They didn't laugh like they did in the past, but it was still an amazing sight.

Summer and Shysage followed them quickly.

Shysage sighed, their girls really were amazing.

Their gentle glide took them down slowly, over the old site of 'Coptol', which the forest had reclaimed. Cel pointed out where it used to be though.

They landed near the stump of a very old tree; it was what was left of the Sequoia that was their home for two years. The door was still in the side of the trunk, but most of the top of the tree was gone. And the river had moved further away than Shysage remembered.

Shysage walked away from the door maybe five steps towards the river, and could not hold back his tears, and was sobbing... Everypony else just joined him...

Shysage said through his tears "Cel, Lu, we really love you both..." It was hard for anypony to talk much though.

Still, Shysage realized that being here when his memory was gone was probably terrible for these three mares. They all needed this now...

After a while, they all were laying down in their bellies facing the river. Cel was next to Shysage, and Lu was next to Summer.

The family talked over some memories, but these would usually result in more tears, but nopony minded.

Shysage also remembered his Mare walking out of the river, soaking wet, and looking... He really couldn't mention that though. Well, he probably could have, but he didn't.

And at one point, Cel said softly "Dad, you were right... Magic is who we are. I am so glad you told us both that early."

The family reminisced for a few hours, then Cel and Lu got up, and asked mom and dad to fly with them.

They headed to the meadow that they had learned to fly in. Getting there didn't take long, flying. The meadow was shaped differently, but was still in the same general area. And they could all still see Cloudsdale off in the distance, covered with buildings now, however.

Two Air Coaches were there waiting for them, and they were quickly back up in the grass Commons of Canterlot.

Cel and Lu led them into the Audience Hall, then through some large doors, and into the Princess' Annex. Cel and Lu lived in this area.

There was a large, comfortable room there, and Summer and Shysage both spotted a familiar looking red couch along one wall.

Cal and Lu's crowns were carefully placed on a nearby table.

Summer and Shysage knew what to do, and their girls were soon in their laps, as this close-knit family loved each other. They were in no hurry, and Cel and Lu switched between mom and dad a few times.

Summer and Shysage got up, then sat on the floor. Cel and Lu both laid on the floor and put their heads in mom or dad's lap, and just relaxed there. Mom and dad would scratch their ears or run their fingers through their mane, or kiss their forehead. Such simple gestures communicated volumes within this family.

After a little while, Cel and Lu got up and retrieved their crowns, and mom changed she and dad back into ponies. Still, the family sat in a tight circle, and hugged as ponies for a few minutes.

Then it was time for dinner. Of course, it was good.

Sooner than anyone wanted, mom and dad were hugging their girls next to an Air Coach on the Commons lawn.

Maybe an hour later, Summer and Shysage were heading into their home. It was dark, but they didn't bother with lights.

Shysage walked into their room, and was quickly laying on his side, as Summer climbed up under his front legs. He hugged her tightly to his chest, of course.

"Shysage, it is really scary to me that I so deeply love so many amazing ponies scattered all over Equestria, and on the other side of the Portal too..." Summer said this and was weeping softly.

Shysage was quickly weeping softly in agreement too... "I know how you feel, Mare..."

It was quiet for a minute, then Shysage sighed, then added softly "But we have each other..." Then he hugged Summer tight.

Summer just sighed too..

They both fell asleep.

Summer woke up a few hours later to Shysage gently rubbing her ear with his nose.

They were soon sitting up, facing each other, rubbing noses.

Then, Shysage slowly licked Summer's nose then walked quickly out the door, into the moonlight.

Summer quickly followed.

Shysage was already on his knees, bowing, with his wings out...


Coming soon...

The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 5 -- Faded Memories

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