• Published 2nd Jul 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 4 -- Fury Run - shysage

Returning from 'Equestria Past', Summer Rain and Shysage just need rest and time... But a nasty 'Fury Boil' pops, sending a steady stream of deadly Furies directly at Ponyville. The only victim may be the most painful of all...

  • ...

Chapter 7, Beach Day

Summer and Shysage guessed that they would probably spend 'today' (the day after he got his memory back) in the Equestria Girls world, and they were right.

This was only fair; Shysage's memory loss had a profound impact on both sides of the Portal. Their last parting as a group through the Portal had been just terrible.

By now, it was basically sun-up.

After laying together as people on the floor for a while, Summer and Shysage changed back to ponies, then headed East to the meadow and ate and drank together. Then they just flew slowly around Ponyville together. This would make it easier for Rainbow Dash to find them when it was time to go.

And they flew very slowly; they were both very out of shape.

Amazingly, Fluttershy soon joined Summer and Shysage. Fluttershy didn't like flying fast or high, but Summer and Shysage weren't doing either of those things, and Fluttershy joined them. She did fine, and they enjoyed their time together in the air.

Plus, Fluttershy missed her sister... Shysage realized they probably missed each other. They had spent the last two months together.

They hadn't flown for very long, and were soon heading to the Castle when they saw the Air Coaches arrive.

In an hour, Shysage and the seven Equestria ponies were headed to the bleachers behind the High School. Cel and Lu weren't coming just yet, evidently.

Still, Princess Twilight made it clear everypony would stay together, and with Shysage.

The rest of the Twins soon joined everypony in the bleachers. Everypony was soooo happy to see their Twin again, and Equestria pony Summer and Shysage got a lot of hugs. It was just a huge relief that Shysage was 'better'. It had been a nightmare for everypony; they all felt Summer's pain.

It was maybe the middle of 'Summer Break', and Equestria Girls Rainbow Dash was running a Saturday morning Soccer practice. She quickly called her Twin in to help. Both Rainbows had a blast together doing that.

Shysage's Mare asked the Rarity Twins for some help. Both of their 'people' clothes had seen a lot of use in 'Equestria past', and Summer asked the Raritys about a trip to her shop for some new clothes.

Of course the Rarity Twins quickly agreed, and so Summer asked Princess Twilight how to handle that.

Princess called for everyponies' attention, and mentioned that Shysage, the Summer Twins and the Rarity Twins were going to Rarity's shop for a little while. Princess wanted everypony else to stay in the bleachers.

Shysage and four beautiful friends were soon standing in Equestria Girls Rarity's shop. Both Raritys were there, and they were looking forward to doing this together. That's what Twins do.

Shysage was first, because the Raritys decided he would be the easiest.

He mentioned that the clothing he was wearing now seemed to hold up fine. Shysage liked the White zippered, hooded sweatshirt, and the White Tennis Shoes. Jeans or some other darker colored pants (not Black though), along with a simple 'T-shirt' worked fine for him. His Mare requested that the 'T-shirt' be White.

Equestria Girls Rarity mentioned that these clothes would be easier purchased locally, than hand-made. They took some measurements on Shysage and decided that a trip to a local store would take care of this.

Equestria pony Summer Rain was next, and rather apologetically said that she would like two sets of clothes; a new set of stylish "Equestria Girls" clothing, as well as an exact duplicate of the clothes Shysage had asked for.

Shysage just hugged his Mare.

Both Raritys smiled, and said this was not a problem. They took some measurements on Summer, and indicated that the stylish clothing would take a while anyway, and they would need to find a way to get them to Summer at some point. The clothes like Shysage's would just get purchased locally as well.

Equestria Girls Summer jumped in when it was quiet, and asked for the exact same two sets of clothing as Equestria pony Summer had requested. Smiling again, the Raritys took some measurements, and found them to be nearly identical to her Twin's measurements -- no surprises there.

Equestria Girls Summer said further, that her parents were actually supplying she and Fluttershy plenty of extra funds, and so she wanted to pick up the costs for everything. She knew her parents would fully agree to this, they loved this whole group.

Shysage and his Mare quickly thanked her Twin. This was very generous. They asked her Twin to thank their parents for them as well.

However, this got the Rarity Twins thinking. They talked together about making a set of matching 'T-Shirts' for everypony in the group. It was an amazing idea, but it would have to wait, because it would take a while.

The Rarity Twins would talk today and get the design down however. They both wanted to weave the words 'Equestria in our Hearts' into the design somehow. Still, after they knew what they wanted to do, they would run it past the Twilights. This project would be amazing Twin fun.

Equestria Girls Summer volunteered to provide the costs for that as well.

The group was in Rarity's shop for only maybe twenty minutes, then they headed back to the High School.

The Celestia and Luna Twins had not arrived, so Princess Twilight was keeping everypony in the bleachers still. She was so glad when Shysage came back. The Equestria Girls world scared her. Well, it helped that Princess' Twin, Equestria Girls Twilight Sparkle was helping Princess. Still, Princess Celestia had said...

Equestria Girls Summer Rain asked Princess about driving the Rarity Twins to a local clothing shop quick in her Mustang. They promised to all stay together.

Shysage suggested that this would probably be fine, as long as they made no other stops. Princess Twilight's Twin agreed, and they were quickly on their way.

The rest of the Twins, the Applejacks, the Pinkie Pies, and the Fluttershys, were just sitting in the bleachers talking together, enjoying being with their Twin. The Twilights were busy together just trying to keep tabs on everypony.

A few of the Equestria Girls friends actually wandered over that morning, just to check in with their friends. They were all amazed that there were two of their amazing friends, but this meant they got twice the love and attention that morning.

Equestria Girls Summer and the Rarity Twins were soon back with clothes for Shysage and the two Summers, as well as enough White 'T-Shirts' for everyone in the group. Changing clothes would need to wait until a trip to Fluttershy's apartment, closer to time to leave.

BUT, Equestria pony Rarity was STILL in shock at the sight of a store that had more clothing in it than she had EVER seen in her entire life. She just followed her Twin around awestruck there...

After maybe half an hour, Cel and Lu walked quickly over, relieved that they managed to find the rest of the group. Equestria pony Summer (mom) hugged them both, as did Shysage (dad). They began to relax at that point.

Shysage realized that this may only be Cel and Lu's second time through the Portal. He really should have had somepony there for them, and he apologized for that.

Still, Cel asked mom quietly "Mom, when you left the past, you said we shouldn't stay long the first time we used the Portal. This is ok now, right? We just want to make sure."

Summer (mom) answered "Well, yes I was talking about your first time here, on that day. But in general, you just need to be very careful here. This world is a lot more dangerous than Equestria. The Equestria Girls have grown up here, and so they are better at avoiding the hazards here. And dad grew up here too."

"There are enough dangers here that those of us from Equestria just need to be careful to always stay with somepony that grew up here. That is no guarantee, but it's just safer. And staying together is very important as well."

After another half hour (at noon according to someponies' cell phone), Soccer practice was over, and the Rainbows, a little out of breath, joined the group in the bleachers.

A few minutes later, the two Principal sisters walked over to the group, and hugged their Twins before doing anything else. They had brought a Van big enough to fit everyone (they hoped), and had parked it next to Fluttershy's apartment.

The Twilights made sure everypony was accounted for, and then the group walked over to Fluttershy's apartment. They had to cross one street, but that went fine, other than taking almost a minute to get everypony across.

The Raritys had everypony wait in the front yard outside Fluttershy's apartment. They would not all fit inside at the same time anyway.

The Rarity Twins took this huge pile of clothing inside, then pulled Shysage's clothes out, and sent him into the bathroom to change. He was soon outside helping watch over the rest.

The Raritys next had both Summers come in, and change into their 'exact duplicate' of Shysage's clothes. The Raritys had done well, the Summer's new clothes fit fine.

The two Summers walked out of the apartment together, and onto the grass, looking strikingly similar... Well, nearly identical... They were Twins after all.

Shysage immediately walked over and hugged his Mare, and whispered in her ear that she looked hot. She blushed brightly, then kissed her Stallion. Shysage quietly told her that she was beautiful no matter what she was wearing.

Nopony else could figure out how Shysage could tell the two Summers apart, especially dressed in identical clothing.

Shysage heard the discussion, and pointed out that he had been staring into his Mare's eyes for over two years; he could always pick her out, on either side of the Portal.

Both Pinkie Pies said at the same time that it was just a lucky guess, and everypony laughed, including Shysage. If that was the case, his first mistake would be rather embarrassing.

Still, Shysage had said what he did, since he knew that it was just a matter of time before Summer could no longer put off feeling the crushing effects of the last two and a half months.

Shysage and Summer were busy helping others at this point, and they both were trying to avoid making the other amazing ladies around them feel uncomfortable with their actions.

But at some point today, Shysage knew Summer would probably need him. His compliments were intended to remind Summer that he was thinking about her.

The Raritys next had everypony come get their white 'T-Shirts". There was a wide selection of sizes, and Rarity said they could put the 't-shirts' over their blouses, or go in the bathroom and change. And the 't-shirts' were optional, not required. Well, everyone was wearing one anyway, when they were done.

After the 'changing' was all done, Shysage asked Cel (Princess Celestia) to follow him into Equestria Girls Fluttershy's apartment briefly. Shysage showed Cel the 'couch', and had her sit on it briefly. She was impressed of course, it was very comfortable. Well, it was for a 'people'.

Still, Shysage said simply "The Canterlot Recorder and his Assistant would like one of these for their new home when it is convenient." Cel just smiled. She knew what it was for. And it was a lot softer than the 'table/bench' she and Lu had grown up with.

Principal Celestia next asked everyone to get into the Van. It was an '18 passenger' Van, and it was clear that their 19 people would be tight. Equestria Girls Summer offered to drive her Mustang there as well, and that took care of it.

Still, before starting the Van, Principal Celestia sternly warned everyone to stay with the group, to stay together.

Both Summer Twins and Shysage (who sat in the back) went in the Mustang, and the rest rode in the Van. Equestria Girls Summer just carefully followed the Van all the way there. Shysage's Mare just watched the sights along the way.

It was early afternoon when Principal Celestia eased the Van into a parking spot at the same beach Summer had visited two months ago. The Mustang pulled into the next parking spot over.

The nine happy twins bubbled out the doors, and were quickly on the way to the water.

Like Summer did her first time, the Equestria ponies were mostly transfixed at the view of something so amazingly and overwhelmingly new, and huge -- the 'ocean'.

Shysage read Summer's mind, and said "Go join our girls, and our pony friends, it's ok"

Equestria Girls Summer and Fluttershy heard this, and walked up on either side of Shysage, and put their arms around his shoulder.

Equestria girls Fluttershy said "We'll watch him for you, Sis, go have some fun."

Summer smiled, kissed Shysage, then ran off to take in the amazing sights and sounds with the Equestria ponies. She was soon standing next to her Princess, on one side, and Cel and Lu on the other side. Everypony was awestruck.

Shysage put his two arms around the waist of the two amazing friends next to him, and together, they just stood there and watched the rest. Shysage loved the beach too.

Maybe fifteen minutes later... ...a voice came out of the blue...

"Well, I'm not suprised..."

Shysage knew immediately who this was...

Arms dropped so they could turn, and Shysage along with Equestria Girls Fluttershy and Summer all turned around.

Shysage quickly began "Oh, hi, let me introd--"

She got this really angry look on her face and said loudly "Don't even bother. I told you this was all your fault."

Shysage could say nothing more, her anger simply silenced him as it always had. Shysage looked at the sand and could say nothing.

Equestria Girls Fluttershy had already sensed who this was, and said softly "Ma'am, we are just all really good friends."

The response was quick, loud, and biting... Fluttershy almost didn't have a chance to finish.

"I don't care. I've been telling people for decades that my husband is the problem. This just proves it..."

She turned to leave, and said to another older woman standing behind her some "C'mon, lets go..."

They were soon back in their car and were gone.

Shysage just stood there... ...didn't move, and made no sound. He was still looking at the sand in front of him. Tears were streaming down his face.

Then Shysage walked slowly towards the water, but away from the group, then sat down in the sand, pulled his knees up to his chest with his arms, put his head down on his knees and cried softly.

Equestria Girls Summer and Fluttershy stayed with him, and just sat next to him.

Equestria pony Summer had seen this through her Twin, and just stood where she was, horrified...

The rest of the group had not seen or heard any of this.

Summer was quickly crying, and ran over to Shysage, and sat next to him, and threw her arms around him, and cried with him.

Shysage didn't move for a few minutes, so Summer asked what she was honestly feeling "Shysage... do you want me to go away?"

Shysage immediately felt like such an idiot. This woman had always simply battered him into the ground -- she just didn't care.

But Summer was so vastly different... and she didn't deserve this... Shysage was upset at the whole thing... Thirteen hundred years ago, Summer and Shysage only had each other, and had bonded so closely. That was here to stay. Anything else would not be fair to Summer.

Shysage honestly didn't know any more which side of the Portal was his 'home'... And he was having a hard time drumming up allegiance for a family that just gave him searing pain, and had no further interest in him anyway... Shysage evidently wasn't even worthy of the simplest of consideration from them; he must have done something terrible...

He remembered the point in Summer's dream where Summer actually had to scream hysterically at Shysage to help him see what he was doing to her. At least this hadn't gone that far.

Shysage stood up quickly, then reached down for both of Summer's hands, then he gently helped her up, while looking into her beautiful eyes. Then he reached both his arms around her back and pulled her close and kissed her.

Shysage wanted to say something, but what had just happened left him feeling, well battered. He could put off tears no longer, and was quickly sobbing on Summer's shoulder. Shysage's Mare sensed his pain right away, and just held him tight, and cried with him.

"Without you, I'd be dead... Please don't ever leave me..." Shysage pretty much pleaded this through his tears, more than once...

Each time, Summer said simply "Oh, Shysage..." and hugged him tightly.

Shysage sobbed on his Mare's shoulder for maybe 30 minutes. That's some of what his family had left him... At least he had a shoulder to cry on... And a few times Shysage would calm down, hug Summer tightly, then start sobbing again. He really couldn't help it.

Still, Shysage didn't want to ruin an amazing day, and so choked his crying off.

"Summer, I'm sorry... I'm supposed to be taking care of you..." Shysage said softly.

"Shysage, I have seen all the pain inside you a few times, and usually wondered what could have possibly caused so much damage. Now I know... But I hope I'm different..." Summer answered back softly.

Shysage's Mare said nothing else, but also realized from this that she could probably help Shysage cry through that sea of pain he carried. She didn't know how long it would take, but she would gladly do it...

Shysage just kissed his Mare, then hugged her tightly for a minute, then said quietly "It would be so easy to leave here, move to Equestria, and never come back... ...except that we have amazing friends here... So I just can't do that... Summer, over 1,200 years before my family was even a thought, you have given me so much... Far more than I ever imagined possible... I will fight for that... I will fight for you..."

Then Shysage kissed her again.

Summer smiled, then said quietly "I'm waiting, Stallion."

Shysage smiled back, then said quietly "Summer, I love you so... But let's go join the others."

Hamburgers and Hotdogs were late lunch, expertly cooked by the Applejacks.

Shysage hoped that nopony asked what Hamburgers were made of; ponies and cows are friends in Equestria. And ponies generally were vegetarian anyway. Shysage loved Hamburgers though, and evidently his Mare did too. Still, they split one, they were pretty big.

Pinkie Pie brought cupcakes for dessert, of course.

Good food... Amazing friends... The beach... It doesn't get much better than that. It was an awesome afternoon. Well, the rest of it.

Equestria Girls Pinkie Pie also had Shysage take a bunch of group pictures with her cell. The pictures were of the group with the ocean in the background, and came out very nice. Shysage wasn't sure what Pinkie would do with them; maybe they were for the shirts for everypony that the Raritys were designing.

Still this was really a very different collection of 'Twins'. Shysage and Summer deeply loved them all. And Shysage was sure that stranger things had shown up on Facebook...

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, everypony packed back into the Van and the Mustang, and the group headed to Sweet Apple farm. It was sort of on the way, so it didn't take long to get there.

The plan was for a camp-fire and more dessert there. Shysage suspected that nopony had 19 sleeping bags, so tonight's ultimate destination would probably be the Portal, late. This was probably best.

Still, everypony, especially Princess Twilight and the Equestria ponies, all relaxed at the farm. The surroundings more closely matched Equestria, and there were only friends and family close.

For maybe two hours, everypony basically wandered around in the nearby pasture with their Twin. Most Twins Soul-Linked to do some 'catch-up' with each other. Shysage hugged his Mare tightly a minute or two, then sent her off with her Twin as well.

Shysage talked to Big Mac for a little while, until he had to get back on his chores. Shysage mostly enjoyed the peacefulness. Well, he wished he could fly here, that would be amazing. Maybe he could learn how to transition to that form here himself some day.

After maybe an hour, his Mare and her Twin returned, and Summer hugged Shysage tightly for a minute. He noticed tears in her eyes, so he pulled her close as she stood next to him. They stood together and talked a few minutes.

It was just the three of them at this point, so Shysage said quietly to Summer's Twin "Twin, I really hope we aren't making you uncomfortable... I really love Summer, and the last few months have been very hard for her. Still, I want to be careful. We both love you a lot, and don't want to make it hard for you."

Equestria Girls Summer Rain quickly responded, yet spoke quietly and slowly "Shysage, I know... I'm just waiting until you find your Twin..."

Summer and Shysage both hugged her. She was waiting too.

At around seven o'clock on somebodies' cell, Big Mac rang the very loud Farm bell, to call everyone back, as the fire was already burning nicely.

The Rainbow Dash Twins said they wished they could do a Sonic Rainboom here -- that would have gotten everyponies' attention.

Equestria Girls Pinkie Pie laughed and said that would also get the local Sheriff's attention too. The Equestria Girls all laughed at this, it was probably true. A loud explosion sending a visible shock-wave out for over a hundred miles would not be received very well here.

It wasn't dark yet, and soon everyone was sitting around the fire with a nice bowl of Ice Cream in their hands. Summer insisted on sharing hers with Shysage, and he didn't mind. It seemed like the least he could do for his Mare right now.

As an informal way to help the Equestria ponies learn some valuable Equestria Girls world manners, Shysage suggested that everypony thank those that had both prepared the amazing food, and also taken care of transporting this large group all over the map, which everypony did.

Shysage also remarked that this had been a very nice day, and would certainly help his Mare after her ordeal, and thanked everypony for that too, and especially for their help when he was 'gone'. He could say nothing more for a few minutes though.

When it was dark, it was time to go. Shysage guessed correctly, the Portal was their next destination.

Shysage's Mare wanted to sit in the back of the Mustang with him on the way back, and they both hugged tightly the whole time. She needed it. Shysage realized he probably needed it too.

Evidently, in the Van on the way back to the High School, everypony else decided to come to Equestria and spend the night there since it was a weekend for them. A Twins day would follow, then the Equestria Girls would need to return.

Shysage knew that the more the Equestria Girls came to Equestria, the less they would feel isolated by the Portal, so this was good. And again, Shysage felt the Portal possessed a certain amount of 'sentience', and he had learned not to fear it as much.

Well, it had taken he and Summer to the distant past, but still everything there was nearly perfectly timed. And Summer was with him.

Another Twins day would be nice for everypony, but Summer needed Shysage tonight, and he knew it. He asked Summer's Twin if she would be ok with that, and she said that would be fine. She mentioned that both Fluttershys took good care of her when her Twin was not there.

Maybe five minutes from the school, Shysage asked Equestria Girls Summer if they could make a quick stop on the way, and she said that would be fine. Next, Shysage asked to borrow Summer's Cell.

Shysage texted Equestria Girls Twilight that they would be a little late, but that they should all wait for them.

Next, Shysage directed Summer to Shysage's 'cubical', his 'shack' in the Equestria Girls world. It was close to the High School. The Mustang was soon pulling in behind the large blue car Summer remembered. It was dusty, parked under a roof thing, next to a very small 'house', that was a single room probably no more than 10 feet by 10 feet square.

Shysage quickly let them in, and there was barely enough room for the three of them inside. There was a small bed with boxes under it, and a large shelf above it with strange equipment on top. There was a toilet and sink, and a very small refrigerator with a microwave sitting on top.

It didn't take Shysage's Mare long to realize that the 'scope' thing that had saved her life, was probaby built by Shysage in this very room...

Shysage didn't try to explain anything, and quickly got to work. From his time in 'Equestria past', Shysage had a substantial beard. He used first a large noisy thing, then a smaller noisy thing, and it was soon gone.

Shysage's Mare didn't even wait until he was done, but ran her finger across his cheek and said simply "Wow..."

Shysage was quickly done, and carefully washed his face.

They were soon back on their way, and the Mustang pulled to a stop outside Fluttershy's apartment.

Summer mentioned that everyone else was waiting at the Portal, so they headed there.

As soon as Shysage and the two Summers walked up, Princess Twilight relaxed, and then started to send the Twins through the portal. She sent Cel and Lu then their Twins later after asking everypony to help them.

Summer and Shysage were last, and went though the Portal together. Both were hoping they would just be in 'present day Equestria' on the other side.

They were.

It was late afternoon in Equestria, which was good. Shysage knew the Portal had the ability to navigate Time, and so he was not surprised.

It seemed to Shysage that the Portal would often adjust the Time a little, when traversing between the two worlds, in order to help them, and he appreciated that. Shysage really couldn't explain any more than that.

Summer asked to speak briefly, and then simply said that having Princess Celestia and Princess Luna come to the Equestria Girls world was amazing, but that, back in Equestria, they were both still the rulers of the Realm, and needed to be treated as such.

Everypony immediately understood Summer's point, and quickly bowed to the two Princesses. Well, Summer and Shysage didn't because Cel told them not to. And Princess Twilight didn't either.

Princess Celestia (Cel) said quickly "You may all arise, and thank you. Equestria welcomes each of you."

Summer and Shysage both hugged Cel and Lu tightly, then Shysage asked Princess Twilight if he and Summer could head to their home. He explained that Summer had done well today, after only getting him 'back' just yesterday, but it was clear she needed him.

It was hard for everypony to not hear this in the Portal room, and everypony was quickly hugging Summer and Shysage, and they all hoped Summer got to feeling better soon. This had been heart-breaking for all of them.

Summer's Twin and the Fluttershys walked them to the balcony, they all hugged again, then Summer and Shysage flew, as ponies, back to their home in Ponyville.