• Published 2nd Jul 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 4 -- Fury Run - shysage

Returning from 'Equestria Past', Summer Rain and Shysage just need rest and time... But a nasty 'Fury Boil' pops, sending a steady stream of deadly Furies directly at Ponyville. The only victim may be the most painful of all...

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Chapter 6, Crying Out

The next afternoon, Summer and Fluttershy walked Shysage over to Dawn's, and Dawn used her magic to move the rope to the anchor.

Shysage drank some water and was quickly asleep.

Dawn didn't worry about Summer running away, not any more. She appeared to be just as devoted to Shysage now as she was before this happened.

It just hurt a lot to watch them together... Summer was giving everything like she always had; Shysage remembered nothing, and so could give nothing...

Having Fluttershy always with Summer also made a big difference as far as Dawn could tell. These sisters loved each other a lot...

Summer and Fluttershy hugged Dawn and thanked her again. Both really appreciated this brief time away.

Summer and Fluttershy headed out to the small hill East of town.

Dawn needed to run to Sunny Ray's house quick, and she told Camille to stay inside, and that she would be back soon.

Camille said "Ok, mommy", and Dawn hugged her and was soon on her way.

Camille noticed that Shysage was sleeping in the Showroom, so she walked to the back room to try to find something to do.

After a little while, Camille found a bug. It was near the back door. Camille didn't know what it was, except that it was a bug. She just looked at it a minute. It didn't look dangerous.

Camille moved her nose up to the bug, and the bug scrambled quickly away. She did it again, and the bug ran away again. This was sort of fun.

Camille moved her nose up towards the bug again. The bug jumped up this time, and this startled Camille.

She scooted back away from it, and her hind legs slid across the floor.

One of her hind legs slipped between the back door and the frame for the door along the gound. The door was latched shut, and wouldn't open.

Camille's leg, right above her hoof, hurt a LOT. When she tried to pull her leg back up, it just pulled the door closed, and hurt even more... Everything she did hurt...

Camille was soon hysterical, crying out "Help, Mommy" very loud, and over and over. She was soon screaming for help, from anypony, and crying loudly...

Shysage was trying to sleep, and couldn't sleep with the noise.

He picked his head up, looked sluggishly around the room, then put his head back down, and tried to go back to sleep...

One of your own foals getting hurt bad, has to be one of a parent's worst nightmares. We are grateful that this never happened to our two girls in early Equestria.

But when Camille was screaming, she sounded a lot like Lu, when Lu was very young. That was very scary...

I guess that is what it took to pull my memory back... And the background music faded away at this point too, and it was quiet...

I think I was trying to sleep, but I heard a young foal crying out, and my head shot up, and I yelled "LU !!!"

I got up and tried to run to the back room, but there was something tight around my neck. I changed into my Equestria Girls 'people' form, threw it off, and ran quickly to the back room.

"Oh, Camille..." I said softly. She was screaming, but stopped as soon as she saw me.

I pressed my shoe against the bottom of the back door to force it open some, and gently pulled Camille's hoof free.

Camille ran quickly into she and her mom's room, laid down, and just cried.

I found a piece of cloth and got it wet with some water, and walked in and picked Camille up; she was shaking.

I gently carried Camille out the front door, and sat down in the warm sunlight with Camille in my lap, and leaned my back against the wall of Dawn's shop.

Then I carefully wrapped the wet cloth around Camille's leg, around and above her hoof. I tied sort of a knot in it, so maybe it would stay put a little while.

"That should feel better, Camille" I said calmly. Then I gave her a big hug.

Camille soon calmed down.

"Thank you Shysage" Camille said, still sniffling. "Mommy said you forgot everything. Do you remember now?"

"I think so, Camille" I said softly.

"I remember you" I said, then I gently bumped the top of her nose.

Camille just laughed.

"I think Summer will be happy now, Shysage" Camille said.

I just sighed... I hadn't even had a chance to think about that yet... "I think so too" I said to Camille.

I was still even now trying to put together what had happened... Camille had mentioned forgetting everything -- that was also very scary.

Before I could think about this more, Dawn walked up, and was quickly very concerned about the bloody cloth around Camille's hoof.

"Mommy, I got my foot stuck in the back door, but Shysage helped me. It feels a lot better now." Camille explained.

Dawn quickly replied "Thank you, Shysage, it is so good to know that we have such good neigh--"

Dawn stopped right there... Her eyes suddenly got very big, and she began crying immediately...

"Camille, can you walk now?" I asked.

"I think so, but is my mommy sad, Shysage?" Camille asked, looking at me.

I gently stood Camille up on the ground, then I smiled, and said "I don't think so, Camille."

I got up and hugged Dawn a minute, then asked "Do you know where Summer is?

Still crying, Dawn walked me towards the meadow to the East, then pointed.

I saw Summer and Fluttershy immediately.

"Thank you Dawn" I said, then I started across the meadow.

When I was still a good distance off, Fluttershy sensed my presence, and I seemed to know that too. I have no idea how, and it really didn't matter. I just stopped a minute.

Fluttershy got slowly and quietly up, then walked back to me. I knelt down, then hugged Fluttershy tightly for a minute or two, and said simply "Thank you, Sis." Fluttershy was weeping softly... I think I was too...

I think that, while hugging Fluttershy, I somehow sensed from her, the blinding anguish my Mare was feeling. And that really hurt me...

I asked Fluttershy "How long?"

Fluttershy answered softly "Two and a half months..."

We were both crying after this...

Leaving Fluttershy there, I headed out towards Summer, as quietly as I could -- I was trying not to cry.

I wished I was back to being a pony myself, but I wasn't really sure how to do that... I had only recently learned how to turn into a 'people' by myself, as it was...

When I was near Summer, I just stopped.

She was laying down on the ground crying, with her head in the grass off to the side away from me...

Every minute or so, she said "Shysage, please come back..." and cried some more...

I knew she was crying out to true friend in between her words, and I quickly thanked him...

When I first headed into the meadow, towards Summer and Fluttershy, my plan was to do exactly what Summer had done to me in her dream about the future, and I remembered everything.

Summer had also written this: "Up to this moment, Summer had never loved this Stallion as much as she did right then. And she wanted to make sure he knew it."

I certainly felt exactly like that, towards Summer, right now... But the closer I got to my Mare, the more I felt her pain... It was paralyzing... It was devastating... Things would work out far differently...

As quietly as I could, I walked slowly around in front of her, and knelt down in the grass -- I was still a people at this point. I was trying hard not to cry too. I don't know how well I was doing...

Summer's head came up abruptly, and she immediately looked to her side, and realized Fluttershy was gone. Only then did she look forward.

Our eyes met right away... ...and I saw her pain... ...and I could no longer NOT cry, and burst into tears. Summer did too, and quickly lunged forward at me, knocking me over backwards, and also immediately changing me back into being a pony.

As Summer came to a stop, she was laying on top of me, and we were both hugging tightly... Very tightly... I never wanted to let go of her, ever again, and I think she felt the same way. My head was right next to her's... Holding each other tightly, crying, was all we could do right now. For a few minutes, we didn't move... Well, we couldn't move...

I think, while I was 'gone', my Mare had just swollowed a lot of the pain she felt. With me back, some of it became a raging torrent... The pain I felt in her caused the same thing in me... We were both sobbing gut-wrenching... Well, we weren't hysterical, but we were both close to that...

During her Dark Journey, after Fluttershy was miraculously brought back to life, Summer wrote that everything else around her simply melted away as she hugged her sister...

Summer told me later that this happened here too... Nothing around Summer even mattered now... She had her Stallion back... All she could do was cry... ...and hold me tightly... I think I felt the same way...

After a few minutes of crying like this, I said, as best as I could, through my tears "Summer, I don't want to move, but this feels nice, and probably looks terrible. I think we should get up..."

Summer got up, and we were quickly sitting, facing each other, hugging tightly, crying again...

Summer tried to say through her tears "Welcome back, Stallion..."

We couldn't really say much more, we were both sobbing... We probably could have spent the rest of the day like this, and still not want to let each other go...




Through my tears, I noticed that Dawn and Camille had gathered Princess Twilight and all her girls, and they were sitting next to Fluttershy, also crying...

Maybe five minutes later, we both suddenly heard a loud 'boom' above us.

Evidently, Princess Twilight had insisted that Rainbow Dash do a Sonic Rainboom right then, right there...

Within ten minutes, it seemed like a lot of the town was gathered too, but nopony got closer to us than Princess Twilight and her girls. Everypony kept that wide perimeter, and a bunch were crying softly too...

It didn't matter... I was hugging my hurting Mare, and didn't want to stop any time soon.

Ten minutes more, and a Canterlot Air Coach arrived with two Princesses, Princess Celestia (Cel) and Princess Luna (Lu)... Our girls...

Cel and Lu ignored that perimeter.

Both Princesses, crying, ran quickly past the townsponies, and as the townsponies looked on in amazement, Cel and Lu threw their crowns into the grass, and ran up to us.

Just as we did that morning, over two years ago now, on our second day in 'Equestria past', Summer and I each reached out and quickly pulled one of them to us...

Our family... Me, Summer, Cel and Lu, were quickly sitting together, hugging tightly, and crying... Sobbing...

We really needed this...

It must have been terrible for these three mares when I was 'gone'...

...But our family was whole again...

We cried together as a family for an hour, then our crying tapered off.

Most of the Townsponies had already headed back into town.

I called Princess Twilight and her girls over, and we all stood in a tight circle, and Summer tried to thank Princess Twilight and her girls while crying. "I have no idea how I even survived this nightmare... But you girls were a big part of me surviving. Thank you all."

We all just cried together for a little while, then everypony hugged everypony. Then Cel and Lu retrieved their crowns, and were soon in their Air Coach headed back to finish a busy day in Canterlot.

Summer and I walked back to town, as Princess Twilight and the rest wandered off to their homes once we were near them.

We ended up at Fluttershy's cottage, and she, Summer and I just cried together for a while. Fluttershy had been a huge help to Summer for over two months. Summer thanked her a few times. I did too...

We spent the rest of the day at Fluttershy's, and I think Summer really enjoyed that time. I think Fluttershy did too.

We spent the afternoon in the grass surrounded by Fluttershy's animal friends. Fluttershy made us a nice dinner, and we just sat and talked until dark.

Then Summer and I each hugged Fluttershy tightly, and headed back to our home.

We headed into our room, and I lay on my side, then had my Mare climb up under my front legs, and I pulled her close. Then I asked her to tell me what had happened...

She did the best she could. We both cried together a lot, it was just horrifying. I could only imagine how hard it was for her... I hugged her tightly the whole time, and when she had to stop, we just cried together for a few minutes.

When she was done, still crying softy myself, I mentioned a few things.

I reminded her that nopony plans on having to fight Pony Furies, and nopony promised that being a Phantom Alicorn would be easy. And as monsters go, those furies were probably the worst for a Phantom Alicorn.

But, with everyponies' help, no Pony Furies got through, and I was the only one that got hurt. I told her I was glad I survived... Phantom Alicorn magic is not meant to be survivable...

On top of all of that, if we had not faced such turmoil when we returned, we may never have been up so early in the morning, and would have missed the Fury Boil, maybe nopony would have seen it, and many ponies would have had to die... Maybe one of us...

I stopped and sighed at this point...

Then I softly told her that none of this changed the fact that I knew she was really hurting...

I asked her what I could do to help her right now. I said that I knew the last two and a half months had been excruciating for her, and I wanted to know how I could help her work through that pain.

Summer rolled over to face me, and just looked into my eyes a minute maybe, then began to cry...

Through tears, Summer said "Shysage, this just proved to me that I simply can't live without you... I have never felt so alone as I did during that time, and I just want it all to go away... Please.. just hug me... just love me... just hold me..."

Then she pulled herself close to me, put her head next to mine, and cried... I cried with her as we hugged tightly, like we did earlier. I think we both needed to cry together still...

We cried together like this as long as we dared, our bodies weren't helping us...

Summer rolled back over facing away from me, and climbed up under my front legs again, and I hugged her tight, and cried with her until she was asleep, maybe two hours later.

Summer woke up twice that night, and each time I said "Summer, I'm right here..." and she quickly calmed down, and was soon back to sleep.

Summer woke up in the morning with a start, and felt for her collar. I just pulled her close, and nibbled her ear, and said "I love you, Summer", and she began to cry...

Summer rolled over to face me, and we just hugged tightly and cried in each other's arms, er legs, for a little while.

Summer asked if we could hug as 'people', and I said that would be fine.

Summer changed us both to being people, in our well worn Equestria Girls clothes.

I laid down on my back on the floor, and Summer sort of curled up on me with her head on my shoulder, and her legs on the floor and to the side. My Mare was trying to avoid causing me problems... I hugged her with one arm, and gently ran my other hand through her hair.

Summer wept softly, and would occasionally kiss my neck. For a while, I just held her hand in mine. She said she could easily stay there all day. I could too...

That wasn't the plan for that day, but we would do this again. She said it really helped her...

I love her so much...