• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 1,439 Views, 41 Comments

darkness spreads to the realms of equestria - Lady Maria

It all started when The Abyss Lord awakened now equestria shall suffer from his wrath! Its now up to Necrosis to defeat Oblivion and save the world! But it shan't be easy follow Necrosis through this adventure he has to brave! Will he succeed or

  • ...

Astories and Prince Secriox VS The main six and Necrosis

As Oblivion's clone just stood there the ponies, changelings, griffins and minotaurs watched and waited for something to happen. Then a group of minotuars and changelings charged at the clone but some invisible force shredded them to peaces as soon as they got close.

Oblivion then opened his arms and instantly after that scarabs and huge clouds of black mist blew into the armies. The warriors were now being eaten alive by the scarabs and suffering from the most deadly diseases. The ponies, griffins, changelings and minotaurs started suffering from Tuberculosis, the black death, Ebola, cancer, small pox, influenza, scars, and a special one that belonged to the abyss Enrithasis. These diseases quickly escalated to their most deadly state and by the hundreds.

King Minos, King Gryphos, the remaining royal sisters, and Necrosis watched as everyone suffered and died off in seconds causing the soldiers so much pain that their brain couldn't take it and exploded.

Oblivion chuckled as he watched through his shadow's eyes as all the opposing armies soldiers died in mass amounts within seconds. Then Oblivion spoke, "This is truly pathetic Minos, Gryphos, Luna, Cadence and of coarse Necrosis. Your armies fall so easily and I'm not even trying!" Oblivion then laughed demonically as he approached the royals.

King Minos had enough of this he then charged Oblivion only to be impaled by Oblivion and killed. "You know what I am going to make this easier on you all Oblivion then opened a portal and gestured to it. Get past Astories and my son Prince Secriox then meet me at the top of the central spire okay?" Oblivion said as he turned around and vanished as he went into the portal. Necrosis looked at the main six and nodded then they all traced through the portal.



Team douche bag's theme!

They all arrived in a circular room that had 8 pillars holding up the ceiling 100 feet above. They looked around and saw their two opponents. Astories was in his dragon form with King Sombra or (Prince Secriox) on top of him. They both looked at each other then let out a war cry and charged the main six and Necrosis.

Twilight and her friends were instantly given the rainbow powers they used to defeat Tirek and Necrosis used Ceronos's power to form holy armor around himself. Necrosis then charged as well slamming into Sombra knocking him off of Astories. "Twilight You and your friends handle Astories I've got King Sombra!" Necrosis shouted as the main six nodded in response.

"You know they won't defeat Astories fool." King Sombra said as he took a battle stance and started to circle Necrosis as Necrosis did the same. King Sombra and Necrosis then clashed with their blades creating sparks as King Sombra swung his scythe and cut Necrosis several times. Necrosis then countered with several quick attacks cutting King Sombra's knee cap open. King Sombra roared in pain as he clutched his knee.

"AHHH! You bastard! I'm gonna kill you for this Necrosis!" King Sombra roared as he used a spell to make himself levitate and then flew towards Necrosis. King Sombra impaled Necrosis and kicked him off his scythe blade. Necrosis got up and soon regretted it as his wound screamed in pain as he stood on his feet. King Sombra let out a dark chuckle and said, "Whats the matter hero? Does it hurt knowing that the villain is winning currently?" King Sombra then laughed again. Necrosis has had enough of this horse shit and Rammed his fist square into King Sombra's face sending him to be slammed into the abyssalite wall. King Sombra groaned in pain as he looked up to see Necrosis standing over him.

"This isn't the end for me yet." King Sombra said then casted a healing spell and used the back of his scythe to smack Necrosis away and pin him to the ground with his foot. King Sombra then generated a ball of fire and flew up to do a (Kami hami ha) Type move but as soon as he did Necrosis countered with 1000 times more strength. King Sombra eventually was drained of power and Necrosis beam of holy light finished off King Sombra and knocked him out.


The main six VS Astories the void lord.

The main six shot several blasts of harmony at Astories pushing him back into the wall. Astories got up growled then said, "You six hold a lot of power I see... Well I shan't be defeated by six techno colored weirdo ponies, and their filthy harmony!" Astories roared the shot his dark purple fire breath at the main six causing them to loose significant amounts of power. Twilight slowly got up after Astories stopped breathing fire and said, "Come on girls we can still do this. We can't let these guys win!" Twilight said as the others got up and regained their composure from their state of fear. The main six then shot more rainbow beams of pure harmony at Astories causing him so he was blown back about 20 feet again.

"If this is going to take forever then I shall fight you in my demon form!" Astories said as he turned into a 7 foot fire demon with for arms and multiple horns atop his head. Astories then generated 2 hooked ultra great swords and charged at the main six. Astories dealt several blows to Rarity and Fluttershy knocking them out from blood loss. Twilight then used one of her most powerful spells holy light. Twilight then shot several beams of light pointing to Astories then the final beam lit and Astories disappeared in a huge exposition. Astories then bolted towards Twilight and cut off one of her legs. Twilight screamed in pain as she fell to the floor. Astories chuckled as he loomed over Twilight with a crooked insane smile.

"Tis a shame you're going to die now your life was for nothing pony! Say goodnight!" Astories said as he raised both of his swords but just as he was about to bring them down Astories felt a blade go through his stomach. He looked down to see Ceronos sticking out of his gut.

"Well damn you Necrosis... Not to shabby not to shabby... Maybe you have done me a favor and freed me from this torment... Heheheheh...." Astories said as he coughed up blood and then exploded in a flash of light.

Necrosis quickly healed the others and said, "Come on we need to go defeat Oblivion!" The main six responded as they ascended the main spire to the top of the tower/spire

To be continued

Author's Note: