• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 1,439 Views, 41 Comments

darkness spreads to the realms of equestria - Lady Maria

It all started when The Abyss Lord awakened now equestria shall suffer from his wrath! Its now up to Necrosis to defeat Oblivion and save the world! But it shan't be easy follow Necrosis through this adventure he has to brave! Will he succeed or

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War The Abyss Vs Equis parts 1-4

Previously on The rebirth of the abyss lord Oblivion....

"Now that she is gone we can talk about the war plans to destroy this pitiful world. Each of you have a army of 1,000,000 Elite Abyssalite Knights. You also have 100,000 Abyssalite Golems and dragons. Along with all that you also have 10,000 abyssalite mages'. You each have 2 super abyssalite golems use them wisely. You also have heavy abyssal artillery cannons that are portable just use one of these orbs and set them one the ground and crush it the you will have a fully automatic cannon with biological, decay, and incinerary missiles. and to finish the battle you have one nuclear abyssalite nova bomb. This bomb has an explosion radius of 10 by 10 miles and will leave that said area infected by the abyss." Oblivion said to the four horsemen.

"War here are the battle plans and decide which battle plan goes to each one of you." Oblivion finished and handed the war plans to War. "Don't fail me! Don't come back unless you finish your objective!" Oblivion said and gave a cold hearted death stare to each of the horsemen.

"Oh I'm such a backstabbing bitch! Hahaha......"

Part 1-4

Fight music for you all

Pestilence looked out upon his army of 1,000,000 abyssalite elite knights and dragons and 10000 super golems. He then recalled what Lord Oblivion had told him. That look he gave him made Pestilence wish he did not exist. In fact if he came back empty handed he won't exist at all! Pestilence remembered the last time Lord Oblivion ripped someone out of existence. The sound of it was like someone dragging their claws against a chalk board combined with bones being crunched also distorted crying of a young child with the persons screams of bloody murder. Pestilence could only imagine the pain Oblivion caused to the last person who failed him and dared to come back and beg for mercy. When he saw what Lord Oblivion can do when he was angry that was him demonstrating minimal power Pestilence shivered at what Lord Oblivion would be like at full power would even look like. Pestilence shook his head and mounted his horse. Pestilence the screeched and all of his troops moved to the portal. Their target Phillidelphia....


In Phillidelpha...

There were 1000 troops of elite guards and heavy artillery anti air cannons to get rid of dragons, blockades and all at each major city. Even though everyone knew they would be slaughtered in a matter of minutes. It was enough to hold them off so ponies could escape, and I Necrosis shall fight Oblivion's army to protect the citizens of equestria! I sniffed the air and smelled what a... well a sick pony would smell like. I then stared straight into the valley in front of me. Then the sky started to darken. I looked at the sun it was turning from a fiery yellow to gray to dark grey to black. I looked in front of me again and the I saw it. A portal the size of a sky scraper and as wide as 2 miles opened. I knew I wasn't going color blind at this point! I then yelled, "READY THE TROOPS HEAVY ARTILLERY AND ANTI AIR CANNONS EVACUATE THE CITY WERE UNDER ATTACK!!!!" Then a guard looked over the make shift wall his jaw hit the ground he then ran to the war alarm screaming "THEY ARE HERE SOUND THE ALARMS EVACUATE THE CITY THERE ARE MILLIONS OF THEM!!!" I watched as the army continued to march out of the portal. "How many of them are there?! The golems haven't even come out yet!!!" I yelled. Then the golems came. These golems weren't normal they were HUGE!!!
This was going to be the biggest battle yet but this is nothing compared to the battle I have to fight against Oblivion.

(okay image 2 abyssalite super golems 6000 feet tall and its foot is the size of ten whole neighborhood blocks and is purple and black marching behind 100,000,000 6 foot abyssalite knights 100 abyssalite dragons. Now if you're going to say this is over kill that isn't even the phrase for this any more. The phrase for this is simple...... HOLY MOTHER OF GODS ALMIGHTY TITS THATS OVER KILL AS HELL DAMN!!!!!!!!)

Meanwhile in the abyss

Princess Celestia walked out of her room to go wander around the castle she then thought to herself. Why did Oblivion shove me out of the throne room so quickly? Whats in there any ways? Why couldn't I stay and listen? And where are all the guards? These questions and more ran through Celestia's head and soon her natural curiosity took control of her. "I guess he won't mind me taking a peak at whats in there." Celesita then turned down a long corridor which led to the throne room and opened the doors. What she saw made her furious no that was a under statement she was PISSED she was so pissed that her blood began to boil she was now looking the attack plans on her world. Phillidelphia, Los Pegasus, Canterlot, Manehattin again. These four targets would bring equestria to its knees. She looked around some more I wasn't just her country I was the whole world he was going to wipe out all sentient on the planet! Celestia was ready to slaughter anything in her way now. but her rage quickly turned into pure fear as she heard the 50 foot doors slam behind her. All the torches on the wall dimmed and started to glow with a dark blood red light then he spoke. "What exactly do you think you're doing snooping around in my war room LOOKING AT MY PLANS AND SNOOPING AROUND MY CASTLE WHEN YOU HAVE NO SUCH PERMISSION?!" Celestia was now paler then a sheet of white paper. "TURN AROUND" Oblivion commanded. Then with out Celestia even moving she was whipped around. Celestia gulped and was now trembling. She was two inches from Oblivion's face and his cold heartless eyes. "You are in some deep shit Celestia!" Oblivion said as he grabbed Celestia's neck and held her up level to his face and said. "Punishment time!"

Part 2


As the abyssalite army came within shooting range I screamed 'fire!' The first set of bombs hit the abyssalite army and killed a few knights and dragons. We continued firing while archers were shooting arrows at the thousands of knights. Our showers of bombs and arrow weren't seeming to slow them down. One of the super golems was shot down and destroyed falling back and killing about 100,000 knights, 75 dragons and, 1000 smaller golems. (amount of the army left 1/8) Then I saw a 8 foot man riding on a white horse coming in my direction. "Well that looks like my opponent" I said as he was approaching me at speeds that would make Rainbow Dash jealous. He was then at our makeshift stone/wooden wall and jumped over me. I watched as he landed about 5 feet behind me and started running again. "Oh no you don't! COME BACK HERE!!!" I shouted at him as I left my post and leaving Shining Armor in charge and then chased after the 8 foot man known as Pestilence. I chased him through the empty streets for about 3 minutes till he jumped on to the wall of a skyscraper defying gravity and running up the glass wall. "Oh that's not fair at all" I said as I spread my wings and took of after him. I eventually caught up to him at the top of the building where he apparently has planted a device on the antenna on top of the building. Then that's when It hit me, that device was an Oblivion death bomb!!! This city was screwed I have to get the others to evacuate and fight this guy. Pestilence then pulled out a spear I was timed on this battle

timer 6:59 seconds counting down

I had six minutes to pull this off and teleport us the hell out! "Come on ladies first" I said which pissed off Pestilence. He charged at me and my blade connected with his spear several times before I bucked his stomach sending him down to the floor. I was about to attack again until he got up and round house kicked me.

(5:30 seconds)

I got my balance back as I charged him and dodged his spear just in time to upper cut him with Ceronos. which sent him 6 feet in the air and then plummeting to the ground. I was about to attack again but then Pestilence used his legs to swoop under me and pin me to the ground.

(4:20 seconds)

I then jumped back up and rammed Ceronos into his stomach. Pestilence roared as my sword went in him. He pulled it out and knocked me aside. He then looked at the timer

(1:59 seconds)

Pestilence growled at me before disheartening.

(0:59 seconds)

My eyes widened as the timer started to count down from fifty nine seconds to zero. I then quickly got up and teleported to my 2000 guards and said, "WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE THIS PLACE IS GONNA BLOW!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as everpony stopped celebrating. "Shining armor! I need you to cast a strong force field around us as I reinforce it!" I said and Shining quickly did as I commanded and I used my holy magic to make the force field resistant to abyssalite magic and nuclear blasts and radiation. "Everpony cover your ears!!!" I said and we all plugged our ears just before the blast.


There was a explosion of darkness over one of the skyscrapers in the middle of the city the black mass quickly expanded and we then felt what was a 10.0 earthquake as a pitch black fire covered everything within a 10 mile radius. We sat their as the explosion wasn't over then it became a black hole and started to suck everything in it. What felt like hours was only 3 seconds before it exploded outwards sending a shower of debris and huge cement chunks everywhere. The dust then cleared then showed the ground was covered in a type black black rock emitting blacker mist from it. we then lowered the force field and stared at the destruction that bomb caused. I sighed and looked at the city. "Ruined..." I muttered under my breath. "Come we must report to Canterlot!" I said as we all were teleported by me there.


Oblivion: "So have you brought me good news Pestilence?"
Pestilence: "Yes the objective was ferfilled and Philidelphia was destroyed my lord."
Oblivion: "Good you have done well now rest and be ready when I call you next this war isn't over yet."

Part 2-4

Right after Pestilence's success at Phillidelphia

Assault 2

Fight music

Famine's forces marched forwards to the his assigned target the city of Baltimare The city was now in sight of Famine's army. Famine will see this city burn if its the last thing he does! The Abyssalite army was within firing range now the turrets and the cannons were set up. Then Famine said, "FIRE!!!" and the bombardment of the city started while the rest charged strait ahead to mow the guards and the citizens down.


Necrosis continued walking but couldn't thinking that he saw the army split off and the other half of it head towards Baltimare. The itch to know was killing him. "Okay I have to know" Necrosis said. "Yo Shining!" Necrosis shouted.

"Yeah?" Shining armor responded.

"I'm going to check on Baltimare okay I have a deep suspicion that I saw the army split off in two!" Necrosis yelled back.

"Well if you say so just be careful okay!" Shining armor yelled back.

"Got it!" Necrosis responded Then ran in back east to check on the city Baltimare.


Baltimare was in turmoil the city was in ruins the royal guard being compleatly overwhelmed. The streets were ankle high in corpses, guts and blood. The abyss was slowly starting to corrupt the city and the darkness of the corruption raised the dead bodies and made them zombies. Famine was on top the largest skyscraper watching the bombardment. The incinerary bombs were melting the buildings. While the Biological bombs spat out acid and all types of diseases. Famine started to think he didn't need to use the oblivion death bomb. Famine started chuckling which led to mad laughter. But he suddenly stopped when he saw that his cannons and turrets all exploded. Then all of his ground forces were starting to be torn apart by a beam of light. Then a few dragons went down and a super golem had a beam of light go through its head and exploded. Then the second super golem went down by that same beam of light. Now Famine was worried the chosen one was here! Then just as he finished his thought he was upper cutted by Necrosis's fist. Famine fell onto his back in shock. Necrosis then held Ceronos in his black griffin claw. Famine quickly got up and readied his war hammer. Neither opponent said a word but simply waited for the other to attack. Necrosis decided to charge first which was quickly stopped by Famine bringing his war hammer up to his jaw and sending him fling into the air.

Necrosis fell to the ground and slowly got up. But was charged again by Famine luckily he dodged and struck famine in the back with Ceronos causing him to roar in pain. Famine hissed at Necrosis and retreated holding his chest and teleported away. Necrosis sighed. "Two down two more to go"

Part three coming soon!

Part 3-4

War was raging hell fire and death on the city of Los Pegasus. The casino's were burning and the screams of citizen's and guards echoed through the night.

War ran through a crowd of abyssalite soldiers and ponies beheading any citizen or guard in sight. War was now in town square and started to plan the Oblivion Death Bomb. "Fucking ponies I hate this job I HATE IT!" War murmurs under his breath. War then hears guards surround him.

"Surrender fiend!" Shining armor yells approaching with the main six towards War. War smiled in a twisted and insane manner.

"Oh this will be fun!" War said as he turned around activating the weapon of mass destruction.War then drew his sword and took a offensive pose.

Time countdown 5:00 minutes

War pulled out his claymore and charged. "Twilight hit him with the elements!" Shining armor yelled. Twilight and the elements quickly complied and shot a rainbow beam at War. War quickly dodged and shot Rainbow Dash out of the air and broke both her wings. War quickly cut down and killed any guard in his path and jumped in the air and landed on Shining armor. War then cut off his horn and used his claymore to launch him in the air. Then jumped in the air and slammed Shining back into the ground.

4 minutes 35 seconds

War then landed and shoved his claymore into Shining armor's chest and killed him. Twilight eyes widened as she saw War kill her brother. She ran to her brother's body and wept over it.

3:00 minutes

War laughed and then said, "Isn't it sad that your brother was so strong but forced you to stay back because he thought you were weak!" War laughed as he flicked Shining armor's blood onto Twilight's cheek.

Twilight's eyes started to glow white and she rose off the ground. War raised his eyebrow and listened as the wind howled and spun faster and faster.

"You you are going to die today YOU ARE GOING TO DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH WAR!!!!" Twilight screamed in a distorted demonic voice.

War smirked as he felt Twilight's anger fuel his power, and made him stronger and stronger. Twilight shot beams of light that war quickly dodged and then was approached her and knocked her out of super phase. War smiled and chuckled, "You mortals are so foolish it is hilarious! Anger only fuels my power and thanks to you I am now 2 times stronger the I was!" War said as he let out a mad cackle.

1:00 minute

"It has been an honor see you later schmucks!" War said as the dissipated with his part of the Abyssalite army.

Twilight then got up and looked at the timer

25 seconds

Twilight's eyes shrunk to pinpricks as she casted a huge spell over the large group of guards and teleported them 15 miles away.

They then looked back at Los Pegasus as a blinding light came into existence and a huge fiery mushroom cloud formed in front of them. The group watched in horror as they watched a 200 megaton Abyssalite bomb destroyed the city. The Abyss was in the lead again and Equestria's main cities were being destroyed 1 by 1. Twilight and a bunch of other unicorns teleported them back to Canterlot with whats left of the royal guard. Little did they know that Canterlot would be under siege in less then 7 hours.

Part 4-4

Necrosis sighed the Abyss was winning the war. Equestria only has about 21000 soldiers left. They are hopelessly out numbered and out battled. Necrosis sat deep in his thoughts as he heard what sounded like several bombs going off. Necrosis quickly got up and looked out the window. Canterlot was being bombarded by the abyss, and Oblivion's army was 2 times bigger then the other three combined! Necrosis saw a sea of Abyssalite soldiers and knights trying to break down the outer walls of the city. The royal guard was fighting relentlessly, citizens were told to flee to the dungeons and wait there till further notice.

Necrosis growled as he picked up Ceronos and godly armor appeared around him. This fight might just be his last! Necrosis then charged out into the sea of corrupted soldiers and started killing everything he could. The royal guard was using cannons to exterminate groups of knights, soldiers, and super golems.

Necrosis then came to face to face with the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

"This time I will kill all four of you!" Necrosis yelled and then broke the sound barrier tearing up the ground behind him and tackled Pestilence. Necrosis then shoved his blade into Pestilence's chest causing him the explode.

Necrosis looked at the other three horsemen with blood lust in his eyes. Necrosis then charged war but war dodged and round house kicked Necrosis in the back. Necrosis was then pinned to the ground as War lifted his ultra great sword to behead Necrosis but was blasted off by a sickly green beam. Necrosis looked in the direction of the magic blast and saw Queen Chrysalis.

"Don't get used to the help pony scum!" Queen Chrysalis said as she helped Necrosis up.

"W-why are you helping me?" Necrosis asked.

"I am helping you because I know Oblivion's true plans! Do not worry we have more help on the way!" Queen Chrysalis shouted over the noise in the background. As soon as she said that Necrosis saw minotaurs being dropped down from the sky by griffins. The minotaurs then rammed into the golems and knocked them over and using explosives to blow them to millions of peaces. Necrosis then refocused and helped Queen Chrysalis fight the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Queen Chrysalis then impaled Famine causing him to melt into a pile of rotten flesh. Necrosis then Took Ceronos and rammed it into war. Surprisingly War didn't die right away. War then pulled the blade out of him and knocked Necrosis 10 feet away from him.

Queen Chrysalis then blasted several times with huge green beams of light. War was close to death as Queen Chrysalis held him down Necrosis Used Ceronos to decapitated War. War then spontaneously bursted into flames which only left the last and most fearsome horseman.... DEATH! Death swung his scythe several times in a burst of speed.

"Chrysalis! Distract him and I'll deal the death blow!" Necrosis yelled and Chrysalis simple nodded.

Queen Chrysalis then blasted Death with a huge burst of energy. Death then looked at Chrysalis and growled then attacked. Necrosis then took this chance to ram Ceronos through Death's back. Death screeched as Necrosis stabbed him 2 more times making Death retreat.

As Death was the Abyssalite army then started to retreat and then vanish into the black portal that closed. The crowds of Minotaur's Griffins, Ponies and, changelings started to cheer and celebrate. But they were interrupted by a portal opening again. Then what they saw walk out made them step back in fear. Oblivion strides out of the portal slowly with his head looking at the ground. But something was wrong. Terribly wrong. One Oblivion looked up he had black sockets instead of eyes. He started chuckling, Then laughing, then cackling like a mad man. This wasn't him this was his insanity, and they had to fight it!

To be continued!!!

Author's Note:

Damn I had to put a lot of thought into this gore fest!