• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 1,432 Views, 41 Comments

darkness spreads to the realms of equestria - Lady Maria

It all started when The Abyss Lord awakened now equestria shall suffer from his wrath! Its now up to Necrosis to defeat Oblivion and save the world! But it shan't be easy follow Necrosis through this adventure he has to brave! Will he succeed or

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Chapter III What I'm prince of

Chapter 3 part 1-3
I choose what I’m prince of

This morning I was woken up by my father Discord. “Hey Oblivion you need to get up today is the day you get to choose what your prince of!”

“I slowly sat up okay dad I’ll be out in a few minutes!” I then took my shower and brushed my jagged razor sharp teeth.

I was escorted to the courtroom where I was supposed to choose what I get to be prince of, and I slowly entered. “Hello Mom what am I supposed to do now?”

“Well you are going to tell us what you want to control. For example I control the moon and night and my sister Celestia controls the sun and light, Cadence controls Heaven and love, Twilight controls friendship and harmony itself, and your father controls chaos and disharmony.” Luna said.

“Okay… Well I wish to control Death, the afterlife, time, fear, and all spirits/prisoners in Tartarus!”

"Then it’s settled you shall control the forces of darkness, and afterlife!!" The judge announced. Then all of the 4 alicorns and my own father blasted me with beams of light.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I screeched in pain my voice getting deeper and deeper until a satanic level.

I was growing at insane rates I was now about the size of my father I grew back my third and fourth arms my hooves turned into dragon feet. My fur was replaced by pitch black scales had my wings heat up thousands of degrees and turn into molten lava. A huge hole in my chest ripped open started to form an energy ball colored pitch black and a bloody crimson red formed in the middle of my chest. Tones of horns grew on my head I had 4 horns grow out of my cheeks that made me look like I had a bug’s pincers.

At the end of my 3 eyes was a dark purple mist flowing out just like king Sombra’s eyes have and also had blood stained down my face. Then my screams of pain slowly stopped, and the ball of white light blew each of them to the walls.

When the smoke cleared everypony including my own father gaped at what they saw. I was on the ground crouching. While smoke was coming off me.

I then turned back to my pony form and fell on the ground. Both my mother Princess Luna and Discord rushed over to pick me up.

“NECROSIS!” They picked me up to see all the stretch marks all over my body and the huge hole in my chest where they saw my heart beating.

“NOOO!” Princess Luna Screamed at the top of her lungs While using the royal Canterlot voice.

She then teleported to the emergency wing and hand me taken to get my chest sewn together, But as they got to the emergency room my chest was putting itself back together.

The doctors watched in horror as my body literally healed before their eyes. I opened my eyes to see my mother and father for a split second then fell unconscious.

I was facing a city It was melting and was sinking into the earth, but I can’t recall why. I didn't do this. At least I don’t think I did. “Well this is interesting” I looked next to me and standing there was the demon I turned into.

“Who are you?” I asked. “I’m you during that transformation we were split into two parts. "

You are the good side and I am the evil side. "

You control the body and I give you advice on what and what not to do, but when in battles or even in danger I will take over and hurt or kill all who plan to hurt or kill us.”

“Well that makes some sense I guess”

“Now I must go you are about to wake up.”

“Wait I need to know something!” I shouted but it was too late he vanished.

I then opened my eyes to see my mother by the bed sleeping on a chair.

I shake the dizziness out of my head and get out of the bed. When I landed I tried to walk but lost my balance then slipped and fell the floor. That small noise was enough to wake my mother.

She yawned and looked to where the source of the noise came from.

She looked down at me struggling to get to my 2 hooves.

She then picked me up and said. “I thought I lost you forever!”

I was still dazed and couldn't make out what she was saying really.

Apparently the others were in the room also and ran to check on me.

“Oh thank goodness you're ok” Cadence said.

Then Princess Celestia came over and said. “It’s a miracle you’re still alive!

You absorbed so much arcane power back there I could have killed even me!”

Discord came over and picked me up. “You’re alive!”

“Well y-yeah dad why wouldn't I be alive?”

Well the reason for that is. He stopped and was staring at my Back. “What is that?” Discord asked.

He stared at the shadow snake curled around my chest and back. It saw him and vanished into thin air.

“What is what dad?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“There was a black snake wrapped around you for a split second” Discord said.

“Dad I think you’re just seeing things.”

“Oh whatever come I’m going to teach you how to use some of my magic, after all you are a draconequus like me.” Discord said. “Okay let’s go!”

Luna watched me run out of the hospital room and out into the courtyard then discord snapped his fingers and teleported to the Courtyard. “Oh this isn't going to be good” Luna sighed then followed Discord and I.

Chapter 3 part 2-3
Battle training I enjoy sword play… Too much

So today I wake up get a shower brush my teeth and eat breakfast.

Ya know the usual stuff. So I go out to get some fresh air and I am stopped by one of the royal guards. This particular guard is not your usual stone cold unblinking guard.

This one is a sergeant… a drunk one at that. “Um can I please go around sir?”

“Soldier what do think you’re doing?!” Sergeant Deathlock asks.

“Um I’m taking a walk around the castle.”

“You can’t do that you’re on duty Privet! Get back to the training grounds, pick up a weapon and spar with another pony!” He hollers. I was silent.

“That means now soldier now!” He yelled. I was a little intimidated at this so I went to the training grounds, and picked up a sword.

“Corporal Shadowflame get over here and spar with this newbie!"

“Sir he’s just a kid and a young one at that.” The corporal Shadowflame said.

“Do you want to be court martialed?!” Deathlock shouted.

“No sir” Shadowflame said.

“Then spar with this newbie!” Sergeant Deathlock shouted again.

“Yes sir” Shadowflame said. I then held of the long sword. The he rose his as well.

Our blades crossed before he took the first swing. My eyes immediately dilated and I countered quickly. I kept attacking in a frenzy, Shadowflame was the best swords pony in the whole royal guard and I was quickly overwhelming him suddenly a whole crowd was around us.

I kept swinging as he started to sweat I was swinging my sword so fast it was now a blur.

Then I realize something I can’t control my body! Now my attacks were getting more forceful and more powerful.

I saw his sword start to crack. Suddenly as I slashed downwards the sword Shadow flame had shattered into millions of pieces. Then I made him back up into the wall and waited for the magic words.

“M-mercy” Shadowflame said with his hooves up.

Suddenly I had control over my body again and lowered my sword. I then helped him up and turned around. What I saw was the whole royal guard gaping at what they just saw. Then I heard somepony yelling.

“Hey what's going on here?!” Then Captain Shining armor pushed through the crowd and saw Shadowflame and I. “what just happened here?!’ Shining armor asked.

“The kid just destroyed Shadowflame in sword play.” Somepony from the crowd said.

“Oh really now we’ll just have to see if he’s not lying” Shining armor said.

He then picked up a claymore and took a fighting pose.

My eyes dilated again and like last time I couldn’t move when I wanted.

Then I reached up into the air and formed a thick mist of darkness and pulled out a 5 foot long evil and spiky looking Obsidian black Ultra Great sword.

Then held it up waiting for him to attack.

He charged and I Quickly blew him back with a powerful blow from the back of my blade to his chest.

He landed and was healed by the amulet around his neck.

I formed a demonically crooked smile at this. Which made Shining armor shutter slightly. He got back up and advanced towards me.

I then teleported behind him and turned him around to punch him straight in the jaw. I then used my sword to send him flying up into the sky.

Then I jumped up 20 feet and smashed him back to the ground leaving a small crater on the ground below.

He got up and tried to swing at me I caught it in my claws and shattered it. I knocked him down then picked him up by the neck.

He start to struggled and accidentally stabbed me. I then threw him on the ground and started to stomp on his head repeatedly.

Driving his already broken muzzle deeper into the ground. Then I said in a demonic as hell voice.

“If you want me to stop say mercy!” Shining armor then screamed “MERCY AHHHHHH!”

Then I picked him up and threw him into the crowd. Then just before I was about to pounce on him Princess Celestia trapped me with her magic.


“No you have almost killed my captain!” She bellowed.

“HE ATTACKED FIRST!” I screeched.

“It doesn’t matter stop you’re having mass amounts of bloodlust coursing through you!!

The next blow you give will kill him. I hissed and started to punch the magic shield over and over and over again.

The shield started to crack. Celestia then casted a spell that electrocuted me with 75 volts of electricity.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH” I screamed. Then I fell to the ground unconscious.

Celestia sighed and said. “What triggered him?”

“Well Sergeant Deathlock found him taking a walk and thought he was a new recruit.

Then he force me and him to spar with each other. Then the prince quickly defeated me and after that shining armor came in here to see what all the fuss was about. Somepony told him what happened.

Apparently Deathlock and the captain were slightly drunk.” Shadowflame finished his explanation.

Then Celestia turned to Sergeant Deathlock used a spell to shake him out of his drunk state.


“N-no your highness.” Deathlock responded. Celestia sighed and regained her composure.

“That could have ended in a massacre!

Not only does he have dark magic but I believe he might be The Abyss Lord himself!” The whole room was dead silent. Then Celestia spoke again.

“Sergeant Deathlock you could have started a universal apocalypse!” The sergeant gulped at the realization of his mistake then said.

“I-It won’t happen again your highness.”

“It better not because next time I might not be here to stop him!” She gave him a stern look and picked me up and flew away.

Chapter 3 part 3-3
Into my dreams and beyond to the depths of the abyss

I was standing in front of a dead body staring down at it.

For some reason I was eerily happy. Then I heard demonic laughter along with a voice echo through the area I was in. “Hahahahah… I didn’t think you would enjoy killing after all you are the protagonist!”

I raised an eyebrow then muttered. “Protagonist? What is he talking about?”

“What am I talking about? Hahahah well you are the hero and I am the villain, and interesting enough we share the same body and soul!” The voice chuckled darkly.

“And you seem to forget I am you! But even though we have been split we are technically two different beings we’re just in the same body.” The voice said.

“What get out then this is my body! I yelled at the sky.

“Why would you want me gone? After all I am your guardian angel. It responded.

“Guardian angel? You just almost made me kill someone!" I yelled. Then he appeared before me.

“Hahahah you’re still not that intelligent. That’s what I would expect from a six year old. After all I’m older than time itself.” He said with a demonic grin on his scaly face.

“How is that even possible?! Nothing can be that old!” I shouted back.

“Well that’s simple really. I’m the one who destroys these universe and renew them again but when the universal apocalypse happens I get to mingle and torture everything!”

He snapped his fingers and showed me the last universe he destroyed and said.

“This was universe 913803287.5 as you can see it was very beautiful… well until I was born and I wreaked total hell on it. Then he showed me multiple ways he would kill single beings or multiple beings at once.

One way he killed was by taking said being and crucifying it. Then cutting its chest open and ripping all its bones out and devouring its flesh while it was force to be thrive in agony when it happened.

Another way was he would tie his victim up and just stab them hundreds upon thousands of times and none of these victims could die until he was done. Another way is he would gather a group and poison them while slowly making their flesh decay at alarming rates, and some he just burnt alive for hours on end.

There were millions of other ways he could kill them but he just showed me these four.

“How could you do such horrible things?! Why would you torture so many innocent people?!” I asked in horror.

“Because I just can and I need entertainment once and a while it’s so funny to watch something so helpless squirm and writhe in agony.” He said while having a crooked demonic smile that went up to his eyes.

To call him a monster would be a massive understatement.

"There just isn’t a word to describe how horrible he is! “Y-You Bastard…” I said while trying not to look afraid.

“Hahahah are you afraid of your own self little one I am you and there's nothing you can do about it.” He said chuckling. I was silent there was just nothing more to say.

I feared him. I was terrified of him! I have never seen such horrors in my life! I started hyperventilating. Suddenly another voice boomed throughout the area I was in.

“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” It was my mother. She landed beside me and knocked Oblivion back.

“Oh? Leave him alone?” Oblivion said chuckling.

“Looks like mommy is here to protect her little foal.” Oblivion said then broke into hysterical laughter.

“WHY ARE YOU SHOWING HIM THIS YOU WRETCH?!” Princess Luna Shouted in the royal Canterlot voice.

“Why am I doing this? Well I’m simply showing him who he really is!” Oblivion spat back.


“I don’t know why you don’t understand mother because…. I AM HIM!”

Oblivion slightly shouted which was 2 times louder than the royal Canterlot voice. Princess Luna stepped back in shock.

Then looked at me in complete terror.

I was staring up at her with a sad look on my face.

She then turned back around to face Oblivion.

Now Oblivion was a giant flaming eye with six spiked tentacles.

Luna Growled at him she now knew what she was facing. She wasn’t going to let that demon hurt her son. Her actual son not this demon that claimed to be her son.

She charged her horn up ready to banish this satanic spawn back into the depths of the dream realm. Oblivion’s eye widened then said.

“Hmf. COME ON BLAST ME THEN!” He turned back into his regular form and spread his arms out waiting to embrace the attack that would keep him locked up for a while.

Luna shot the fully charge attack that hit Oblivion straight in the chest. "

This will not be the last you see of me though Luna!” Oblivion roared. Then evaporated into thin air. My mother collapsed sweating and took long and exhausted breaths.

“That will keep him away for a while” Luna huffed. Come we need to wake you up you’ve been asleep for 3 days now.

(Author’s note next chapter will be one of the big 7 fight scenes it gets really graphic!)

Author's Note: