• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 1,439 Views, 41 Comments

darkness spreads to the realms of equestria - Lady Maria

It all started when The Abyss Lord awakened now equestria shall suffer from his wrath! Its now up to Necrosis to defeat Oblivion and save the world! But it shan't be easy follow Necrosis through this adventure he has to brave! Will he succeed or

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Chapter IV Death knocks at Canterlot’s door

Chapter 4
Death knocks at Canterlot’s door

“Okay class today we are going to have a special lesson! We are going to the Canterlot museum of myths and legends!” The teacher said.

“So we are going to have all of you go through the museum and see the most interesting and horrifying legends and myths! There is also a special exhibit we are going to see! We are going to visit the Abyssalite exhibit!”

My ears perked up at this. Oh lord this is going to be interesting. I sighed and stood up and walked to the door and lined up like the others. So we arrive at the museum and go into the first exhibit.

The demon exhibit. “So class this here is the demon god Codini. Codini is the ruler of hell and has an army that is about 100 times the size of Equestria’s population. This here is Codini’s weapon he mainly used.” Mrs. Sparkle pointed to the 6 foot spear.

My jaw dropped. That was the actual spear that my weakest form uses. I remember losing it when I battled Seth for the second time.

“Necrosis are you coming?” the teacher asked. “Oh yeah hold up!” I said as I ran to the rest of the group.

“This here is Necri he is the lord of the void and wields a huge great sword as you can see here." The teacher then pointed to the 7 foot long blade.

We then go to the human exhibits. We go over the Stone Age through the 21 century.

They actually have all of the real artifacts here they aren't fakes! This is unbelievable!

Then we get to the final exhibit. We stop at 15 foot doors made out of obsidian and ancient carved symbols engraved in the door itself. The doors slowly open and what I see makes my jaw drop.

They have a whole exhibit around me and the abyss! “Now kids you can wonder around for 30 minutes just don’t touch anything!” The teacher says.

The class spreads out and I just walk forward. “How did they get all of this from the abyss?” I said out loud.

The teacher then answered. "They say a god came here and gave these artifacts to us and said to keep the safe and let all see these works of art.”

I walk up to a statue of myself. I suddenly get a massive headache.

"No not now ahhhhhhh!"

Flames engulf me as I turn into the monster inside me. Then after the flames die down I stand up to my full height 12 feet 6 inches. She backs up. “Y-you’re T-The Abyss Lord?!” she says starting to cower.

“Yes I am! I chuckle in my demonic voice.

She backs up again. “GUARDS HELP!!!” She screams.

The guards rush in and hold their spears up. I roll my eyes.

“Look do we need to fight because we all know who’s going to win.” I say with a smug grin on my face.

One of them charge me and I grow to 6 feet tall so this fight is at least fair. Then grab the spear he is holding and snap it on my leg. He then pulls out his sword and tries to stab me.

I dodge and hit him in the back of the head. “Okay stop before I actually have to hurt someone!"

Then I hear a voice amplified by a mega phone. “Secure the area and capture the Abyss Lord!” I groan. “Well reasoning has gone out the window.”

I go for the exhibit glass and break the one with my great sword in it. “I’ve missed you.” I say to the 9 foot long blade.

Then I snap my fingers and teleport my armor on to me. Let’s go! I grow back to twelve feet and charge out the door. I get to the main part of the museum and there are about 1000 guards ready to try and kill me.

“Well time to rock and roll! I then used my black fire breath to burn about 50 guys alive. Then shrink to six feet tall again. I charge into the crowd and start to bash skulls and decapitate guards.

I’m now facing 1 on 1 this brute. He charges and swings his Warhammer at me. I jump back and then charge forward tackling him and using my fist to bash his skull in. He throws me off and while in the air I do three back flips.

I land on my feet just in time to have his war hammer slam into my gut. This sends me flying back 20 feet and I land on 2 guards crushing them to dust. Damn I forget how heavy my armor is! I get up and use my sword to cut off one of his legs. He screams in agony as his blood spills everywhere.

“You know why quadrupeds suck so much?” I ask him. He backs up his eyes widening.

“Because they are immobile without one of their legs!” I then drive my hand into his chest and slowly rip out his heart. I bring it to his face and eat it in front of him. I rip out his spine and coil it up like a whip.

I look at the guards circling me. I use my magic to apply hellfire to the spine and make it into a torture weapon I lift it up the 12 foot bone whip. I then use it to wrap all the guards up and pulled it they were cut into pieces within seconds.

I then grab one guard and slam his face into the ground and just rub it into the ground extremely fast. I then pull his head up and all I saw was a bloody mess of bone and blood concocted and mixed with his own brains.

I then give the rest of the crowd an unnaturally wide and toothy demonic smile. After that all you could hear was screaming from the outside of the museum.

I burst the doors open and before me are the elements of harmony, the three princesses and discord.

“Well well well what do we have here?” I then showed them my teeth stained with blood and pony flesh.

“Oblivion stop!” Luna shouted.

“Stop? Why should I this is fun!” I pull out my sword and lunge at the main six but am blocked by Celestia herself.

“BACK OFF OBLIVION! RELEASE THE CHILD YOU POSSES!” I smile and push Celestia’s spear out of the way and punch her in the chest which sends her flying up in the air about 20 feet.

Then proceed to kill the main six I start to bring down the sword on Fluttershy but am stopped by rainbow dash kicking me in the face repeatedly.

I then grabbed her leg then used it to slam her into the ground over and over and over again. But before I could deal the final blow Twilight shot a powerful bolt of raw magic at me and took off one of my 4 arms.


I then screamed once more and grew my arm back. “Hahahahahahah! You’re all fools challenging me you lucky I'm still regenerating!” I get back up and walk towards Twilight.

I grab her horn and start to rip it out of her head. “Hahahah Scream SCREAM I WANT YOU TO SUFFER!” I finally pulled her horn out what you would have seen was a bloody mess of bone and cartilage mangled and hanging down her face.

She was still alive. I then snapped my fingers and teleported her away. 1 down 9 more to go! Celestia’s eyes were burning like a raging forest fire. “Y-YOU COME HERE AND WREAK CHAOS AND DEATH YOU POSSES AN INNOCENT CHILD AND YOU RIP MY STUDENTS HORN OFF! YOU SHALL PAY YOU WRETCH YOU SATANIC SPAWN YOU WILL DIE!!!” Celestia screamed.

I smiled she just took the bait! She started to charge a solar death spell and I just smiled at this. “A solar death bolt? Are you kidding me? Hahahah Well I’ll counter that tenfold!!!”

I then shaped a ball of darkness in my four hands and then put it into one huge ball of suppressed death. “Let’s tango Celestia!” I challenge then we both fire the overpowered magic beams. Mine started to overpower hers she was now sweating. Celestia looked at Luna to ask for help. Luna then nodded and joined in. Then cadence then Discord. I laughed.

“YOU CAN’T OVERPOWER THE CREATOR AND DESTROYER OF UNIVERSES! YOU CAN’T HOPE TO WIN!” Then I trusted 100 times more power into the beam theirs was being pushed back at an alarming rate.

They were eventually overpowered by my darkness and blown back into the castle spires. I looked at the rest of the other elements they were trembling in fear.

I simply smiled at them and Fluttershy passed out of complete fear.

I then launched myself into one of the towers to take down the first victim. I was Cadence. I had her by the neck squeezing tighter and tighter. I floated there laughing insanely. Then looked down at Cadence with a huge crooked insane smile.

Then I lifted her up into the sky. But before I could do anything I got a huge migraine. My good side was fighting against me! I dropped Cadence.


Celestia saw an opening to split me from Oblivion.

The then casted a top level holy separation spell and aimed it at Oblivion. She then fired

“Huh WHAT NO! THIS CAN'T BE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” I was then pulled out of the Abyss lord and was brought to safety.

Oblivion screamed as light hit him and he teleported away to find another host. I was on the ground twitching I was literally cut in half. He was half of my soul. The others looked over me and sighed.

“We’re going to have to get him medical and psychiatric help.” Celestia said. I was then picked up and carried away to my room.

Music ends


Oblivion was in a temporary crystal pony host walking in the frozen plains when he spotted a blackish grey and red horn laying in the snow He looked at it and picked it up and instantly felt an evil and dark soul still clinging on to what’s left of what his former self was. Oblivion smiled and then said.

“Oh I have so many uses for you…”


Author's Note: