• Published 13th Apr 2012
  • 4,802 Views, 260 Comments

The Romantic Misadventures of Spiced Tea - Yokal

You are stranded in Equestria by means unknown. Now as a pony, you try and make a living in a town called Ponyville

  • ...

Prologue - It's go time!

Prologue – It’s go time!

Nothing, is what met you as you neared the rift coming from your world. Neither rhyme nor reason as the rift closed before barely explaining your presence in this world. You were about to tell them of it, the way back to Earth. But sadly you had to seek their help , you knew somewhat that the portal only goes one way. And as your fate has it, the portal closed even before they lay witness to the world beyond its vortex.

"It seems there is nothing more we can do about the portal now."

"There is a faint trace of the rift sister. I could feel it still pulsing."

"As do I dear sister, as do I."

It is ironic really.

One night, you decided to read up on vortices, wormholes and trans-dimentionalism. Your desire to read stemmed from a heated discussion with a colleague at the college. And being the bitter type in a losing argument, you decided a little research is in order. So, upon reaching the library, you head off to the wing with most forgotten titles and motes of dust. A little while later, with the help of a cute librarian, you found what you were looking for. Giving her a most generous thanks in her assistance, you head to one of the nearby reading tables

As you were about to open the dusty tome, it is when everything blacked out. You then found yourself moments later in a swirling portal heading to this world.

"It is alright. And if a door closes most certainly it could still be opened right?" you say.

"But it also means that we all have to find a “key” so to speak," the dark pony said, her eyes dimly glowing as she checked the ground around the former rift.

So that is it.

You are now on your own in a land that seems to have come from a fairy-tale of sorts. Marooned. The portal has deposited your body onto their garden and they look as if they are not surprised to see a human. And by the initial reaction before these Princesses, you feel as if you are a living specimen. What is a stranded human to do now?

"What now?"

Well, with your luck, they might offer you a place to stay-

"Well, it seems there is none we can do...for now."

"Indeed. For as long as we know that we can open a portal, that means prior to do all this work, you would need to find a place for yourself here in Equestria, hmm?"


"Sister, are you implying-"

"-Yes. It has been a long since a species, such as yourself, has graced our presence. Though, I would think our little ponies would panic if they beheld a living human for the first time in centuries."

"So that means I can-" Vertigo then starts to claim your consciousness but you held on.

Tired, you sit down on the gazeebo floor, finding a good spot on the lain red velvet carpet on the marble. The acceptably comfy red carpet seems to insulate you from the floors natural cool. Giving in to the desire for a well needed stretch, you do so. And as you look up, you find both ponies staring at you. You stare back at them with a more than blank expression; albeit a bit goofy as the smaller of the two gave out a light chuckle.

You happen to notice a glint in the eye from the regal white pony before you.

"I wonder…It has been so long that…survival is promised...but of course there would be appropriated funding...."

"Celly, what art you mumbling to yourself? I have seen that look before and I feel rather uncomfortable with you staring at our guest...with that expression."

"Luna if I may, I have thought of a plan that could help our guest here."

"I am afraid to ask. But surely whatever you thought of would be more than enough, dear sister."


Celestia trotted toward you with that 'smile' of hers, gesturing you to stand. She probably wants you to bugger off or something but no one is that cruel. But you feel that whatever she says could be a good thing...you hope.

"It seems that you have caught yourself in a predicament here. But not to worry, I am prepared to grant you an offer till that should you accept would benefit you greatly."

You feel yourself taken aback by this, as surely you feel your spirit uplifted.

"I can't imagine what is going through your thoughts, but in any event I think you might enjoy what I am about to propose."

"Honestly, anything you say would be neither be bad nor would get me to low spirits. So lay it on me."

"Yes sister, what is this you have planned?"

"I am prepared to offer you citizenship in my kingdom. And to prevent any misunderstanding and mass hysteria among our subjects, I can transform you into a pony form of your choosing. It would be awkward for ponies to notice a human walking down the streets, especially when the last humans where seen more than 2000 years ago"

The white monarch says as you notice her gesture for you to follow along with her sister.

"Though it might take some time and effort. But rest assured that while we are questing for a way for you to return, you might find living as one of us might prove a worthwhile distraction. You might even decide, if you wish to do so, to stay here instead and provide us with the knowledge of your world."


"That is...That sounds like a brilliant plan dear sister. But...are you sure this is the right course of action?"

"It is. I find it also to be the more logical solution, for the moment at least. And I think you would benefit from this as well Luna."

A resounding ding is echoing in your head right now. Were you just offered an invitation to stay?

"Y-your majesties, you both are too kind. I mean I would not want to impose"

"Nonsense, you would not be imposing in our kingdom. Though I do not know what my sister is scheming, I don't believe that it would be of harm to you."

"True. Luna and I are prepared to grant you citizenship and transform you as you see fit."

"Then in what state of mind would I be to refuse this offer?"

They nod to each other with smiles adorning their faces. Though Celestia's smile is bigger than that of Luna's, you sense a great foreboding with it. But what harm could come from a regal, mother figure like Celestia.

"Then I would take that as a yes. So Lulu if you don’t mind retrieving us the royal seals and a couple of pages of parchment. We have some signing to do."

"Huh? Oh! At once dear sister," Luna excused herself with a bow. She moves passed her sister but then stops to face you "Before I go I would like to ask you, what kind of pony would you like to be transformed into? And mind you that the effect would persist as long as you are here on Equestria."

"You mean to not all of you are. . .like the both of you?"

"Well yes, you could say we are very, very special."

"Alrighty, what would be my choices then?"

Luna chuckled. It is then you notice her horn starts to glow. Before you had time to react, the room is engulfed by a black twinkling mass. It shrouds the room, from floor to ceiling, with a most spectacular sight. You are now floating amongst an illusion of stars and galaxies, space. Celestia too joined her sister, with a chuckle as her horn started to glow as well. Only this time, ghostly figures of small horse, a pegasus and a unicorn appear before you.

"You have the strong willed Earth Pony, the Mystical Unicorn and the Soaring Pegasi. Each tribe has their own unique properties and strengths."

"Yes and to be a little more in depth: The Earth pony is your basic hard working pony with strength and attributes that connect them towards nature. The Unicorn is aligned to use their magic and all its properties; they somewhat are a less physical pony and they depend more on their abilities, magic. And finally the Pegasi, they have the abilities of the weather which let them mold it to their will as they soar through the clouds" Celestia approaches each ghost respectively, pointing out their traits as she explains.

You stare at the three ghosts before you, each a tempting choice. You ask to approach them and Celestia steps out of the way for you. With those mentioned it seems that you have to make one of three choices-



"Unless you would opt to be a little more adventurous, I or we could use another Alicorn to keep us company during cold and lonely nights-"

You heard something break. It sounded like someone dropped a glass.

"W-What?! TIA!"

"What?! I haven't had human before, this is a rare event! Can’t a mare have any fun at her age?"

"That is clearly not what I meant!"

"Luna, do you know how lonely I get when I realize that I am too young for any pony this day and age? Think of all the rumors that would fly around: ‘Princess Celestia, Craddle Robber!’ or ‘Royal Spinster strikes again!’ That would look very bad indeed"

"Tis not even the issue here. The issue here is that you are suggesting that our guest be transformed into you play thing? Celestia please we should be models of purity! Chastity!"

"And you said it yourself that this venture would benefit us all? What say you little sister?"

"I-I did say that but in a scientific sense of course! Study of a purely academic in nature, of in-depth physical examination of-"

"Oh my! Planning to experiment first with the human? My dear little sister indeed has become kinky-"

"DAMN YOU! Human, do not listen to her words!"

"Oh! So you want to be first then! Or maybe, all you needed to do is but ask if you wanted to share-"


"Or if you are willing…but I am not sure what the public would make for our scandalous incest-"


A sly smile appears as you ponder away, totally ignoring a royal rumble commencing in before you. You chuckle at that...Royal Rumble...heh.

Still, you weigh in your choices. And the truth of the matter is, you have nowhere else to go. You consider yourself lucky to have even landed in front of these generous souls, and they are this realm's royalty to boot. It could have gone far worse if it weren't the case.

"Well in all due respect your majesties, all three sound like wonderful choices," you bite you lip as you say this "though the last one leaves me confused somewhat on the adventure part. Could I just opt to transform between the four? All these tribes seem to offer promising adventures and it is hard for me to pick just one."

Both look bemused with sly grin on each face as they got off from their impromptu wrestling match. Tidying each other up before venturing the proposition even further, both pick up their crowns and wear them.

"This would make for a good experiment. But let me ask you how would you see this compromise?" Luna says as she clearly is exited about the prospect.

"Well I would choose one form. I could leave the Earth pony form out but I cannot decide between Pegasus or Unicorn. So that means I would have to choose which one would be active for a time. Or have both active for a limited time of course but at least my frame would be sturdy like an earth pony.”

"It sounds like you are considering the Alicorn-" Celestia was cut short with a kneejerk to her side, clearly coming from her sibling. Who, at the moment, is looking at nothing in particular while humming a tune.

"Alright, but if I would grant this compromise you would have to choose between Unicorn or Peagasi or even-"

"Don’t you go there."

"Aww, can’t I haf a widdle bit of fun here?"

That pout, dang....

"Remember this as there is a price from being grated this change. You would not be able to retain your human form while you are within our land and succeeding and surrounding realms, dimensions, parallelisms, and some such." Luna said after having looked away from her sister’s pouty gaze.

"But tell me, what would you chose if given a base form like you suggested."

"Well I think that my hands down choice would be Unicorn. Magic still has this hold on me since I was young. So I think I would have a pretty good understanding with its basics at least. Or what I have played with in RPGs at least."

"That sounds like a wise decision"

"It seems is though we are burning light"

"Yes, well now that we have this settled. Now is the time to work out the details on paper now, shall we sister?"

"Yes Sister. We should also prepare a private feast for our guest. I know you might be peckish after your travels thru space-time, yes?"

"You could say that"

"Well then, by your lead, dear Celestia..."



Author's Note:

Updated as of March, 2014.

Re-reading does help sometimes when I get lost with writing the next chapters. But the nasty side effect is that I make minor edits to the story, I wonder if you guys can spot the changes?