• Published 13th Apr 2012
  • 4,791 Views, 260 Comments

The Romantic Misadventures of Spiced Tea - Yokal

You are stranded in Equestria by means unknown. Now as a pony, you try and make a living in a town called Ponyville

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Chapter 11 intermission - Cookies and beds

Chapter 11 Intermission - Cookies and beds

Amidst a field of stars, an artist weaves through the cosmos.

The dark expanse of stars played amongst galaxies and colourful cosmic dust. A simple midnight blue infinitely filled with colors. Aided by dull or sometimes colourful nebulous clouds of...if lack for a better term, nebulae. Along with stars, their purpose to light up the skies of the loneliest of nights, working hoof-in-hoof to create a cosmic masterpiece. Many of these celestial bodies inspired many a creature in more ways than one. Inspiring them to do whatever they feel that they experienced beholding this overlooked masterpiece.

Out of all those inspired, there is one who experiences more: their creator.

She takes a deep breath and gracefully dances in rhythm of her creations. Her movements control the heavenly bodies in what appears to be the dance of the ancients. Her magic glows as it flows around the room. Her ritual, long since dormant, has come alive once more.

She slowly sways in recurrence to the melody playing amongst her stars. Each of her stars twinkled in reply to their creator. Every gesture Luna makes moves celestial bodies within this dark velvet canvas; an artist, truly in her element.

Or what the illusion represented.

With a glow and a flick from her horn, the cosmic mirage dissipates, leaving behind it a well-furnished work room in a mid afternoon glow. Luna takes a moment to settle her bearings and shake off any residual magic on her coat. After a moment of tidying up, Luna makes her way towards a tea table situated at the far balcony facing the sun. She uses her magic to set a cup and a small portion of cake for herself before sitting down.

She takes a gentle sip and looks out over the balcony, overlooking the kingdom that she and her sister watches over.


Though, it’s been only three years since her return, Luna appreciated everything that her sister has done to make her fit in. And she in turn enjoyed those things and tried herself to understand them. Most of those things where the numerous rooms, filled with items and books, all for Luna’s well being in mind. Celestia spared no expense and had them collected decades prior to her release and reformation.

At the moment, Luna seems to be enjoying two of Celestia’s gifts. One is the very room she sits in, enjoying her tea.

It is a neat little nook near the royal apartments settled in one of the tallest spires of the royal castle. It’s furnished with what Celestia thought would be appropriate for a pony suffering generation lag. If asked, Luna will admit that she spends most of her time in this very room. Other than the library or the throne room of course. Most of the castle attendants assigned on any day in this tower would find their princess reading or brooding about somepony or usually something.

Rarely, she is seen setting about some dance.

Though, the mere thought of being observed would be embarrassing for most of the castle attendants to witness what she does in her spare time, especially in her current state of mind. Not that it is a strange thing to behold a mare dancing fluidly, no. But then again, it has been years since ponies understood how she paints the night sky. More often, her personal guards see to most of her activity as they guard her, with rapt attention mind you.

Although, she can’t help but swear that whenever she does something clumsily or fails miserably, her guards seem to have a penchant for giggling. Giggling mind you, intimidating dark bat-like stallions giggle.

“How art thou cake? Wilt you make mine day complete?” she asks the three-layered cake before she takes another slice. No answer, though if the cake did answer she knows that she’s crazy for a day...again.

Moving on.

Her urge for the recently underwent ritual came from nowhere; her desire to play around with her canvas for tonight’s display, that is.

Luna had to admit to herself that it started to look a bit bland. It has been a month or so since she’d updated the night sky and she felt that a little pick-me-up was in order. Therefore, with some careful planning and a bit of guidance from the local Astronomers, she set to work. This is not only for her but also for her dear friend and fellow stargazer, Twilight. Luna also had in mind her other friends as well.

But now, it’s time for a little break, yes?

Some while later after the cake was decimated, the old vinyl record she’s listening to abruptly skips. Curiously, at that same moment, a small knock on the door accompanies it. It seems that her free time has ended.

Oh well.


With a simple whisk from her horn, Luna cleaned up the clutter used in planning her previous endeavour. Along with the gramophone, a few misplaced scrolls and her secret stash of records, the room tidied up as well. Though, her records are not exactly secret because the entire castle knows where she keeps it. It also does not stop some of the chambermaids to take one out for a spin, so to speak. But she does not mind, some of her belongings are for public use anyway. This way, she could connect the past to the future.

As if on cue, a head peeks through the double doors. A somewhat elderly dark blue stallion enters along with the head. But alas, this pony does not seem to have a monocle that others believe he has. Sadly, he does not have a barber's moustache but he does have a small grey goatee going on. That has to count for something, right?

“Princess, the items you have requested has been collected and awaits your attention.”

“Ah, perfect. Thank you for thine efforts Pocket Watch.”

“And I must say, you have given the staff quite an item hunt.”

“We...I am sure that everypony had fun in collecting these odds and ends of mine.”

“Indeed we have, your highness. Shall I have them brought here or in the lower study perhaps?”

“Have Cloak and Dagger assist thou to bring them to mine chambers.”

“At once Princess.”

“Pocket Watch?”

“Yes, Princess?”

“Also, send word to my sister that I shall not be tending to tonight’s duties. The items I requested shall be taking most of my time and thus I ask not to be disturbed.”

With a nod, “Would that be all, Princess?”

“Oh, and please inform the night staff slated for tonight to...how do express it these days...take the rest of the night off?”

“That is one way of articulating it, Princess.”

“Alright, I bid thee a good afternoon then, Pocket Watch”

“At once your highness, and many thanks.”

And with that the stallion retreats through the double doors to enact the task at hoof. She notices a slight bounce in his steps as he exits. This results in a chuckle from the observant princess.

It has been awhile since Luna called in a day off. Weeks after her return to Equestira, Celestia thought it would be a good idea for them to both have days off. That said, the current state of running the kingdom has become easier. So if either of them were to call in a night off, the kingdom won’t keel over from panic when one of them is missing.

But then again, if one were to disappear without notice, it would mean hell for the entire castle staff. Not repercussions of ill management mind you, no. A sudden disappearance means that something fishy is going on. One example would be a certain solar aligned alicorn and a keg of flash powder. Another would be the counterpart who experimented on the effects of concentrated coffee on the modern pony.

This afternoon forecasts call for mild shenanigans from either princess.

So, with a final glance of her work nook, she closes the doors behind her. She now heads to enact her own task. A task very much curious and challenging considering the ponies involved. The other party involved happens to be instrumental in her return to normality.

Luna also made sure that she brought along the other cake left untouched on her tea table. She foresees a midnight snack might be needed tonight.




Princess Luna’s bedroom.


With that came the sound of splashing water and a rather flushed mare. Although if you count flushed red cheeks and rapid breaths, then it had gone better than expected which sounds like that went swimmingly.

“I should have known...”

It is a good thing that Luna set herself atop her mattress before starting her task. Or else she would have met the floor muzzle first if she hadn’t.

“Gah! Thank Faust for mine mattress!” she screams followed with a *foompf*.

Moments ago, the midnight mare settled on finishing some tasks left undone. The items she requested all consumed for this, except for one mirror that has acquired an ethereal shimmer to its surface. This task involved delving into an ancient piece of cosmic magic, the Dreamscape. It has really been a while since she made it into the Dreamscape.

She and Celestia thought it would be a good idea to create a repository of inner thoughts, dreams and feelings of their little ponies. Why would they do such a thing? Well, during the time it’s been conceived, it served as an advanced warning system. It would be used against would-be ne’er-do-wells and civic anarchists. Also, Luna hoped that at least out of the many things she and Celestia created, this one would have survived post-Nightmare Moon crazy. To her surprise, it is still whole and still exists.

And so far it served its purpose. Only until...well you know. And even after a thousand years later, the Dreamscape never changed. Save for a few notable expansions to the Dreamscape, a compensation for the increase of population since then.

“I should have known my sister had her hoof in this in some way.”

Upon noticing the falling sun, Luna noticed that it was her cue to set in motion the moon’s path. But she just got into her bed and is tired to even go through the motions of the ‘rising’. Thus, her horn glowed as she willed the moon to rise and her planned display starts to make itself known throughout Equestria; all this done from the safety of her gossamer sheets and goose down mattress. With that out of the way, she can now focus her attention to the matter at hoof: contemplation.

She rolls over to face her stuffed doll collection. Luna picks up an odd piece that resembles an animal with different body parts. She gathers it with her magic brings it over to her, making it face her as if she wills it to speak.

“Then I suppose at any moment I would hear word from Ponyville; About a herd of mares chasing one unlucky stallion...well lucky, if one were to think like a stallion....Can there be any more chaos?”

And on cue, the doll’s head slightly slumps to the left. Luna responds to the doll with a pout of her own as she puts it back.



“I am not in the mood Celly.”

Actually, she is in the mood. Expecting company, Luna already prepared for her sister’s imminent arrival. She knows by heart that Celestia is both caring as she is curious, not to mention slightly devious. She also expected recompense for safe passage into her room.

“I’ve brought some cookies and milk shakes. Will these allow me entry?”


“The cookies-“

“They are blueberry and blackberry jelly centered with some powdered sugar on top.”

“...you may enter.”

There are some in the castle that swear to never enter the royal apartment lest they want to suffer from permanent mental disfunction.

Celestia, regal high ruler of Equestria and sister to Luna and aunt to Princess Cadence, enters the room wearing nothing but pajamas and fuzzy slippers. Floating beside the white mare, a plate piled pony-high with cookies and two milk shakes follow. Celestia even had her hair turn to its normal, unmoving rosy pink. That is indeed a sight to behold, unless you are used to it like Luna is.

“Why are you unclothed like that? Don’t we have accord about when one of us takes leave for the day?”

“You are such a worry wart, Luna.”

Luna responds with a raspberry.

“Oh don’t give me that. I already made sure that I have had everything done a month beforehoof, including the paperwork. And the rest of the menial tasks, I’ve left to our trusted agents.”

Luna finishes off the conversation with a mild shrug and a bed toss to her side, facing Celestia as she lays the plate of cookies on her bed.

For a moment, they enjoy their cookies and milk shakes in comfortable silence. They are both just relaxing on her bed, not worrying about the crumbs that fall on the floor. In fact, they are so relaxed that they spent an hour just staring into the fireplace from the bed. Just enjoying each other’s company like they used to; and Celestia for one missed these moments the most. They both understood that if one of them has something to say, they would wait for the right moment.

“Funny how some things are, especially those that have a touch of magic in them. You can never really get to appreciate them only after they have gone.”


Especially when they are still working hard to mend their sisterly bond, after the...you know. But nothing good lasts forever, as they say.

“So, Luna, how was it?”


“How was your trip into the Dreamscape?”

"My trip had gone better than I expected it to be, it was rather pleasant.”

“Then I take it that you found something interesting?”

Luna pokes the tips of her hooves together. “Perhaps.”

“Mind sharing your discovery with me?”

“I would rather request some time to sort what I chanced upon.”

“Oh nonsense! It must be something juicy or scandalous even, go on tell me.”

“I shouldn’t...”

“Come on, please?”

“You are partially involved in this.”

“I-I am? Is it serious?”


“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I would like that.”

“Okay then, let us get a bit comfy before you begin.”

And they do just that although it is more of cookie binging than digging into the bed for them both. And since Celestia is determined to find out what is it Luna discovered about her, she goes first.





“Just start where you think the topic carries its weight.”

“Why are thou haunches getting fat?”


“Alright,” Luna finishes off the cookie in her mouth. “Why have you cast a ‘Like Desire-Love Attracts’ spell upon Spice?”

Celestia just stares.

She stares at Luna until she lets out a smile. Not a single titter from the white mare as she dunks a cookie in her milk shake and eats it. Still ever patient, Luna just stares back, waiting for a reply. Then...Celestia grabs another cookie and dunks it again in her shake. And she does it again, and again, and again.

Luna may be patient but she is sure as heck annoyed with this. And just as she is about to reprimand with volume level 9, Celestia giggles.


“Because what?”

“...I thought it would be a good idea at the time.” She offers a toothy smile after.

Unamused, Luna magically lifts her pillow in hopes to thwack some sense into her sister. And before she could enact fluffy retribution, her big sister clears her throat. There, at that moment, the atmosphere in the room changes from light to an almost serious tone.

“It is long since we had visitors set foot on Equestira. And frankly, I did not know how to handle the situation then.” As she speaks, she clears away the spent glasses and the cookie-less tray aside.

“But that did not give us the right to meddle with his current state.”

“Well, I felt that whatever approach we had then would not encourage him to see the brighter side of his...how do I put it?”


Celestia feels the underlying venom in that but it is understandable.

“For lack of a better term, yes, isolation.”

“But thou hast not answered why you charmed him with such a spell.”

“I thought that he needed some adventure .”

“I do not follow.”

“Imagine a newborn foal. In comparison they both show need for curiosity, the desire for attention and will of movement. Any less of that attention and they will grow tired and disinterested to move onto something else.”

“Would you desire that I...whack you upside your head until you’re reasonable?”

“Try seeing the image beyond the metaphor. Our guest has been somehow brought into our domain and left with nothing familiar. He is indeed lucky to have literally dropped in our afternoon tea.”

“I do wish to whack you now.”

“You would like that wouldn’t you, Lulu?”

“Try me.”

“At least I have done what I can do rid you of your dreariness, sister.”

Luna was about to tell her sister off about that but held her tongue. For she knows that Celestia is right and succeeded in ridding her current dreary. And she could not help but crack a small smile. It is uncanny, whenever she feels drab; Celestia seems to have some way or some scheme to bring a smile onto her face. Even before the banishment she still had that same caring, loving attitude. It never faltered albeit she might have picked up on the sly and mischievous.

“Do you remember reading books on Myths and Legends? The tales spun about monsters and demons; stories told to naughty foals before bed?”

“I distinctly remember that I, too, was, once one of those demons.”


“’Tis alright, I have made peace with what I have done and what is done.”

“And I am proud of you for it but back to the topic: What do you know of humans?”

“I have read on that they are a race that uses no magic but rely solely upon their devices and constructs. But what does that have to do with anything?”

“I am getting to that Luna.”

“I do hope that you have a point to all this. My hoof is getting itchy from not having to hit some pony.”

*giggle* “Alright, Lulu. But before that...”

Celestia shuffles a bit as she scoots closer to her sister, pulling Luna close to snuggle with. And sure enough, Luna gave into the comfort of her sister’s radiant heat.

“As I put it, I feel that Spice just needs some adventure. It is not every day that you are pulled from your world and into another.” Out of reflex, Celestia started to preen her sister’s wings. “And I know that you are familiar with the feeling and I am sure you understand where I am coming from?”

“I do. But still, why cast it at all? If adventure is what he lacks then why not offer him what he has already accepted? Without the spell of course.”

Celestia takes her time in a section of plumage before she continues. If she does this halfheartedly, well, the long-needed sisterly bonding would be for nothing.

Or having undone and messy feathers can mess up the image of a radiant goddess; especially when she is the goddess of the night, whose job description is to look drop dead gorgeous. Not to mention be the model of the very symbol of desire for stallions and mares alike.

You know what I mean.

“Out of curiosity, did you cast the spell upon Spice with Twilight in mind?”

Her sister lets out a chuckle at that but is still busy with her little sister’s wings to respond.

“D-Do not jest! Have you done so with Twilight in mind? Hold, do not answer that. I could sense it be true.” Luna bites her lip. “I am afraid to ask but have you also thought of the rest of the elements as well?”

A smile was all that Luna received as Celestia finished that section of wing.

“I had their best interests in mind and I know that is a despicable thing to do and I feel ashamed.”

“You don’t look ashamed. If I were to place an emotion to that expression, I would say amused, smug and borderline mischievous.”

“Right you are! And you forgot to mention that I am a fully certified matchmaker. Besides, it has been long since I have wed a couple...or harem in this case.” *wink*


And thus for a while they remain speechless, not wishing to destroy the atmosphere of love and care they both erected. Celestia continues on the next wing, leaving an amiable silence between the two. Even though it is for a short while, as long as they are bonding what little they have would be enough. So it went on till Luna does the same to Celestia’s wings.

After a moment, they just lay there on Luna’s bed resting. Luna has a content expression on her face, all the while observing Celestia. Who, at the moment, is tracing a few lines on constellation design on her bedding.

“There is something you forgot, Luna.”

“Hmmm? What is this that I forgot to mention?”

“It is rumoured that Humans are immune to magic.”

“Well, I do think that we have already disproven that. Even if I forgot, it would be redundant to mention. We are successful in turning him pony, have we not?”

“Yes we have, but as I said and like the tomes mention ‘most’ magic.” Celestia pauses a bit. She chucks in a couple of logs into her sister’s dwindling fire in her fireplace. “Getting back to answer your question about the spell I cast, it was dispelled. It dissipated fully by the time he left this city’s gates.”

“Wait, are thou saying that Spice no longer is afflicted by your spell?”

“If it is any consolation, there could be some residual essence left but not enough to cause real damage.”

“So his encounter with our little ponies, like dear Pinkemina and dear Fluttershy, all of his actions thus far are his own?”

“Yes, that was all his doing. And nothing contributed to the outcome but himself. No enchantment, charm nor even spell backlash would have anything to do what he did.”

“I...I see. But that would not make any sense. If the spell you cast diminished that quickly, then our transformation spell would have gone at the exact moment.”

“True, but as I said ‘most’ magic and sure enough the transformation held until now. I confirmed this with Morning Dew when we sent her to deliver some of his late papers.”

“Speaking of Morning Dew.”


“She is out of sorts at the moment...are you certain that there is no hidden charm cast onto him? I am afraid -.”

“-Morning Dew, really? Do tell Lulu!”

“No! I might regret giving you munitions against the poor mare, therefore I will forego in mentioning the particulars of her thought.”

“Not even the tiniest bit of information?”

“Nor even thine pouts would break my resolve. Even if you are my sister, I have grown a resistance to this...whatever name you give this force that you wield.”

“Darn! I thought I had you there.“

“And don’t even think of proceeding with your backup plans to persuade an ounce out of me. I know you will resort to some physical means. Your tickle tactics by all means try.” Luna blows a raspberry in hopes of killing any desire for her sister to move into position.

Celestia, in response, moves around a bit. She shuffles around the bed readying her body and moving her hooves to her sides, into position. Celestia looks to be like a cat waiting to pounce on their prey. And Luna seems to be a little intimidated even if she does not let it show.

Sure enough, Luna scoots away on her bed in hopes of distancing herself. Even after all this time, she knows her sister well. And this is one example of her more surreptitious interrogation methods. But this one is new to her. Whatever method Celestia employs, she must do her best not to speak of her discoveries in the Dreamscape.

Luna wonders why her sister can’t just enter the Dreamscape to see for herself. They are both alicorns with near unlimited cosmic power. And they both have the ability to enter it, so why employ to foolish means of information gathering? They are both fully grown mares. Sure, there are some physical discrepancies in physical ages but they are very much immortal. And by looking at Celestia, that is how Luna should have looked like were it not for her...you know but only time can tell.

“I find this method rather fun, Luna. So, either I coax you into telling me or...I do something a tad bit drastic.”

On the way to the royal apartments, one lone guard takes her time to wander the halls of the castle.

Rather, to at least admire the beautiful stained glass that adorns each window of the castle. Many of the palace staff have grown accustomed to these but haven’t really taken the time to appreciate them and their silent beauty. There are some that do appreciate them and many have their own quirks about them. Many of her comrades-in-arms that do take notice say that the windows look differently if seen in another light. Some would argue or joke about using torch, candle or lamplight to see the difference. But to those that know, they would only mention talking a stroll during the night.

And it is during the night, these windows are...almost enchanting, haunting.

The lone guard trots on slowly from pane to pane, window to window. Patiently takes in newfound details in them that were not present during the day. She finds how the warmer colors of the glass are subdued to a pastel haze in the cold moonlight, such is spectacular to witness. The metal inlays and filigree borders themselves join in by taking on an unusual glow, causing the windows to shimmer like they were made out of clear liquid color.

“Hmm, how in Celestia’s beard does a light change do this?” she asks to no one in particular.

She wonders why most of castle staff prefers to work the day shift. As she has seen, the night shift is not so bad. Though, some of her friends say or rather fear the more mischievous of the sisters is active at night.

Though many caught that reply and replied with their own acceptable ‘corrects’ or ‘indeeds’. But she never really asked her friends a better question: Who is the mischievous one of the two? With lack of a better answer, either shift tells of one princess is crazier than the other. For certain there would be biased answers from the respective entourages of either princess. Still, that did not stop her from at enjoying her stroll.

Still in mind that she has a task to complete, it is her duty to see it done.

For a moment, the lone guard reflects. It is quite rare for most of the castle staff to be given the night off, the noblepony and court included. Therefore it seems eerily silent and peaceful around the castle, except for a few night guard patrols and Princess Luna’s batponies going about their rounds.

The castle is practically empty and it is also a peaceful night to boot, along with the perfect night sky.

‘Enough dawdling...time to get to work.’

To her surprise, Morning Dew reaches her destination.

Before her are the double doors leading to the royal apartments. She checks herself before proceeding, making doubly sure that the scrolls tucked under her wing are secured and accounted for. With a deep breath she knocks. In a brief moment, a maid opened the doors and she let her in with a smile. The maid was a dainty thing: Earth pony, mare, purple coat and deep red mane with a hooded flower for a Cutie Mark. She is one of Luna’s personal attendants, Nightshade.

“Looking cheery as usual Nightshade.”

“You don’t look too bad yourself Dew. So, what have you got for the princesses tonight?”

“Oh, the usual: intelligence reports, newpapers, monthly cake billing and some receipts. You know, the usual fare except for the unusual would be the bill to cover the spent chemicals and stuff in the alchemy lab...and that thing. ”

“Is that about the slip-up last week?”

“Yup, the cleaning staff is still scraping what is left of that thing off the ceiling.”

“Too bad it was my day off and I have left the castle. It would have been priceless to see Burgundy Platoon in that ooze.”

“They weren’t too happy with that ooze. Some of them swore that the ooze tried to consummate its love for their butts, if you know what I mean.”

“That is what I mean by priceless!”

“Oh you!”

It’s amazing what you can talk about while trotting to the bedroom proper of the apartments. So much can be shared in a short amount of time. Most of their talks center around their night off but if it is their night off, why are they still in the castle? True, both mares love the fact that they have a night off. But some duties cannot be shirked, unless punishment would meet them in the end. Still however, they both talked and trotted, making their way towards a guarded gate...well, supposed to be guarded anyway.

“Night off I guess?”

“Nope! Cloak and Dagger are just out doing their rounds...and probably fetching my donuts.”

Morning Dew can’t help but chuckle and roll her eyes. She remembers the first time she and Nightshade met Cloak and Dagger. They had never seen ponies like them, batponies. Turns out these ponies are nocturnal and are born with batwings. In fact, nopony has ever heard or seen them in almost a thousand or so years. It surprised many when Princess Luna mentioned she wanted ponies from Hollow Shades to return under her service.

But they are still ponies and the castle has gotten used to them, especially the captain-of-the-guard’s new second in command.

‘Weird mare, that one...’

The princesses have a way with choosing odd ponies to work for them; many are not what they seem to be.

The staff works on regular shifts as do the guardsponies, crowned prince Shining Armor included. Each pony does a task assigned to them and it is up to them to choose another or up to their initiative to do something for the castle. The benefits are more than they ask for which include dental, seasonal heat, maternal leave, holidays, hazard pay, parasprite infestation coverage, practical joke injury insurance and invasion protection to name a few. They also have access to the hidden-to-the-public castle staff bar, which is one of the best and not to mention friendliest bars in Canterlot.

Sure, from the outside if one were to observe the castle staff, they might conclude that it is a very tight ship they run. But nothing destroys rumours and gossips like a castle staff pony with a smile on face and song in heart. And the ponies, no matter what happens, do enjoy their time under the diarchs employ.

In the end, ponies are happy with their job and the belief that if they don’t perform well they don’t get paid; which is substantially generous in terms of bits per day-

“Equestria to Dew? Equestria to Dew? Come in Dew?”

“Wuh? Oh!”

“Spacing out again, are we?”

“L-Let’s get this over with, I seriously need a night out.”

“Ooh, sounds like a plan.”

With that, the two mares settled down.


“Your Highnesses?”


“Your Highnesses? It is time for the daily reports!”


“Princess Celestia? Princess Luna? It’s me, Morning Dew. I know you both hate paperwork but these need to be done! Ma‘am?”

“Okay Dew, this is getting weird.”

“Now now, I think they might be trying on some dresses or that sort of thing?”

“Princess Luna only has one dress in her wardrobe right now. The rest are being cleaned.”

They just stare at each other for a minute before fearing the worst. At that moment, everything then on is not their fault.

It is not their fault when they pressed their ears to the doors to listen in, the doors unlocked. It was not their fault when said doors opened on their own. And it is not their fault that the sight before them is the stuff that colts, stallions and mares dream off.

There, before a royal hoofmaiden and a royal guardspony, behold the two sisters entwined atop a bed. Both their bodies covered in sweat and their legs entangled with one another. Curiously, Luna is the one on top and Celestia seems to wear a satisfied look. To top it all off, there is a conveniently spread blanket covering their midsection.

Now what suppose do you think has happened here, hmm?

As far as the two mares by the door as concerned, this...is pretty hot. Not that Morning Dew or Nightshade swing that way. Surely any pony of any gender that sees this would eventually crumble and their minds tainted with bliss.



Okay, I stand corrected. All who witness this will have their minds crumble and tainted with bliss.

Author's Note:

I know that many of you were waiting for the next chapter. And here it is, well sort of. It is actually another intermission chapter which happens in the same day that Spice has. I know many are waiting on what happened to Fluttershy. You have to wait a bit more, I decided to rewrite many of its sections, because it did not scream random.

Instead, enjoy this one while I work on the next chapter...again.

Comments ( 30 )

Nice to see that this updated. I kind of gave up on this story ever updating again. Any plans on an update schedule or written more chapters ahead?

Updates are very sporadic, pretty much because my college work is getting in the way. But if I were to put a schedule on it, I would try at least once a month or every 6-7 weeks, if I can. :twilightsheepish:

But worry not, I tend to do some speed writing for future chapters. So I basically have this somewhat detailed idea what the future chapters are. :scootangel:

yay i had to reread the story up to this point and now i want to know even more what happens please appease our hunger for good stories

Need moar now :applecry:

:twilightsheepish: There might be a slight delay. Fret not, it will come.

Be waitin for da next chapta bra...

2517153 ....my response to your profile pick = yay:fluttershyouch:

2620459 ....uhuh....now bow before me, Molestia!

2620461your the only one who's going too bow... or rather...bend:trollestia:

2620470 Sorry...I don't swing that way. Sounds like YOU want a cucumber, though. If you try...I'll kill you...If you don't try....I'll kill you....I just really feel like killing you, Molestia. And I can...Because I'm GOD. And I'll do it all while playing [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=HMnrl0tmd3k], leaving you alive at the end with a disturbing sense that you've been violated in some way, that you don't understand.

edit; hmn...I wonder why the youtube link isn't working.

2620487well then...
i didn't want you in my herd anyway:trixieshiftright: :trixieshiftleft:

2620509 .... neither did I Molestia....I just talked to you. I :fluttershyouch:yay 'd at the pun. I much prefer Luna anyhow, and not her 1/2 evil counterpart.

2620578what is this "pun" you speak of?

2620593 the royal joke that hangs unceremoniously above your heads, like eerie smog, from your brain juices.

2620597 oh...that:twilightoops: i dont see how its perticulary "punny" so to speak, but i get your point.

2620615 uhuh... now enjoy the cool jazz of my previous post.

2620629i did:twilightsmile: you have fine taste in music

2620644 thanks. Its just what I was listening to at the moment

2620658 well im glad, but for now i bid you goodnight for it is late and its a school night:ajsmug:you now the drill, so goodnight:pinkiehappy:

2620672 eeyup...:eeyup: night.:moustache:


*looks at all them comments*
Holy cupcakes in a blender of cream and syrup, WOW!
Seeing this makes me....happy! :pinkiehappy:

2627762 can i have some of those cupcakes:derpytongue2:?

Nice story here. :twilightsmile:

Let's hope that it's just experiencing an extended holiday and isn't quite dead hmm?

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

And not to worry, its not dead. I am just going through the motions of my undergrad thesis, so its taking much of my time. I have future chapters all written down and ready to be fixed and proofread, so its just a really really long holiday for the story. :twilightblush:

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