• Published 13th Apr 2012
  • 4,802 Views, 260 Comments

The Romantic Misadventures of Spiced Tea - Yokal

You are stranded in Equestria by means unknown. Now as a pony, you try and make a living in a town called Ponyville

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Chapter 1 - Anything I should know about?

Chapter 1 – Anything I should know about?

“I am going to kill her someday...”

You mutter to yourself as you look towards the clear sky. The hot sun bearing upon your new pony body and is sweating profusely. You stagger a glance at that hot fiery ball and think. But alas your thoughts did not last as scientifically, anything with eye balls that stare directly into sunlight tend to go blind by searing their retinas. You put your new hooves out to carefully rub your eyes; you make sure that you don’t poke your eye out.

“...If it is even possible.”

You continue to walk along the path headed to the place that your new monarchs have suggested you could go to. They mention a small village in the countryside next to some vast expanse of forest, wherein a certain troll of a Princess’ protégé resides. They said it is a nice place to live and having to attest that as her student admittedly wanted to stay and live there.

- - -

‘If there is any way to get you back home she may find it for you,’ she said.

‘And if not then at least you have made a very good friend. We know we did,’ the smaller of the diarch said with a smile.

'Also, if you feel like returning to Canterlot, I might have a position for you in my royal entourage-'


'Or you may even be part of the night court as Luna's consort-'


- - -

‘Well, at least it beats having to become a royal guard at their every beck at and call.’

Being used to read and look at porn has led your thoughts to this strange and terrifying notion. A notion regarding the equestrian army, specifically the ones required to serve royalty. That thought includes a princess, several restraints, a whip and a mattress. A sudden chill went up your spine at the thought, sending your eyes and mind to shut itself down, like a self-defense mechanism.

“N-nope, will not enlist! Never!” you shout out as you continued, hastening your pace. The cart hitched to you made clattering sounds as you go.

They have been kind enough to see you off with a cart and some provisions in them.

A few days worth of apples and oranges, a bedroll, some flint and steel, your basic survival knife made easy for muzzle manipulation, a small oval shaped you-don’t-know-what-is-this-doing-here locket containing a picture of Celestia and Luna, a copy of a book containing professions and livelihood ideas, a hastily written manual of sorts on how to be a pony, smaller trinkets and the like, a decent pouch of bits and some important documents. Which include your citizenship papers, a map, and a well written character reference from Princess Luna. Just in case.

The cart is somewhat heavy but does not bother you, due to the innate abilities of ponies perhaps? Whatever the case, you find yourself respecting their equine equivalents back home.

'If I ever get home.'


You take a moment to slow down, breathing in some air to take your mind off your panic attack. Filling your thoughts with the surrounding countryside, you view it all like its brand new. Everything looks right by your standards, lots of lush green vegetation with a whole lot of pure fresh air. Which makes the thought of living here pleasant, to say the least. For you that is.


‘Think of it like a vacation. A long needed and sudden vacation away from all the pollution, the noise, the people, the well missed technology, your bed, your stash under your bed and in your pc, and most importantly MEAT!’

You have accepted the reality that you are now a pony.

‘No more meat...Crud.’

You decide to make camp for the night. Up a ways away, you notice a nearby fork in the road that has some travelers around who already made camp. And luck would have it that a small sign by the fork:

‘Travelers Fork: Don’t forget to pack your spoon!’

“Uhh...” you say to no one in particular.

You look around the campsite in search for a good spot to setup. Unfortunately, most of the good bits are taken and the only spots left are near a road sign and a spooky cave. Being the cautious type, you choose to settle right next to the sign.

Moments later after having setup, you decide to read the sign near you. There is some sunlight left to burn after all and signs of dusk letting in the night seem evident. Looking up to it, the sign says:

‘Back: Canterlot, Left: Ponyville, Left: Sweet Apple Acres, Left: Everfree Forest, Center: Whitetail Woods, Right: Diamond Dog Quarry: KEEP OWT!’

The last bit looking like it was written over using a claw. Pondering if this sign would signify of a nearby danger, you decide that it is the least of your concerns. As you walk back towards your cart, you can smell what the other travelers are cooking up at their respective spits. Even for a vegetarian race the food smells wonderful when cooked.

‘Perhaps it really is not so bad,’ your stomach reminds you of this fact as it growls.

“It seems as tho’ you need somethin ta eat there pardner.”

You swing your head around as a big red stallion with a cutie mark of a green apple approaches you, cart in tow. You give him a nod as you fetch some apples and oranges in you cart. Grabbing some, you settle near your fire. Which you remember, was quite the challenge lighting one with hooves gave you. You move a bit to find a comfy position, you then notice the stallion prepare his own fire. You call to him and motion that he is quite welcome to your fire. He approaches with a look of gratitude.

“Much appreciated,” he says with a hint of weariness as he unhitched himself from his cart that he parked next to yours, grabbing some of his own food as he joins you by the fire.

“No problem,” you say before taking your first bite.

Both of you eat in comfortable silence and before you got to finish your last apple.

“Here, t’help wash that all down” he offers you a bottle of apple juice.

“Thanks,” you say before hastily chugging down what the bottle has to offer.


You set the bottle aside after it’s all spent; you then cleared away what remains of your chow and the red stallion, likewise, doing the same. You then remember what manners are. And they are important but then again eat first ask anything later, a classic male weakness. You both then sat back down near the fire before you spoke up.

“Thanks again for the juice. My name's Spiced Tea.” you offer your hoof

“Eeyup. The names Big Macintosh, but you can call my Big Mac. It’s much simpler that way,” he responds with a hoof as well.

“By th’looks of your kit, you must be new on the road.”

’Remember your cover at all times.’

"I-It's that obvious huh?"

"Eeyup an'specially noticeable that there new cart of yours"

“Y-Yeah, I’ve recently got out of the university at Canterlot and heard of this quiet village next to the Everfree forest. Ponyville, ever hear of it Big Mac?” remember to stick with your background story.


"I hear that nice things about it."


“I also hear of the scenic farmlands around.”


“Is it a good place to settle down?” a reply. That is good.


“Heard anything bad that happens near on in the village?”


"Anything particularly bad in the forest next to the town?”


"Um, nothing dastardly and bloodthirsty comes out from the forest and stalk about the town hungering for hu...um, pony flesh at night, right?" you say while tapping your hooves nervously together.


“Can’t you describe it without replying in one word?”


“Anything I should know about?”

“Well, aside from the locals, the frequent parties and town wide festivals, the mass food poisoning a year ago, our resident librarian turned national hero, the occasional animal stampede, the chance of near fatal experiences from the local fauna who comes into the town, a recent visit from a god of chaos and discord, tabloid gossip, an incident with a stuffed doll, random pranks, the recent enslavement by bent on revenge but now apologetic showmare, environmental hazards and the occasional break into song. I hear tha’ place is quite nice”

"Oh an' the friendliest townfolk you'll ever meet."

You just stand there dumfounded.

Scratch that, you feel as though the look on your face shows signs of a mental breakdown. It is the kind of breakdown that could be attributed to a horrific realization. Like for instance, the realization that Princess Celestia has led you into a trap, serving her as her personal slave. But that is not the look that Big Mac sees. The look you have on you right now is a mixture of panic, disgust, some of diarrhea, a hint of an eye twitch and the essence of a post-modern painting. Which by some degree has impressed the red stallion, his muffled chuckles can attest to that.

‘Ah’m just kidding ya, ah live near there on a farm at the outskirts of the town. Ponyville is as quiet and as peaceful as anypony can dream of. It’s a great place t’settle down.”

You let out a much needed sigh of relief. You did not notice that you held your breather that long. Probably because you are the type that seldom believes in anything.

“How about the townsfolk?” you say with interest. Aside from the previous remark of the number of hazards which sounded totally like a joke, a place like that does not sound too bad. Right?

“Tha folk are pretty friendly all around. You can pretty much get along with anypony and everypony respects you.”

“That sounds...perfect.”



You two spend a bit of time talking and trading tales about the town you’re heading to. Occasionally, you scurry around the fork for some fuel for the ever dwindling campfire. Keeping it lit for the luxury of comfort and security. You enjoyed your amicable companion until that is you face this question:

“Tell me one thing tho, why leave Canterlot?”


“It’s has to do with a mare ain't it?"

"W-What makes you say that?"

"Well, Ah didn't mean t'pry. But the way Ah figure, you left Canterlot because it looked like you didn't have any choice. And it looked to me that a mare gave you that choice."

“You can say that.”


"Uhh, what is it?"

"It’s not a mare but mares, ain't it?"


And with a strategic move that would make any field commander proud. You deploy a tactical yawn.

“Hahahahaha! Well, since your new to tha road might as well you get some shut eye. Ah know ah do after hauling them apples all day, heh” Big Mac says as he stood to fetch his beddings for the night. And you opted to do the same. Though, you caught the feeling that Big Mac saw right through that. He probably knows not to pry too much on the subject.

Who are you kidding, that was an obvious ploy.

“Hey do y’mind if ah called you Spice?”

“Umm, sure?”

“Just so you know, if y’want to settle in might as well make it first to the mayor’s office. So you can get a house straightened out as soon as you can.”

“Is that right.”

“Eeyup. Because you might never know if somethin’ might happen an’ you might end up homeless before you start.” The red stallion says before lying on his laid out cot. “In the town of Ponyville, you jus’ best accept whatever happens, especially the weird.”

“Thanks for the tip.”


And with that both of you settled for the night. You stay awake a bit to reflect on your first major dialog with other than the royals. And by what you can pick up from what Big Mac said about Ponyville, it might be the perfect place to lay low in the meantime.

And you still need to meet up with the Princess’ protégé.

‘What was her name again....does it have something to do with glitter......uhmm sparkly vampire....’ you think to yourself, your thoughts trailing off as the fatigue from the days travel wears you out. And before long the campfires and travelers all around settled in for the night. A handful or hooful stayed awake to keep watch or play some kind of instrument. What would make this ironic is if harmonicas exist in this world.

*Harmonica plays in the background*

‘heh! Well at least this guy plays good..........yawn’

Author's Note:

Updated as of March, 2014.

Fixed the flow of a few part. Nothing serious.
Starting here, I will try my best to create and abuse the heck out of running gags!