• Published 13th Apr 2012
  • 4,802 Views, 260 Comments

The Romantic Misadventures of Spiced Tea - Yokal

You are stranded in Equestria by means unknown. Now as a pony, you try and make a living in a town called Ponyville

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Chapter 9 intermission - Tea

Chapter 9 intermission – Tea?

“Make doubly sure Sergeant that the pantry is secured for the night. Please do notify Shining Armor of the recent development, as he is still your commanding officer. And please send in the royal alchemists as you leave. Dismissed!”

“Yes princess!”

The night barley starts and already she is feeling rather fatigued.

Resting in one of the observation rooms of the royal palace, Princess Luna sits there contemplating while drinking her tea.

“Princess, you have summoned us?”

She took a sip from her obsidian tea set. The tea, ever so mildly steeped but extremely sweet.

“Yes, we ask that before you all retire for the day, that you would give us a full inventory of the alchemic stocks and reagents.”

“As you wish princess, but if you do mind me asking, what do you need the list for?”

“Just a little precaution, for I do not want last night’s issue with the castle taken hostage by Celestia to happen again. She might have used most of the tranquilizers and sedatives from the alchemic stocks to produce her drugs. And I want to find out what they were, if she indeed acquired it from your stock room. ”

“We will get right upon it as soon as we depart for our room princess, if you would excuse us.”

“Carry on then...”

And with that, the princess is yet again alone. Save for the royal guard outside in the hall, her personal guard nowhere to be seen, that is she dismissed them early for tonight. She knew full well what the night guard experienced when Celestia got her hooves on them. Heck even the entire castle staff that night was either drugged or gagged. In any case, most have been let off for a night or two to undergo some therapy.

“I think I shall give Stalwart Brigand and his platoon a year end bonus...” she told no one in particular as she sips her tea.

At the very least, this night has been uneventful. That is because Celestia is still out cold since yesterday which is thanks to Luna’s new found move called the sleeper hold. But you can’t really call it a new found if she recently watched it on TV a few weeks back. And even if that move was the very reason she has note regained consciousness, the major drawback to that was Luna had to raise the sun and moon until her sister recovers.

At least she is experiencing what Celestia went thru.

As of short term problems, Luna is currently missing her obsidian crown.

*white noise*


The crystal ball that Luna had installed comes to life. Though the reception might be off, it’s nothing a little magic boost can’t fix. A glow here and a resonance fix there and the ball works.

“Hi Princess!”

“Hello Spice, and please call me Luna. I assure you that we are alone”

“Okay then…Hi Luna!”

“Much better…So my student how are things working out for you? Does your body hurt from yesterday’s lesson?”


“Yes, you are my student. If my sister has her own personal protégé then why should I? Is there a problem with that?”

“Will you be administering tests or something like that?”

“I might but would not give too much. You are still adjusting and you might not be able to complete the tests. So would you mind if I take you under my wing as my pupil?”

“Not at all. I think it is wise for me to have a mentor because, pardon the pun, I am practically flying blind”


“Well anyway, I was kind of groggy and a tad bit lethargic but all in all, I feel crappy but doing a hundred percent”

“Very good to hear”

“Umm Luna, may I ask you something?”

“Please, if you have anything to ask, you have my permission to say anything”



“Well you see, I met this pony. And something happened and she noticed something”

“Okay, do tell about this ‘something’”

“Before that, are you aware of the establishments here in Ponyville? I remember you saying something along the lines of sharing your time with Derpy”

“My sister and I take some time off from our duties. We tend to linger around Ponyville because it is the only place that would not treat us like royalty but as common ponies. And it reminds me of how life was back then. As for my sister, she just enjoys the company of a few slices of cake from Sugarcube corner. Have you been there?”

“Yes and incidentally Sugarcube Corner has something to do with this pony I met up with”

“Let me guess, you met Pinkamena Diane Pie?”

“She is that obvious huh?”

“She has that effect on ponies. You should have seen her when I arrived in Ponyville for a second time. It was during the Nightmare Night festival that she made an impression. It became somewhat of a challenge to assimilate myself into modern pony society with her appearing at key moments. She is also the expert in mass hysteria and group panic ”

“She can do that?”

“I have experienced it first hoof”

“Okay, so then what is Nightmare Night?”

“Oh forgive me…umm it is this festival of sorts that celebrates my…forsaken form, so to speak”

“If you don’t want to talk about it princess, I can understand if it is a touchy subject”

“No, not at all Spice. It is just that I cannot fully explain this date to you. The festival has things to do with all manners of spooky things. I recall you humans having a similar celebration…Halloween is it not?”

“Halloween…scary things huh? I guess we have similarities after all”

“There are some similarities for certain. But many things here you’ll find that they are run by magic. Some towns run on…what is it called again…electricity? Well in any rate, you will just have to explore. I will leave how you do so is up to you. Unless you are in need of some supplies, I could happily grant you any if you do so wish.”

“Will ask if it comes to it Luna, thank you.”

She gives a nod. It is a good thing that the crystal ball offers audio and video.

“So then princess back to the topic, if that is alright with you”

“Please drop the formalities Spice, we are alone. Just treat me as you would a close friend, yes?”

“Alright, well here is the thing. When I got to Sugarcube corner, I kind of hit my muzzle and my nose starts bleeding. Then a few moments later, Pinkie offered to aid my wounds. That is until she hit me at the back of my head with her skillet”

“Are you alright!?”

“Well that is the thing, I am alright. More than alright I’m afraid”

“That sounds wonderful. But why must you fear your uninjured state?”

“Well that is the thing Luna. My injuries were no longer present when Pinkie tried to treat them. It was like they miraculously healed or that they never even existed at all. It was so mysterious that it even got Pinkie frightened and crying”

“Curious, very curious”

‘Instantaneous healing…regeneration?’

“Spice, did you take note on area that was afflicted felt all…what was the word you use for it...tingly, as you said”

“Haven’t really noticed it Luna, I was somewhat unconscious when that happened”

“Never mind then, I shall look into it later as I have some free time before I hold the night court.”




“…so Spice, tell me what happened during that meet with Pinkie Pie?”

“How shall I put it, before or after my visit into limbo?”

“During and after if that is fine with you”

“The after I could tell you straight out but during would be a mystery to me. I could never get a straight answer out of Pinkie Pie every time I ask her.”

“How so?”

“Well she would start blushing and then she would start talking with unrelated topics. And if I ever get her cornered or something, then I end up with a muffin in my mouth. Which I might add are incredibly awesome!”

“Have you done something that you might remember? Like say talk in your sleep or any involuntary action that your body might have done.”

“Umm…I don’t know what you mean.”

“As I heard from my sister’s pupil, Pinkie Pie is a very open and outgoing pony. Whatever you have done voluntarily or involuntarily is cause for her silence which is out of character of her. Can you think on anything, anything at all that would cause her or any pony to act as such?”

“None that I can think off. Maybe I did but is there anyway to find out for sure. Like magic or something?”

“there might be a way but it is far to advanced for anypony-”


“I think it best for you to retire for the night Spice. I will notify you if anything comes”

“Alright then Prin-Luna. Well it looks like I have to rest, so this is Spiced Tea signing out. Heheheheheh!”

“Aha! A space pony reference, very good. At least you have assimilated some trend of our culture yes?”

“Not exactly, I am just signing off. I thought it would be the right thing to say with using things like this.”

“You mean like a radio, yes?”

“Something like that…alrighty princess. Good Evening to you”

And with that, the ball took on some static and white noise before fading into silence, leaving Princess Luna to finish the rest of her tea.

“So what did he talk about?”

“Oh Celly, how was your rest?”

“I had worse, but it is definitely an improvement over exhaustion”


“Two cubes, please”

“Will you be heading into the dreamscape later?”

“Yes, I am intrigued about Pinkie’s sudden out of character”



“Well go on then, tell me what he told you. I share my students’ friendship reports and I recall hearing you took him as your student. So spill Lulu…”

“I will, don’t worry I will. We will go over it with tea and as we enjoy this cake”



“Big one please!”