• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,652 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

  • ...

Apple Bloom the Digimon Crusader!

We begin our story with the sun rising over Sweet Apple Acres as the little fillies were running around playing in the fields.

"So what should we do today?" said Scootaloo.

"Same as every day, We try to get our cutie Marks!" Said Apple Bloom.

When they arrived at there Clubhouse they noticed that the sky was getting pretty cloudy.

They noticed that there were more and more clouds gathering near the clubhouse.

Apple Bloom looked around and said: "Maybe we should go back."

The other Crusaders looked at her and Scootaloo just said sarcastically: "What are you a Chicken? It's just a Clubhouse."

They just entered the Clubhouse while Apple Bloom looked around feeling something was off when suddenly.


"What was that?" She said nervously looking around.

Then the ground suddenly started moving.

"AN EARTH QUAKE!?" She yelled.

The ground around the Clubhouse started to break apart and sink into the depths of the Earth.

"Scootaloo!! Sweetie Belle!!" She yelled but no response in the Clubhouse and it was barely visible anymore.


A thunderbolt shocked the tree. And more thunderbolts started striking.

Apple Bloom tried to look to the abyss where the Clubhouse fell into and all she saw was...... Green eyes staring back at her. Apple Bloom just got scared as she took a few steps back. Then a giant Skeletal Claw jumped out and a whole skeleton dragon popped out with a missile like thing on hi's back.

"Grr" He went as a mist like substance came out of what might be hi's mouth.

Apple Bloom tried to yell "What did ya'll do with my friends!?" but her lips were completely sealed.

The dragon launch a missile out of hi's back as it went over to the Apple Family house ad it burst into flames.

"No" She though to herself tears welling up in her face.

The dragon lift up one of hi's claws as he was about to eliminate Apple Bloom.

"Look out!" A mysterious voice said.

A red feline grabbed Apple Bloom and began to run to a safe distance.

"Are you okay?" He said.

She just nodded.

"Alright.." He said then he began running towards the Dragon.

Corona Flame!

He said as he launched a fireball at the Dragon.

The Dragon just launched the Missile from hi's back.

The feline just dodged hi's attack and kept running.

Petit Prominence

and rams into the opponent but the Dragon grabbed the feline and threw him around.

Apple Bloom just staying there wondering how so much could have happened in such short time.

The feline escaped hi's grasp and yelled.


And kept punching him.

Apple Bloom just put her hooves to her head and yelled.


And everything went black........


She feel out of her bed with her alarm clock ringing.

"Ugh what a strange dream...." She said rubbing her hands on her head.

She got up with a big headache.

She look at her alarm clock noticed the time and yelled: "Oh gosh a'm gonna be late!"

She changed out of her pijamas, put on her overalls and Yellow shirt and put on her signature bow and ran out the door.

She kept running through the road while her Brother and Sister were working.

"Hey Apple Bloom!" Apple Jack yelled.

"Huh?" Said Apple Bloom as she turned around.

An Apple was throw to her and she grabbed it.

"Have a nice day Sis!" She said.

"Ah Will!" Said AB.

She then proceded to run again into town.

Opening theme.

She ran through the class rooms until she finally reached her own she then ran inside panting from all her running.

"Sorry A'm late." she said.

The teacher just sighed while saying: "It's already, just go ahead and take you're seat."

Apple Bloom just smiled and walked over to her seat but a girl with a tiara put her foot in the way and AppleBloom tripped.


The entire class started laughing with her little fall.

"Sorry cowgirl." Said the girl with a devious smile.

"Class! AppleBloom just take you're seat." Said the teacher.

"Sorry!" Said AppleBloom as she got up and walked over to her seat.

She sat down next to two other girls one with an Orange jacket and purple hair and the other with a white outfit and hair with two hair colors.

"Geez, Bloom you're normally one of the first to get here." said the black girl in the orange jacket with one arm behind the chair.

"A'h couldn't sleep last night okay?"

Said AppleBloom.

"What was it about?" Asked the girl in the white shirt.

"Why would ya even ask that question?" Said AppleBloom.

"Hey, i'm just curious." She said.

"Quite you three!" Said the teacher.

"Sorry Miss Cherrilee!"


We change scenery to a huge castle perched on to a Mountain.


Said a feline hitting some doll with Discord's face.

Petit Prominence!!

He said hitting a dolls with Nightmare Moon's face.

Corona Flame!

Hitting the last doll with the face of the Changeling Queen.

He landed on the ground and heard a few claps coming from the entrance of the room.

"Nice work Coronamon! You're really improving!"

A purple Agumon walked in the room.

"Spike? Is that you? I haven't seen you in forever! What are you doing here?" Said Coronamon.

"Well the Princess wanted to see me and the others to see her and you know i can't disobey her orders. I was on my way to see her and bumped into you." He said.

"Can i come with? Iv'e got nothing else to do." Said Coronamon.

"Sure! I'm sure she won't mind."

So Spike and Coronamon went to the throne room.

Inside the throne room five other Digimon were all enjoying the scenery of the castle, sure they have been there a million times but they never got tired the regal felling the room.

The door to the throne room creaked open as Spike and Coronamon walked in.

"It looks like the gangs all here!" Said Coronamon.

The Digimon walked over to Coronamon and hug him one of them ruffled hi's fur. "Ha ha! Guy's stop!" He said, they were suddenly interrupted by the voice of a regal ruler.

"Coronamon it looks like you finished you're training for the day."

All the Digimon looked over to the gates as a Unicorn walked in with her wings all the way out.

The Digimon just bowed down and closed there eyes.

"There's no need for that Digimon." She said.

They got up with there heads up high and stood up straight.

"I hope you don't mind me asking Princess but, why did you summon us in here?" Said the rabbit looking one.

"Yeah some of us have things to do and places to be." Said the red one with blue lighting bolts running down hi's back.

"Well, there's something happening in the Digital World. I've been picking up strange energy spikes in some areas of the Digital World." She said.

"Maybe it's some newborn Digimon! We should go see them and surprise them!" Said one of the Digimon.

"I don't think that's the case Palmon." Said the dog Digimon rubbing one of hi's gloves behind hi's head.

"Do you want us to look into it Princess?" Said Spike.

She just nods and says. "Those areas, they belong to the shrines where the Elements are placed. Either those signals are the Elements of Harmony responding or it's something trying to break into there shrines, and as you know the only ones who can open those shrines are the people the Elements chose and there living there life's in the real world, blissfully unaware of the danger going on in this world."

All the Digimon looked at each other then looked at the Princess. "So should we call Twilight and the others?" Asked Spike.

"Very well, but only if you find yourself in a dangerous situation." She said and a glow suddenly appeared on her horn.

The same glow appeared on the 6 Digimon and then disapeared.

"Thank you princess." They all said.

"I don't want to butt in but, can i go?" Said Coronamon then everyone in the room started staring at him.

All the Digimon just looked at each other then at him, "Well you see."

"That's a no isn't it?" Said Coronamon.

"It's not that we don't want you to come with us." Said the little dog in front.

"We just, you know don't want you to get hurt. I mean it could be dangerous out there." said the red creature.

"We care for you're safety that's all." said the big dog.

"Yeah, i get it, i get it! What are you my parents?" Said Coronamon as he walked out of the room.

As he walked down the hallways of the castle he was thinking up an idea to get out of there, giving a mishievous smile as he got to hi's chamber.



There was a test paper with a "F" put on it slammed on to Apple Bloom's desk.

"Wha? An F?..." She said with a sad expression looking up at Cherrilee.

"You didn't get a single answer right AppleBloom, it's like you weren't even trying." She said.

"B but ah studied really hard! Ah swear!" Apple Bloom yelled.

"Nobodies saying you didn't." Said Miss Cheerilee.

"Please ya gotta let me take the test again! Mah family is gonna get real mad when they see my grade!" She insisted.

"Apple Bloom i'm sure they won't mind THAT much." Cheerilee said.

"Please! Ya gotta let me retake the test again!" She cried out.

All Cherilee did was roll her eyes and then whispered something into Apple Blooms ear, just then the class bell rang and everyone walked out of there in a rush.

Two girls caught up with Apple Bloom as she was leaving the school yard one of them riding a scooter but stopped right next to her.

"So, what did miss Cherilee tell you?" Said Scootaloo.

"She said she was gonna let me take the test again but ah have to come ere early tommorow."

"That's great Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle said.

"I feel sorry for you, having to go to school before everyone else." Said Scoots.

Apple Bloom sighed. "Ah know, Ah need to go to the library. That place just bores me"

"But we were gonna hang out today." Said Sweetie dissapointed.

"Ya wanna go to the library with me?" She said with a smile.

"See you later!" Said Scoots, riding off in her Scooter.

"Hey wait up!" Said Sweetie.

Apple Bloom let out a big sigh and said. "Ah really need to expand mah circle of friends."

So she made it to her destination.

She opened the door which made a creaking noise.

"Um, Twilight?" She said as she walked in only to be welcome by a ton of dust in her face which made her cough.

"Sorry Apple Bloom!" Said Twilight.

"I just in the middle of fixing up these books, i can't afford any distractions!" She said.

Apple Bloom goes over to a pile of books and picks them up. "How about ah help you?"

"Look i just don't." Twilight was cut off by Apple Bloom.

"Ya don't trust me do you? Look ah promise ah won't break them this time."

She raised an eyebrow not believing her.

"Cross mah heart and hope to fly, stick ah cupcake in ma eye?" Said Apple Bloom.

"Okay, you can start by putting my books over on the desk."

So Apple Bloom starting taking the books but Twilight interrupted her by saying. "What's the sudden interest in being here anyway?"

"Well ah kinda need a place to study." She was saying as she was carrying the books over to the desk.

"Why don't you go home to do that?" Twilight said.

"Well." Said AppleBloom laying the books on the desk. "It's Apple Buck season and ah can't consentrate with them working."

Apple Bloom took a quick look at the desk and noticed a little trinket, as there was a faint beeping noise coming from it.

"Hey Twilight! What's this?" She said picking it up.

"What's what?" Twilight said still paying more attention to moving and cleaning the books.

"This thing, it's making a weird beeping sound..."

Twilight then looked over and saw that it was her old Digivice.

"What did you do!? She yelled.

"Ah didn't do noting! Ah just noticed how it was beeping!"

"Beeping?" Said Twilight as she took her Digivice and to a look.

The beeping got louder as she looked at the screen, as small flash of light appeared on the screen as it got bigger and bigger.

"Apple Bloom get back!" Said Twilight but before any of them could react the light engulfed them both.


The light popped them in a forestal area before they noticed both of them fell through the trees.

A ton of grunts came from the group as they feel through all the leaves and branches.

Then they landed. "Ugh, that's the second time that's happened to me today." Apple Bloom grunted.

She looked around and noticed that they were no longer in the library but in a dense forest.

She looked over to Twilight who was getting up rubbing her head.

"Where are we Twilight?" She says looking around.

Twilight opened her eyes and noticed where they are. "Hm, i don't know, it feels like iv'e been here before though."

Just when she said that she heard another beeping noise.

"Apple Bloom let me take a look at that." She said.

Apple Bloom gave her the Digivice and looked at where the beeping was coming from.

"Hey i know where we are! Come on!" She yelled and happy, Apple Bloom just tagged along.

As they were walking the beeping got stronger and stronger.

When they found the source of the signal they found two small Digimon fighting against a bigger Digimon.

One of the Digimon was an oddly colored Agumon with green spikes going down hi's back and the other was a Gaomon.

And the last one was a giant wolf,
Which had a black ring around hi's leg and hi's face looked possessed.

"Spike!" Yelled Twilight.

Twilight!" The two Digimon said to each other.

The wolf turned over to them and rushed over to the girls.

Pepper Breath!

But but it was running to fast and it couldn't catch him.

"Run!" Said Gaomon.

So Twilight and Apple Bloom started running as fast as they could while running Apple Bloom asked. "Why is he chasing us!?" and Twilight looked back at those red eyes and said. "I don't know! But my best guess is that it has something to do with this!" And she took out her Digivice.

"What's that for any-AUGHH!" She yelled as she tripped.

"Apple Bloom!" Twilight yelled.

The Garurumon walked closer to her and looked at her looking like he was about to eat.

"Uh nice doggy?" Said Apple Bloom nervously.

He opened hi's mouth about to attack and Apple Bloom closed her eyes but before he could.

"Corona knukle to the face!"

"Huh?... You!?" Apple Bloom opened them in surprise.

A red feline punched Garurumon in the face as he went flying off into the distance.

"Yes!" Says Coronamon.

He starts to walk over to Apple Bloom and says. "Are you alright?"

Apple Bloom just had her mouth open and Coronamon responded. "...Uh are you alright?" Waving hi's hand in front of her face. "Apple Bloom say something." Said Twilight. And Apple Bloom snapped out of it and said. "Yeah am fine." And she sticks her arm out to shake Coronamon's and says. "Mah name's Apple Bloom! Nice to meet ya!"

Coronamon shakes her hand and says. "Nice to meet you too, my names Coronamon."

"But...What are ya doing here? Ah though yall were just a figment of mah imagination."

"...Huh?" He said scratching hi's head.

"Coronamon!" Yelled the two Digimon.

"Oh, uh hey guys..." He said.

"You two know him?" Asks Twilight.

"Know him? This kid is like a prince here! We found the Digi egg with Celestia's symbol sometime after you left!" Said Spike.

"Wow, that's interesting." Said Twilight.

"What are you doing here!? Celestia told you not to leave the castle." Said Gaomon

"Do you know what she might do when she finds out? She might banish you! Or imprison you! Or imprison in the place you're banished to! Or worse!" Spike

Twilight just chucked at the mention of a familiar line.

"Hey i just saved this human's life! Doesn't that count for something?" he said.

"Hey this human has a name!" Apple Bloom insisted.

"Wait.." Says Gaomon as he looks over to Apple Bloom.

"Aren't you AppleJack's sister?"

"You know ma sister?"

"Well it's kinda a long story but yes."

"But that still doesn't change the fact that were in trouble once we get back to Canterlot!"

"Relax Spike, i'm sure if we just explain the situation to the Princess she'll understand." Said Twilight.

"Like you're one to talk." He replied.

Twilight then started to giggle and Spike looked at her with confusion and said. "What's so funny?

"It's just that i haven't seen you guys in so long. I guess i'm just happy." She said.

Then Spike started laughing "Yeah i guess you'r right."

"Uh shouldn't we think of a plan in case that dog comes back?" Said Apple Bloom

"No need to worry! I knocked that Garurumon all the way across the Digital World!"

Just as he said that they heard a faint roar in the distance and Coronamon just said.

"...But just in case."

To be continued.