• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,652 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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Giggle at the Ghosties

It was a friday night in Ponyville, Scootaloo's family was getting ready for a movie night. Scootaloo puts Poromon down on the stairs so he wouldn't get too much attention. "Got the popcorn!" Said her dad putting the bowl on the table. "Alright!" Yelled Scootaloo and her brother.

"Alright! So which genre do you two want to watch? How about a Comedy?"
"I want action!"
"How about horror? That is if Squirt here can take it." He said in a mocking tone pointing hi's thumb to Scootaloo. "Hey! I'm not a little kid! I can take it!"

Her brother kept on mocking her. "Then why don't we watch it? You chicken or something?" He then stuck out the DVD cover to prove hi's point. Scootaloo blushes a bit. "Of, of course not! Bring it on!" Her brother put on a victorious smile and handed there dad the DVD. "Alright then, Dad put this in."

There Dad took it and put it in the TV. "Scootaloo are you sure? We can watch something else if you want." Scootaloo put on a cocky look. "Ha! I'm not scared at all." She said.

Meanwhile in the background Poromon looked up with an anime-ish Sweat mark on hi's face just thinking to himself.
'I'm not getting any sleep tonight aren't i?'

The girls and there Partners were just chilling around in Sugarcube Corner drinking Milkshakes, Sweetie puts her's on the table when she notices something odd about Scootaloo. She was looking pretty drowsy, she whispers into Apple bloom's ear. "Hey have you noticed anything odd about Scootaloo today?"

"What do ya mean?" Then Sweetie points over to Scootaloo's direction, Apple bloom taking notice as well. "Now that ya mention it, she was actin kinda strange in school today." When she said so the images of just what happened flashed through there heads, Scootaloo falling out of her chair in class sleeping, tripping over a Soccer ball during gym and and her head falling into some mash potatoes.

"Maybe she didn't get a lot of sleep last night?" Asked Upamon, Apple bloom responded. "Well there's only one way to find out." She poked Scoot but they got no response. Poromon asked. "Uh Scootaloo are you okay?" she just started snoring causing anime like sweatdrops to fall from The others faces.

Apple bloom just got annoyed and yelled out. "Scootaloo!!!" At the top of her lungs.

"AHH DON'T EAT ME!!" Scootaloo immediately jumped awake, throwing her milkshake into the air, making it spill and fall completely on her face. There partners sans Poromon tried to hold back there laughter so they could keep there cover.

"Hey stop that! What was that for anyway?!" She yelled, she then proceeded to pick up some napkins and wipe her face. "We just wanted to ask what's wrong with ya. Ya'll been actin kinda strange today." Scoot took the napkin out of her face and responded with. "It, it's none of you're business."

The two girls shared glances at each other thinking the same thing 'Did something sound off about her?'. Just then Sweetie belle's Cellphone started ringing. "Hello?" And on the other end was Twilight. "Girls come quick! You've got to see this! I got something that could be of use to us."

The phone hangs up, Apple bloom asks. "Who was it?" "It was Twilight, she wants us to go to the library." Sweetie belle gets up. "Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!" Apple bloom and Sweetie belle ran off, Scootaloo followed them but running a little wobbly.


Twilight was looking at her computer screen where a map of the Digital world was being displayed, Canterlot in the center and many forests mountains and towns in the surrounding area.

Apple bloom and the others walked in. "What's that?" Asks Sweetie Belle as they walked up behind Twilight. "Impressive huh? The Princess sent me this last night. It's an entire map of the Digital World, with it we can see where the black ring or a black tower's energy appears on the fly! You see it works on..."

Apple bloom speaks up. "Look we don't need that techno babble, it works and that's good enough for me." Twilight clearly looked annoyed. Just then they heard some bleeping coming from the computer so they look at where it's coming from.

They look at the map and notice something appeared in a small part of it, a black dot. "It works like a charm!" Said Twilight happily, she looked to the girls. "You know what to do!"

"Right!" They noded.

They moved out of Twilight's way took out the Digivices and said the words. "Digiport open!" And jumped in.

The portal closed on the other side with them walking out of it. Looking around they were in a dead woodland area leading in a path, at the end of said path there was a Mansion. Seeing said Mansion Scootaloo started shivering. She noticed her friends were going in that direction. "Do... we have to go in there?" She said. Her friends looked back on her and Coronamon put hi's paws on hi's hips and mocked her. "What's the matter scared?"

Scootaloo put on a fake brave face. "N, no!" She then walked over to the gate, noticing there was an old rusty lock on the thing, Scootaloo immediately backed away. "Well it's locked let's go home!" And tried walking back but Hawkmon stopped. "Iv'e got an idea!" He flew up to the fence's ledge and said. "Grab my wing!"

"Good job Hawkmon!" Said Apple bloom as she grabbed hi's wing and jumped over to the other side. The others did just that Armadillomon having some difficulty but he managed to. Meanwhile a siloute was watching them from the top. "Hihihi looks like i got some friends to play with!" And then faded into the darkness.

So they walked up to the door and pushed it as hard as they could making it budge. They entered the mansion. As they looked around they saw that the place was pretty dusty and dirty. "Wow, this place would probably make Rarity faint." Scootaloo gulped thenthey heard a huge screechy noise making the 6 jumps.

They calmed down but Scootaloo yelled. "What was that!?" "It was just the wind Scootaloo." Said Sweetie belle walking to the center of the room, she looked up to the ceiling and saw a chandelire, with a lot of beautiful gemstones around. "Wow, that's beautiful." She muttered, a shilloute appeared next to the chandelier and cut the cable just then there was a cracked like noise coming from above them.

Just then the chandelier broke and started falling! "Look out!" Apple bloom pushes Sweetie belle out of the way before it could crush them. "That was close." "There's a ghost here! I just now it! We should get out of here while we still can!!" Hawkmon got really mad and yelled. "I've had enough of this ghost business Scootaloo! This is just ridiculous, there's no such thing as ghosts!"

Apple bloom and Sweetie belle looked at each other then raised an eyebrow. "Ghosts?" Hawkmon looked back at them. Scootaloo tried shushing her up but Hawkmon just kept talking. "Yeah she kept me up all night after..!" Scootaloo put her hands around hi's beack. Apple bloom and Sweetie belle shot looks at Coronamon and Armadillomon confused. "Oookay..." Said Armadillomon.

Right then Coronamon picked up a strange scent. "Is that, *Sniff* cake?" He then dproceeded to follow the scent, looking back at the others. "Girls! Get over here!" The others followed suit, Scootaloo still shivering. "Hey don't leave me behind!"

"Relax Scootaloo, notin is gonna happin." They made there way to a kitchen where a strange surprise waited for them. Coronamon opened a western saloon styled door that led into said Kitchen, strangely enough the lights were on in there. "Woah, how did that get there?" Wondered Coronamon. "The lights were on... Do ya think someone lives here?"

"If there are they really don't take care of the house. And they would be really furious when they see what happened to there chandelier."
Sweetie belle said.

"Well nobodies looking." Said Coronamon shrugging he struck one claw out and reached out to the cake. Meanwhile the shiloutte struck a ghostly hand and flipped a switch, turning off the lights in the room.

Just when the light went out: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! "Sweetie belle relax!" Yelled Armadillomon. "That wasn't me." Said Sweetie belle in an annoyed tone. The lights immediately turned back on and Sweetie belle was holding Scootaloo in her arms (think Scooby and Shaggy sometimes) with a very annoyed look on her face, Scootaloo though just had a very scared look on her face.

The Digimon and Apple bloom just had confused looks, Sweetie belle just said. "Get off me please." Scootaloo gets off her. "Sorry." She said rubbing the back of her head. "You're afraid aren't ya?" Said Apple bloom in an almost mocking tone.

"N no! I was just surprised that's all." Said Scootaloo. "Then you wouldn't mind splitting up right?" She said. Scootaloo started shivering at this. "Wha, what do you mean?" Apple bloom says. "Well this place is pretty big, if were gonna find that signal we gotta split up."

"H hey! Haven't you seen Horror movies? When the group split up someone ALWAYS get killed!" "Will you relax? You have Hawkmon with you! You'll be fine!" Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, Coronamon and Armadillomon went into separate directions and left Scootaloo alone in the hallway. "Well we aren't gonna get anywhere just standing around, lets go Scootaloo." And Scootaloo walked right next tp Hawkmon and walked in another direction.

Meanwhile right behind the western style gate the ghostly shiloutte was just peeking over it. "As much as the black one is fun to scare, i think i'll target the brave ones first. Should be pretty fun! Hehehehe." And he then disappears into darkness.


Sweetie Belle and Armadillomon were walking down a hallway, opening a door. "Hello?" They look around to see this particular room had a few dresses so beautiful it seemed they were made to be worn by Princesses. Sweetie Belle picked one out and looked at it for a bit. "I wonder what Rarity would think of this..." She thought.

"Sweetie i don't think we should mess with these, they could belong to someone."

She sees how dusty it is and tries rubbing it off. "Just get a little of the dust off." Before she could get it off, the windows rapidly opened sending gusts of wind into the room. Sweetie belle and Armadillomon flew back, so much that they ended up outside the room, they even hit the wall. They saw that the dress flew up and went back to the rack, then the door closes and a locking sound could be heard. "....Well that wasn't normal." Said Armadillomon just lying there with no pupil shocked anime eyes. Sweetie belle simply nods at this response.

"But's it's not really anything to worry about." Said Sweetie as she got up. She went walking straight down the hall, Armadillomon notices this and picks himself off the floor and moves behind her.

They eventually made it to a door at the very end which they just felt like they needed to open it. Sweetie grabs the handle which makes Armadillomon jump a little. "Sweetie Belle are you sure this is a good idea?" Sweetie Belle looks at him with a smile on her face. "Don't worry Armadillomon nothings gonna happen." "But what about that freak windstorm?" Asks Armadillomon.

Sweetie just gets an annoyed look on her face. "That's all it was, a freak windstorm." Armadillomon shuts hi's eyes as She then proceeds to open the door, on the other side there was an Interesting surprise. "A hall of mirrors?" Armadilomon said as they enter said hall of mirrors.

"Hey lets go see what's on the other side!" Says Sweetie Belle. She got extatic and ran in. "Hey Sweetie! Wait up!" Yells Armadillomon. Right behind them was the same Shiloutte from before, he jumps behind Sweetie. She shivers and says. "Brr did it get cold all of a sudden?" Armadillomon responds with. "Huh? I don't feel anything."

They kept walking along the path seeing there reflections. The Siloutte jumps onto her Reflection making it do as he pleases. They were almost at the end of the hallway when they walked by a mirror where her reflection was completely different.

It was a little Pony with Swwetie's same hairstyle and comedicaly cartoonish eyes and a sinister smile on her face. They just brushed it off for a second until realization kicked in. Sweetie Belle literally moonwalked back to the mirror to see if what she saw was what she thought she saw. Her reflection was pretty much normal.

"Uhh Armadillomon, did you see that?" Armadillomon walked back and looked into the mirror. "What are we looking at?" Sweetie just looked between Armadillomon and the mirror multiple times, she then puts her hand on her head. "I must be going nuts."

Armadillomon looked over at the Mirror one more time and noticed something very odd. The Sweetie in the mirror's face had a very weird grin on her face and she wasn't even doing the same thing Sweetie was. "Uh Sweetie?" "Huh what?" The Sweetie in the mirror slowly walked up to the border and stretches her hand out, Sweetie Belle and Armadillomon were in a state of shock as the mirror seemed like jello to the mirror Sweetie.

It's face deformed itself becoming less and less like Sweetie in all but clothing. Her face had black and yellow eyes with a distorted mouth. Sweetie Belle and Armadillomon were shaving in there boots. "Armadillomon you know what i think?" She said with a scent to fright in her voice. "What?" "Scootaloo was right." Armadillomon nods in a real fast paced motion.

The Sweetie belle in the mirror finally jumps out making Sweetie Belle and Armadillomon scream at the top of there lungs. A scream so loud it could be heard from across the Digital World.



Meanwhile while that was happening Apple Bloom and Coronamon were going door to door trying to see if they could find the house owner. "Hello?" Nothing in this room. "Howdy?" Nothing in this room either. "Hiya?" Now this is just getting ridiculous! "Are ya sure this place even has a owner Coronamon?"

"Hey nobody leaves a cake that Delicious looking right out in the open. The'v got to be somewhere. And i get the feeling whoever lives here has something to do with the black rings." Apple Bloom kept opening and closing doors. "Well ya haven't stirred us wrong yet. ...AH COME ON! All these rooms and all of them are empty!! What's up with that!?"

Coronamon opened some of the doors as well, but all they were just bedrooms. Coronamon put on an annoyed expression. He grabbed one of the doors and opened it. when he did he noticed something odd. He walked through it but on the other side he ended up on the other side of the hall.

"....Wha?" Was all he could say. Apple Bloom looked back at him. "What are ya doin?" She asks Coronamon just points back to the door but on the other side was just another room. "Coronamon stop messing around." Said Apple Bloom. She goes back to walking down the way.

"bu bu bu bu but?" He said looking in between the room and Apple Bloom. But then he just runs over to her. As they keep going Apple Bloom feels a little chilly. "Did it get cold all of a sudden?" "I don't feel anything." Responds Coronamon. Apple Bloom looks at him. "Of course ya don't! Ya got a piece of Fire sticking out of yer head."

Later Coronamon feels something poking hi's shoulder so he looks over to Apple Bloom. "What?" He asks. "Huh? Ah haven't done anythin." She responds. Coronamon stares at her for a bit but shrugs it off. "Okay." So he then goes back to examining the doors.

He feels something poke him again, but this time it was accompanied with laughter, so he then looks towards Apple Bloom. "What's so funny!?" Apple Bloom looks back at him. "What do ya mean?" Coronamon again looks at her but with a suspicious look on hi's face. But then goes back to hi's job.

He then gets poked again. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" He stares at Apple Bloom and she has a Surprised face. "Why are you yellin?" She asks. "YOU KEEP POKING ME! IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!" "But ah haven't done anything!" She yells.

"Yeah likely story!" He yells. Apple Bloom has a look like a realization. "Oh ah see what yer tryin to do." "Huh?" Coronamon reponds. "Yer tryin to scare me aren't ya? Making me think there's a ghost here?" Coronamon's expression changed from angry to confused. "That's not what i'm doing at all!" He insists.

"Suuuuuuuure Yer not!" Says Apple Bloom and put her arms behind her head and walked away. "Hey! We need to stick together!" He runs after her to a darkened crossroad. He runs up to it wondering where exactly Apple Bloom went. "Bloom? Where are you!?" A shadow creeps up behind him. Two hands creeping up from the shadows until it jumped out at him.

The two arms grabbed him making him jump and scream. "AAAAAAHHH!!!!!" Making him fall back on the ground. The two hands just happened to be Apple Bloom's and she fell down laughing. "HAHAHA!! Ah totally got ya!" She said Giggling. Coronamon got really annoyed, he got up with a very serious expression. "You know, you shouldn't be creeping up on a Digimon like that."

Apple Bloom stops laughing as she notices Coronamon slowly walking towards her. Hi's normally happy tone of voice got a little more sinister. "Because you know, you never know when a Digimon is gonna POUNCE ON YA!!" And he jumped on her! "Was that supposed to scare me?" Said Apple Bloom while Coronamon was lying on top of her. "It didn't work did it?" Apple Bloom just says Eynope. Then the two of them had a friendly laugh.

Just then they noticed something odd. There was a humanoid shadow in the corner of the way. "Apple Bloom, did you see that?" He says. He got up and followed the shadow. "What is it?" Said Apple Bloom. They followed said Shadow down the path. "Scootaloo? Sweetie Belle?" They yell wondering who's shadow it was.

They got up to an open door where inside was a storage room area. "Where'd he go?" Asked Coronamon.

To be continued.

Author's Note:

Also this is pretty much what this chapter is. I really want to break in Prankstermon before i move onto the next form.

Now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna try a come up with a chapter which mostly focuses on Diamond tiara and Lunamon.